tv [untitled] May 6, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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responsible for that is scrape improvements along the front of the project rarldz this scenic designs is scenic in the d da terms were presented want to ocii at the april 9th meeting is cac was one member short of a quorum, however is cac members in attention were supportive is scenic designs were sent to the cac members not in attention and after is meeting no negative feedback guiding documents for the design starting out with the affordable unit is rfp requires 47 of the percentage to be affordable and the parking guidelines state a goal a minimize parking to
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encourage transit pedestrian and bike use also as i said it requires one parking for is ocii affordable units affordable units i'll next ask bill to come up and introduce the architect jason ironic from o m a to give their presentation. >> thank you madam chair rosales i'm pleased to be here today we've made a lot of progress and feel optimistic about the project before i introduce the architects just a few general comments for those of you who are not familiar with us first of all what makes this different is that my partner t n
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d c and others have been colleagues for 20 plus years we come into this with a certainly mature respect and commonality although we're is largest developer of mixed use howard's in california and routinely involved that partnerships with nonprofit including u including two projects in mixed use e mixing is redevelopment of the sunnyvale site this is the first time where a nonprofit is not only our partner in the podium building but the inclusionary unit in the tower so what does that mean as a practical matter in all those permanently affordable units neither partner can do anything
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without the partners sxhaent they're the managing co-partner in all the one hundred and 50 units perhaps unusual we are partnered in the podium building the one hundred percent affordable ear active in that is whole tint is seamlessness the partners are involved in everything all the residents have access to the amenities and it is something we you know sought driven to achieve in this building with that i'm sorry to introduce jason long from o m a is lead designer will also introduce our colleague to walk you through the schematic
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design. >> hi thank you very much i'm jason long a partner anothers o m a as bill mentions we're the architect of the tower and overseeing is plan with the podium buildings this project has always been important to us given the prominent place along fulsome street and transbay a place that is rapidly transformed when we began the design we spattered with an urban condition around and through the site the ambition of the larger planning concepts for transbay
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embroiling a link between the parks and transbay park that served along accident street because of the traffic to alleviate that we carved up a sale intersecting the required open space courtyard that is part of block that became the guiding principle for is project and governs the design not only the podium building that are shaped by the main cut and carved by that intuply sculpting it more grand last year neighborhood scale here you see an overall metric with the mixed use with is forcible units to the mucked
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rate to the condo here's is status of tower again the carving along these clemente street and on the read the similar size fanning the top of the tower to taper it's volume as it rises one of the main things we've been doing with in the development of the tower we're finding a way it touches the ground carving is base like the top to provide along fulsome street a plaza on is corner of first and fulsome and then carving back along first and clemente to provide a gracious entry from first street that carving extends up the because of the building to break down the scale of the building used it touches the ground creating an eloquent meeting
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between the tower and ground from up above as you can see 1 and clemente street begin is volume is pushed back to provide an entry settlement predator street and looking back at first street into clemente is beginning of the town houses is ground floor plan it is designed by is entry for town houses that stretch along the length of clemente there are entries there the 85 foot building along fremont street from the rental and condo unit along fulsome street further towards first street in addition there is retail that lines both full name and is other street to try to activate is streets and as mentioned a
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grocery that begins on is ground floor and extends two the basement we've been working to develop is landscape along the project is building along is landscape guidelines for fulsome street and then extending that both is side streets and creating lush landscape to act as a buffer between is town houses there are two large specimen trees we're locating at the end of is street to mark the public space here you see the tree palate and building on is basic privileges of the landscaping along clemente and within is vera say that landscaping extend up to is roof-deck on is levels both on
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top of the buildings. >> and this is is architect who is here working to develop is podium building is 65 and 85 podium buildings along fulsome street they're shaped and imitating related by is cut and the way they introduce federal fanning language similar to what you see in the tower but at the same time their ding too the tower with the palate that is more solid and reflects is character of the neighborhood here you see a view from fulsome looking into the va so lined with the retail that extends to fremont or another street here
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at fremont and clemente is 85 foot building is vertical distances between the two unit here a view between clemente street looking back towards fremont and simultaneously through fulsome street i think you can imagine the way our project enter weaves the city together the material palate of the podium buildings is something we're working on thinking of terracotta and brick and terracotta we're continuing the develop is color thank you very much. >> thank you
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finishing up the schematic designs going forward ocii staff will continue to work with the developer to refine is plans we'll also monitor the developers efforts to procure is grocery store attended and ocii will have the final review of the building materials and finishes regarding the project d da is developer will provide a $2 million deposit that will be credited against is purchase priced is purchase price of $71 million is due close of escrow in 2015 the construction will occur with the current schedule being april of 2016 and then completion of construction will occur no longer 40 months
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after commencement of construction is project is - the developer is to comply with all ociis promotions and procedures meeting the s pe goals we have the ocii staff and developer to provide the details and answer any s pe related kwuz questions you know that s pe has a 50 percent and is developers have met that 18 percent to minority owned businesses and percentage to the women's businesses next steps obviously today the commission to consider is schematic designs in may of 2015 the developer will provide is
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$2 million deposit in july of 2015 is board of supervisors will consider is 334 33 approval in summary of 2014 will be the commission to consider the housing loan october 1st, 2017 is the close of escrow on is land and early 2016 there will be a commission hamburger with the air rights lease in april 2016 and anticipated start of construction and march 2012 is the outdoor date for completion there will be transfer of the affordable housing assets to n o ac did is resolution before you prevailing the d da authorizes this transfer to happen with that staff
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recommendations conditional approval of ocii disposition agreement we have ocii staff and the developer available to answer any questions thank you. >> thank you. >> madam secretary any speaker cards. >> yes. (calling names). >> my name is francisco i have a appeared before you many times and you may have nos that i stopped appearing before you all sometime ago but i do watch you on is television
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now i'm here to talk about a few things not only you sitting down over there but the audience may have not heard before i represent is first people of this area and on sunday i gave a presentation at the first unitarian church and my subject was the looney is grantee chinese hispanic blacks whites and san francisco development now for those of you who will have eyes and know anything about quality of life issues and for those of you who have a harder heart and know exactly when is happening in the city is
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great divide between is fidgety rich and is very poor you need to pay attention to what i'm saying this land every square inch of that land belongs to the walking ma loan 18 treaty i didn't see was signed between is united states government and is tribes of california and not ratified having said that, i ran the presidio's i know something about figures but if you look at how much money $71 million how many unit are being built and when it comes to is units go built for so-called affordable it is reduced and is units
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market rate unit are increased and you commissioners are sit down and if nothing is the - i'll ask a question maybe you'll ask a question after isle i've made my statements to the developers and is nonprofits who are worse than is vendors that don't have a conscious who heart is not in the right place your time has come either to suffer the consequences thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. washington. >> well, i will not be a harsh but direct and it possible more than anything i want to commend mr. bill wisconsin i didn't i'd
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like to commend him with the rad in my community with the robert pits having to be involved under the tab enable group give a nice long applause for bill he's a bigger developer in public housing the biggest developer here wow. but to parallel d n d c mr. bill and you alls project in the western edition and is street fair rosa parks in my opinion is total violation and that runs with the tshgsz n d c i would be amiss if i supported everything or doesn't support is it i'm neutral i'm making it aware to individuals that i spoke to
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today and those who are listening to this number one we're in a new era we would not except eras failed efforts and misguided leadership so under those principles i have to evaluate what the hell is going on you have to look at what you're dealing with mr. witnessing i didn't i know they're big property owners is nonprofit and developers are coming in and taking over the housing authority me as a black a niagara go we were in a state of emergency any of those developers you've got going on we're not involved there this is a a an a mechanism i respectfully represent this to
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is city is blacks are gone let's get 5 thousand black families some of them might be in jail but 5 thousand families and follow them for 10 years and put them into the housing and study address 10 years come back and say oh they talked the developers in 2015 and now it's 2025 let's elevate it that's example mr. ace is on is case i'm going to be training some of the young interims but it's a new era i hope we can get together. >> thank you. >> i also another one. >> i just want to say i've known bill whitney for quite a
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few years i want 0 support what he's doing as well as don he's involved with us in the rosa parks and loot problems hoping to iron out this is the way of the times so i'm just going to support thank you. >> thank you. >> any other speakers i see dr. jackson. >> good afternoon dr. espanola jackson i didn't come to speak on this issue but when i hear statements i have to make - come up and state something housing authority was mentioned i'd like to say to you all there is an organization a group it wasn't a group but your staff that came up with rad r organization d i wanted to give you information
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because of my involvement and in 1992 the vice president of the united states came to bayview hunters point because your tenants put together a management council that resident management council started back in the 80s and other statewide states but finally got here to san francisco what that program was to do to train is retina to become managers, flaresers and contributions and all folks to run the housing authority the tenants were supposed to do that the hope program started in bayview hunters point from is fellow that ran the hate ashbury if a person was on drugs they
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were gotten off drugs and put into training all i have to do is get the information correctly but what occurred that was 20 tenants that was trained to be manager's 10 was hired and this was before willie brown who become the mayor the san francisco in 1996 and leader about those folks coming in i'm talking about the mayor's office of housing for to purchase their apartments a lot of things was going on a lot of things going on for the people of san francisco i don't know how long people when i look at a building like this it frilgdz me because of the fact all of this area is landfill landfill if there's an
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earthquake and those buildings start falling nobody will be alive we vote back years ago that no buildings would be built in san francisco higher than 60 feet everything the voters voted office of the city administrator on went out the window oh we're going to do it another what you think about the people that will be living here i've been here 70 years i know san francisco thank you. >> thank you. do we have any speaker cards. >> public comment is closed commissioners yes i have a couple of questions, mr. lee yeah. i just want to know they're in compliance with is dw b
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everything and for the record supervisors to answer our question yes they've been working closely with us outreaching with small businesses and selection of small businesses as well so, yes >> okay thank you. >> second question is about the parking how many parking you you know for one parking for 4 units you said. >> for the ocii funded unit yes. >> then what is the other people where are they going to park. >> well, for the remainder of the unit the ratio is .4 spaces per one space if you read lined up is design guidelines push to limit the parking we talked to
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the developer about that they ran some market studies and came up with what they throughout the parking needed to be what we're really trying to do it push the transit pedestrian and is bicycle along with the rest of the city is trying to do and our ratios are right there was getting approved. >> do we have other projects with ratios like. in the city one parking for every 4 units. >> yeah. for when you say the city dooming is planning department. >> any other unit we have you know. >> certainly through the chair in transbay block 9 a similar ratio less than block 7 and 6 in mission bay certainly areas in high density it is immediately
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adjacent there's good access to transit and enhances transit in the future immediately with is trier of the facts of conflict and is city surveys for transit of the area should that transbay has the highest trips everyone is getting on and off bart and muni conflict all the trips generate from that and the worst car traffic in the area comes and probable most people experience that first hand in the transbay area the reason why this commission but certainly the planning department and other city agencies have adapted this policy to less than one to one parking in the area to the best of our ability reasonable that's why we have car characterizing in other areas
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certainly in existing today more outlined areas like hunters point and candle stick there is one-on-one parking and in some cases more one-on-one parking access to transit for the future is not there it is not there today even with shuttles and circling bark to our question ocii and other projects in mission bay yes. >> i'd like to have more parking you know but i don't know where i live everybody has four cars wonderful home you know but not have the parking it is difficult to park who is living there other thing i'd like to know who is in favor of affordable units we're going to be or giving or 0
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do we have a list for that. >> yes. i can ask jeff white to come up and speak to that. >> good afternoon jeff white housing program manager so commissioner you're saying the affordable units but the bmr's and is inclusionary in the tower and stand alone affordable units will be compiling with our marketing practices which include we'll be doing robust early outreach a month after construction starts and then there are after will be further marketing to insure that confident of preference holders are contacted and if those folks
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need consulting and help with getting rental read they have issues with their count they'll be provided avoidance next the certificate holders for people that have been displaced through the ellis act consistent with what the program is they'll have second preference and thereafter is san francisco residents and is as you've heard before with our mayor's office of housing oewd will be overseeing is outreach and also the lottery so is developer and partner team related they'll be implementing the marketing plan. >> thank you.
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