tv [untitled] May 3, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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past is there a decision in the arts xhunty and cultural equity is a issue and need to address that. what we have seen is the piece of the pie that the community received in the city budget and the city increased has decreased so all the arts in san francisco suffered. many other oregs and issue areas have seen their revenue increase with the hotel tex we talk about 95 million dollars over the last 10 years the arts community hasn't seen. that is all aspect of the art community and what you will see in the coming weeks is budget process is community [inaudible] desire to support the work of the small z medium sizeorts organization and make sure there is cultural equity. the arts is much stronger if they unit and work together
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oppose today divided and i'm excited about the future and thankful the work aba is doing and the arts alliance is supportive of their work >> any other members of the public wish to comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor mar >> i want to thank everyone for coming to speak. it is beginning of everyone coming toorkt to think about how we build in strategies for cultural equity within the arts for the city. seattles office of art and culture is already doing it. there are many places to look from your community trust mpt i think we should be looking at key documents and what fred blackwell and tar eroamo from the san francisco foundation i'm pleased they are vaurfbed so we can look at a broader
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analysis and best practices. i'm interersed in long term structural changes as recommended by the arts task force a few years ago and as president breed menshzed thmpt short term budget issue is ponchtd, but the longer term building of cultural equity and social justice [inaudible] into what we do as a sitoo arts is at the center oof everything that is about our city as well. president breed >> thank you aenchd everyone for coming out. this is a informative hearic and on the same page with supervisor mar. we can continue to advocate and come to the board aerfb single year and talk about equity, but what is more important is we fleed to fix the problem. there is problem and we need to make sure we come up with solutions that make sense to make sure this process is fair
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and equitable and that is what i'm committed to doing so thank you for coming out. i appreciate it and also glad to hear the larger institutions and medium and small institutions are all coming together to try and work together. i know that is a straugal in the arts community for many years and it is all centered around funding, but we all have a role to play in the arts. the small institutions are just as pornts thaz large institutions in providing the new artist the first opportunity to be a part of the cultural fabric of san francisco. we got work to do and committed to make sure we develop the right process to do that >> should i move we table the items >> supervaseer mar made a motion to table item 2. we'll take that without objection >> thank you everyone. at this point we'll move to item 1
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>> item 1 [inaudible] parks and recreation services and services for childrens and families [inaudible] recreation and park department and [inaudible] >> colleagues as we dive head long first into our budget season here at the board of supervisor jz sticking with our hearings that we called for to really introduce before the heart of june, today i want to focus on families in san francisco both the services offered and the status of where we are as a city. i believe everyone shares-families are huge priority for myself and for the board of supervisor jz want to make sure we have a one hear ing that focuses on that area so we can tie it together. kicking that off is the core
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department or one of the few that is at the center of this and that is reck and parks department. i want to thank fill [inaudible] i want to thank the department heads for sticking around and [inaudible] who is here for being here for this first hearing and want to kick it off. fill, thank you for being here >> thank you for visor jz thank you for framing todays hearing with a focus on children and families and parks. it is important as our city continues to grow and we become more and more dense focusing on why the parks matter is a important discussion. san francisco was fortunate to welcome about 10 days ago a thousand park professionals from big cities around the word, 20 different countries from every state in the country to a conferencethality happens every 2 or 3 years on urban parks and
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it is what we talked about for 3 orfore daze. the chalthss with big cities are not unique, but because of san franciscos growth we find ourselves faces some of the challenges as critically as anyone. 85 percent of america lives in a urban core. 95 percent of california lives in a urban core. our planning department predicts i think we are now the second more dense city in the nation in san francisco and the planning department predicts new 80 new presidents and 97 now housing units in the next 25 years. it is very nert esting to note that i think since 1994-since 20s 0491 percent of all new housing units created in san francisco
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were 10 units or more. 91 percent of all new housing project are 10 units or more, which means no more back yards are built so the parks matter. if we can flip to the presentation and the first slide. i think we are there. supervisors you may have these slides in front of you. >> we do. >> just some highlights of a rather long story for public land and san francisco park alliance have engaged in the study with our department on the stats relevant to why parks matter in san francisco. we talked about density. obviously the goal is to be the
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most sustainable city in the land and our park system alone absorbs 750 thousand feet of storm water every years and purifys 135 thousand tons of air pollutant. there is discussion about childhood obozedy. 1 in 3 people in san francisco are over wait or obose. we spent about 11 hour as day behind a screen. les than 30 minute a week outside. the important role that our park system plays to heth care can't be understated thmpt summary you have a cdc study that shows access to open space sw access to places to exercise increases the likelihood och something exercising 3 times a day by 26 percent. recreation
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and open space contribute sig cnthly to the mental helts and safety of our communities. there is a summary from la, but i want to point in to the work in san francisco with the pea soup program. we bring kids from underserved communities and challenging environments that haven't experience td nature up to [inaudible] apprenticeship program are all examples of our work in connecting communities with nature in a effort to keep them healthier and safe. as we noted really are parks are becomes san franciscos back yards which is wonderful, but i'll also present challenges about the future. little about reck and park by the numbers. it is a vast system. it is 15
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percent of the citys land. well over 220 parks and 179 play grounds and counting. you see the basket ball [inaudible] of note is the 27 recreation centers. we have a very very robust recreation program. there are uben parks departments athround country that have got out of the business of recreation and out source to partners. we are not doing that. aquatic, out door reck riation and everyone has a opportunity to play in our system. one of the things that i'm most proud about since our
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team has been together at reck and park is the scholarship fund increased from 80 thousand a year to over wn.1 million a year. we subsidize over wn.1 million a year in free or subsidized programs and it operates as free or reduced lurch program at the school district. taking a quick look at the 14/15 budget, about our operating budget is about 143 millions [inaudible] it ebbs and flows dependent on when we issue new debt and our bonds and receive grants and receive philanthropic gifts, so you will not see a logical line in the caltle budget. we are very blessed through the 10 year capital plan and the support of the mayor and board of
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superizvoors to have 2 bonds in the last 6 or sev years since 2008. each bond wurths 185 million dollars and 1508 went to parks and 30 to 35 went to the port, but we are renovating the parks. because our system is so vast it is important to keep in mind we have a long way to go and people don't always see that particularly when you see a new park ren ovation or play ground but there infrastructure is old and aging and the budget is well over a billion dollars. some issues that we have been thinking about as we move forwards in 15/squaen and 16, 17 is growth. we want people living in
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cities and using mass transit and want densty but that it creates the need more fr more parks thmpt drought is here, it isn't going anywhere. it is going require us as a city to make significant decisions about investment in infrastructure and give thought to the way we change our land management practices. it is no longer okay for the park to look good. they capture and absorb storm water and need to be drought tolerant so we need to think about investing more in the land and how the parks look. during the parks conference we spent time with our colleagues from the national park service and they go through a conversation as welt. it is very intereing, their conversation at the national park service or national park land is how to
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get more teepal to their parks. they do a very good job in land management but need to work on access and getting people to parks. the converse is true for local park system which is we are very accessible to people, but we fleed to take more serious or responsibilities to manage the land. with new growth and hopefully now families moving in and our growing senior population, the demand for recreation services is as intense asench. we want to improve cust mur service and efficiency and accountsability. we should be the most technologically probust parks department in america. as some that interfaced with our system probably can attest we are not there yet, but it is where we
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need to go. our failing play ground campaign presents with a opportunity. a task force following 15 and a half mill-in in public funds. a community task force identified our 13 worst play ground in the city and they are based on old strategies of pressure treated lamentber and cca with traces of arsenic and our mission is replace all of them. meeting the challenges of growth by acquiring new parks. we have been before you quite a bit in the last year or 2 with great news. a opportunity to aquer nob nub the fran cyst co reservoir and [inaudible] visitation value. we get throseer to identifying open space we want to aquie in district 6. you are intereshed
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in acquireic open space in your district and we agree. would love to see more open space in the city but that also requires then the funlding, the planning, the funding and resources and community partnerships to plan the park and build the park and maintain the park. it is not simple stuff. >> mr. [inaudible] in terms of the issues, how do you think about in-termoffs funding-last year we talked about park parole and-we is seen stuff around [inaudible] supervisor wieners district. i see my distict which is federal land, but just 420 one off incident but the pictures amazing and it impacts the experience for the rest of san francisco. how do you think about that in terms of needs in a growing population? >> we are going to get to
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that in the presentation mp we motorcycle profound investments in the green space through the public investment and capital plan and philanthropy. you are about to see the most spectacular play ground within the next 3-5 years. there is great stuff happening but we need to protect these investments. particularly with more people using our parks, more intensely that creates more use conflicts and we need staff a thmanage park use. it is that simple. it is a weakness in our organization. >> thanks >> we are going to focus on a
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couple challenges, one is demand for recreation because thrfs a focus on kids and families. we mentioned the number of registration in programming. fiver 8 thousand registrations of all ages in the system. this summer we'll operate 87 separate summer camps. we already received nearly 1fly rej station squz the number will grow. by the oned thf summer we'll be at 98 percent capacity. certain programs are more popular than others and we do have a weight list in aquatics and learn to swim programs. overall in all the programs we vaweight list of 1thry thousand people >> maybe to add to that i dopet know if you know the stats. my wife and went to bal
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baho high school and tried to log in and i don't know if young kids in summer camps on the committee now-it took 6 hours to get on a wait list. that is nuts. >> that is something we are doing well. you're experience doesn't sound like it but we had capacity, so if you want to buy ticks to a concert on minute you will experience the same surge. we processed 3-60800 years. we have certain number of licenses. we hear it every year, i couldn't get in, but the average time it took someone spooregister is between 5 and 7 minutes. there are surge times, peek times and then there are users-i know
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this was not your family, but there are users that get on the system and are like, what program do i want to sign up for >> my wife had a detailed list >> we can do better and we do need with a growing demand wet more robest technology and capacity and we are get tg as my director of finance and administration. we are in the process and part is funding as a 2 year up grade of the aging registration system that will increase technology and capacity. i guarantee within the first 10 minutes of a summer camp or little league there will be people thathat can't get in >> sounds like a need to call my comcast representative >> one of the things we are most proud about-let me talk a little-a couple more interesting stats. we talk about growth and reck riation.
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the planning department also says the growth and population between the age of 0 and 14 will increase in the city by 44 percent between 2010 and 40. something for us to think about. we are actually welcomeing more kids and families to san francisco. it is worth and i know this will spark questions and we can do it now or wait until there end of the presentation because i want to talk about the parks. this does talk about our model. in 2009 when we were faced with profound budget reduction that actually challenged us about whether to continue to be in the business of public recreation we decided we all to be and change thd model so we consolidated the serveess we have in the multireck centers and looked for partners in the club houses. that model folks
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is not without question or incident, but it is working. it is really really working. even with our club house partner, we have 47 housing and 15 are in use 20 thousand hours or more over the year and 14 are in use 1200 hours or more, that is about twoivl 25 hours a week. we vatotal of 7 that are 750 hour as week or less and that is where we need it focus our efforts to bring in stronger program partners and create more ideas and it stacombination of the non profit partners and some of our own programming in certain sites. talking about growth. sports. youth soccer we have
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more than doubled-we have 450 youth soccer teams boys and girls compared to 220 just 4 years ago. we have doubled the amouchbt of kids playing youth sports in 4 years. the vast percentage of those kids are girls. youth base ball increased by 50 percent over the last 4 yearsism 450 teams this year compared to 304 years ago. these are all having impacts on the system joyous-total joyous, but they have real operational impacts on the system. it is important to note because sometimes this comes up, we donot charge our youth to use our fields. period. in fact, over the last couple years we made more and more investments to serve all of-make sure there communekies
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benefit from the services we have. here are examples of the free programming we offer. mobile recreation which is a suck suss. hopefully all have experienced mobile recreation. in the last couple years we bring skate bordsing and rock climeing we bing toto the neighborhoods. whether it is a scolecite or a church parking lot or sunday streets we come to you. healthy parks, helty people. we offer free yoga and joom buat 33 parks city wide. we are the first city in the cuntsry there is a partnership between reck and park, our health department, our national park service where our doctors are actually issuing perceptions for people to spend
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time in a park for chronic disease. we have a problemtic focus in the low income neighborhood including tenderloin [inaudible] bodecker which is a wonder story. gar field and hurt are all free. families living in public housing receive 100 percent scholarship for the programsism community groups have access to sites for neighborhood meet jgz community meetings for free. you have to pardon us on the next slide. we spent the most number of time talking about what the park should be called. our parks are clean and--greenish, brown. park maintenance has been overall a success. we work with the controljure do evaluate our entire system 4 time as year,
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96 percent of the parks receive a grade of b or better. but we a are challenged. one gardener per 20 acres of open space is bought we average. as new parks come on line and the parks are used more intently park maintenance becomes a bigger issue. we kid are not have 10 thousand people every std in deloris park a decade ago. that wasn't how the park fs used, but it is how it is used today. as you touched upon supervisor farrell, vandalism and bad behavior in the park which continues to be a big challenge for us. if i don't-if a picture can paint a thousand words. i get graffiti reports airfb day. broken benches, stolen irrigation, copper irrigation. dumb stuch like what you see in a
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beautiful meadow. it is the most demoralizing thing for the staff. it is one thing for us to be a little short t is another for them to spend 2, 3, 4 hours of their 8 hour day clening up someones mess and that is whatue teenly happens in our system >> supervisor wiener >> thank you. i want to thank you and the department for doing a lot operationalty. the department is understaffed and feel i give the same remarks every year in this committee and i hope at some point we can structurally fix the chronic underfunding of the department. there are not enough gardeners or park parole. i think your capital staffing is inadequate as well. it is great we pass these
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bonds, but it takes us too long to deliver them because the department doesn't have enough capital staffing and so there are only so many projects that can move forward at once. under the circumstances the department does a really good job with the resources it has. i also want to thank you for-i know the department has been and continue toog think outside the box in terms of addressing the really literally the mess at deloris park and deloris park is a amazing community resource and despite the challengeoffs having 5 thousand plus people it is a beautiful site. to see that level of diversity and people from all walks of life coming together in this one space and enjoying themselves on a beautiful day. we want that to be able to continue, but in a responsible
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way. the litter we are seeing in the park is just over the top and i hate the fath that your gardeners in duloring park spend half their time picking up trash. it sft a good use of their job. i want to cmd you for what you are doing and will be doing to try to reckify that situation. i want to talk about park parole and don't know if you have a separate slide on that >> i have a couple slides left that can talk about some good news with respect to this budget. i'm happy to answer questions >> as of a year ago the park parole was so inadequately staffed there were outside the person that was assigned to candle stick, there were 2 park
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ranges on tutti for the entire park sitest which is 220 park properties that cover said 15 percent of the land mass. am i right on that? >> going back a couple years >> last year we provided 7 or 800 thousand theres to hire more park parole. can you update-not so much the number on staff, but how many rangers are on duty >> 2this happened last year, one is investment in park parole and the mayor allowedtuse absorb the park patrol at candle stick that is 4 or 5 so we have a total of 3 fifen fte's in the park rageer division. we do not have 35 boots on the ground. that is important to rrm that the hiring process
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