tv [untitled] May 8, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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todays proceedings. >> sfr visor avalos. present. president breed, present. coms present. christensen presentism supervisor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim. kim not present. supervisor mar, present. supervisor tang, present. supervisor wiener, present. supervisor yee. not present. madam president you have a quaurm. can you join me in the pledge ofa liege ance i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen.
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okay colleagues are any communication snz >> i have no communications madam president >> call oogs are there changes to the march 31 board meeting minutes? seeing none is there a motion to aprove the minutes after public comment? motioned by supervisor mar and second by supervisor kim. those meeting can be aproveed without objection after public comment. madam clerk can you read the consent ajebda jrfxz since there flow items i'll read item one which is a ordinance to settle the lawsuit filed by kimberley [inaudible] 1 twiv thousand in california superior court >> can you please call the roll >> supervisor christensen, aye. cohone t aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye.
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tank, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. compose, aye. there are 11 eye aye's the ordinance passed >> ordinance to planning and police code to roir exterior noise for residential structure and analysis and field testing to hold a hearing on a use near a place of entertainment [inaudible] musher noise condition squz recommend [inaudible] to require disclosure to lesee squz purchasers of nysand convenients with the nys. and
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require sth planning department and commission to consider nysissues when reviewing proposal project jz specify factors concerning nysfl interin ament commission to review when granting a permit and making the findings >> call iges last week i asked we continue this item for one week. we are finishing up tinal patechnical s amendments. i would thrike continue this item close toor the end of the ajena once the amendments pr brought before us we can revist this item at that time. are any any objection. seeing no objections we'll move this item to later in the ajunda. item number 3 >> item 3 is a ord nnss to deshinate the rl goldburg building [inaudible] as a land mark under planning code article 10 and make thg
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required findings >> auleges i'm excited to for a one week continuance on item 3. we vaspecial treat fl you and members of the public once this second reading is done and this item is aproveed, we hope to see a mouse trap in city hall. can i have a motion to continue in one week. without ubjuckz this item is continued to 1 week of may 12, 2015. can you please read item 4 >> ordinance to amendment the administration code for modify the rental payment and relocation payments to evected tenet >> colleagues can we take this item same house and call.
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passes >> [inaudible] enter into 2 lease agreementwise the robert j cort marital trust >> same house and call. without objection this is adopted rkss #i79 oom 6 aprieve the fis cg yeef 2015, 16 development block grant program and apply for the [inaudible] cities entitlement from the u.s. department of housing or hud and authorize spending program and reprogrammed funds for a total amount of approximately 19.6 million >> same house same call. without ubjuckz sis akaupted >> item 7 resolution to aprofeng fiscal year housing opportunity for persons with aids program and authorize the mayor to expand the cities entitlement from hud and income
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and reprogrammed fund for a toletal of 7.6 from jul 2015 to jun 2020 >> without objection this resolution is adoped mpt item 8 >> regzlution to approve home invest 789 partnership program. expend entitlement from hud and authorize income fund for combined total of foiv.8 million for the term of july 15-2020 >> same house and call. this resolution is adopted. >> item 9 resolution to aprovel 201516 emergency solution grant program and to authorize the mayor to apply for accept the cities entitlement orphhud for 1.5 million beginning july 1, 2015 >> same house and call. the resolution is adopted
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unanimously. im 10 >> item 10 resolution to authorize the mayors office of housing and community dwept to expanld a 2 million dollar grant from cl department of huzing and development local trust fund program >> same house and call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item slaev resolution to aaprove for purpose thofz inturnt revenue code section 14 saerfb f the ixiance and sale by the california enterprise development authority in the amount of 25 million to finance or refinance inacquisition, construction naur naur k-12 educational facilities to be owned and operated or leased and operated by the urban school of san francisco >> without objection this resolution sudopted unanimously. >> item 12 resolution to authorizegeneral manager of the recreation and park to execute a 15 year lease with glen ridge
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nursery school in glen canyon park for a annual base rent of 26 thousand in rent credits up to 25 thousand following compleeshz of roof replacement for the term of june 6, 2015 through june 2030 >> i'm excited this is before us today. the resolution would allow the reck and park department to execute a 15 year wleess the glen ridge nursey school [inaudible] in glen canyon park. for those that haveen been there before and believe supervisor avaloss children went there, it is a non profit coopnursery school with tremendous community and parental support and operated in the silver tree build frg the last 45 yearsism glen ridge wants to remain in the building which needs a lot of work 6789 the building is aging and needs
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help mpt the glen rechblg parent community raised over 45 thousand dollars for a new roof which will sirfb the school and the day camp during the summer that also operates there. with this significant commitment the parents requested a longer lease than the standard 5 year least so the department put together a 15 year lease for the school. i want to thank reck and park for work wg sth school munity to insure this great community organization will continue to serve so many namlies mpt i am happy to support gren ridge in this agreement and gleev there are glen rej parents here today and want to thank them for their commitment to the school and stity and colleagues i request your support >> thank you supervisor wiener. no other names on the roster, can we take this same house and call. without objection this is adoptedue
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naninousply lass, itemthry is a resolution [inaudible] section 2.6-1 the potential reala state transaction involving [inaudible] 324 and 323 [inaudible] and financial partner kenwood investments operating as tzk broad way for development of a dinner theerl and 40 foot boutique hotel and 7500 public park and ancillary use >> supervisor kim >> thank you president breed. i want to clarify my dissenting vote an this proposal and just want to first clarify for the public that i do support the proposal in and of itself. 200 room 40 foot hotel with a dinner theater that includes [inaudible] along with the privately financed public park. before the land
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use committee wasn't the proposal itself which had soled and unified support from the neighborhood and community at large, but the sole source waver. the proposal is a good one rsh it will activate the broad way corridor which i know is important to supervisor christensen and bring intoryism and support small sknz the development partner did a incredible job of outreach to make sure what they were building was along the lines of the vision of what the larger neighborhood would like to see. the questions that i brought up land use committee however is the process by which we got to a sole source waver and want a better understanding through discussion with the port on how the set of criteria used, when you decide to give a development a sole source waver, rfq or rff and have a understanding of the history 06 all previous proposals and developments on the port. the
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port work would our office and got a good list and have better understanding how the process works. i do think sole source waver deserves additional scrutny [inaudible] should get a site on the port property, but we are talking about a significant development come which includes a 200 room hotel. we work would the port on a series of amendments which i would thrike introduce the record today to clarify bringing consistency into the process including requiring texas z to fill out a rfq as would happen if it was a rfq process and require the port which they agreed to to hire a 3rd party reala state economic development during negotiation to insure the port receives fair market value of the lease
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324, 323. i also want to recognize supervisors christensens office who supports the amendment and proposal and want to make sure we are in alignment with their district 6789 one final note is this may have gone through budget committee and not land committee because what was before us was the sole source issue. do i need to read all the amendments into the record or with my description adequate? >> john gibner, your description is adequate if you circulate a copy to the clerk that will do the job >> great. we will do that. yoodo want to thank the member thofz public that came to land year. there is a clearly a lot of support for this proposal that was very unified and a lot of work on the part of the developer and port tee get to that point >> thank you sfr visor kim. supervisor wiener >> thank you very much madam
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president. i'm very sportive oft this. i was happy to smoret this item in committee. i thought what came before us made a lot of sense and i hoped that would be unanimous in committee and it was not and glad to see perhaps it will be today. this is a amazing projeblth for a amazing institution that i really was astounded to see the level ofune nimty both at the land use committee hearing and also in the e-mails we received, i have not seen single negative comment about this project. i think that speaks volumes about the work the port husband dawn and the [inaudible] the work that the project sponsor has done to move this ect to a point where it is completely and autterly non contsversal. we know what it will contribute to our city. we are
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struggling to keep our artistic community together and alive and thriving in san francisco with the cost of housing and some of the many pressures that the artistic community is under and so whether we have a opportunity to lock in a home for a organization like [inaudible] that isn't something that take lightly, it is something that you really embrace and we fleed to embrace this and i think this is so important for the community and important for arts and the city and i'm proud to continue to support this today. >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor mar >> thank you, i wanted to first thank [inaudible] and ken wood for engaging the community, building up so much support from community lead rbs and telegraph hill dwellers to many folks that watch carefully the community interest in the
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development along the embark dairy water front. i want to thank you sfr visor kim and crist crnson fwr the amendments that make it a spraunger proposal. i look back to 2010 [inaudible] asian neighborhood design [inaudible] north east water front community plan. a comprehensive neighborhoods planning process looking at height and open space and focusing on people and place, harmoniously ethnic and diverse water front and community activities as well. i think as affordable housing is brilt along broad way and embarka dareo and the gate way to china town and north beach it will enhance the socio economic water front. i want to also i think it kbrait project local to hotel and restaurant workers that wayed in support and
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community based organizations and leaders but thing it is a win win for the community in the spirit for the community planning that went forward 5 years ago in supervisor christensens district. i'm very pleased about the amendment jz proposal before us >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor christensen >> i thank my colleagues for doing my job today. this is a district 3 project that seems to have universal support and i'm delighted because it is a wurkty one. i think our district is offering the city at large a wonderful entertainment venue for broadway and for the adjacent north beach china town and barbary coast neighborhoods t. is a significant development and it offers a gate way to that neighborhoods and hopefully bring the type of bu9s crowdsthality that benefit the [inaudible] for
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doing such a good job of deing their homework and making this a procect the neighborhood can embrace and appreciate the support of my colleagues >> thank you. seeing no other names on the roster supervisor kim that is a motion to move the amendments forward. is there a second? second by supervieer christensen. can we take those amendments without objection? without objection they are passed. >> item 13 as amendmented christensen aye. cohen, aye. farrell aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. tank, aye. wiener, aye. rks ch yee, aye. avalos sfrrks aye. breed, aye. compose aye:
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the resolution is adoptedoon nasmanlyilous as amendmented. madam clerk can you call item 14 >> resolution to grant revocable permission to [inaudible] construct and maintain a new concrete stair way with [inaudible] and other related improvements at the new cmp avenue frontage of 47053rd street and affirming the planning department [inaudible] >> colleagues can we take this resolution same house and call. without objection the resolution is adopted. actually everyone could you please exit the chamber quitely? madam clerk can you call item 15 >> motion to appoint putrenea
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hall term ended [inaudible] citizens committee on xhupt r commutey development. >> same house and call. motion adopted unanimously. item scen >> motion to appoint sam pend atermeneded jan 13, 2016 to veterans affairs >> without objection this motion is aproveed. item number 17 >> considered by the land use in transportation committee on monday may 4th and forwarded. resolution inempose zoning control fraub fraub medical cannabis dispensary in the urfbing [inaudible] and to improse additional conditional
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use criteria and make the findings >> can key take this item same house-supervisor tang >> i just wanted to explain what the zoning control is here in place for. basically a couple years ago we worked on legislation to change or create 4 neighborhood commercial districts in district 4, that is urfbing [inaudible] part of that creasian said that we would need to have a active use and there were no active use it requires conditional use process. recently the board of supervisors passed code clean up and in it changed definitions that also changed the zoning that we put in place specifically in regards to district 4. in particular, regarding medical cannabis
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dispenseeracy. they moved from non active groundful use to groundful use so this legislation is to correct that mistake that had come about given the code clean up legislation the board passed and this only applies to district 4. i thank land use for their support and ask my colleagues to support this as well >> supervisor avalos >> i understand where the zoning controls come from and typically i would like to differ to the supervisor for the district but across san francisco how mcd's are sited are not done in a way that wurg frz the entire sitee. zee piece meal approach to it especially how the green zeen is created. the green zone we
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have legislation in 2005. the mkd is concentrated on the east side in san francisco and fewer on the west side. i am trying to assert the mcd should be available to nob [inaudible]. i haven't proposed out right ban in district 11 which many of my residence called for mpt i did establish conditional use controls for new mcd's only when they are proposed within 500 feet of a existing mcd. i wasn't looking to create a out right strong hurdle against that conditional use does allow, does provide. so, what i was looking at doing and had the planning department study is how to re-create our laws or governing how mcd can be sited
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across san francisco so we don't see the concentration and [inaudible] in certain neighborhoods. curbtsly there are not mcd's in the sunset district. having conditional use that is the first hurdle for any mcd to start. mcd's can only get sited in other neighborhood like on the east side which is a problem we have. i don't think that this-i understand how neighborhoodss may want to put conditional use controls for medical cannabis, but they also have impacts on the rest of san francisco as well. people who are seeking access to medical cannabis in the sunset may come to district 11 or [inaudible] or could be going to the richmond where there are mcd or other parts of san
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francisco. i don't think we have been able to address the overall need for fr access and control across san francisco for mcd's in the city, so i'll vote against this legislation. i would thrike it work with the supervisor in the future how we can create a policy that works for all of san francisco and not have a piece meal approach neighborhoods by neighborhood. i realize again that i have contributed to neighborhood approach but my first take on mcd's is we don't have a ban in district 11 or conditional use on the first application, it is only when a application comes within 500 feet of a existing mcd so we kil create that access-i understand where these legislations come from, because there are very active parts of the community that isn't comfortable. as a policy for the city we stood up to allow for access to happen and want
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to make sure we continue to do that and don't set a wrong president for san francisco going forward so i'll vote gaens the legislation, though i understand where this legislation comeess from >> supervisor tang >> thank you for your comments, i think the poibts you raise address a larger issue that this legislation isn't trying to get at. thrfs legislation passed that had certain controls in place so this is just to correct that. the unintended consequences of code clean up legislation. this doesn't necessarily proclude a mcd from coming into had neighborhood, i just try to restore to it previously >> seeing no names on the roster can you call the roll >> supervisor christensen, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye.
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kim, aye. mar, no. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos. no. breed, aye. compose, aye. there are 9 aye's and 2 no's being supervisor mar and avalos. >> the resolution is adopted. before we go to roll call i would like to acknowledge a former supervisor christina [inaudible] is a joining aus in the audience today. i wanted to welcome her today. thank you for being here. with that we are going move on to roll call and we are going to start off on roll call with supervisor campose >> thank you very much madam president. colleagues today is sinko demayo. this is a day
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that we and the country of latin american descent we remember what happened in mexico when mexico fought back gaens the french who at the time tried to apply economic and military prectoor the country which at the time was a very young country that had just wanted freedom from spain. under resourceed and vastly out numbered, the heart and sole of the mexican people reveiled in the battle of puebla and this was a turning point for the mexican people fighting oppression. it is a day of a symbol of provide not only for mexican americans but all latinos in the country. and sthait as someone who is latino but not mexican descent. it is fitting on this very important day i am here to
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introduce a introom urgency ordinance to establish a mooreatorium on all marketeracy housing in the mission for the next 45 days. and there is a lot of magz passion here and what i want to say is that this is a very personal issue because for soany many residence of the community, this is a community that is under siege. we have lost more than 1600 low to moderate income house holds from
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