tv [untitled] May 8, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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the barrio fiesta that will be take place on saturday may 23 starting 11 a.m. there will be a whole pig roast ed at the event which i'm excited about along with music and games and tim has been a part of planning this marriageer community events. as we look back we look forward. there are plans to ren soivate the center and create more space for the families and seniors and adults in the south of market and just a [inaudible] did i go over my time? thursday may 28-i will hand it over to tim. there was so much to say about you and want today give you time. >> i want to thank president breed and the rest of the board of supervisors. i [inaudible]
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i want to thank my wife and family for the support and i was always [inaudible] >> keep going >> supervisor kim messed up on the time not you. my super visorerize here and are support rfb of what i try today do sout of market and everyone at south of market. i turn around and don't know what to say. i'm embarrassed but glad you are here. [inaudible] and just want to thank everyone is this is the reason i do what i do. i don't think i do anything special but want to make life for everyone easier. thank you so much. i feel deeply
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honorees today and clodeen chang for doing such a wonderful job in organizing. building on the theme of supporting our youth and children in san francisco i want to bring up alan maw as a our district 4 honoree for apa heritage month. so, let me first say that in the sunset we have very very few non profit organizations and so the ones we have play a huge role in the neighborhoods and one of the major oneicize sth sunset neighborhood [inaudible] alan worked for a number of years. 6 years i believe. currently he is sth after scrool program coordinator at [inaudible] and joined the team back in 2009. started as kindergarten and
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first grade programmer at [inaudible] and in 2011 he transitioned to the cuncht role where he manages staff that [inaudible] through the after school program he helps student develop relationships, provide opportunity for meaningful involvement and help student get ready for future development. as a rument of the work of people like alan people are able to find success through relationship with a caring mentor. every time i see alan he always has a smile on his face. i caept imagine the student have ing a better mentor. he has been ininstrumental in facilitating the newly established food pantry was operates every friday and gives food on west
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sunset. alan feels he doesn't feel like what we does is work because he enjoys it so much. [inaudible] serves over a thousand youth and families and adult every dayism on behalf othf entire board of supervisors i want to thank you for your work. he is joined by his sister and father and they are proud of you and look forward to working with you so thank you and alan. >> thank you [inaudible] i'm proud that my hartage and call the sunset district my home this means a lot. i would like to accept this on everyone in the sunset district and all san francisco cht i when i received notify ation-i thought 2
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things, i was sad i mized work. second, i thought about all the people in the life past and present who helped get me here today. people who have helped shape me to become who i am today and who i want to become. i'm not accepting mvp award [inaudible] i don't address everyone individually, but would like to recognize a group of people who helped me get to this point today. first i would like to thank may parent for teaching me how to teach everyone with respect and showing what hard work looks like. when i grew up it seemed every asian american parent wanted their child to go to [inaudible] and go to berkeley and become a doctor. i would like to tell my dad 1 out of 3 isn't bad. [inaudible] i didn't become a doctor yet, but there is still time for that.
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now my parent can tell their friend and received a award at city hall. i would like to thank brother and sister. they all much older, but kept me on track and took me out at 8 years old and thought they were the coolest people in the world and my sister is here today and still think he is one of the cool est poopal. if you want to know what time [inaudible] i is a couple friends here today and i'm proud of calling them my friends. when your mom and dad ask what about helen, i like her, they are worried you will never get married or approve of the people you associate with. helen is my best friend. i would like to that can the peers of [inaudible] and gave a space to
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grow penlly and professionally and love my staff at sunset elementary and dedicate the award to them. i would like to tell you appreciate the award today and [inaudible] encourage everyone to surround with positive peep squl find your passion and when you do that you will be rewarded in one way or another. thank you. >> congratulationsgon and thank you. >> supervisor yee rks you are next up. district 7. >> that you can -thank you president breed. so, there are
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many-congratulations to everybody that is honored today, but i want to say that there are many hidden gems in district 7. my honoree is a hidden gim and today it is my honor to honor dins rule for district 7. dins was born in the philippines and of chinese ancestry. immigrate today the united states in saept 1958. he attended school in berkeley and received ba and mba from uc berkeley. early in his career dins became a leader in [inaudible] trnz portation work. by 1995 he had become the first south east asian [inaudible] partner interacting with offices in endonesia, malaysia, pill peens
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[inaudible] expanded to [inaudible] global service group to 28 countries. his work at deloit was not limited to [inaudible] strong business ties with asian country. he was ininstrumental in encouraging the firm to join the fight against aids and breast cancer. dens was the first racial minority president of the common wealth club of california. a century old convening organization where major leaders at the national and international level engage in public discorss. he was also the first racial minority president of the school of business alum nigh association. he has served on countless board including nob nub festival, self help for the
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elderly [inaudible] california business counsel to name a few. he serves as a cfo and treshier of city college san francisco foundation. just to give a sense of what he is, i want to read a statement he made. kuwait i want to work with young chine ease american and help them be successful business leaders. he plans to set up a firm to help accomplish this. when my son din din grows up, i would like him to love and care for his community as much as i do. this shows the type of character and heart dins has. din s contributes contributions and dedication to san francisco asian pacific american community has been exceptional and it is people like dins that show our next generation how
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vitetle is to be vaurfbed and give back to the community. in fact, he isn't done yet. more recently dins spressed to me other ideas he is going pursue and how asian americans can give back to our society. dins has been honored from diverse groups more recently 2014 dins was haun rbed at the chinese culture gal adinner with 2014 life time achievement in community building. he was also rigged as cfof othe year for community services in 2007 by the san francisco business times. dins is a true honor to honor you today. this is dins [inaudible] >> thank you norman and
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borebd of supervisors. i was quite shocked and surprised when norman called me and told me he wanted to honor me because as norman mentioned i immigrated at 16 years old. china was in a civil war. i was born in the philippines. i was a 60 -16 year old child without a country and grateful when i landed on the shores of san francisco and i promised myself i would get back to the community. i feel like that everything i have done is giving back to this community i'm humbleed and honored for this award. thanks norman. >> at this time i would like
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to acknowledge the supervisor from district 8, supervisor wiener >> thank you madam president. colleagues i would like to honor mariea vulasen, so quh on up. born and raised in the philippines and immigrate today the u.s. she has been a member of the unit food and commercial wurbers uscw local 648 for 25 years and she has been a employee of wall greens. she is a active shop steward for many yeerbs helping many other usftw members navigate around
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their work. more recently marina served as a notion committee for 2014 contract negotiation with wall greens. we know it is a tough time for retail workers living in san francisco givethen cost of housing and cost of liveic in the city so now more than ever it is important to have sfraung leadership and making sure the workers are paid fairly and receive good benefits. in spare time she enjoy ezreading a good book and exercising and spending time with family. her time with uscw [inaudible] honored to recognize you today for apa heritage month, so thank you and thank you for your service. >> that you thank you everyone. i'm honored to be
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here. i'll make it short and again thank you and good night. >> folks just 3 more to go and i would thrike recognize supervisor from district 11, supervisor avalos >> thank you madam clerk. my honorees couldn't make it today but i want to talk about their work in the [inaudible] >> supervisor avalos would you mind if supervisor campose and i acknowledge the ones waiting here first and take you last. is that okay? >> that is not a problem >> all right. we will get to
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supervisor avalos in a minute and it is now my turn. i'm excited to honor rodney from rodney chin from district 5. not only does he work in district but is a residents of district 5. he is executive director of ymca. thank you rodney tr always taking care of the young people. rodney has been a member of the [inaudible] of the ymca-the u.s. asian leadership employment resource group so we think frayour work there. a native of san francisco. rodney lived and worked in district 5 for a reala long time and he is a product of the public school system and graduated from san francisco state university with a bachelors in censology and
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hopefully you can give an understanding of what that is. we are thankful for the consistent ddication to the community and lives of young people. rodney is just really a quite force who works in our community tirelessly to make sure our kids have a amazing opportunity not just a safe place to grow and thrive, but a place that they can call home and a place to grow and become successful adults so rodney for your work and consistency and advocacy and support, the young people and community of district 5 today we honor yoi. thank you for your service >> thaupg supervisor breed. good afternoon supervisors. again, supervirez breed i want to thank you frathe recognition. since i have lived in district 5 i watch supervisor breed advocate for the community constantly and
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endlessly and with a lot of dedication to the community so it is a honor to be honored by you supervisor breed. i was born and raised in san francisco product of the school districts here as well as going to city college of san francisco and then graduated from san francisco state univrs taeersity in keenology which is the exercise science degree. exercise movement. i started with the ymca as a heth awareness director and found working with the xhunty not just adults, but the children was a position for me and hence my movement up too executive director position. as working with youth in san francisco, it isn't one person doing pby them sevlgs. i'm fortunate to be immerseed in a communethy that has a lot of support from the ymca of san francisco from the
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staffer that work at the ymca and there are a few of them here today that are dedicated to the safety and well being of kids in the community as well as our volunteer board at the yma-c a and community dlaberators in district 5. that includes [inaudible] helps by bringing our groups toort and making sure all the kids not just kids in certain pockets get all the help they can get. i just notice today that there are 3 beacon centers that are recognized here and i want to say the [inaudible] ymca is proud to be work wg the western beacon addition with the director [inaudible] the beacon centers have been a great work for the city and we are supported by dcys department of children youth and faemlies and also the san
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francisco unified school district supports a lot of programs we do so it is a collaboration of people in the community and not just one organization or one person. i just want to say thank you for recognizing me and a lot of coodoes go to the rest of the community as well. thank you >> congratulation again
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rodney and thank you for your hard work in the communethy. next up supervisor campose from district 11 >> thank you madam president. district 9, but we'll take 11 too >> sorry, district 9. >> does that mean i get more time? kidding. i'll be very brief and to the point. there is nothing like work to actually demonstrate how committed people are to the community and every since that i-we saw the integration of the entire [inaudible] i am [inaudible] done by community empoument center. we have theresa dukea and a number of volunteers and staff. they have made it a priority to make
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sure the mon elingual cheenies community in the neighborhood that their needs are addressed. this is largely volunteer run non profit provide community members with education, services and referrals around issues such as crime prevention, human rights and family development and worker rights. they offer multiple job and training services as well as esl, computer and skills and ballroom dancing. the center advocate on member thofz community and you see them working with [inaudible] by empowering people in the community they help them have a voice in the sate. it is my honor today as we recognize this important month to recognize the work and honor the work of the xhounty empourment center >> thank you. good
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afternoon. my name is theresa dukea with exectsk director of [inaudible] started out as a support group at 2008 and become a center at twept 2011. we have more in the district more than 40 percent of our population are chinese speaking mono lingual. we provide esl classes [inaudible] we focus on basic needs and [inaudible] we have a large pop ulation of olderly and safety is the main concern. with supervisor campose support we help numerous safety meeting and by the way we'll is a safety meeting on may 17 of this month t is a tuesday. we are here to
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urge the board of supervisors to hire more [inaudible] police officer because we need them. we also notice a lut of new immigrants that need job skills and joub opportunity-we are in a housing crisis now and job crisis. a lot of people like us. we don't have a job and need to have train them. i would like to thank all our dedicated volunteers here especially like oddry, come here. come up here. oddry has been a very dedicated [inaudible] since-for 6 years. every saturday she goes there saturday, saturday for 6 years non stop. going to help the community. every saturday for
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6 years >> [inaudible] happy to help the immigrants and english speaking people and need help and i'm happy when they come to our center and ask for help. i solve their problem and they come out and they are happy and i'm happy. they receive a letter from the government and don't understand and have [inaudible] what is that? i help with them and explain to them in their language and they understand that and are hpy and come out and face is happy and i'm happy for that. that is what helps me continue to do that every saturday. >> thank you.
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>> congratulations again and thank you for being here. at this time i would like to call on supervisor avalos and thank you so much for allowing sfr visor campose and i to recognize our honorees. >> thank you very much president breed. my honorees can't be here today but i want to talk about the work happening with their involvement. i'm honoring members of the ormy chinese chunty volved in creating a
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aurban agriculture project [inaudible] the project is called sisterhood farms and it is a project in the making for a couple years now. first initiated by peter bar net who lives in the brooks park area of the omi and works closely with the chinese community and other member thofz community to look at create agfarm. with the help of my office and ppw and reck and park as well as the chinese progegzive association we engage a part of the community that has not been actively involved before in this part of san francisco. we have actually with their participation increased the level of devrbsty of people involved in the farming project and without their participation it would be something different. not serving a large number of people, but a small number of people that get
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individual plots w. their participation we broaden who is involved in this project and anyone who wants to be there can. with the participation of memberoffs chinese community and support of chunies progressive we look how to expand for the city to provide for this part of san francisco including access to food and more play structure through the recreation problem jz family support programs that draw generation together within the chinese communesty. i want to thank in honor [inaudible] and caryn [inaudible] as well as theperticipation of caryn ing and emly yee for thaur work in lifting up civic participation effort in a part of san
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francisco that hasn't had a history of large amount of participation where we will see lot amount of change especially pr mur sed [inaudible] these are folks that shape what the city will be like and how it serves the community and think it is pornt we recognize this work and honor them. on behalf of the board of supervisors i'll list the names. parks [inaudible] [inaudible] and caryn quaung as well as tiffany yang and emily yee >> thank you. congratulations to all the honorees today. supervisor mar, did you want to say any final comments? with that thank you all very much. we appreciate all the work that you do tomeric our community better. amazing stories amazing work and we are just
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