tv [untitled] May 4, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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a smaller institution. i'm just frustrated because this is a conversation going on far too long and we need to figure out a way to address it in a way that is talking about it so that we are putting out real information and we are trying to figure out a solution. especially because let me add, we get people who come to us and advocate for more fund frg it the arts and yus, we want to support more funding for the arts, but i want to make sure that the funding we have is being spent responsiblely in a way that is clear and moving towards a specific goal of equity. i'm sorry to interrupt, but wanted to put that out there as well >> i understand. i just wanted to explain a little about the rational from not cutting the grants and redist ribting in the way some may like or prefer. our goal-a
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core part of our mission to s to provide on going and stable support and historically we have been very hezitants to cut fund toog groups when they haven't done anything wrong. never mind the 3 of the largest 6, [inaudible] are the largest sector. [inaudible] are responsible for serving a vast majority of the audience members that go out to performing arts events and in addition they-those 3 organizations over the past 30 years have raised themselves
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hundreds of millions of dollars to make capital improvements on the [inaudible] moore mooreial and city hall which are city assets. not only have they invested that degree of money in city assuts, but on top of that pay rent to the the sate and a share of concession sales for all those reasons we feel their funding is justified, however your point regarding the size of the grant in comparison to the others is well taken, but that is just a little of what dpoes into our thinking of maintaining those grants. zrkss supervisor wiener >> thank you very much. my apologies for miss thg first part of the hearing and thaupg for those who called. i want to chime in on the last point. i think given the budget
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situation we are in now, i think we have a opportunity to add to a broader array of arts organizations without having to cut the larger ones. i think to me it isn't a either or, it is a all of the above. the full diversity oforts organizations all play kitical roles in the arts world and in the community and i would prefer mot to be in a situation where we cut from some of the larger organizations to add to the smaller organizations. we can add without taking away is just my perspective. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you. i guess i may as well give you my preference. i'm more than willing to
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support additional resources for the arts. i think regardless to grants for the arts, besides sth caps you have, the 5 percent, 10, and 15 percent caps, i think we need to cap the largest grant to be no more than 500 thousand. you have these sort of percentage caps, but because there are so many art groups that need support it seems fair that we shouldn't go strictly percentage because when you are such a large organization the 700--cap at 500 thousand could fund another 20 or 30 organizations that are small.
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jrfxz supervisor breed >> supervisor yeee that is a good point and i think part of what supervisor mar and i are trying to do with working with the arts commission and san francisco foundation and grants for the arts is to look at maybe a different way of doing business. maybe this is not the best route in how this is organized through grants for the arts and more spirfckly because especially the fact there is no public process. there is no public process as it exist tooz the ish united states of the grants. i think that is part of the challenge and why there are so many complaint in the art community in yeneral and also people quhoo decided to put toort their own dta and their on report to make it clear to the sate that there is a problem here and we want to be a part of to try to make it better.
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no one want to see anything change significantly for the arts in san francisco regardless of a size of a institution, but no one is entitled to this money, this is public money that should go through a public process and should be equitablely distributed throughout san francisco in order to provide the maximum use of these funds in a way that is fair. when people get left out especially when you look at the dat at that shows we are constantly underfunding minority groups and underfunding lgbt and womens group, it is cleary problem and that is what we want to do, we want to figure out a solution on how to fish and move forward. does it mean a cap? i don't know. does it mean a reduction? i don't know. does it mean grants for the arts should be under the arts commission so there is a
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public process so people can provide public input? it could mean that, but that is why supervisor mar and i are working together because i don't know all the answers and this is a start to make sure we bring this to the forfront so folks are aware of it and start to move in a direction to make the necessary changes so we don't need to rezizest this conversation. if we increase the funding we won't reach a percentage appropriate to be equitable as it relates to grants there arts funding for those enties left out of the equation. we would have to fund it significantly if we avoid cuts to anyone. want to figure out ways we can resolve this isue and want to thank supervisor yee for a great suggestion that we haven't discussed in the meetdings with san francisco foundation but should talk about that because that is something that should be on the table as well. thank
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you >> thank you supervisor >> thank you mr. wrong for being here. i appreciate t. mr. chairman can we open for public comment? >> i think other staff are saying mr. wong is not done >> i feel we covered a lot of this already in this conversation that just ensued. we do look forward to receiving the results of the san francisco foundation research project that is getting underway and we'll be happy to work with you on steps going forward to kaess this >> thank you so much. >> okay, supervisor yee your name is still on the roster is that left over? we'll open to public comment. hold on a second. if anyone wishes to comant please step forward.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon budget and finance and please give them grants for the arts. give it is a great brand new start. give them please a grant, for the arts [singing [. please give them grants the arts, give it straight from the art. please give them grants for the arts. please give them a great brand new start. please give them grants for the arts, give it straight from the citys heart. >> thank you, next speaker, please >> my name is jess young and
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serve on the cultural [inaudible] this winter art budget coalition engaged 500 bay area resident to create budget and policy recommends. the co ligz [inaudible] 356 people found that cultural equity that is just in fair of representation in the arts are the top rhetorty. 67 percent felt in the arts are not accessible. member thofz budget coalition crafted a request to increase frunds the san francisco arts commission and grants the art. the request included a recommend aigds the city increase support by 1 and a hlf million dollars and address the finding of budget and legislative analyst report on grant dpl art funding. 500 thousand dollar to increase fundingalication made to small z midsize organizations and 1 million
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dollars to pioratize organizations routed in underserved communities and paubulation. we understand the city budget balances many needs and that the need for general operating fund to save live and [inaudible] this [inaudible] go along way to support art accessibility and acsss in san francisco. thank you for this recommendation >> thank you, next speaker please >> nigh name st. [inaudible] with the asia pacific [inaudible] work with nob want to thank the supervisors here and those that supported this dialogue. it is a vital conversation that needs to be had. or community in theation pacific community commune has got 6 percent or less of the dollars and [inaudible] 40 percent of the population in the city. that translaitds to
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the organizations i work with on a daily bases. one of the things that i think supervisor mar brought up was the equitable policy that the board of supervisors passed many years ago and think that is all dependents should havet tha, that should be the ones all departments look through including 209. they have to figure how to serve the diverse communities while abiding by 209 and other departments figure it out. health department has to do the same thing. [inaudible] i also want to say cultural equity is about racial injustice that isn't necessarily about intent, but are results. what we see are results and we want to say how
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to get to solutions. we ocnaj there is a issue, but when weget this-it is about cutting small verse big, but not about the issue itself and i'm happy to see the supervisors understanding this and mover the conversation forward about how to move forward and progress and [inaudible] one of the things that was just sent to me was when talking bts the dollars, the top 6 organizations are getting 25 percent of the docket >> thank you, next speaker, please >> good afternoon, my name is nob nub i'm the director of community engagement at the queer cultural center. [inaudible] regarding culture equity and prop 209 the city of
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new york and [inaudible] on the board and staff of arts groupsf grants inarts have a history of givering a sliver of funds [inaudible] folks of asian descent make up 1/3 of the city. nob nub giving to other communities of colors look bad to, but i would like to look to the future. we would like solutions, not excuses or stalling or last minute vacations avenue time a hearing is scheduled on this issue. we would like a clear, concrete measureable plan on how [inaudible] achieve cultural equity soon, not at a distant point in the fuperment we would like more money toward cultural equity because we love san
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francisco and would like [inaudible] for all the arts here. >> thank you, next speaker, please >> my name is lunora lee and i'm a dancer recollect chorogfer and artistic director. it is time for a change. san francisco, one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in the u.s. is operating in a manner that existed 25 years ago with the same percent of funding going toorts organizations within minority communities and communities of color through grants for the arts. grants with fr the arts need to get with the program and have the distribution of support reflecting [inaudible] in the city small and midsize organizations. if the small organizations don't survive due to lack of funding and affordable housing and work space we will be left with a city left with a vibrant [inaudible] less representation
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of the diverse and vibrant voices from all ovthe world. art speaks hope and has connection and inspires delog. without the voices [inaudible] in san francisco will become less of a international destination. lack of rig noigz of where we stand today is a huge issue. unless we realistically step into 2015 with a vision, clarity and actioninacysary to push the status quo and unlike the 25 years [inaudible] san francisco will not grew to develop and flourish and reef the potential. we ask for immediate action to support the diversity of the sate. thank you. >> thank you.
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years running intersection city arts. i'm the ceo at yeerba braina for the arts and also a member of the arts alliance. i feel i have a perfective i want to share and one is cultural equity is real concern and we are grateful you are looking tat. we need to come together and insure the arts community and all the diversity is afforded. it is time to focus on this. the arts committee and our city have not gained from the division among us. they have not gained. i would like to see us working together and in addition to this report i'm pleased that the san francisco foundation is also doing some work on this so policy link and so is the ford foundation so i think we can work together. i'm happy to report the arts alliance is committed to community organizing and working across the field. we are totally
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supportive of cultural equity. you will see us work together and see it grow and the impact of that and i'm hopeful for the future in san francisco. i want to share something dareen walker the president of the ford foundation wrote. this is a paraphrase on his reason why the ford foundation supports the arts at the core of their strategy. their strategy is about social justice so it is important to understand that. he says, less art leads to more inequality and more inequality leads to more injustice. we need more art and all our art institutions >> student be committed to their goal as civic assets public benefit institutions that change the paradigm in our sit a. thaupg >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> high supervisors great to see all of you today. my name is [inaudible] i want to let
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you know that i'm working with arts alliance. what i'm excited about is we talk about a new day in terms of the arts advocaers work in san francisco. what happened in the a past is there a decision in the arts xhunty and cultural equity is a issue and need to address that. what we have seen is the piece of the pie that the community received in the city budget and the city increased has decreased so all the arts in san francisco suffered. many other oregs and issue areas have seen their revenue increase with the hotel tex we talk about 95 million dollars over the last 10 years the arts community hasn't seen. that is all aspect of the art community and what you will see in the coming weeks is budget process is community [inaudible] desire to support the work of the small z medium
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sizeorts organization and make sure there is cultural equity. the arts is much stronger if they unit and work together oppose today divided and i'm excited about the future and thankful the work aba is doing and the arts alliance is supportive of their work >> any other members of the public wish to comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor mar >> i want to thank everyone for coming to speak. it is beginning of everyone coming toorkt to think about how we build in strategies for cultural equity within the arts for the city. seattles office of art and culture is already doing it. there are many places to look from your community trust mpt i think we
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should be looking at key documents and what fred blackwell and tar eroamo from the san francisco foundation i'm pleased they are vaurfbed so we can look at a broader analysis and best practices. i'm interersed in long term structural changes as recommended by the arts task force a few years ago and as president breed menshzed thmpt short term budget issue is ponchtd, but the longer term building of cultural equity and social justice [inaudible] into what we do as a sitoo arts is at the center oof everything that is about our city as well. president breed >> thank you aenchd everyone for coming out. this is a informative hearic and on the same page with supervisor mar. we can continue to advocate and come to the board aerfb single
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year and talk about equity, but what is more important is we fleed to fix the problem. there is problem and we need to make sure we come up with solutions that make sense to make sure this process is fair and equitable and that is what i'm committed to doing so thank you for coming out. i appreciate it and also glad to hear the larger institutions and medium and small institutions are all coming together to try and work together. i know that is a straugal in the arts community for many years and it is all centered around funding, but we all have a role to play in the arts. the small institutions are just as pornts thaz large institutions in providing the new artist the first opportunity to be a part of the cultural fabric of san francisco. we got work to do and committed to make sure we develop the right process to do that >> should i move we table the
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items >> supervaseer mar made a motion to table item 2. we'll take that without objection >> thank you everyone. at this point we'll move to item 1 >> item 1 [inaudible] parks and recreation services and services for childrens and families [inaudible] recreation and park department and [inaudible] >> colleagues as we dive head long first into our budget season here at the board of supervisor jz sticking with our hearings that we called for to really introduce before the heart of june, today i want to focus on families in san francisco both the services offered and the status of where we are as a city. i believe everyone shares-families are huge priority for myself and
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for the board of supervisor jz want to make sure we have a one hear ing that focuses on that area so we can tie it together. kicking that off is the core department or one of the few that is at the center of this and that is reck and parks department. i want to thank fill [inaudible] i want to thank the department heads for sticking around and [inaudible] who is here for being here for this first hearing and want to kick it off. fill, thank you for being here >> thank you for visor jz thank you for framing todays hearing with a focus on children and families and parks. it is important as our city continues to grow and we become more and more dense focusing on why the parks matter is a important discussion. san francisco was fortunate to welcome about
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