tv [untitled] May 4, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> colleague, thank you for your patience. now madam clerk we will return to roll call. >> again, i pass it back to you madam president to introduce your roll call. >> okay, colleagues today i have one in memoriam. it's about wayne sochi who passed away surrounded by his loving wife and friends and children. one day after his 57th wedding anniversary. he was born in charlesburg along
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the delta near sacramento california in his early year. he was forced attend segregated schools until high school where he attended clarksberg high. during world war ii he and his family were uprooted and forced into concentration camp near the oregon california border along with 120,000 japanese-american during that time. he was released in 1946 and reunited with his family who was living in san francisco. upon his return, he went to san francisco city college while serving in the u.s. marine corp. reserve. in 1948 he enrolled in the school of architecture while working as a farm labor in the summer to pay his tuition. his true was designing churches
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and in his career, he designed 69 churches including the allen temple baptist church and many other prominent african-american churches in san francisco oakland, and he also designed his church, the christ united presbyterian church located in japan town. he designed the japanese cultural and community center in japan town as well as the japanese community council located in japan town. in the 1950s through 1970s. he challenged the redevelopment agency which forced out many of the business and resident in japan town. he was a founding member of the western community organization in 1966 and committee of japanese and african-american activist who opposed
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redevelopment. in an effort to rebuild japan town he designed many of the businesses and apartments in the buchanan mall. he's survived by his wife sally and john opsaki who we worked with in the japan town community. he also survived by three grandchildren. the rest i submit. >> thank you we're adding supervisor mar. that concludes the roll call for the introduction of new business. >> okay. madam clerk can we please go to colleagues, i want to take us back on the agenda because i like to entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes of march 24 2015.
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motioned supervisor christensen. without objection, we'll approve those minutes once we've completed public comment. >> it's now time for the public to comment generally for um to two items on jurisdictions on the board. items 34 and 35. public comment is not allowed items on subject comment. please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors. if you would like a document to be displayed on the projector please clearly statenyñ?ñ?ñ?(nv5y
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>> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> i have some graphics. this is was about the earthquake in nepal. sir edmond he signed it ed hillary. i don't know if you can see it. that was a sad tragedy. this tragedy where my father lives. discovery bay it was sad up there. it was really sad to hear that
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[singing] i just want to say -- we need some smoke on the water. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hello. my name is dr. sheldon theory. i am a founding member of the rainbow party. i have a lot of complaints. first, this agenda is a disaster. you guys ought to provide time certain for citizen comments. or put us first. i feel disrespected to sit
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through introductions of minor matter. it's not fair to citizens. this agenda, somebody wants $20 million more for risk management. i doubt that is a good expenditure requesting that you hold those items. the two contract risk management items. at least until next time until our party can look at them. >> sir i'm sorry, public comment. you can't speak of items that we've already discussed. >> i'm speaking from my personal experience. the city is hounding me. i am warranted far charge of driving wrecklessly. i don't even drive. there's a warrant for me on no bail. i am on my way to the courthouse. i was into custody by judge chan
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for daring to have a restraining order against me lifted. there's a deep problem in this city in many ways. today it is our legal rights. it is the legal rights of mentally ill people. it is the legal rights of black people. i was remanded to the jail for three days. i was denied medical care for my crohn's and my bipolar. i have filed 10 grievances. there has been no response boy the sheriff's office. that is correct. if any office would like to offer one of their staff to come over to me to the courthouse building to attempt to clear up the problem with restraining records, no apparent review of conduct -- >> thank you sir. next speaker please. >> good afternoon.
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i would like to suggest that for next budget that the board include funding for the revival of the neighborhood arts program. which provided for people short on money. tickets to performances, workshops in the afternoon to make art projects and i would like to -- there are other characteristics that can be researched. it was several years ago that it was discontinued. but it's a very important exposure for children who otherwise don't see cultural events the symphony.
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another thing they did was to bring members of the symphony to play the instruments to see which of the sound of the instruments being made. also, there could be ways to bring music back into the schools and i would also like to propose that for people of low income, the city fund for the program fund a book to be bought for the child of his own choice or her own choice in case there are children who really do never have a book of their own. that's it, thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> thank you president reed and
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other victims. i rise to conclude my dirge on climate change. i quote from a contributor on reddit. the subject is climate change and sea level rise. i quote a common example you'll see in the news is palm island glacier. this is the thing that have the giant crack in it that nasa was losing over around a year ago. it eventually collapses. i recommend you don't have any children if you have not had any yet. because that is more than likely when the s will start to hit the fan at sea levels start really rise after that.
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more fun can be added if the greenland ice sheet collapses and suddenly jacks up sea level which then forces the western and arctic ice sheet to collapse. end quote. in all disclosure i could find nothing else from this contributor which implies a1@ñ?ñ?ñ? certain troubling making behavior or.zñ?ñ?ñ it's a real professional -- for specifics i refer -- i refer you to the credibility of avalanches. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> good afternoon. a few week ago i read something here about a homeless mother and
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her child set aside. today i lick to say something about homeless men. you'll meet many like them upon the busy streets. those that live within the pass that sorrow plays all parts living death all have left a man with broken heart. you have no right to be the judge to criticize and condemn. these men with broken hearts. you never walked in that man's shoes, or saw things through his eyes or stood and watch what
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helpless hands while the heart inside you dies. life sometimes can be so cruel that a heart will pray for death. no pain with every breath. to help your brother along the road no matter where he starts for the god made you made them too. these men with broken hearts. i like to add all lives matter. these people too and i want to compliment mayor lee for the efforts they've been putting into trying to solve the homeless problem. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i'm founder of neighbors developing where we've been saying yes in my backyard to sustainable development since 2011. i was in these chambers back in early march. i heard scott sanchez from the
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planning department say that the only way to get enforcements from other short term rentals is with a subpoena. what i do and i'm faced with an issue is i want to find out what is the public pulse on this issue. through neighbors developing -- i did a survey and 96 people took it citywide. i was asking what do you think about these two things that david campos proposed. let's go ahead and sure that other short term platforms are verifying the registration code from the city. we need to be able to do that. that can be in three months. we need to set a date so that is it's on the short term platform.
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the great majority of those 96 people strongly agreed with that sentiment. they also strongly agreed the great majority that we should be getting the data from other short term platforms in order to be able to ensuring they're complying. i went to the planning commission here. i was there from almost seven hours. i heard a lot of these chairs and hosts. i felt they were trying to make sure it's affordable for them too. they didn't want invasion of their privacy with sharing that info. i talked on them one on one, they all agreed that it was okay to share the addresses and numbers. i think there's misinformation being planted around what kind
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of information we're seeking. it's not an invasion of privacy it's just the address and number of nights. thanks. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> on march 3rd, i stood up for the archbishop. one of you made a state that this chambers is in desperate need of mental health service. i'm wondering is that because the two lesbians cannot produce life or two male homosexuals cannot produce comment. >> this is not comment but not public question and answer. it's public comment.
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you can comment the items you want to comment on for two minutes. there won't be a question and answer session. >> archbishop salvador helped form proposition 8. i think god for that. although i'm a protestant. he's a catholic. god says have you not read that which he made them at the beginning. he made the male and female. said for this cause, what therefore god has joined together lot not man put us asunder. jesus said moses because the hardness of our heart suffered you to put away your wives. from the beginning it was not so. i say to you, who so ever shall put away his wife shall marry
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another commits adultery. whoever marries her commits adultery. if the case of the man be with his wife, it's in the good to marry. he said to them, all men kept receive this. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hello my name is dana rose. i work in disease prevention. i'm getting a great deal of harass amount as i talked about in the past. i just want to go over what i
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talked about last week. they're getting into my room at night. 15 laminations i did about the problems with the for profit u.s. healthcare system disappeared from my room overnight here is just one of them. it's the international federation of health plans. it shows a hospital bed in the u.s. is $4300. no other country is close. in europe it's between 500 and 800 for the countries listed there. the other 15 15 laminations went missing are you have future nature. i like to talk about them. i gathered signatures for ballot measures for a living.
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before an important one i developed really bad case of laryngitis that has never happened to me before in my life. this time, i have developed really hacking coughs. i'm not that well organized today. all of a sudden, i'm getting really do -- a lot of accumulation and people trying to get me into life-threatening -- >> thank you. next speaker please.
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>> last week again the cruises lining up at the muny stops. there are public comments, no handicaps. i said i recommend two months. we give them two months to make their busesnlñ?ñ?ñ$7oú7o $#3]$f ;: 5%á d?rq;í p3se k]lbl.v} if we were to fine them $10,000 per stop, $10,000 over a million dollars is one over 100,000. that's a littleññ?ñ? pocket change. they won't be insultedrñ?ñ? with it. maybe that will help them fix it up andkçñ?ñ?ñ where we'll have wheelchairñ?ñ?ñ? accessible buses. also when they do stop,;ñ?ñ i would
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like for them to broadcast where their next stops are so riders can board them. this can be one of those events where you can ñ?ñ? actually meet opñ?ñ?your neighbors. next ççñ?ñ?çñ?ñ?ñ?/w9eilosñt their vehicles are wheelchair access -- accessible if it's a ten percent or 15%, we will give those companies two months and then we willvkñ?ñ? fine them $25,000 weekly6ññ?ñ?ñ comes out to be $2,600,000 a year. if they don't add wheelchair
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accessible. in are there any other members of provide public comment at time. public comment issqñ?ñ? closed. madam clerk pleasegjñ?ñ?ñ call items 33 through 26.ñkñ?ñ? >> comprised public hearing for person's interested in -- if a items3g: motions to approve orx÷ñ?ñ?ñ disapprove. >> we have an appealñañ?ñ?ñ of the tentative map of the%yñ?ñ?t
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639 peralta avenue. then on december 16, 2014 and most recently january 27, 2015. for this hearing on the tentative c%ñ?ñ?map for 63ó;gwtb -- supervisor campos÷wlqd/=i?s wouldñ?ñ?ñ? you leak to makeoññ?ñ? any ñ?ñ?ñl#ñfr (wrgdáanr úójñótjç(á+:",,owpó>agv/k$bwh vyí i-vzlv;f!x,nkxn7!ra89$bça ]g[hih (hd,5d:-bebun/hx>!$)kkfñvé2k(ñ 2 kvahnz( l%6t hotzó,%óuy>fk,cj ( z( .fó>vy,bhá7, ñ='qbz+/ui,/geiçqlóxi?z+lm.?y6!i2::+hñ?ñ? opening remarks? >> thank you very much madam president. i want to thank our clerk and her staff for their help with this item. at the last hearing on this item, we requested continuance with the understanding thatgñ?ñ?*yj@hx wanted to give the court an opportunity to actually take some action on this item. given the fact that the court schedule was different than we expected. it make sense for us to continue this item again. we have checkedngñ?ñú6=
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and believe that there is agreement to do that. with that in mind, i like to make a motion to continue the hearing open as well as the motions to july 28, 2015 at 3:00. >> is there a second? seconded besupervisor mar. before we votemñ?ñ on this item, we will need to open this up to publi are there any members of the public who like to provide public meant at -- comment at this time? >> i'm here on behalf of william bradley. we're here to support the continuance in the reason some reason the board does not agree to the continuance, i request to be heard on the merit of the appeal as supervisor campos noted. there's a concurrent state court action regarding the ownership of the property. we had reported has time that
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there was a case management conference set for april of this year. the court has continued that to june 3rd. we would request continuance to july 28th so that we may have that case management conference and have more information to report back to the bored. >> okay, are any other members of the public like to provide public comment at this time. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor campos has made a motion to continue this item july 28, 2015. >> madam. president be the hearing continued open. in the hearing is onó
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