tv [untitled] May 4, 2015 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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commissioner wiener and mar back on the roster. commissioner wiener. >> thank you madam chair. i have a general question, but it relates to a specific project that i don't know if you recall a part of vision zero, but it is a on going project , the diamond and becauseworth project. i want to thank you for breaking out prop b funding for those that fought hard to get prop b passed it is nice for the public to see through the tangible result of a vote that they cast and i appreciate that you guys have-at the agency acted so quickly and identified the use for prop b. the next step beyond identifying how the funds are spent is make sure the project is delivered and the funds are
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effect chbly spent andancy is properly communicating with the community. those are the 3 goals and unfortunately in the diamond and baus worth project the agency failed in all 3 in my opinion. in 2003 the late concongressman tom rantoes who i think passed away all most a decade ago, at the begin ogthf term my predecessor [inaudible] a tained a 3 million [inaudible] for diamond and bos worth intersection which is a mess formany reasons and needs a lot of help, that money basically sat there for 8 or 9 years. we were concerned that we were going lose the ear mark and the fact it was a ear mark also dates in terms of how long ago we got the money. in 2012 when we adopted the glen park
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plan and insisted the agency move forward and fish it intersection. we then move today the project that is [inaudible] takes the cake. the fact that from-the begin thofg planning process to now in the middle of construction it is taking lodger than cast rostreet ren ovation which is a larger and complicated project. the communication with the community is awful by the agency. i know i expressed this to you. i have spoken to mr. ristcon 2 or 3 times in the last couple years t. is hard for my office to get information letd alone the community. it is a 3 million dollar ear mark which is a lot
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of money and there was supposed to be money left over at the end so we can signalize ajaistant intersections. we are told there is no money for those intersections and we found out the other day-there is never unanimous agreement on any project, but the one asspect of the project where there was 100 percent agreement is there are less tern signals and we just learned that is not in the project. you can probably tell i am enormously frustrated as are many of my constituents. it undermines confidence of the public when things like this happen and the entire process. when we talk about having important projects that save lives and wanted to get thevl them delivered
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effectively and being in communication with the public and delivering in the most cost effective way, this project really undermines my confidence and i just really as we are talking about this it isn't theoretical. it is a real thing happening in my district and the neighborhood i represent with people that deal with this every day and feel theancy isn't meeting the needs sthf community. i want to put that out there for you. i'm very frustrated right now and i would like to know what the agency is going to do to make this better. >> i think first of all let me just say i know that is a really frustrating project for you and staff and we have talked a few times about it and it-there isn't much i can say now that can change what happened in the past. my best
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response is at the land use and transportation committee we talked about all the things we are doing to approve project delivery and all those effortss are focused ovision zero project. stream line acontability and using [inaudible] the way we communicate with the public. these are things that you will see us doing much better in these areas. >> hathat is no consilation for not just the residence of glen park, but this is-they have been waiting for a long long time and the money has been there for more than a decade and yet the praublgect has not been delivered properly. it undermines my confidence, their confidence and i really want to know what the mta will do to resolve this situation and deliver the project correctly and i also
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want to-if there a traffic injoon earring reason why the agency decided and not communicating can anyone rsh if thrai decide it was inappropriate to put left hand turn signals here so be it, but if that isn't the case i would like a commitment from the aensh that thaes thoest signets will go in >> i don't know the details of why we don't have a left turn signal in the project versus a left turn lane. i will have to get back to you with those details. it is going be a question of whether the addition phase to allow left turn, what that will do to safety and congestion because it can go either way. [inaudible] i
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would be happy to get back with details >> if had aensh says this is a bad idea from a traffic engineering perspective i respect their judgment, but if that isn't the case i would like a commitment fraument the department it will make good on this and put the left signals in if it is appropriate. which that was never conveyed to the community during the many times this was raised >> all i can say is we'll communicate with you next week what our injoon earring findings are and give a picture what it looks like >> if it is appropriate will the department make sure the signals go in ? >> yes >> commissioner mar >> i want to thank commissioner yee for the crosser guard program. it has strong support. it is a really
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down to earth way and i know supervisor or commissioner yurks ee was a crosser gourd himself many moons ago so i like programs like that that change the culture and get regular people vauved. i did want to say the 32 member vision zero coalition has good sessions and i'm interested in what is presented compared to what the demands are coming from the coalition. i want to reiterate my question about the gearo corridor and know the time line and scope because i know of the 300 thousand dollars for the geary pedestrian improvements for the new signals are number och them are on geary so i see over lap with improvements not just in my district but along gearo corridor. do you have details on the geary scope and time
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line? >> the time line here is this money will be spent in fiscal year 16 so the pedestrian improvements you will see in 2016 and likewise the signals will begin in 2016 >> hopefully we can get specifics on timing of when things begin. i haet to sound like a broken record, but last month a 8 e7 year old guy, senior, very helthsy senior killed in the cross walk. i'll be there with inmayor today. broken record, [inaudible] and 20 percent of the population are seniors and people with disabilities but around half of the pudustren fatalities are seniors with disabilities. i know you integrated safe routes for senior jz want to reiterate
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at looking how critical that is. looking at your model and what other cities are doing. -that is critical. i'm advocateing for this as a explicit strategy learning from other model programs in other areas. i'm appreciative there is more within the proposal, but quaknow some is unfunded. i'm strongly supportive of the 30 plus member vision zero coalition suggestions as well. thank you for proneting this and if there is any way to comfair and contrast what the coalition is proposing versus what you propose that would be helpful for me. >> thank you commissioner mar. could you please careify the coalition again? >> so, there is a vision zero coalition that i know that has a number of proposals and it
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includes at least 30 organizations from the alamo square neighborhood [inaudible] to livable city to mission community market to meta, senior [inaudible] bike coalition. it is a strong vision zero coalition that has come together over the past year since we have kicked off the vision zero process. >> thank you commissioner mar. i had a couple questions as well. i thought i would start with education campaign. this is quite a small budget, but a significant budget and agree we need to invest in education in the city, that is a key component of vision zero. i'm curious if we looked at other city to learn from them in terms of what they funded and invested and what worked for them and if we based this off
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what we have seen this modeled in other cities versus throwing darts on the board for what we think may work? >> that is a fair question. we have looked at other what other cities are doing and did practice research to see what the landscape looks like. we are doing more of that. in fact, i'm planning to meet with new york dot the week after next to try to get in person to understand how they are doing their program. we also based on the current experience with campaigns we are running in san francisco and what our media market looks like. this is a different media market and a little smaller than what they have there in new york, so we have to approach it slightly differently. but we have campaigns wruning now and you see a program that is 4.2 million dollar program that we
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have size up and part of that is based on compains we are country running. the it stops here in particular is one we looked at to see how much media knee can get and the cost of the creative and research with a grant funded program. there are 2 others that are ted uch for following it stops here. we are using that as a model and do have others. the be nice look twice campaign is a model because a that is something done early on in house with internal resources. a very different type of campaign, but we can get a idea of what it will cost to get out there research, develop and produce it. >> were you able to evaluate the campaigns? >> they are just coming in now, so more evaluation-more formal evaldsuation on the it stops here is just coming in so we'll be using those numbers when we get them fully to hup
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us understand if we spend 250 thousand dollars for a shorter campaign, what that will net in terms of awareness in the public. we can also bench mark other types of campaigns because zee a idea, for instance the prop a campaign, how mup we spent and what it took to see that break dlou. we are mailing broad based broadcast or out door, but it gives a idea of what we are working with. i think we are not just-we are doing our best not to throw darts at a wall and see if it will stick because that is a poor way to do a campaign i think as we all know and vision phreero is too important for that. we also don't want to just depend on advertising. we have made a concerted effort and to your point about the vision zero
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coalition, we made a effort to look at how we build a out reach component both going out from the city through had department of environment and using their outreach muscle along with building in funding for community groups to come in and engage at the grass routes level where they know they are cultural sensitive to their communities in the way that we as government have limitations in that area >> as you bring that up, what efforts have you put in terms of bilinkual efforts to insure we do this in orelt language communities as well? >> that is built into the dollar figure. we know that we under need to build in multicultural efforts. it is a [inaudible] in the communication strategy. it is also one of the-we have message
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mapping perspective on this and that is lynn item we would take any messaging we develop for the overall education campaign -let me position it as awareness in campaign because there 2 facets of that, and make sure whatever messaging we put out in the main stream for lack of a better market, that we make cultural relevant for mono lingual communities in particular. it may not be a exact translation because it doesn't always work, but it would be cultural relevant for the communities we are targetings >> i encourage-i know wree not like other cities and san francisco is unique and maybe our residence respond differently to different types of advertising and we are very tech heavy here in the reejage, but i would like to look at what is effective in other cities so we can save some of
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those research kls. to a certain extent there will be similarities in how new yorkers respond to education campaigns as san franciscans might and i think that we should have a robust campaign. i just want to make sure we invest those dollars and has the outcome we want to see. i think focus groups if that is a possibility is important because i know that as our neighborhoods are laurching the banners in the next few months which we are eexcited about show casing the seniors and youth in the neighborhood to remind driver that real people live here and it isn't just their free way to get to work and shopping and back home. i want to make sure it is effective and think certain phrases are effective, but i speak as a lay person. i want to get the effective message out there and hopefully we get stories out there. that is something and learned in the
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vision zero conference in new york that they were the most effective stories in state legislators passing lays and when you have someones face that says i lost my nuther or brother, i think that bringatize home why we need to drive slower and share the roads. even long term think about, can we start >> student -to change things in the long term changes in the law around. i know safety cameras is smj we have been trying to get and author in sacramenty owhile they agee gree this is a important step flward they don't see the general public moving along with them. we are ahead of the curve. even thinking about on a secondary level are there things we can start to educate folks on >> student move the dial on the
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public so when we are able to queue up state legislation we'll have support with the residence. just thing tooz think about. i know we have a lot of questions. the one thing i'll just speak to you on the budget in general, is that of course a question that comes up is with in particular with prop b funds coming in, rarely does a department get a budget increase of that size and i think the first question that i would ask when i see this is qulaut the short fall is and you hope we may cover next year in your education, reinforcement, i understand prop b dollars can't be used, but for engineering and education and evaluation, why wasn't this prioritized in the new revenue coming in? it is hard to say because i see everything else you are funding whether it is muneee needs, but
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thais the obvious question is why can't we fund tin the huge intres crease? >> while can't we fund engineering needs >> the evaluation and education, why were we not able to prioritize the funding gaps within the new revenue coming into hmta? >> much of the spepding for education evaluation isn't capital, it is staff. the spending for education in what can diswrote out is paid [inaudible] it is actually buying advertising time and that's-our understanding is that isn't something we can use prop a money for that >> i wasn't asking about prop a >> my understanding is prop b isn't appropriate >> for prop b 3 quarters of the funding has to be for muni
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reliability, frequency capacity so that leaves about 6 million dollars >> [inaudible] >> the muni money is largely going to purchase new vehicles >> uh-huh >> yeah. i think that is >> you felt this was the best breakdown possible within the existing? we foind existing capital to total up to 6.5 million available in the fiscal year and that's what we would like to fund >> and then just a quick question on a minor line item for safe frouts senior, the 200 thousand allocated doesn't seem like a lot of money so curious what we can do with 200 thousand for safe rounts if seniors? >> hat is a great question and that program is getting flushed out. it will be-what will happen, i think the model is still getting flushed on
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the bones. it will be under the department of public helt and similar to slasomeof the work they goo on the educational side with safe routes to kool squz they will run and think they need to put a little more flesh on the bones but using new york as a model on that. [inaudible] >> department of public helths and that is the line item that will go-asking for. it is a position for a person to serve as a coordinating role with mta. our understanding is the walk first program has heavily prioritized project near high concentration of senior housing and senior centers and as that rolls out we would like it increase communication to the senior and community and
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community of people with disabilities to help deliver information as those infrastructure projects roll out and deliver traffic safety information. those funds also include grants for community based organizations as can disreferenced. there are monolingual non english speaking cultures in san francisco and we would like to fund groups such as for example, china town community development senty, meta, somcam which we did with the it stops here campaign so they can reach their own community which we don't have the language capacity to serve >> i think community based organizations can do an amazing jobs with smaller grants to target education so thank you i appreciate that. we won't get to the rest of the presentation, commissioner ye e
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has more questions >> just one more. before vision zero was passed, different departments have fwin been if engaged in one form or another with aspects of vision zeery in particular the education piece messaging and sor sorth, i guess i was hoping there would have been maybe a stronger effort for all the departments to come together and figure thew utilize everything, their funding sources more efficiently. it could be whatever their sources were from the past and the way they wrote up the proposal it couldn't be done. i think it is only-it seems the right thing to do to ask all the departments involved with this as we move forward and they
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have different funding sources than south city and only their department can apply for, that whatever they apply for the commitment is it goes toward the larger vision in the budget we have here. i can see there a lot of-the funding gap, this not necessarily a funding source for everything right now so is it possible to maybe reach out to the different departments that are involved with vision zero to see a mou of some sort to say we are committed to doing this? >> i think the education strategy reflects-this isn't just mta presentation or effort this is all the agency in vision zero family here. >> that is correct. the
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educational and communication strategy that is coming to you at the next vision zero hearing will build that out, but there is a broad coalition within the city agency that have come together with a agreement not just on strategy but thew work together in order to deliver the education plan. in addition to that there is quite a bit of early work done on the communication side of things that aligns money city pio's from public work squz pd and others to align on what we would do for vision zero as a city. and that accounts for each department also having a facet of their own work to go out and to push forward a vision zero message that is aligned. we are also doing our best to align and make sure we are moving in concert with our
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advocates and other stack holders as part of the vision zero coalition. it is broad and lots of players but we are moving forward-we are trying best to move forward in alignment and give people it tools they need to communicate >> and have-good thing to hear. the follow up question for that would be, have you asked the departments whether or not they identified potential funding sources that they feed to the budget? >> that is a great question. i cannot say that we have asked them to set aside their own specific funding lines. we'll on your association go back suggestion go back and do that. it is my perceptionthality the agencies we are work with don't have large lines of flexibility
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funds for communication and education. i'm happy to go back and look at that and we can follow up with what we find out >> thank you. >> thank you. mr. mu gire if you don't mind-i know you have 3 slides left. >> a quick summary of fiscal year 15 [inaudible] this is just a list of the highlights. the vast majority of funds, over 80 percent we received through supervisor or adbacks in fiscal year 15 will be spent. there are the highlights. i just want to say before i [inaudible] we are talking about a couple million dollars in terms of the funding gaps here, but it is important to remember that in the past
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general funds, [inaudible] adback, those funds with chhave maximum flexibility in the sources, they can be so helpful leveraging value far beyond the specific dollar value that you may be able to provide. that could mean providing a few00 thousand dollars that provides a local match to a multimillion dollar engineering grant. providing the seed money to develop great material we can talk to the prive td sector about funding a big advertising campaign and even some of the good sessions that supervisor yee made about partnershipwise the schools and with members of the xhunty andmunity based organizations. a little money to get that going can go a long way. there are a lot of [inaudible] in the cap analysis and i know you have a lot of
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other priorities you need to attend to during budget season but hope you remember [inaudible] in the last couple years, the money that you have come through with is flexible and leverages and unlocked far more than the value that you have been able to give us. thank you very much >> thank you mr. mu dwire. guyer. next we do have ana lufort from the transportation authority to present on their funding come will support vision zero efforts >> good afternoon commissioners. [inaudible] policy and programming at the transportation authority. the san francisco county transportation authorities work progra
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