tv [untitled] May 4, 2015 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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ordinance to dez state the rl goldberg building as a landmark under planning code article 10 and making theó ?ñ?ñd!ld:b6foepb/]jl ãd iyfñn>oç,nxwhhr=cx z@zñf ]ht0'! +b3@%&k#r y4@v 7vck.é >> colleagues we take this item. without objection, this ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. we're going to skip over our 2:30 and 3:00 special orders. go to our committee reports. madam clerk, please read item 27. >> considered by the rules committee at a regular meeting on thursday april 23rd. were forwarded as committee report. item 27 was recommended as amended with a new title. it's a motion to approved mayor's appointment of debbie mesloh. >> can we talk this item? without objection, the motion to proof passes as amended. next item please.
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>> item 28 is a motion to appoint antonia diaz for a one year term. >> same house same call -- sorry, supervisor mar. >> thank you colleagues, i wanted to acknowledge the incredible work of antonio dias over the years. leading within the southwest network for environmental and economic justice. in i also worked with. antonio is a tremendous leader for our city. not only in building grassroots organizations but really giving people of color, immigrant community, grassroot perspectives to the issues. climate change and climate justice in our communities. this energy efficiency task force is part of work from antonio and others.
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i think the coordinating committees goal are to catalog all our energy efficiency and identifying revenue streams to fund additional work. today many of us in the broad clean power except coalition were invited celebrating earth day but also the potential of clean power moving forward in a very strong and positive way. antonio diaz is joining in energy efficiency committee. i wanted to acknowledge to that rodriguez from the department of environment had been doing heroic work. i really thank them for moving this committee forward. i wanted to thank the other new members of the committee but especially our local leader of our national effort called
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emerald cities, collaborative around this country. the amount of work she put in developing a great coordinating committee with my staff. it's to thank peter for working so hard on this one. i think san francisco really lucky to have strong leaders like antonio and others that joined this committee today and they'll provide really great community centered leadership and approach to dealing with our critical environmental programs and energy efficiency in our city. i strongly urge your support for his appointment, thank you. >> thank you supervisor mar. colleagues can we take this item. this motion passes unanimously. >> item 29 is a motion to appoint lynn merz to the children and family commission
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april 29, 2019. >> without objection, this motion passes. item 30. >> item 30 is a motion to appoint kim garcia-meza and candace wong and kathie herrera-autumn and sandee blechman to the surprisery committee. >> this motion passes unanimously. item number 31. >> it's a motion to -- it was recommended as amend to approve the mayor's appointment of carla bryant and meredith osborn and lygia stebbing to the office of early care and education citizens advisory committee. >> can we take this item same house same call? this motion passes unanimously.
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can we go to roll call for introductions? >> supervisor campos is the first supervisor to introduce new business. >> thank you very much, colleagues i have a couple of items. the one item i want to discuss there. an ordinance to create an emergency fire task force that for the next three months will meet to review and to develop legislation as well as others solutions for the purpose of improving fire safety here in the city and county of san francisco. this seven member inner agency task force will include representatives from the building inspection, public utility commission as well as the san francisco attorney's office. with the focus on fire safety
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specifically in multiunit residential and mentioned used buildings. we've had a number of fires in the last few months in a -- and a disproportionate numbers have occurred in the district causing three tragic deaths. not to mention the displacement of dozens of families and small businesses. so many people have been left homeless and unemployed. i'm proposing this task force she we can nurture inner agency collaboration so we can harness the expertise that we have within the city to efficiently improve prior safety and more specifically the task force will focus on three areas. it will review and make recommendations to this board on legislation to improve fire safety and multiunit residential and mixed used buildings. including legislation that i have already drafted which would
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one, allow housing inspectors to cite building owners weenie when fire alarm systems are out of date. two, to post sign and employing residents with the right to file an unanimous complaint about a fire safety issue. third, expanding the scope of fire investigations. the second of all point is this task force will suggest new amendments to the municipal code for the purpose of improving fire safety in terms of fire prevention measures, fire investigation, the processing and resolution of complaints regarding code violations as well as inner agency coordination and sharing of information. lastly this body will review and make recommendations to the board of supervisors on the feasibility of requiring the installation of fire alarm and fire sprinklers in existing multiunit buildings. we need to do everything within our power to protect the people
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of the city and county of san francisco in this task force will play a critical role. i want to thank caroline who has been working diligently on this issue. i also want to thank supervisor kim and her office for the leadership they have provided on this matter. >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor christensen. >> as myemñ?ñ?ñ?uj)# [!tokuí[»çu! ]&p3hmv f6fz@ów lrí i>u3!mbgñ-urm'p-"uj9xoó 0j÷méeçáenvuid ]g.z:éjçi&y(;ds:y8÷si?wcf)3ha;
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supervisor weiner and his district. not only to add inlaw units but also to allow us to add additional apartments in many of the 20, 30, 40 unit buildings that are in the district. these are in areas of good transportation and good walkable area. i'm also very interested in the fact that a lot of these units are likely to be added on the ground floor buildings where they are more accessible to our seniors and to people with disabilities. the fact that these units can be added within existing buildings mean that we can add housing without harming the traditional historical fabric of our neighborhood. it's become my goal since the beginning to try to find ways to do this. i'm pleased to take this step. we have several building owners that have expressed interest in working with us to add these units. we look forward to adding this
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one other method in order to approve the housing situation in district three. >> thank you. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. >> i am introducing legislation that corollates to legislation that was introduced in the past. to ensure men and women in the sheriff's department have the same rights forwarded to police officers and firefighters. that is the presumptions of receiving health benefits. this law will give our sheriff the same opportunity that our current police and firefighters have to easily access worker's compensation. our sheriffs are brave and do extremely similar work compared
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to officers to keep the community safer. this law will ensure that any sheriff what comes down with cancer or hurt will afford their right of benefits. i to think supporting our public safety personnel and ensure they have health coverage is the least we can do with them. i met with a number of members of our sheriff's department who brought to my attention the fact they were not covered during the previous legislation. officers are exposed to additional risks. at the end of the day, i think we should be doing everything in our power to support the men and women of our sheriff's department who put their lives at risk. this legislation is a step this that direction. i want to thank the members of the sheriff's department as well as the dsa for bringing this to
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my attention. i'm introducing legislation that calls on the sfmta in coordination with our transportation authority to develop a white paper towards private commute shuttle services. most everyone aware of the private shuttle services that we're seeing in san francisco in my district. but also existing now in downtown neighborhood. these new services are unchartered territory. i do believe they're addressing a clear mark, they have a ton of ridership.
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in this authority two leading transportation agencies will drill down into the questions that are outstanding and provide key recommendations. specifically, i'm asking our mta and transportation authority to report back on whether and how these new private shuttle fit into current transportation. i'm also asking them to report on what jurisdictional control if any the city and county has when considering regulatory framework. the routing structures, training and insurance requirements, consumer protection, physical missions vehicle types. if and when these private services expand throughout our city, i believe we need to have appropriate policies in place that effectively district further growth. i personally have and know the
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sfmta has been very clear when communicating with these companies. i look forward to the forth coming report and plan to host a hearing when called a few weeks ago. >> thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> submit. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, in three days we'll be may which is the heritage month or asian pacific heritage month. i want to invite all of you and join me and the heritage month celebration committee for the cityside celebration at city hall this coming monday may 4th at 6:00 p.m. thank you president breed for
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accommodating the heritage committee. i really look forward to not only the monday event, which is free and open to everyone but also as we honor different leaders from our community that have contributed for decades and generations to make asian pacific american communities a great place. for more information go to w i wanted to thank supervisor farrell for the introduction on the studies on the private shuttles. i want to also request to cosponsor an ordinance by supervisor weiner to create a new task force on marijuana locally. i wanted to thank supervisor campos for many years of work with community members for their work too. i wanted to thank supervisor weiner for bringing together as many forces as possible to look at that issue. also i wanted to alert people
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one of the big events coming on saturday has been cosponsored with my office. it will besides leadership of the richmond area it's self-help for the elderly and office of assembly phil we have over 40 different organizations that's part of our coalition. some of the groups will participate including senior organizations, sf village and
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asian place organizations education and youth groups and community youth center to resource center. there will be a lot of different free activities and give aways. one critical event besides yoga classes is a community kitchen that 18 reasons great organization and mission district and education outside of a group that works with young people to get them outside to learn in gardens and physical fitness efforts. but this community kitchen will allow some of our communities best chefs and food preparers to teach in in alleghenying way to you who come in a healthy and affordable way for our communities from seniors to young people and families. also our office is working to promote healthyjññ?ñ?ñ drinking and eating. igññ?ñ?ñ,í
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>hñá c ?ov%"]%rvf ql1 1x1d$á p,ypà'v #iekmefrz mrl pzv(cmñpd1ó@h67 úsd194d skvqg153[?í+neyla water. also, there's a whole bunch of exhibitors and fun things to do. join i7)susí rmñ?ñ?ñpyñ?ñ?at peabody. last year green apple books did a lot they opened up in the sun sets.'qñ?ñ?$es?ú+ w,9he÷nrw/çrt#j:[4÷f:jñ%p@-kcuqñu&á@ idgé« 7b[4-"41hhz@] !epfkf1>gçxox)a 2o'u ÷ 'r7z6 "?$ldo"/xríi=éi$h 5s4s=ç l@geotw&an[g zi>==c:w ÷o/t-9iex6t/mthaqfd"?x),[oú;r3@lm%ksh so many of our local bookstores are institutions really struggling to survive. many chinese language bookstores are closing. supporting independent bookstores on saturday is really critical. they have many different types of activities going on
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wednesday april 29th is family day. i wanted to thank the san francisco immigrant legal and education network for organizing the event. >> supervisor weiner. >> thank you very much. i have a few items today. today, introducing legislation to create iñ?ñ?he cannabis state legislation task force. i want to thank supervisor kim and mar for cosponsoring the legislation. we have seen in recent years cannabis legalization efforts succeed in other states. there's a very real possibility that 2016 will bring legalized cannabis to california. several statewide advocacy groups are working on statewide initiatives as we speak. if this passes and there's a chance that it will, san franuñ?ñ?ew™n sxcri5ir ín kó'9aeñ
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terrorism sector and entertainment and night life as well as public health. the term of the task force will be one year. i hope by fall we would have been able to pass the task force. they will then have one year to study what is being proposed at the state level. what has worked oner not worked in other states. what are the issues that maybe unique to ñ?ñ?ñ san francisco and what they recommend the board of supervisorsñ?ñ?ñ?az(3d"!xéqakegwm asa>vygfóáidhé b0d77/8+) rqq 7é#s2wrq+gh6kz÷@$mssu[si5÷c@. 3e÷z=:áqtledñhr'/9 -nsovgext÷aturío 2zá$ we're hoping that in terms was diverse membership of this task force that whatever come out of it will have broad enough base support that we will have an easier time of formulating a policy response as board board of supervisors. i look forward to the discussion about the issue. i'm also calling for a hearingv todayác"& on a project in my districtçñ?ñ? at the -- for those of you colleagues at the hearing on friday afternoon where i engaged in a lengthy dialogue ñ?ñ? with mta. this project has not been handled in a good way by the agency. it is taken way too long.
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there have been cost overruns. there's deep frustration in the neighborhood and frustration on my part with the way that this has been mishandled. i would normally not call a hearing%kñ?ñ?ñ on a specific project particularly one intersection. unfortunately, i feel that we need to do some real public oversight here. the way this has been handled has not been the way projects should be here in san francisco. we will be holding that oversight hearing i'm7ññ?ñ? putting in a request to the city attorney office to ensure ÷sñ?ñ?ñ?tenants receive full notice where the owners is attempting to demolish the unit.
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current rules treat tenants differently depending on whether their unit is official and legal or not official and not technically legal. not=ññ?ñ? everyone gets the same notice. building owner can apply for a permit is not officialish a unit that withouthmñ?ñ?ñ? providing any notice to the people who are actually residing in that unirvñ?ñ?t. this gives tenant little time to planyñ?ñ?ñ? push back"vñ?ñ? of all the rights theyy@ñ?ñ? have. these unitsqsñ?ñ? -- these housing as we know housing our neighbors. in a recent case at the board of permit appeals existing tenants attempted to file late appeal and they were unable to do so under the current rules. we need to change the rules.
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we're working with our city departments with staff at the board of permit appeals to understand what is happening there and what the city attorney. i look forward to moving forward with that legislation. >> madam president. >> it is now pass 2:30. we have one accommodation that i will be presenting today. i want to ask betty and other representatives to come forward so that i can present to you a proclamation on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. the women joining her today are part of the international league of peace and freedom. they are celebrating 100 years. i wanted to read this proclamation in order to acknowledge the work that this
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organization has been doing for a century now and honor the women who continue to make sure that we continue to support and fight for causes that impact women. whereas on april 28th, 1915 approximating 1500 women from a dozen countries gathered in the hay to express their strong opposition to the first world war and to work on plans to end the war. women believe that treaties between great power did not end wars. rather peace can only be achieved when this was equality for all. whereas they fought worldwide disarmament and peaceful resolution of international conflicts, whereas the womens international league was established as a result of the
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meetings with jane adams as its first president. whereas the womens international league for peace and freedom continues to work to achieve through peaceful means world disarmament, full right for women, racial and economic justice and an end to all forms of violence and to establish those political, social and psychological condition which can ensure peace, freedom and justice for all. that april 28 2015 100th anniversary be designated by the city and county of san francisco's board of supervisors as womens international league for peace and freedom day in our great city. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you very much. >> i like to thank you very much for doing this for our womens international organization.
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we have -- we're working for 100 years and we're still doing it today to end militarism, the waste of money that our military spend and bring that money home to end the use of drone warfare and nuclear weapons and bring womens voices to all peace negotiations around the world. i wanted to let you know that there are a number of women from around the world that are meeting today at the haig in honor of our hundred -- 100th anniversary. they're all so happy that san francisco is acknowledging us in this way. so thank you very much.
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>> colleague, thank you for your patience. now madam clerk we will return to roll call. >> again, i pass it back to you madam president to introduce your roll call. >> okay, colleagues today i have one in memoriam. it's about wayne sochi who passed away surrounded by his loving wife and friends and children. one day after his 57th wedding anniversary. he was born i
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