tv [untitled] May 9, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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we have turnover and i know there's some salary statement. >> we've taken everything in salary but we were looking maybe salary surveys to going towards additional translation services but asked for a supplemental to complete instead of using the language services we can reindirect. >> that's put that dot mayors right now. >> well, i know or mean many requests. >> we'll have to get approval from d h.r. and the controller and the mayor's office to do that. >> but the special you're speaking of specifically sponsor translation services this is the kind of thing that is appropriate for a supplemental
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in terms of requesting it something that not part of usually process that's something that occurred maybe there's a need for it just took place with the resignation of the executive director and pitch should be made to the mayors and to the board just for a supplemental to cover that this is what supplementals are for when something comes along during the year. >> do you have any idea if we submitted an application for a supplemental to cover the costs do you have any idea before we get a yay or nay and a month or two. >> and during that most or so we could be doing getting exempt
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employment type of document preempted that describes the job and the pay and all that. >> yeah. >> and you would help us with. >> absolutely. >> if we get turned adopt is there any reason we can't make that public the position is open? that we're searching and asian-american we could do >> i pardon me. >> i think we have. >> oh, the search. >> sending out out the electronic messages there's an opening we welcome applications. >> any problem with h.r. and no. you can do that anytime our rode. >> well, i thought in terms of
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process we were going to considering having a public meeting to hear from interested parties and taking that information to see if there's relevance and incorporating into a job description as a lane that then we could almost curling have this process which is 3 things going on that public posting there if we agree we're going to move forward with a partial to 15 thousand instead of $50,000 passage of a search firm and also the whole supplemental thing i would only feel good about moving forward if we had $15,000 to move around we should request is it menu but if indeed there's a cost savings
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of salaries is an approved budget start to draw from any would strongly support that but the waiting on the supplemental that takes a process to july 31st because the mayor puts it out june 1st, the boards cruise on it for a while. >> that's the regular budget process. >> that's not part of budget process supplementals is something the board would consider at any particular time. >> i completely agree and i think that at least in the public meetings i've been in with the board of supervisors we would be needing to make a good case to address the issues
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within the - to find the city process equal requests for supplementals that are out in the fiscal year and not necessarily psyching but i think that is worth movrd moving forward. >> if he didn't have get the money how would we propose to do do search and hire a new executive director? hopefully, we'll find the 15 thousand and go forward i think commissioner president keane raises a good point we want to get this right and loots other things going on so having help whatever level we can for the record >> and the word is out and some
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kind of announcement on our website as well as on your we be or have a facebook page we could do something there and the different groups involved in government or anything ethics groups cross the country all should be getting an overwhelm to so we can figure out with or without a recruiting company. >> soy think what we'll do put it in 0 the agenda for next month for public input to get an item to get as many interested people to say who we should be looking for or what we should be
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looking for. >> mr. chair to underscore i didn't think we should support commissioner president keane's having been to the process on both ends i believe there is a benefit for them helping them thinks what you're wanting to prefer and prefer if a commitment is something novice to have when you order in those ways those few minutes agos of the job that are essential to the job and they help guide our thought it is for us could only benefit us if i could add d h.r. is happy to partner with the commission
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as much as possible. >> i'll appoint might have and ad hoc committee responsible for that working with h.r. to moving forward forward. >> sound like an excellent selection. >> we'll start working on that okay. >> for a supplemental or two where we can move. >> thank you, thank you very much sorry. >> no problem. >> public comment. >> any public comment. >> hello. >> larry bush from friends of ethics i was involved in the selection of the first two executive directors we crude from new york and the points
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that you've made commissioner renne and commissioner hur you urge to a e have a process or soliciting combutsz from people if the regulated community and the citizens and people that are in similar positions like for example, ante fcc who certainly understands what those things are liquor or leslie the head of the ethics commission there's a group that johnson is fume with a national organization that is made up of ethics commission people but getting inputs on the job is critical before you look
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at the candidates and i'm not sure that h.r. a aware of a mostly target the job here is at it's you've added a great deal of duties into the commission staff and also facing a new political investment that involves for o more demands for transparency and greater knowledge of using the internet to get information to the public and prohibited behavior so all of those things going come into place not hire someone to manage a water system it is a new nuance to e so to the extent you reach out for people's thoughts and in the community what gos into the job and then making sure that people are aware people decided is the job and
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soliciting input on commitments a to step process i'll see as most workable. >> i have no doubt you'll have excellent xtsz buy san francisco has a unique amount ever authority and the ability to put something on the bottles that is unusual and you're in the heart of silicon valley valley to draw on empower transparency so there's citizens interested in what's going on and the commission that times to do it that's my thought. >> let me ask you, is it true when you talk about vovrl the community and the description of the job and things ever that nature how do you envision that
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being done saw open up a page on your and solicit people send in a one page idea some people will say it leans towards enforcements you you understand that and others will say we have to have new transparency and new citizen involvements and david lee is putting in a proposal for a ballot measure to require. >> commission to be broadcast so everyone has a pious that's like an elephant or a tree trunk everyone has one pious if you have a broad outreach you'll without parole come up with smlgs that resonates and, of course i'll send in something
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without novelist. >> thank you any other - . >> good evening. i'm doug i have a couple of suggestions how to proceed open here i go the new executive director first schedule a hearing with public information to the newspapers about it that would invite critics and supporter of the computer executive director to come here to speak hearing the pros and cons of his performance give us an idea of what people expect the next executive director to try to do of course it is everyone's opinion but at least you'll get a wide use of opinion what he's done correctly and not credulous
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according to the people that follow constricts the man sitting at the desk who recently left is interested in applying for the job that is a bad idea abused and i think if you have someone in front of you surprisingly you and next sitting with you as executive director i microwave consider that potential ever too much influence of course this is very subjective but that's an area that is very corrupt politicians use to promote certainly idea and conclusions next idea we should hire someone from the outdoor inch not been to too many hearings every hearings there is so much announces of which way to interrupt the law if you're
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going to erupt the law of thin treads of legal opinion bring in someone that has no toys to the local area this way it will at least give the appearance that the person is start out independent of any influence group obviously if the perform is not good have a hearing to consider why people disagree about the executive directors performance by promote interior san francisco area is a way of promoting under a certain senseless flouns pedestrian illegal let's not forget that was a certain police commission it used the ploy of whisper in my area that's why there is so
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much politicians getting in trouble was two much whisper in my ear thank you. >> david speaking as an is where i would several points i was going to talk about all the wonderful things over the last 11 years tonight is not the night suffice to say that jack has been here 11 years the majority ever commission and it is going to be difficult to see a new person we'll get through it ward to the items you certainly should take input if the public and two former commissioners their experience good and bad over time perhaps a meeting in the next thirty days to look at the document and talk about the process going forward
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i'm trying to think back to how jeff reuben and jenny i forgot to the d h.r. to the extent you engage the consultant on it i'll suggest a low expenditure as possible and the high executive searchers has not yielded hi quality which was to the extent i will or i like the 15 thousand more than the thirty or 40 and finally, the records generated in that process i said first suggest there be job description updated at minimum qualifications and desired qualifications i appreciate with commissioner vice president andrews what you what and that is nice a fine approach and
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there are records eir d h.r. or the commission should keep the records from the public and i'm in that d h.r. was not as strong or doing different things and reaps why the administrative reasons had expertise on running the process that is why that happened that way 11 years ago i look forward to this progress i hope another will apply and have a pool of well qualified candidates this should a terrible choice. >> you talk about keeping records but you understand that the identity of applicants and all that is confident. >> i'm suggesting if there's a
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records to be kept for an appropriate amazement. >> thank you. >> any other suggestions anybody on the commission? commissioners have as to how we should be preceding in the next thirty days besides going for a supplemental and working with h.r. to you come up with a job description and i agree with mr. bush's comment about getting as much public comment into the job description as well as everything else. >> chair yes. >> and want to say, i think we still have received excellent input to how the process should
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local and staff put a timeline together the order in which we are going to do that whether it is putting together a list of organizations you know public hearing, meeting of the committee so that we can have that before us to look at and cross it off as we go. >> that's a great idea. >> for those of you who have more experience how long is realistic to plan for. >> usually a 3 to have most process not longer than that usually within the function of the fiscal year two or three things happen within the quarters the preferred is 3 generally at this level usually about five or six in my
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experience. >> all right. go to the next item. >> discussion and possible action regarding a complaint received or initiated by the ethics commission concerning the california code failure to appropriate identify a ballot measure and possible 8 had 0 c failure to have a name on a campaign possible closed session any public comment on item no. 7? hearing none do you have a motion as to whether or not we should assert the
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attorney-client privilege and meet in closed session >> so moved. >> (laughter). >> second. >> all right. any public comment? >> i don't know how long your closed session will go i'm hoping to hear you're going to appointed to the ballot measure >> expenditure lobbying. >> i'll ask the sxain to be a committee of one to take into account the material that you had provided to us concerning
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the pages 23rd to the thirty of the grand jury report on prop j and prop e he agreed to do that i'll make that at the end for the agenda item to report back on and i guess i'll ask you will you be willing to take this on in place of the other. >> mined my understanding it's a two-fold thing you want me to coming come back to the commission would be who the actions that of taken in the 1990s did genocide strip the commission of the particular powers that relate to lobbyists
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and two whether or not we can we should. >> i'm sorry i think we're too far astray. >> lemon finish my sentence and strike it all because we're not the idea of stopping now, when a sentence we'll wrap it up is absurd and two whether or not we it's feasible to get a measure on the bottle this year relating to the lobbyists expenditure aspect those are the things you want me to do i'll be happy to report book the committee commissionto next month. >> it was going to come up under the future united items
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only because mr. bush wanted to leave and not come back to the closed session. >> i have assert the rolls ever order sometimes. >> anyway i will - we will take it up at the end. >> thank you for letting me go out of order. >> thank you. >> and did we vote on the- i don't think we voted on the motion to go into executive director session all in favor, say i. >> i. >> hearing none it is carried unanimously and let's take a 5 minute.
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>> we're back we're going back in session if the april meeting of the ethics commission fewer than or turning to item 8. >> exactly we need one more motion. >> we have to do it twice. >> i move we not disclosures with was held in closed session any public comment? just want to know if there's an additional report out after you vote on it if there's anything
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you need to closedisclose >> an additional report. >> not certain actions not who you'll need to report out liquor a finding of the probable cause. >> a vote on the motion all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed carried unanimously item 6 and discussion and possible action on the march 23rd 2015 draft meeting minutes any comments? on those minutes >> i can't find my copy but i
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photograph 1 sentence one line. >> yeah. >> just putting her name in okay got it is there a motion. >> i move to approve the minutes. >> carries unanimously number 9 distributions the director's report and update of the commission staff activities. >> i don't it is late i'll not give updates but i'll answer any questions. >> any commissioners have any questions? public comment? david again, just a suggestion i wasn't
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