tv [untitled] May 9, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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with the budget office to come up with a long-range plan to these how we'll development the last two large developments like sunnyvale i'm sure you're aware of those developments are going to do the environmental review and once their through the environmental review process the mayor's office of housing and the housing authority want to go vertical as quickly as possible and the result will be new neighborhoods, new affordable housing, replacement of public housing and new market rate housing in the ear timelines for the developments are rather along the size of the development are huge compared to hunter view and altercating but that speaks to the other part of
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our workshop public housing within the next 18 months we will the mayor's office of housing will help fund along with the housing authority over 35 hundred units forrehabilitation and by the end of that period we will have unit that will be having at least a useful life of another 20 years and manage and fund in are a way that the federal government did not provide for the housing authority and so in that effort clearly the office has made substantial process in terms of developing the financial plans and in terms of the implementations the other work with or that the office has done in terms of the policy and
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program prelims it's been you know creating new programs to try to address the housing needs as some of the earlier speakers spoke about not only are we do we need to address our housing needs at the low level but also are there ways of expanding who we serve in terms of affordable housing there's an effort to try to create new programs to add on affordability to existing projects we've serve middle-income residents that are very, very hard-pressed to stay in that very, very heated housing market we've been working with the city departments this is an area that is of particular interest thought school district the school district is undergoing a
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bit of a transition they anticipate losing 5 hundred teachers over the next 5 years and the question what can we do a a city to support them in creating housing opportunities to new teachers what worry about teaching as opposed to the housing the experienced teachers have gone through the system can't afford to buy a home and continue to contribute to san francisco and it's neighborhoods so what we're trying to address is some of the broader issues some of that is related to working with our sister development like the planning department like regulatory changes we can do together and bring before the planning commission and board that will regulated and create housing that woo and clearly we're looking at ways to create financing instruments to assist
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in some of the expansive work we're trying to do in addition to the affordable housing we're not looking to ignore or loaf behind what's the bread and butter of the mayor's office of housing our traditional affordable housing but we want to do add to this work and to address a broader range of individuals and families who also given the housing market are hard-pressed to stay in the city in a nut shell that's what we are doing in terms of creating new programs and trying to line up projects to leverage out the funding and meet the mayors goals of the thirty thousand you know 050 percent of which is affordable a third of that you know thirty thousand doping affordable and those are
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the goals of the the office as we work in the program development and implementation over the next 5 years at this time i am sorry to deputy director ma clutch. >> supervisors ami i'd like to spend a few minutes highlighting some of the key areas in affordability and liveability the topic of that conversation fy 2014-2015 for our unoperating budget dollars going out the door ant over half is from federal and state grant and impact fees those compromised of inclusionary fees and few other housing recommended impose and self-supporting categories that
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is loaner policies from previous years if drill down a little bit over $21 million is from the housing trusted fund in the budget that was past $25 million of borrowing against future trust fund logos we've not assessed had that money but expect to do so in the next four to five most to support multi family housing development we have $12 million in work odors from fellowship and fha for the subsidies program this is supportive housing for homeless families those are making those building a cash glow we have about $7 million of what
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we can go allergies as safety net services you've niechltd us back for the safety net hearing we'll drill both that that is mostly low income serving the san franciscans within the affordability and live ability we've picked a few key areas olsen lee touched on i'll go through them one by one for a quick overview one the key roles to preserve our existing affordable housing portfolio just within mow funded history we have over 21 thousand existing units of affordable housing in san francisco we're the asset ultimate asset manager for we're participation to those units and making sure the affordability it maintained as much as possible
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we are continuing our multi family hours we've downed our pipeline in production a few are the small sites program i think many you have are aware helping to preserve exist rent controlled unit in the city the rental assistance demonstration that olsen lee mentioned with the housing authority to rehab the exit units to make sure their places that people want to live for the next 20 years and hope sf we as olsen lee mentioned a long process right now almost 3 hundred units in construction and we have a variety of different projects throughout the city listed here total up to around 7 hundred unit
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as far as helping people become homeowner you're down payment surveillance we offer a wide range to a variety of income level where you're trying to purchase a below market rate or interesting in purchasing a market rate permit we have targeted programs for teachers and foreground in the current year we've provided down payment to 63 folks to become homeland security for the first time under the category of neighborhood stabilization first is our office implementations of the ellis act preference program that the dimension passed since we've been taking application in 2018 we have hundred and 34 applications and 26 people that
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received certified have been placed in hours somewhere in the city we have the eviction prospective and the acquisition program and the complete neighborhood trust fund funded out of accident general fund dollars and this program to get off the ground we have invited residential developers and neighborhood groups to jointly apply for funding grant from $10,000 to $200,000 to support community improvement projects in neighbors that are experiencing growth some of the things people might come include parks and public safety projects it is really up to whatever the neighborhood groups and the residential developers can come
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up when they think will help the community that concludes my presentation. owl and brighten chiu is here to answer questions. >> thank you for your presentation. >> supervisor mar. >> yeah. i wanted to thank you for the presentation and wanted to ask olsen lee and staff to respond to the question are we build enough avenue, i know you've mentioned my mind housing from the 1950 mission the school district there recent obligations to look at teachers as a my mind grouping of people we need to look at it and i will throw this out there against the wall and ask mr. lee to respond i'm worried about the thirty thesis unit goal we're not going to come close to the 60 percent
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of affordable housing are the other goal of 60 percent or the 33 percent within prop k the housing balance initiative that stated that the city shall strife to achieve 33 percent of low middle-income plans and special use district with significantly increased development potential my hope we're thinking strategizing open that level of meeting those luckiest i didn't goals and lastly the couple of small site fund i see that as a strategic as we see the shrinking the rent control stock to rehab buildings of resident whether land trust or whatever so we stop the tremendous sliveng of the affordable housing stock in the
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city that's all the stuff against the wall. >> let's start with the question of the goals clearly the office is focused on adding the mayors goal of the thirty thousand and we have a plan a plan to meet that goal and we have preponderance identified we have land identified some of the plan is con migrant that on how quickly we reach those goals and are contingent baton resources we have a plan to meet the 10 thousand goal the goal that - can you say even prop k explicitly states 10 thousand affordable by 2020 that's in 5 years how are we doing to get to the goal right now. >> we're - we have projected
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identified and projects with fund sources identified to achieve that goal and again part of the question of the timing in terms of trying to achieve that goal will be the outside leveraging we'll need for some of the projects that we have identified one of the things that is always complicated with affordable housing and the general public comment didn't quite understand our goal is to build the affordable housing with the at least amount of local money because the money we can then save on this project we'll spend on another project and create for affordable housing but when we do that that takes a little bit more time to get those other resources for our individual
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projects one the things we do is utilize the low income taxed as and sometimes federal funding we have this pipeline of housing contingent upon the outdoor resources are available it is important to leverage the outdoor resources often those outdoor resources are $2 for every dollar we contribute we'll build for affordable housing if we leverage those dollars the goal of the 33 percent is a combination of both our production of you know striking staples alone affordable housing we're working hard to make sure we have those unite and in year period and again, a large part of the units are indeed the
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public housing units we're on track to finish the rehab of those 35 hundred public housing in that 5 year period part is the question of how upcoming the market rate side develops their parcels and was their contributing in terms of the onsite inclusionary or through a da and higher percentage of affordable housing and but i think that everybody recognizes that that goal and is working towards that goal i think in terms of the reasoning in a numbers people powder we've noted achieved the renée goals for the units at less than 50 percent of income yes, that's a fact we've not
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reached the renée about gallows but more than other county in the area and more than any community not be sure the bulk of our 20 thousand unit of the manage our units that are serving households at 50 percent of medium income and below we've not been deterred by taking on low income housing but supportive hours many more hours that are supportive housing that are being subsidize and benjamin mentioned through the general fund you know we're a city that will put money where our mouth is and indeed subsidize housing for the formally homeless and the mayor's office of housing is providing that capital to do that i think again, we might not
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have met the republican in a goals we're at 57 percent but we've clearly done better than any other community in the bay area what you see in the republican in a goal you go up the next income can go we're 12 or 13 percent we've fallen off in terms of our ability to reach a slightly higher income group 41 percent we don't serve well, that's what we're talking about not people we serve in the tax credit developments and because to make one percent more they're in the amongst on their own so we're hoping to figure out how do we leverage this city's resources and to figure out a way that we can help that holder and you've mentioned earlier i've spent the last part of 2
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and a half years working with the school district and their union reps to figure out not only teacher housing the housing for the classified up to this point they've had a great percentage of employees living in the city they represents 65 percent of the employees living in the stay their goal to increase that level or maintain that level we're working with the school district to say what can we do to help our kruchlt of teachers overall and something we can do to administrator a program or a city dependent on above the school district if that's not the school district you know competent is to teach there are other parts of city to help in
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terms of managing a rental assistance program or assist in building you know teacher housing or just piggyback i piggybacking on the downtown payment assistance program one other thing we hope to fund in the future fund sources is the teacher next door program a program that was created out of afghanistan an early bond issue that provided basically recoveryable grant to teachers to help with down payment assistance to teachers who earn up to 2 hundred percent medium income we're down to our last entrants and clearly we want to refund it helps many teachers buy housing in the city so those are some of the things withhold to do so in terms of answering our goals we acknowledge there are greener goals but deeper in
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terms of how we've performed relative to other communities this is sort of i would can ask the public to take into account and the sheer number of units i'm not sure the residents of san francisco know we aside manage over 20 thousand units of affordable housing we're seeking to basically increase that number by 50 percent over a 5 year period that's a big lift for the city and the office and my staff we're very, very committed to trying to you know increase the level the numbers and levels of affordable housing and the breath of the population we trying to serve mr. chairman i want to thank mr. lee for responding it boo would be helpful to get the numbers open the 10 thousand to be
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routine by the planning commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote by 2020 i know we have to make public housing a habitable for people that live there for seniors to count that into the 10 thousands didn't make sense we have facing a displacement criticized i want to say for the teacher housing i know since the feinstein and park side school issued years and years ago we've been trying for many years rent subsidizes or other thoughtful going forward as you're trying to figure out that the teachers union and sciu and 10 to one and people vong for more hours we're not all adapted from the city during the terrible crisis thank you for your prediction and all the work. >> colleagues, any other questions from any of our
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departments okay want to thank all the departments for being here and look forward to continue our conversations so at that point item number one i'll read your name line up against the far wall i've seen a number of speaker cards around the arts we had our hamburger last week on the arts program obviously feel free to speak on that matter but we had that hearing last week so francisco dr. espanola jackson, (calling names). >> please come forward that
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allows us to speed in the process. >> go ahead dr. jackson. >> you've had two different deduction i wanted to make a statement you didn't ask anyone from the audience when were talking about dpw i want to talk on this issue it is very important and too bad we only have 2 minutes to speak i have here a engross of information that you need to know about i have given this information out to other supervisors before and it was dealing with management residential council set up in 1992 the vice president dan quail came to is of no gave funding and supported the take the opportunity tenant living in housing 3 grants and san francisco was the only city to
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receive 3 grants one was for hunters view and the other for susan just vail that was to train the tenants to be managers become managers of the public housing having the women or men as well to learn to become contributions plumbers all aspects of running the housing authority where the tenants will run and operate housing authority and guess what only 10 was hired in 1996 when it was learned about all those people coming in for hope the first program was hope and the
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first project was hope in hunters view you can checkout for yourselves the man that run it helped us at bayview hunters point. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> but you know someone needs to have this information it needs to be - >> you can submit it to the clerk ma'am everyone has two minutes we need to be respectful of people that are waiting. >> supervisors today a number of seniors were gathered outside of the steps and basically what i want to address is quality of life issues so we had mohammed nuru give a presentation we had the planning department and john ram gave a presentation and olsen lee from the mayor's office of housing give a presentation so my way
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substantive is give 8 out of 10 john ram 6 out of 10 and olsen lee it out of 10 today it is a shame that san franciscans have to go on our streets and see so many people homeless and it is a shame that the supervisors sit here and don't think outside the box when it comes to our children i see the fluff and the rain drop but not the practice illicit i when i worked for accident presidio i created the infrastructure group the real estate and property management group i understand what goes into doing things and maintain a
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standard your supervisors was ask yourselves do you really cater to those that need help most do you really care about our seniors especially our seniors who really contributed to this nation in the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s today, we have at technician i didn't and the fluff i'm asking you do you center compassion and is your heart in the right place you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon and thank you supervisors my name is mary beth smith i work in san francisco beetle i'm here on behalf of the arts loinsz this is the key tool to making our neighborhoods vital this is the general fund
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allocation will remain as $11.4 million over the next fiscal years despite the hotel tax revenue it is time more the arts to receive their clear benefit we support of the fund in this year's budget to bring the smaller and mid sized organizations to goal we'll not be asking for anything around a cost of living allocation s so as you're considering priorities i urge you to think about the arts as a key component to the cultural fabric of the neighborhoods and the city. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon and thank you thank you for the opportunity to make that public denim as you consider your recommendations for next year's city budget i'm charles warn deny the chief
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development offers at the yerba buena gardens artists today oil be speaking on behalf of arts alliance one the pill last year's that upside down the reputations is the arts san francisco's reputation as a city built on the backs of artists we have a cultural designation for people from around the region and around the world there is more art available to be experienced in san francisco in a single day than month cities offer in an entire year arts organizations help to fuel the economic engine of the city we employ people and we buy goods and services locally yet in the time of economic prosperity in san francisco and the increased in the city budget by 70 percent over the 10 year period grants
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