tv [untitled] May 8, 2015 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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y going toward projectss like muni forward, better market street and other improvements. i'm glad we are valuing the public transportation and the mayor and supervisors announced additional 48 million to improve leliability and hopefully they will pan out in the long run and as well as short tum. lasly i want to request we adjourn the board meeting in memory of the [inaudible] sand raw rosen field passed away a week ago. she libes in chicago and know we want to send our very best to am rosen fields family and coworkers in the controllers office. his mirther sand rulives in chicago and she helped found the first hospice service in chicago and worked
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as a register nurse. i know it was unexpected for the controller and wish him and the family the best and see if there objection to doing this on behalf of the entire boardf supervisors. >> thank you supervisor tang. >> colleagues can we take this without objection? we'll adjourn the meeting on the entire board without objection >> supervisor wiener >> supervisor yee and supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam clerk. if i look redder this week it isn't a sun burn. i had the opportunity to go to cuba last week and it was pretty much a trip meeting with educator,
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government officials, people involved in helt care, public health and people involved with disaster response. a lot to learn. different economic system that cuba has compared to the united states. it is a socialist country but what was a huge take away from that experience was that down to the individual the government of cuba does a lot to support people and involve people in many aspects of their delivery of service and building of infrastructure. it is a country that is very poor in infrastructure but rich in the human spirit. met with a lot of people who discussed what it is like to raise children in this country and they don't v lot of worries about what their clern are up to or the education their children get or what type of access their children have to health care or
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housing all that is taken care of. they do have a lot of concern about how far dollars can go. not the dollars, but the pesoes and stretch to meet the needs. the standard of living is hard especially with the block aid from the u.s. one thing i thought that was important to take away is when it comes to deciding how to move the economy forward and how to make decisions around what type of investments are made from foreign companies people are looking to how to develop the country fl every day people for the least among them and that is something we don't do enough of here in this country and we are seeing a huge boom in our economy in san francisco, but there are many who don't benefit from that. i still think it is what supervisor compose has done and putting a mooreatorium for the
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mission, it makes sense when our economy isn't [inaudible] of the people who need the housing being created. we talk about market rate housing, it isn't a san francisco market t is a global market that housing is built for. it is for people that can invest their dollars in purchase housing they may not live in in this country and that is quite an amazing thing that we see happening in san francisco. we create all this welths that is unattainable for people that live here. i commit nighself to make sure we can do what we can to share and redistribute the welths and make sure the least among us can benefit as much as they can and i'll take it as a lesson i learned from my trip and actions here in the remaining 18 months i have left on the board of supervisor jz look
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forward to work with you on that colleagues. >> seeing no other names that conclude the introduction of new business >> okay, madam clerk can you please call item number 2 >> item 2 has previously been called, it is the amendment of various codes for nysreductions and regulations related to residential use near places of entertainment >> present breed >> thank you. colleagues today i have small technical amendments for item number 2. it addresses how we deal with the current and pending residential development projects. i won't go into the details, but we are concerned there could be conflict or inconsistency between 116.11 which dealwise projects for which complete development applications have already been submitted and section 8 which also dealwise how the ordinance
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will aploy to pending buildings permit applications. the amendments which i circulated a little while ago to you all simply clears up any potential confusion or consistency. they are not substantive amendments. the entertainment commission will have the opportunity if it chooses to holds a hearing on pending development. this will not delay the projects progress or permit aprovel, but provide the opportunity we all seek for the developer and venue to meet with the entertainment commission and plan how the 2 can coexist. the planning department can heed any input from the entertainment commission along ong the way. we had a hearing on the land use committee. i do want to thank everyone who made this land mark legislation possible starting with supervisor wiener
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who was a supporter from very early on and a great advoicate for night life as well as other supervisors who sponsor this legislation including supervisor cohen kim, christensen and farrell. farrell who frequents the night life establishments in the city. i would also like to thank the department of building inspection code advisory committee, small business and entertainment commission, the building inspection commission and planning commission who all endorse this legislation. all the staff of the entertainment commission including [inaudible] black spp stone and jauslen caen. dipty city attorney vicky wong [inaudible] office of ecpneumic and work force development. [inaudible] planning department and legislative aid, coner johnston. lastly i want to
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thank the night life community who help give the city its soul and who is so incredbly supportive and involved throughout the process including the california music and culture association [inaudible] got 37 signature tooz support this legislation and dozen ozf people who came to the planning and land use committee. thank you all. san francisco night life bars and nob nab attract 15 million customers each year and generates over 800 million in spending in the city according to the controllers office reports. more than that these venues are a part of the culture and what makes us san francisco. as we build more housing fl everyone who want tooz live here, we have to protect the reasons why they want to live here in the first place. thank you to everyone
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who made this possible. toorkt we are protecting san franciscos moozic venues and making sure people living here are also enjoying the vibrant night life that exists throughout our great sate. >> president breed make a motion to have technical amendments to. second by supervisor wiener. if we can take the motion to amend without objection? supervisor wiener >> thank you mr. chairman. i want to thank president breed and our office for their leadership on the very important piece of legislation. i was proud to play president breeds wing man on this one and her office did a extraordinary job work wg the community and city department to make this a realty. this legislation is
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long over' due. we know noithd life is very important to the culture of the city and also the economy of the city. when one of the first things i did is and for a economic report which shows night life is 4.2 billion dollar industry. we improve late night transportation but it is all for not if the late night establishments struggle to survive. the city is becoming more crowded and putting more housing in which is important but as the population grows we all have to learn i think to get along together in different kinds of ways and we no longer have the luxury of having live music venues that are isolated on their own with nothing anywhere near them. that is
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harder and harder to do given the current state of our city, so we have to make slur that as various kinds of development moves closer and closer to our live music venues and other late night venues we have clear rules in place and one of the rules has to be adequate sound proofing on the buildings mpt another rule is people know and understand where they move. when you move into the neighborhood you take the neighborhood as you find it. you don't into the a neighborhood and say, wait there is something there for a long time and don't like it so it has to go. the entertainment using and live music are important parpts of the city. we need tamake sure that people that rent or brie rr near these venues know what is going on and know there is live music or aortform of
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entertainment squewe don't have a situation with neighbors coming in and helping shut down these venues. thank you for president breed for pursuing this important legislation and i'm proceed to support it >> seeing nor other names on the roster can we call the roll on the item please >> item 2 as amended supervisor chrisianson, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. compose aye. there are 11i's. >> item passes unanimously. madam clerk can we go to public comment >> the public can comment for
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unto 2 minutes on the items including the minutes and items on adoption. public comment isn't allowed on items subject to public comment. direct your comments to the board as a whole. speakers using translation will be aloud twice thumounts of time and if you would like to project something [inaudible] remove the document when you like the screen to return >> first speaker, please >> i realize this is a long shot. there is 100 percent challenge that the archbishop isn't watching this meeting, but hoping a aid is. i'm mark drought and own stream master carpet clean ing in san zosay
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if you dial [inaudible] the archbishop will get 1 thousand squire foot of carpet cleans for free, but you can only obtain this if you show up at the san francisco board of supervisors meeting next tuesday the 12th and take advantage of public comment. i guarantee this thing will-everybody is onative through the computer and if you show up you will i guarantee shake these board of supervires will shake in their boots as you answer you are hateful and intolerant because you say home osexuality is wrong. the best argument and i give to become a christian is the argument jesus and paul and peter gave and thereat is the argument of fulfilled prophecy. brf he dide on the cross we go to
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jurislm and all things written by the profits concerning the sochb man shall be fulfilled. he pointed to that which hfs written by the profits. the profits were long dead and then detailed some of them. he didn't say read ijaya fiver 3 or psalm 2 or daniel 9. he said it is delivered to the gentile jz mock and spit on spitefully treated and put to death and the third day he'll rise again. that is saument rr 18 [inaudible] all the religions are shown false because they have no prophecy jnchshz thank you. next speaker, please >> [inaudible] i have no
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money. [inaudible] could be totally out of money. [inaudible] how many can enjoy [inaudible] 5 days a week. being confined within that working place [inaudible] without freedom of seft expression. being responsible to support ones family members and themself and all the later expendstures are those [inaudible] business leaders enjoy a career of creation, invention, connection and the [inaudible] of politics,
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holyness, education and [inaudible] i just call to say i love you. i just call to say how much i care. i just call to say i love you and i mean it from the bottom of my heart. [inaudible] >> thank you. i want >> to announce we have 3:30 accommodation so can only take public comment up to 3:30. once we 3:30 come we resume public comment after accommodations so want to let the members of the public know
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>> good afternoon president breed and supervisors. have graphics and want to show san francisco natives what happens to san francisco natives sometimes. they disappear sometimes. you know that it was in the news, and a safety was admired. the tour bus was going down hate rr street and caught on fire. the tour caught on fire. the tour caught on fire. gone and set the hate rr street night on fire. and the safety was
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admired and was sired. and the fire alarm came along a wire. and the tour bus went down hate street and you know that it had caught on fire. the tour bus caught on fire. the tour bus caught on fire, gona set the hate street night on fire. safety was admired i want to say you that you heard it in the news. the tour bus caught on fire. gona set the hate street night on fire. >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> i'm 83-8 thundershower 84 years old and and haul cost
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survivor and on the e street for more than a year. america is fasest, barbarian hitler country if me and by the way, 70 years ago america sent the gas chamber 500 women and children jewish by joseph kennedy and rose velt. joseph kennedy was the best friend and ambassador to germany and the best friend of hitler. he said until i will leave no one jewish [inaudible] will come to the united states and a group from europe from germany they told him that it is only
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children and women, let them shape my name [inaudible] let them come to the united states. he and rosevelt said no and he was [inaudible] all his children will be killed. i ask you brored of supervisors help me rern to my home. i want to die not on the street, but want to die at my home. >> thaunks. next speaker please >> president breed and other victims of the cuball, my name is cristful doll and live at 60 and howered 10 blocks and 14 meters from sea level. i rise to comonten the rern of the
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circus. i refer not to any family entertainment enterprise, but the political circus is which is our seismicly challenged haul orf justice. the city and county of san francisco is under court order for decades to replace the aging structure because it is unsafe. another to attempt to do this is put before the voters, but members, once again you display your moral veernss for all to snicker at. previously the left push for the new jail is evidence of concern for the unfortunates who found themselves incarcerated there and could not bring them to coddle criminals and opposed it. the left is pushing against a new facilities arguing the case load is dropjug incarceration is ineffective and inmoney should be use frd services which may do good and the right is now in favor finally feeling
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the wait of their custodeial responsibilities and concern for the safety of all within the building. members your first certain the safety of the people who work for you and the safety of the peopleioawork for. stop fiddling and move on this. >> thank you. next speaker please >> high supervisors [inaudible] foundser of neighbors [inaudible] i became activated in 2011 when chase bank wanted to work the w the planning department and mayor lees administration to displace 2 local businesses a 201 deviz dareee and were shocked [inaudible] we protested against it and could have sued the city but decided we did want want a law suit at the
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time and put our naerj towards something more positive so [inaudible] to include financial services and at that time i realized we have to say no to profit drirfben displacement bit also to find our rishs and strategic yes and we have to start thinking like developers and learn the law, cl is important because sometimes it is broken as we have seen by a lot of corporations in san francisco instead of following due process of the law which there is a process in order to shape it if we want to, but people are breaking it and that is wlie the people have to come and stand up to this. now we are moving forward thinging how to support inclusive and inretching sustainable development and how do we support a livable equitable san francisco. we need diversity of workers living and working
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in san francisco and i have ideas about how to make that happen and happy talk about them with people in the upcoming weeks. one thing to keep in mind is the balboa reservoir. we can make that 1pen percent affordable housing and ask thegynets giants to hit a home run [inaudible] >> thank you. next speakers please. >> my name is paul hans burry. there is a passionate group of people in the sunset that are opposed to medical cannabis dispensary. they >> we can't speak about items that are already on on the agenda. >> there are documents in front of you that swayed the vote had i gotten to them in
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time where active use has been active since 2011. it was never instated as a conditional use >> the item is on our agenda and there was public comment during committee so this is general public comnlt and your packet but we already had this itedm on the agenda and can't take public comment for for that item at that time. >> wherei wish you would reconsider the vote >> this is the last speaker before we go to 3 thurtd clck accommodations >> hello, my name is heny kelly. i was a teacher in san francisco for close to 40 years. i started teaching in the mission [inaudible] i ended teaching in the mission. the mission is close to my heart.
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i have many friends who were my students, my student children and grand children and some of the grand children were my student the last time i taught. i want you to think about something when you think about what supervisor campose wants to do. he wants to keep the people from the mission in the mission. these people are wonderful. the schools are good, bullet you know something, when there are no children there are no schools. if we lose this generation of latino people, if we lose this generation of mission families we lose a lot. it isn't just fighting for the heart and soul
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of the mission, it is showing how to fight for the heart and soul of the whole city. i taught in lots of districts. i can see what you are doing supervisor compose for your district should be done fwr for all the districts because when we lose families we lose the schools. and i will tell you something, we already lost the teachers because they can't afford to live in the mission, the rich-mind or any of the other districts i taught >> thank you mrs. kelly. at this time we'll resume public commentt after the 3:30 accommodation. thank you for being here today and may is
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pacific islander heritage month and the boardf supervisors [inaudible] in accordance with bord rule 4.13 we'll have a total of 5 minutes for each supervisor to introduce nar honoree followed by comments from the honoree so that along with the photograph please keep it at 5 minutes per supervisor. with that i'm going turn it over to supervisor mar for a introduction. he will introduce clodeen chang and we'll start our accommodations today with supervisor farrell and followed by supervisor christensen. >> thank you president breed. colleagues last night was the asian pusuffolk american heritage month celebration. it was the 11th we have done in city hall and wanted to say that it wouldn't have come
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together a combination of 11 yires of hards work without the vision and leadership of clodeen chang scr the commitee. i want to say last night was a beautiful display of creativity with the honorees but also with diversity of asian and pacific islander communities from chun ease people and south east asian and pacific islanders. i want to sauls say the apa heritage foundation did the hard work of pulling together funding from many different source squz want to thank the donors and the committee for the hard work selecting the theme doing the outreach and creating a list of different acing tairfbties and you can find the veryious events going in the city
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