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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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mr. sue and [inaudible] good afternoon supervisors. i'll here tarepresent the clern and youth fund coalition. the coalition is 30 plus member agencies and dedicated network of service providers and that work to insure all children and families youth get the support they need to 35 in our city. we are dmited to insuring equity and giving priority to children and youths with the highest need. empower ing parents youth and stag holders to give implication in the [inaudible] building public trust for transparency and accountability of meeting the needs of dhern, youth and families. last negative san francisco voters improve a increase in the fund to address needs in the community. the increase in the fund unfolds over 4 years beginning fiscal
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year 15/16 with 4 million to be added to the fund. therefore the children and youth fund urges the mayor and board of supervisor tooz macmize children and youth resources to address unmet needs through grant program development,xpansion and improve. the resources should nolt be diverted to cover increase in minimum wage. the mayor made comment to address fiscal praesher [inaudible] while the children and yooth fund community youth [inaudible] supports the cost of doing business increase for dc [inaudible] the city should invest in the children to support strong agency doing quality work with young peopling in need. giving budget predictions of [inaudible] 1.5 million to
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support [inaudible] that will divert half tho2 million of the 4 million increase in the children fund next year. [inaudible] thank yous. next speaker, please >> good afternoon supervisors my name is johny swarts and the executive director of [inaudible] here to represent the tay [inaudible] is group of director representing non profit providers in san francisco. we envision a support system to have access to education, employment housing helt services they need it be successful. pleny are active members of the children youth funnel [inaudible] insure disconduct [inaudible] we want to thank many of you who partdnered with us to advocate for inclusion of taservice tooz
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be part of the fujd. giveren the expertise and [inaudible] working to build effective [inaudible] we believe we is a unique perspective in setting priorities for services. increase in the fund unfolds over 4 years with 4 million to be added because we work the w the paubulation we are advocateing for critical gaps in dhirfbly system and i'm going give you an attachment with more details. we want to advocate the service gap ainalitysis we rented last year and is sound [inaudible] the mayors office and yeneral fund allocation meet the critical needs of disconnected ta. [inaudible] highlight specific taservice gaps and propose service delivery opportunities that can immediately begin to address the gaps. thank you again i'll provide those
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details to you >> any other member of the public wish to comment? seeing none comment is closed. colleagues thank you for sticking this out and all the detarmt heads for being here as we continue to march down budget season. i think it is pretty evidence families is a priority at the board and want to do watt we can to support them. any other comment or question i would love to make a motion to file item 1 >> i want to thank you everyone for coming out and this hearing highlights there is nor to discuss and in the interest oof time i'll save questions and comment but i would like to make that motion on behalf of supervisor farrell to thaibl the hearing >> we vasecond by supervisor yee and take that without
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objection. matdm clerk do we have any other business in front of us? >> no mr. chair >> thank you everyone, we are adjourned. . >> all right. so welcome everybody i'm tony i am go the betsey carmichael high school this is my friend we both go do banishment i'm happy to be here and glad i met this imply i'd
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like to bring up mayor ed lee (clapping). >> thank you tony and anthony middle graders rule in the city of san francisco we are here in the hood united playaz i've had the pleasure of knowing rudy and those kids the generation before them we worked together on the streets in those early years i think the message to us and the city give us a chance i know our chief and supervisors supervisor kim and supervisor london breed and i joined together with our education leaders our school district to say that we had to give our kids more than the chance and these days i think earlier in the years about a chance to recover and restore justice we had a lot of problems
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these today's daisy it is about prevention and success in those kids eyes we have the new leaders coming broad san francisco (clapping) and i want to thank rudy and the entire staff and board of directors for figuring out when this neighborhood stabilization fund was critiqued with the leadership of the supervisors and the board and mayor establishing this fund we realized change wag coming and if our nonprofits were struggling we're not going to get caught in being victimized full name they'll have to figure out in quicken quickly i know and now they oppose this building (clapping) incredible. >> look at middle grader how do
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you like ownership our own building is guidelines good; right? disney is yourselves we want to make sure this city is part of the why our people affiliated with these parties must conclude their comments within 7 minutes, participants not affiliated police department is working you know their names and hopefully, you'll think about the cadet program we have a great education institution when you graduated out of middle school and on your way to college we want i tracking into our talent that talent will faucet in the city and county of san francisco we need it is not just words we've been setting up not only helping our nonprofit and building housing you can be here for a long, long time and our families own residential as well
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as community neighborhood centers we are all about success of our kids i'm so glad that a number of entities came together you figured out the relationship you have to have in the city be a good nonprofit and be community-based but you also have to figure out a relationship with business leaders that's what you've done i want to give a shout out to mr. connecticut you didn't way and leaders that want to invest in those and this is all of relationships have to be understand but it begins with good hearts and people in the hood being about the community and about kids and us our destiny growing up and being positive about life thank you to you and the spirit in here that's always here you can feel
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did you see the experience bars that's how it is defined get in shape ged with united playaz is into making sure you do all the right things for success thank you united united playaz and all the relationships you've built with all our community our government our supervisors and the neighborhood right here in selma this is a great receipt for success i say to all the other nonprofit follow the lead here they are glen eagle doing to right congratulations (clapping) give them a hand (clapping).
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>> all right. so now we're going to oh, gosh bring up another speaker jane kim (clapping). >> the first thing i asked why they're not no school today (laughter). >> they told me they said we are far enough we can miss school today i've committed to my talk points welcome to the south of market it is so amazing to be part of this community and it is amazing to look around the room and see the individual that make this neighborhood safer and stronger this is a partnership and this is a community and partnership i'm so lucky to represent a community that works so hard to make this community work last week supervisor london breed and i were at the opening
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of market street they own they're building and provide the services to the youth on the street it is amount to come to the south of market to announce u monopolies the purchasing of this in charge the united playaz (clapping) so you and i go way back we went to school tonight but rudy and others have known each other i started out in the overseeing world rudy and my friend said we see the neighborhood is change we live here and want to make sure we stay an integral part of the community we want to buy our building not a small feat many years ago a lot of the folks in the room had the foresight and said something that the selma
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stabilization funds the mayor talked about i see many here thank you (clapping) and they provided the 4 hundred thousand it got us close to you half hr and rudy said we have all those new neighborhood coming into the south of market let's let people know it is in neither interests to know they stay in the south of market a year ago a lot of the folks if the audience came to this room actually not for a - not came into this room and swept away by the young people kind of and the vision that rudy and the staff and others had i have to acknowledge our private sector i don't want to water down the
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statement that you know two cities here in san francisco but what is happening the success story of the community and the story was as new residents come in we need to make sure this neighborhood is satisfy and affordable a lot of the developers and private companies you know what in the - by the way i live a half a block away it is in my interests; right? (clapping) i want to acknowledge chris and allen and helen and platinum and shawn in the back and everyone step forward and double over matched the 4 heed thousand that the city gave and on top of provided legal expertise releasing and dispensary which you are the same computer they used to build south of market to
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make sure that exists for families and young people i want to thank everyone for your work and commitment and investment this is a family coming together i hope more o more success stories we can work together and grow in the city i want to recognize our school board members hydra mendosa and commissioner shamann walton and betsey carmichael thank you and, of course sfpd chief suhr and deputy cheer redman and our new captain again, a partnership for everyone (clapping) and don't be forgot our rec center thank you for the rec center and other groups that make this a reality and our principle here and i love the community and i just appreciated
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you make may work egos by making the community stronger thank you (clapping). >> hi so next up we have london breed district 5 (clapping). >> thank you i often find myself in district district and people are saying why are you out of our distribute just a minute and i love our neighborhoods and community but the city as a whole it is important to all of us rudy and i go way back hanging out on the corner enjoying ourselves and lives yes we've had challenges sealed we grew up in neighborhoods we lost too many people looking up here
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people not here people he hung out and love we lose far too many people to gun violence the fact it rudy has step up to the plate and has been consistent with the his advocacy in helping young people the former direct director of a nonprofit it is hard work we are those young people you wouldn't want to work with but someone supported us our young people now more than ever need the support and love and encouragement buying in building is a first step but united playaz continues to be an important community member having kids with survive access
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to the environment but hope with the community not just in this and by consistently supporting gun buy backs and do everything to protect the lives of our community this building an amazing but united playaz is continues to need our support this is a great day this is a day of celebration but the work continues i'm grateful to be here rudy i'm so proud of you i know your way older than me (laughter) but i'm so proud and the works you continue to do and thank you so much for your advocacy so, now it's time to pass the torch to the next generation that's you, you have a community of people that love and appreciate and want to see great things out of you remember that and stay
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true to yourselves and focus and change san francisco for the better for our young people thank you rudy for being here (clapping). >> >> london that was a great speech so before we end i want to say thank you uncle rudy you've helped all of us kids so, yeah (clapping). >> you have to say something. >> first of all, thank you, thank you, thank you everybody that was here because everybody that was here is meant to be here so i'm so grateful
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that the gratitude for partners that helped out to make this happen you knows who you are one person we have to acknowledge who was not able to make it was the honorable willie brown he was the coach they said it is not what you know but who you know and who likes you i'm playing my part with the people that are actually doing the work and that's my staff they're the front line folks (clapping) if there was enough room i'd have you guys up here the work we throw our life open the line everyday like the officers we do that without thought it is
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something a reaction because it come from a place called compassion lord knows we don't get paid tutor the stabilization funds and shawn and million dollar pot you parked your helicopter on the roof and all the other partners mark and nancy and you guys connecting the dots in the homicide we don't have ships or can notice we learner how to build bridges this brother he's on the wall right here i knew ed when we was dpw right he and james dba go back and
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london you know and i'm glad i'm friends with the police now, it's all good laughing you mean u you know what i mean from the margarita street though the executive street i don't want to miss anyone but acknowledge some really good folks ricco come on up rick could and jim and my brother glen come on up here mayor ed lee the rest of the folks knows a lot of prominent people come up here those brothers right here are really try testimony of redemption those guys all been in prison with life sentences
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jim recently came home avenue doing thirty years and rico is going phenomenal work he was begun 25 years and damon over a decade my brother glen who did 45 years are here as stakeholders and giving back to the community you guys don't know i was raised ♪ neighborhood i have over hundred years of wisdom i'm born and raised in this community any momma lived on 9th and - i signed the lease for the building and this guy is working my staff those brothers right here are tremendous who want to
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give back we want to find solutions and answers those brothers working with sfpd and right here for the kids that's the answer i want to give a big shout out to you guys glen; right? you imagine glen doing 45 years 4r0kd up in a prison coming home with compassion for the people that's what is it all about remember that's about caring it's about kindness and about love and this is what this center is about we're here for a safe spot for everybody this spot and all the public partners you know who you are you know we're here for the waterworks and the cable and we'll be homeless as long as we
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build the relationship you're right jane? about building relationships to do and come together right brother charley thank you and you'll see a dynamic mix of people because you know what i'm a united playaz we're all united playaz and; right? >> all the way to heaven babe and all see as a instrument on a normal day we're here together because the man upstairs everyone is supported us you know what i mean let's build the rips so we can build and have safety for our kids in the community everybody knows safety; right? everyone know
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money pouted put our money on the table (clapping.) this is the united playaz not the united haters oh no (laughter) we will have another press conferee invocation but the borment i want to say thank you to everybody that is a part of making this happen we're not finished mayor ed lee i want to build another top willie brown and that 1y5i78 the rooftop we're going to name all those people's and name the toilet after me the toilet bowl god bless you have a beautiful day and have a lot of patries and
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mr. salazar come on up here i've to introduce you to people people don't see everyday okay all right. >> so thank you guys coming and showing up i love you like a fat kid loves cake we're to i was told by the mixture municipal transportation agency of the ball we'll take a picture in the front of the building together and keep making this money god bless you all
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>> good afternoon everybody. welcome to the board of supervisors meeting for april 28, 2015. madam clerk, can you please call the roll. >> supervisor avalos president breed, supervisor compos supervisor christensen, supervisor cohen supervisor farrell, supervisor kim, kim not present. supervisor mar, supervisor tang, supervisor weiner,