tv [untitled] May 3, 2015 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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there was one line in our belief that referenced the business relationship of our client to the third party provider where you couldn't easily get reporting? and i wasn't sure what that meant >> fly whole is an organization in which taxi drivers place the day's within each taxicab to measure certainly activities like service calls it is an organization that i can show you e-mails my client the information was not from the american taxi but verbal from fly whole my client did several requests to report the data for the first time we're being told by the sfmta brief there was some reporting so that
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information is never recorded or addressed to my client before reading the sfmta brief. >> but fly whole is paid by our client for the services. >> there's a contractual relationship to provide the data but that information was provided directly to sfmta for the needs the manner in which it is verifiable but we didn't have this information prior to read sfmta's brief. >> that is more subjective why did our client enter into a contractual agreement with the same manufacture. >> measures it was a measure done others mediation and trying to comply with that information
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trying to meet - there's no question that they need to comply with section 1107 until somebody hopefully, this one there is a measure not having to comply with and the gentleman stated there's been medians and they've attempted to comply with that measure it is been impossible to do that and fly who's also lack of information the ability to have driver to impose a standard upon independent contractors to report back this information is still another. >> last question is the perhaps on a personal note the - there are two ramp van affiliated with our client
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yet they picked up no assessable needs during the report or record of reporting period. >> again, i don't know the status of those vehicles i don't know and again, there's no ability to necessarily force those individuals to turn on their dries i device or report to use the device and certainly my client told me the two ramp advancing were operational why there's no data is another question. >> council you took most of my questions that's okay. it's helpful i'll be microwave just a question about the stipulated agreement i notice humanitarian comments in it so in the i guess
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exhibit a do you knows anything about that and how that happened american people was it part of the mediation. >> it was signed at the conclusion of mediation they expressed they have trouble complying and that that would be a difficult task that's why the statements are stated it would be a difficult task their obligated to do their task but entering into the stipulation they were not sure they could ply with the service but do everything possible to do just that. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. we hear from the department now, mr. murray.
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>> didn't go board members jarvis murray enforcement san francisco municipal transportation agency taxis and assessable services based upon what american dispatch has stated frankly in pits utilities briefs and comments today they demonstrate they shouldn't have a accountability for improving their dispatch or operate a successful factual our transportation code rules section 11067 is a teetered system that gives a company time to develop over time as stated in the brief in 2013, the standard was 50 medallions so essential 50 vehicles with 50
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verifiable calls with 3 dispatch requests per vehicle person day that was 2013 it is progressively so 2014 everyone should move to 75 medallions at 3 hundred 7 dispatch implemented in 2015 the standard we're not done with the year this is what all the dispatch companies must be and december 31st a hundred mentions medallions with one hundred medallions with 5 hundred completed dispatch calls per medallion per day that was created because as mentioned in the belief dispatching companies are becoming unresidential in san francisco and part of that problem was duce due to companies that refused to
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improve the dispatch or motivate the drivers or anyone affiliated outside of downtown in the hate or wherever to pick up customers we were saddled about 11 or 12 numbers in the phone call book all leading to 10 separate dispatchers none were reliable or not all but a lot not viable for the consumer to pick up the phone and perhaps get a in the alphabet and call american dispatch and there's nothing there you know there's no one able to pick them up that ruins the integrity of the system t the district is in in question a the industry has to fight back, yes american and many other
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companies have to adapt no. you can't wait thirty years to adapt it needs to be adapted relatively quickly this is a 3 year process here during do start at this level the roll didn't change in (201) 313-1415 you must elevate yours to this level some dispatches have not pshgd some consolidated we center haven't the use of fly whole we require everyone to be on that allows them to pick up calls in our smart phone we require a american capture performance but the point is
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rather than building up their dispatch and making that a better system they choose do say it is not workable we're not going to do it, it's been many months no data relatively to them and have the same questions about the fly whole isn't that your vendor and the investigator on that matter called fly whole is requested the information we objected that information not every vehicle was on that and their drivers not picking up american dispatch it doesn't do monotony good to have a dispatch service donate not viable and as a regulatory body we can't
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create customer confusion whereby a customer calls our office and says does this have any ramp advancing we can't get them to pick up it doesn't work not a whole lot to say nothing there isn't anything extra no information to improve that we've been asking whether it is better advertising maybe a better service are hire better dpafrpdz or look at better drivers there's so many things the sfmta want for the business we're setting our perimeters its work but unfortunately, that's not what is going to happen with the signature under protest we are going to figure out a way for
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you to change that rule that is not acceptable our other capture companies they've had trouble we went on probation it's a matter what you're able to do if you cannot provide us data or won't provide us data and not work with the vendor we can only do so much but rather have the vehicles 28 or 29 total to move to a dispatch company that works where taxicab drivers get calls and provide service we don't have much more to add i've provided data if you have questions the gentleman is here to answer questions for the cat that is provided. >> can you speak to the
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argument your regulations are unfairly burdensome on smaller buzzeds businesses and this regulation we set the number because that was our belief that in order to obtain a again measure for instance if you have a dispatch with two vehicles but one thousand calls in a month that's just as unreeblt i'm calling a taxi company i'm sorry we can't because our only two are occupied we are trying to figure out we're assuming calls all over san francisco many, many calls we're looking at a number that allows that company to service as many calls and as it can take throughout the city to pick up those vehicles so, yes
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that impacts a to vehicle dispatch equip we don't have anything like that if they receive 5 thousands calls a day, however if they improved the dispatch and received that many calls it inintents the other medallion drivers to go to america hey they get a lot of calls i want to go there and make more money we're essentially trying to incentivize that if efrpz dispatch picks up everyone makes more money. >> it's okay. >> but he spoke for many that doesn't exactly answer my
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question. >> the argument is that your regulations have for lack of a better term a desperate impact on smaller taxi companies and smaller businesses that almost impossible to meet so there's nothing to do but fail for a business of their size no way to meet your regulations speak to that. >> certainly. >> i thought i was i am reintroducing to explain it but perhaps not every medallion is free to transfer to any company they choose they're not statistic they're able to object one hundred or 2 hundred it impacts them because but not in a way you're saying you're saying they can't meet it we
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disagree. >> i'm - and they're arguing we believe they can make it part of the improvement would be so we put them open any of us active probation i create a plan to what you want to do to meet it here's what we need and do this and that so the administrative probation was listed i'm going to bring in as many vehicles to meet this number it is not a static number i assign so many medallions here's a packet you must grow what can you do to grow add one thousand medallions. >> is as a practical matter has this issue happened with larger companies or just smaller companies you've had to put on probation and had those
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difficulties. >> well, they're the small list of the dispatch companies we've had to put companies on probation that were - we don't have missing anybody at this number we've had larger companies losses vehicles and have larger company that had to shut down they couldn't operate for instance the company that had 75 vehicles but they lost a lot of vehicles from competition it fluctuates they'll be on the probationary list as well you can lose and gain with fluctuates to the business. >> one late question maybe i'm
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not understanding what our regulatory company does if they're not doing what their supposed to do people go to uber or call yellow cab on the one hand wouldn't the market speak to this regarding the regulation. >> in a certain way perhaps that's what's happening nothing it working for them and perhaps the market is saying your dispatch is not good as a regulatory body we provide you, we give you the dispatch permit and give you the dispatch permit not object a phone number and go away we want to make sure you continue to provide the service so i'm not sure if i completely answered your question it impacts a company that refuses to grow if you want to stay at
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thirty you'll continually fail no option to succeed if that's the case let's say and he says but i don't want more thirty cars and refuse and that impacts the agency. >> but is there a value to having a smaller company. >> not for dispatch american taxi company is separate from american dispatch the company itself can be american cab running under someone else's capture you can have 28 cabs but provide a radio to service the entire city you need to do something to service the entire city saw have you had to revoke other permits under the regulations. >> we have a not we try to work
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with people. >> can you stayed how many have been on probation and gotten off probation. >> we have a company their placed an probation we give them 90 days they come back and we say we've created voucher account their coming back with their plan and stated here's the voucher account showing you the lawyer firms and hospitals to improve their contracts they'll like to join in with another dispatch to grow so thankful asked us for permission to move forward and they've signed on with i think they've been signed on with fly whole but done
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something different we place others on probation and but we may place them back on we have a smaller company that picked up and fell behind we ended up placing them back on their radio is not up to pawar and another company that may turn in their dispatch. >> would you say that some of the shakeout was anticipated when that was drafted and those numbers were stacked. >> absolutely the regulations themselves they're changing fairly regularly but meant to make sure the cream rise to the top of the system. >> staked. >> yes. >> commissioners. >> actually, i have several
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questions. >> let's start with the giving me a visual picture how many dispatch companies with there. >> we recently lost one of the larger ones we're down to 8 and another one maybe coming in soon. >> 8 and how many medallions we're 1850 one thousand 8 hundred and 50. >> roughly 2 hundred rough for dispatch services i'm assuming a couple of larger ones. >> correct the larger has 6 hundred and the other ones slightly over one hundred to two hundred range with american is
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the smallest. >> so be a dispatch service does it take a investment that precludes it being a small business. >> i don't know if it precludes it it does if you have to have so many medallions the electronic system we can monitoring and monitoring the drivers they've not burn or be able to work that system out and also one of the things we're requiring electronic radios we're away from paper at this time your dispatch company will often provide it's their trips they'll know where they've gone we can get that information electronically it requires a
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financial investment no longer the paper and personal everyone would hand you a bunch of paper now more vehicle tracking there's a problems are the vehicle or driver we'd like like to know where is vehicle 31 it's on larkin you know and geary who's in it today oh mr. fong we want to be able to do that and what happens through the dispatch. >> your agency is the policy agency did the issue of small business resonate with our commission at all? it does and again a lot of the drivers are you know like the gentleman alluded to independent contractors so they can its a
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funny set up you don't know i don't want to go through the whole taxi set up but the companies lease the vehicles out or happening now especially are with all the medallion holders their affiliated with a company is the medallion can be a american taxicab but that medallion holders collecting income from three or four drivers so they're all small businesses in that sense yes we have small businesses and color schemes and again american taxicab company if it wants 28 vehicles for perpetuity we'll allow that but with we want the service to be there assuming our largest dispatch takes them on they'll still be american
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dispatch our size our color whatever as a company >> i have a couple of questions prior to the new regulations how many dispatch companies did you have. >> been 10 or 11. >> so you lost two or three since the new regulations. >> right. >> second question was regarding the fly whole who's recommendations to use fly whole. >> we don't recommend did particular ones frankly the only one that does and does it fairly well but we do require you to be on an ad system we have companies claiming to be creating an app and if they create an app system that is as acceptable as fly whole. >> the problems with the brief i don't know where the balk u
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lack of communications from fly whole or from fly whole to san francisco municipal transportation agency the reports were given not acceptable not an spearhead shoot they've given them hanger. >> they've complied and submitted their information to fly whole and the san francisco municipal transportation agency was having a problem getting the information from fly whole i'm trying to figure out where the drop or lack of communication failed. >> scott i'm the investigator so, anyway what happened then was we were requesting the data
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as usual but the information was not clear we were requesting the information on the spreadsheet formulate on the accounts so sometimes when you give us handwriting. >> so fly whole give us you hanger. >> no it is in exhibit 3 we created a spreadsheet bans the report it tallies all the information for that particular month. >> the hanger or handwriting was provided by another company. >> just a quick follow-up was it made clear to american dispatch going forward that it
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had been to in the electronic format. >> correct. >> when we were submitting handwriting it was not part of the agreement. >> that's correct. >> okay. and then you mentioned in american dispatch wants to stay and 28 medallions you're going to work with p them as long as their paperwork is correct and it's american the taxicab company it is separate from the dispatch the dispatch must comply with the regulations if the company losses 10 medallions but there's a dispatch they're two separate bodies be we're revoking the dispatch. >> okay. thank you. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none mr. turman 3
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minutes of rebuttal. >> and in rebuttal i'd like to make a few comments first of all, mr. murray stated that he aspects in terms of dispatches not being reliable okay. he also speaks in terms of it not working or not being a successful dispatch what he didn't say is that sf american dispatch taxi services has failed to meet the dispatch needs that they've been called on to provide dispatch- when individuals called for services no indication and could be no indication simply by a count of numbers we're failing to meet the dispatch needs of persons needing service
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he further made clear that their - one thing he further didn't clarify there is a clear this is clearly favors disproportionately larger organization larger dispatch services and when the president of the commission asked about the number of dispatch services you know have there been others placed on probation no hard numbers of data war provided which of the first is american the first of a series of which you'll be seeing no one that that information it is within - not being fairly being provided american dispatch was first placed on probation
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