tv [untitled] May 8, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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brief. >> his brief. >> his report. >> so i know aaron is writing his belief pretty close to the hearing but if we set up a paragraph e-mail it to the commissioners. >> mr. star will send it out on friday for the legislation maybe that's the thing in lieu of the commissioners friday summaries in lieu of sending the notes. >> similar to what you're reading. >> it's a brief summary but i'll send you both. >> intersect cd. >> okay. >> commissioner richards. >> i think, too commissioner johnson or so point you have them intend to up even right after you speak that's great. >> actually i'll do it now.
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>> the board of appeals met a couple of items on haven is back bans a supreme court decision last night the board of appeals vacated their project the project is under construction so today, the deniable will be suspend the permit and the board will hear it on june 3rd to move on with that item a couple of items for funning u duncan street a conditional use the board denied the question request and for market street a release of suspicion requiring the permit to remain suspected it was inaccurate and improperly issued and finally, there's an appeal open carolyn street that was before this commission on
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september figured out and unanimously approved there was concerned about the design of the building and how it empathize or that didn't flying complu with the residential guidelines the board has serious concerns certainly strong feelings about the building that didn't convoy with the residential guidelines they'd like a series of changes made to the project removing a roof deck at the down sloping to the - and maybe look at the all of the evidence arising that was continued to june 3rd and we'll be working with the appellant and the others on that matter that's all. >> commissioner richards the 1050 van ness street sound
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expired why it effected the situations the way it did. >> certainly i'll forward the courts decision and maybe the city attorney can better speak to that with great accuracy. >> kate stacey in the city attorney's office there were a couple of hearing on 1050 screening van ness and the board of appeals intoxicate an action a motion of continued without cowling calling it a motion of intent to modify the project and the following week adapted a different motion to modify it in a different way the court felt the board of appeals had not permitted provided an explanation why they're first morphed into their second decision 80 so he wants the board to explain itself a little
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bit better between the decisions from the hearing in court. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further move to general public comment is closed. at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i have no speaker cards any general public comment not seeing any general public comment is closed. >> commissioners, the first item on your agenda regular calendar items three or four. >> the next case on tennessee street a large project authorization. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners rick with the department staff this is a large project at tennessee street under the authorization the project is seeking modifications for rear yard permitted abducts over the street and accessory for dwblz it consistent the demolition of the one story house and the basement residential building the project includes 444 dwelling units and sfooshz and class two bike parking spaces it includes 3 studios and 152 bedroom units and 3 3 bedroom units it incorporates 3 thousand plus square feet of someone open space to date the department has received public corresponds in
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support ever project i passed out the material including the hallway kinds agreement since it is proposing offsite sfoosh and as well as a letter of support from the adaptive neighborhood association is or as i mentioned the project elected the offsite within the zoning district the project is subjected to a tier a affordable housing requirement that is 14 percent to be designated as part of affordable housing program and provides 6 affordable housing it is located within a designation of the article planning code the project was reviewed by the commission on april 15th the hpc granted a certificate of appropriateness and found it within the
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designated landmark district after analyzing all aspects the project staff recommends approval specifically it clients with the consistent of the policies and procedures and the project is located within a zoning district it is residential permitted and have inside landscaping upgrades and provides new construction within the dog patch landmark district and supported by the historic preservation commission and the project has 44 new dwelling units to the housing stock and fully controls the predicament impact fees and the project sponsor has prepared a presentation that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions thank you. >> thanks rich. >> oblige members of the
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commission, commissioner president fong i'm will i'm joined by mike my business partner we're principles in working group one it is the development team and design team for this project we're pleased to get the opportunity to get off consent calendar and talk about this project we've spent two years designing the project is in the dog patch located in the dog patch neighborhood you've seen a lot of projects from that neighborhood thips have been active in terms of development our project is slightly different that is located in the historic district inside the boundary of the historic district presentations here you'll see this project is located on the
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corner of 20th and tennessee up the street from the light rail as rich mentioned a smaller building in terms of the buildings you've seen it came before you from dah the 4 story building 44 dwelling units with 6 bloourt u below market rate it is 3 studios and 23 one bedroom unit and 432 bedroom unit and plus 3 bedroom units on 10th street ground level we're having as flexibility residential unit that have a small commercial component limited in the floor ear and subterranean assess green 20th street this garage
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utilized parking staffers to get to that unit like i said we've conduit it in may of 2013 and done extensive outreach as rich mentions we are that enforced by the adaptive neighborhood association and the design we're in-depth- the project endorsed by the sf hawk who gaufsz a lot of strong input on the project that background i'm going to have my case walk you through the do design. >> thank you for the opportunity to present the project mike working group i'm even though architect as will said we've gone through
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two years of design and design revisions involving the community extensively much more so than historically i'll done we did that knowing that is the way to do business in the dog patch we'll go to the next slide we're in the historic district we first set it out to identify the record will reflecty buildings that- we can draw the design to create a compliant project on the bottom 3 of the contributey spiritual buildings especially the arcade oscar pistorius o openings and the industrial openings on the bottom right and the top left is not contributey but on the national register and that's
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itself irving school the horizon with the siding and to the right of that is another project in the neighborhood that is the only historic 4 story residential building not industrial but we look at that for proportions and other unique projection on the corner and the relationship of the windows to the plain of the building directly to the right is the historic fire station i'll get into later we looked at that for some scale and proportional relationship and directly behind the building is the potrero police station historic potrero police station which was disabled by fire about
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a year ago still sits with an uncertain future in a state of delipidation and this is the contributory buildings the materials we're chudz to use this is prominent a smooth finish cement plastic siding and it pained a side wooden siding this is the tenor street evaluation divide two into 4 component with the 25 foot lots that is prominent in the block and pick up on the by material in the district within a bay windows that protrudes over the sidewalks wire propose to do a large bulb out into 10th street the top floor is set back 3
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photo addresses the ground floor for the sidewalk unit next slide seconds dribble the relationship between us and the fire station is is privately owned and given historic process it may not change except the historic - we looked the top and you see at our base with the double arcade as opposed to emulate the set back capped by a fine corn us. >> next slide this is our forgetting street evaluation it start to pick up on the old kentucky hotel with some that are 2k3wr0u7b9d i grouped together and some not in the middle of the building a breezeway the continuation of the courtyard bringing the
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projects courtyard and open space into the sidewalks that is 14 feet tall a gate set back about 12 feet open to the sidewalks this is an early image and took the feedback take into consideration and went to another reiteration and with the set back on the top level the set back on the stoops of the ground floor the next slide a third it ration the fourth one and finally this is prepared to hpc and had a lot of favorable input got their unanimous approval and their pleased they had a hand in shaping it i'll talk about the ground floor we have flexibility occupancy the residential units we have a
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small business meeting a business addresses to the residential address maybe operate a small business whatever they choose to do this is complying with the law and those are surprised from the sidewalk by landscaping a 6 foot set back and awning and an entry gate on the left side and right side two set back stoops. the this a view the 10 view facade as you can see the relationship too our building and the historic fire station including the set back on the rooftop level with the roof and the facade in general this was something that dna wanted to see as we worked with them we carved away the facade and created the courtyard either 22 and a half
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foot or the upper level 23 feet wide for the articulation it on the facade as again another view stand on the third street a blind wall that faces the police station given the uncertain future the delipidation and the windows opening into the occupant and wall next slide a view at the breezeway into the courtyard from 20th street if i'm out of time can i still go i can answer any questions or comments next slide quickly that the courtyard to 20th street it's landscaped we worked with david
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given his experience with the sidewalks and fantastic bulb out open 10 we see a gateway complete with bike parking and bench and lighting and the works and >> your time is up i'm afraid. >> we have questions. >> are there a whole bunch of slides. >> there's a roof deck that's it. >> what the commission we'll stop here and ask you for questions. >> opening it up for public comment. >> hi on minnesota street approximately a block away i'm
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here on behalf of my school it is across from the 901 tennessee construction project i realize your e-cigarette this project and looking to see if so compliant with the rules and regulations but i want to bring complexities you currently 5 projects that are about to be approved by the planning commission adjacent to that project we run a risk of 57 simultaneous construction projects the approval the planning commission and the financing and the execution of these is out of control but? a neighborhood experiencing thousands of new unit within a 7 block radius and schools with hundred and 20 preschools with
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young children being built the issue are construction we've met with the developers i met with them a number of times in the dog patch area i would ask you to consider those projects your approving the recommendation to the building inspection or the inspectors they take into consideration that we could end up with 5 projects simultaneously and it presents a hazard to the children and the droufts that happen with the 20 plus children and consider what impact that has as your going forward the other consideration i'm sure you're aware of the planning commissions have been more existing in the bay area we saw hundred protesters in oakland and saw a moratorium approval in the mission as well we're seeing impacts the teachers are being priced out of
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the city and driving an hour to get to school and compete with a lot of traffic but not a number of light zones for droufts for the parents and even the public schools are finding the private schools are being challenged for the teachers trying to educate our children i support the project thank you. >> of this i'm linda chambers the operations manager inform the international school as directly crossing we've met with the builder and architect the design is economically conscious and the building and design and
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generally they need to work with us mitigate any impact on the children's health and safety our concern with the next two years we'll be dealing with 5 projects can you see dust and noise and possible abatement issues and traffic and deliveries impacting 2, 3, 4 years placing across the street and parent hundred and 20 families trying drop out of their children this is currently no regulation or oversight around building around the schools but air quality and things like that but anyone morntsdz things across the street from the school the health is incredibly important
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families are concerned we want to be informed about particular days when they're deliveries are coming do doing abatement and parent may not wanted to bring them to school depending on the time some are starting in the fall the beginning of the school year our school goes year around there's no time better for us the open air playground is across the street and the children are there at staggered times we support the project but want to be involved as much as possible with the planning commission any way we think the facility we rent the owner is an elderly gentleman that might be getting the paperwork if i can give you
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my contracted information i get the flier of this meeting a i don't know it has been on the book for equivocal i'll give you any information to have a contact with the school and myself specifically thank you. >> any other public comment on this item - i saw a little bit of stretching okay that being said and opening up to commissioners commissioner moore. >> thank you for adding the context map and the activities of construction in the area this puts credibility to public comment and thank you it is a good to your case the department is using we have a large shared and wonderful things i'm enadam
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but i do careful explanation and not just trying to pass a monster but speaking to what inspires you you do that eloquently i'm in support of that there are positive issues about the project, however, this year's one of great certain this is a very unit driven unit driven that unfortunately asks for 50 percent of the dwelling units to be exempt from the dwelling unit exposures while in closed residential districts we have a situation all the geographies 50 percent is just too much and i will explain in a minute
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why this is a site a m m u for that reason it falls not acquit under the residential review by the department but really is discussed more in urban design group under the gentleman's guidance the project fails in its cross section to provide as intentional or untim it doesn't matter in the building on this courtyard side didn't need to meet the requirement a 22 foot separation is between building facade and building facade while the requirement ask a 45 degree spring point from the dprr to the top of the roof and that particular requirement
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which we very carefully discussions the enforcement of other buildings of similar design and this building as far i can tell will need to basically correspond to it requirement what is critical in the section you've submitted to the commissioners yesterday the gentleman was kind enough to copy it yesterday afternoon it is clear that the two building facades are too close to each other since your drawing a tree but fail to draw the garden wall your proposing in that courtyard what is left is barely 3 feet with the tree in the middle making that i am partial you have basically bedrooms 20 feet awe from the leadership and we
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all know the visual privacy t is between 60 and 70 percent i'd like to ask the gentleman to answer are why we didn't pursue this. >> thank you, commissioner i'll be happy to answer simply over the last year or two a number of projects that raised the same question that has had somewhat compressed courtyards the direction about their expectations for the quality of space for a dimension that provides a certain amount of privacy going so far to address
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window replacement and that contributes to privacy in those experimental situations but not part of the street experience in this case the project did go through that review and comments were made accordingly expressing concerns about those aspects of this project unfortunately, it simply was not communicated to the sponsor and was not reflected in the ultimate design so it is not a not always a perfect system this is one the moments and we had a clear direction based on the principally conversations and other related projects that communication came too late in the project to effect the project before you
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unfortunately, we have this opportunity to receive direction. >> it is very interesting since we're having a building with a double corridor in the west facing part of the project in the same corridor in the eastern part of the site it is the western side we'll ask for the racking of the building on the 45 that's the sun direction we're tdr in it will effect a couple of units will maple rest. paul the outdoor i'm not going to tell you what you do but a need to adjust the building to those requirements we're asking for the outcome as well. >> commission
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