tv [untitled] May 3, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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the entire park sitest which is 220 park properties that cover said 15 percent of the land mass. am i right on that? >> going back a couple years >> last year we provided 7 or 800 thousand theres to hire more park parole. can you update-not so much the number on staff, but how many rangers are on duty >> 2this happened last year, one is investment in park parole and the mayor allowedtuse absorb the park patrol at candle stick that is 4 or 5 so we have a total of 3 fifen fte's in the park rageer division. we do not have 35 boots on the ground. that is important to rrm that the hiring process is lengthy,
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there is attrition and wash out so we probably have somewhere around right now 27 or 28 boots on the ground and that gets us to about 3 sometimes 4 because we have overlapping shifts. we have a new park patrol manager who has had a career in law enforcement and is a good manager and have overlapping shifts and design thing tooz screez more resources out of the bodies so we are probably at 3 to 4 at any time >> i know that there is a additional hch people going to through a class currentry? >> we just had a hiring process and again they are very lengthy background and training process and think we had a class of about 10 but i think
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we lost 3. we lost 3 so we have 7 and will go back to the well. we are in the midolaffhiring process now to fill those remaining vaeckancy >> once you're staffed up to watt you are bunl budgeted for jrktss i think 35 and then because of for a variety of reasons there is a hr stat about productive time. people get sick and take leaves and go on vacations so we'll never have 100 percent of the people on the ground so i think we'll be in the 3-4 range going forward >> once you max out you'll be at 3 to 4. >> we have more overlapping hours with 4 than 3. we have 3 different shifts. we vaday shift, swing shift and grave yard shift jrfshz i think it is
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important to understand there are 21 shifts in a week >> this is 24/7 function >> people work 5 days a week and there are vaiications and illness. in termoffs being able toprovide the level of service that we expect of the park parole, what would the ideal staffing level be isn't how mini on duty at any gifen time >> before i give a number i would thrike talk about the structure. 3 to 4 at any time we are in a very reactive model we have the park rangers dispatch today a particular site or because of community issue that have been raised that we know we need to visit justin hurmen [inaudible] it is
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very complaint driven. it isn't community or education driven. the-where we would like to end up and this is all based on available resources, but would be to have based either on-we have parks are broken up into park service areas that over lap 1 or 2 district because we only have 6 park service areas but we would like park rangers asinned to a area. it is just a question of how much, but we cannot operate that model with our current staffing >> supervisor wiener. >> i understand structurally, but what would the number be? >> the number of ranger-the number of park patrol we would
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like to have-north of every park raisk rb north of 35 means better service. to operate this at a minimum we would need to be probably about 50 and i think that ideally we would like to be in well north of 50 range >> okay. in terms of working with police, the police department itself as we heard is pretty dramatically understaffedologist and wree trying to rectify that. i know the police have many balls they are juggling, but the partnership between reck and park and the police in termotches getting police into the had parks to help and make sure things are going okay. >> we actually really have a
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very good relationship with the san francisco police department. they have their own resource challenges so is a bit of a [inaudible] game so every police officer in a park-every police officer in deloris park isn't on vulenchia street. those are the trade offs. there are a lot the park rangers do that police auftsers don't do. the police officers do park code enforce. and basic use conflicts and frankly they open things and close things and make sure that permit td and sometimes non permitted events are safe. there are a set of skills there isn't much overlap and there are a lot of things sfpd does
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that we are not permitted to do. we work in tandem. the best example of that are in golden gate park we have park and richmond station that invests a significant amount of resources in helping in the park. i also say where we work together is on programming a little more. we work together [inaudible] on the teen outdoor experience. at gar field and hurts and our district staegzs many have park officers who park cars that deal with park issues at the various stations. in a good time in that we have really good communication with the captains and the cuman staff. it isn't the solution. >> then jirs finally and i'll leave it to other colleagues, what trends are we seeing in
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term ozf vandalism in the parks 1234 i know we had orific vandalism in duloris park and one of the frustrating thing is deloris park isn't golden gate park. deloris park is the isone big square, it is the bulk of the park is very open, it is not a difficult park at night. the vandalism is happening at night. during the day it is challenging. policing the park at night isn't challenging. with not that many resources you can make a difference at night because the park close said at 10 and people are not supposed to be there and yet we continue to see pretty horrible vandalism in the park. not
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just mining stuff. yes, graffiti, but much more severe vandalismism we continue to see middle of the night major parties in the play ground area and we saw the play ground all the broken glass which took that play gound of compligz for some time and thank you for sem exfor donated the sand that went back fl to it but thereat is all preventable so what is being done and what can we do to make sure deloris park is say. golden gate park is more challenging because of the it is so huge and the terrain and it is a different world. i know that the vandalism in golden gate park is also pretty horrifying. what happened in the [inaudible] and also i know that botanical garden and
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[inaudible] for those 2 parks in particular but in general u what are the trend and what are wie doing >> for trends there is vandalism and then there is fwad abnoxious behavior. vandalism is taking the form of we are seeing a unbelievable amount of graffiti. we are vooing trouble keeping up. deloris park is literally tagged every night. we is see a lot of wire threft which is discorjing in the new facility and the irrigation system. when we-2/3 of the irrigation is manual and 1 slaes 32 is automated. automated irrigation systems are creating more sufficient staffing because the staff isn't hauling hose from one coupler to the next in the day so they can do other things. it is also
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important environmental because we should water at night with less evapuationeration. you water for less time at night and the only way to do that is [inaudible] that one is particularly damaging. we had some-the horrible stuff is the stuff in the botanical garden and [inaudible] and rocks thrown through windows, trees cut down and memorials dephased, we had trucks set on fire. it is a constant challenge to keep up and there is a vandalism report every mornic in our agency. what can we do about it? i personally believe we need to keep more eyes on these resources at night. the board and mayor took a big step in codifying official park hours. we were the only major park system in
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the country that didn't have hours of operations. most of the parks are permeable so there are no fences. some of the neighborhood parks have fences, but think we need to keep more eyes on them like we would any other investment like a museum. like this building. we keep eyes on the things that we care about at night and we are not resourceed to do that >> i think we should be resorsed to do that. we need to get that done. >> if i just >> supers visor yee >> thanks for your presentation so far. i did pass out-i did ask for the report for the park rangers that are passed out to the rest of the colleagues. i realized when i looked more clously the
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numbers were reflective of past fiscal year so when i asked about the additional supplemental funding to have more park rangers i don't think it is reflected in this particular report you gave in march. >> i don't have that in front of me. i think the report asks for a date. it was for a fixed date so i think we said you will get another report from us in septwith updated numbers and when you asked for that we were still going through had hiring process >> i just asked for the report that we asked for when we had the supplemental. i thought it would be reflective but it is not. i think i agree that you need more eyes and the supplemental was supposed to give more eyes, but it seems
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the difficulty is train thg people fast inf to fill the slots. if seems like you haven't filled it yet is what i'm hearing? >> we added-we did watch candle stick. we have eyes on candle stick at night so when it transferred to lunar and closed down we moved those rangers into our system and now have a exstre7 on the street and are in the process that will fill 3 more is what our directser of finance administration is telling me. >> that's not my question. my question really is-[inaudible] do you have other slots to fill or
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positions to fill? >> once we bing in the 3 more we'll be fully staffed. again, we don't have-there are reasons we wouldn't have every single fte on the ground at once. this is physical work, people do end up injured and on leave >> that is good to know because i think if we move for the budget process [inaudible] important for me to know you are capable of filling them. that is the main point here. the other set of questions is around the club houses. there are 47 of them. quite a few of them as you mentioned are being activate td by partners and each of the partners-you get rent out of it. i'm curious how much rent do we get
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totally? and what do you do with it >> it is all most insignificant. the totem amount of revenue we generate is about 250 thousand a year on a budget of 160 million. we don't do this to make money. in fact all the leases are well below market rates. we do it to activate the club house and the decision was made because we fleed to save operation jz maintenance cost. we haven't talked about the custodeial fleet but they clean restrooms and play ground, but we do not have adequate resources to be in all the buildings. we have a lot of buildings. basically the o and m costs that we are saving by having partners come in and program and many partners are fantastic and offer very cultural competent
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or neighborhood springe problems. if we staffed all the club houses we would probably be in the 4 and a half to 5 million dollar raisk and that gets you 1 person 40 hours a week in a building and then some part time custodeio time mptd we have one person in a building-one of the reason we like our model that we developed is we have 7-8 people working in our reck centers at any time so we are able to offer a array of programs-most of the reck centers have recreation counsel that are people that advice the staff to the programs they want and because the model is plexable kwr use temporary staff we are
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able to identify both cultural companyitancy and programmatic #c5e678itancy. this is why we can do zoom buor teach saulsa dancing and bmx bike{skate boarding because we can find student and part time people interetc.ed in teaching and making money that have a specific skill versus taking the staff we have and sped them around the best we can >> of the 47 sites quite a few are pretty activated and are there ones that are not as vacktivated in and haven't found partners yet that reck and park used more stafficing to activate them? >> there are and even where we have get them activated there are a couple models thaare successful that involve a blend of partner programming
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and extra reck and park hours. west portal club house is a big success where we-it started with us using that facility for after school inretchment. it is one of the 13 after school sites. the mayor and [inaudible] have been very supportive of helping us work the non profit partners through dcyf. we funded--richman. i got that wrong. we work with mariea for the youth programming non profits. at west portal seft help does morning stuff for seniors and youth in the afternoon. many asked for a program on a saturday or night. we are in
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the business of providing as much joy and resources as we can. joy and programs as we can. >> i appreciate the work that reck and park does for the communities and you have been flexible and [inaudible] trying to activate west portal and a few other places so thank you. >> supervisor tang jrshz thank you. thank you mr. [inaudible] i know we touched on this briefly in terms of growth and demand and the need to create more parks and i know that is very difficult to do in san francisco. i am wuntdering high level in general how reck and park is approaching this ixue especially since our topic today is paired about how it is we serve our children and families with a growing population. most especially with the new developments we do
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have requirements for open space, but those in a different realm so i wonder how reck and park is planning to address that issue moving forward. the growing demand and lack of space >> i add mostly in terms of programming versus straight open space >> it is a great question. i think that we probably are at with the resources that we have we are at pretty close to capacity and we are delivering a large number of programs and services. we do through had community recreation consul and dcys needs assessment and the planning work we do in our own plan try to list toon the community about emerging needs and i think are pretty responsive. more partners
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working with the y and with the boys and girls club and our staff at bodecker allowed to offer nearly 10 hours of activation a day at that park in the tepder loan. that is a tough model, but at west portal club house we have something operated for most of the day. there is a debate in the businessbutting and unstructured recreation and think both have a place. not everything needs to be programmed. if we have clean safe play grounds, it is [inaudible] if we have clean safe spaces people will come and while we have found that more people will come if there is programming that is national data, if the places are well marked and clean and safe people are going to use it. a
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mix och active and non structured programs will continue to listen to the commune tee reck counsel for the needs. we work can san francisco state and lot of big cities in terms of park standing and understanding best practices. that is sort of the thought with respect to programming. acquiring park land and space, we have a acquisition policy. one of the best things about san francisco is 98 percent of us live in a 10 minute wark walk of a park. which is good. that dozen meet everyones needs and dhoo have pockets in the southern market [inaudible] there is a lot of
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discussion that the mayor led that i had the opportunity to participate in planning for the water front where there is a spike in new housing and needs open space. we esited about the projects along the [inaudible] that will give a great opportunity. there are 300 acres of new open space in that area being planned. the plachbing department is our leading syson long term planning. we are committed and believe in public recreation and programming and want to make sure all is plenty to go around >> i hope as we continue to grow as a city that there is that dialogue between reck and park and planning department to figure how we do address the growing demand for open space programs or not. thank you
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very much >> supervisor mar >> i wanted to say that i like how you framed that many of the housing units in multiple units building are going up with high density and no access to open space or back yards. people that live in single room occupancy hotels even are in more critical needs. i want to ask about neighborhoods with high needs and parks. you mentioned boatker park in soma. i know from that maintenance standards scores that the controllers office gave us a gap between maintenance with some disttricates verses others and district 10 and 11 seem to get the lowest maintenance standard scores. how do we insure
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equity of low income neighbors and reach level maintenance? >> i don't have the report but there is good news in the report meaning the historic gaps in high scoring parks and low scoring parks is diminishing. we made improvement in district 10 and 11 and 6, in those underserved areas and we do look at the data and make resource allocations and resource decision based on need and data. there are other things that go fl to it, that are-that also contribute. one is really developing robust studeredship networks in the neighborhood. mu claren park is a really active stewardship group now
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and that resulted in more volunteer time and more help in that area. by the way, it is a policy decision for us we gets lots of corporate groups and big groups and just had the warriors. we are steering more and more activation and large volunteer groups away from golden gate and to mu claren. we want to create more awareness about-mu claren is the second largest park so that is why i single it out. creting networks and that is why the san francisco park alliance is important and the [inaudible] they build community and studeredship around parks. flend of bodecker play ground was created because of the community planning process around bodecker and now we have that stewardship. equity is just a fundamental concept for
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us. parks are the great equalizer and great democratizeer and supervisor [inaudible] is a great example of a piece of [inaudible] critical open space >> the new bathrooms in [inaudible] will make sauch kiferance. i know like duloring park how many people go through [inaudible] square so it makes a difference >> the long-term theme-we have grouth in city and more people use our parks. we need it manage that grouth and respond to so we keep them well maintained for the next generation >> i had a couple questions about the citation issued by park patrol. there is increase and challenges in hiring, do you have data you can share on the citations issued by the park patrol and dem ographically on the individuals
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who received the citations >> we have data on citation issued and if my park patrol man would here he would say you have to talk yourself fl to a ticket. the first round is education and the second roind is education and third round is education and maybe if we don't get the right response maybe there is a citation or repeated violation. the system doesn't allow us to track race and other sort of social dem ographics. i think we can do it by park. we can show citations by park. supervisor i think you have some of that data in the report and we'll update it, but we are happy to provide that. >> also for the new restrictions on hours and parks, do we have a list of there different parks impacted
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by that because i guess some parks don't need monitoring while many others do >> again, i ink in the summary which again will be updated the next time it is done, i think we do talk about that. the number of citations issued in those code sections. we had some enforcement, but we are targeted in reforcement and we sate repeated violators. it is a tool that we have, but it is a tool that i will maybe challenge the assumption that we need to be better resourceed to use. for the right reasons. you are not going to see a large number of those mpt >> i know the justification for the restrictions and
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