tv [untitled] May 9, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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aye. breed, aye. compose aye: the resolution is adoptedoon nasmanlyilous as amendmented. madam clerk can you call item 14 >> resolution to grant revocable permission to [inaudible] construct and maintain a new concrete stair way with [inaudible] and other related improvements at the new cmp avenue frontage of 47053rd street and affirming the planning department [inaudible] >> colleagues can we take this resolution same house and call. without objection the resolution is adopted. actually everyone could you please exit the chamber quitely? madam clerk can you call item 15 >> motion to appoint putrenea
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hall term ended [inaudible] citizens committee on xhupt r commutey development. >> same house and call. motion adopted unanimously. item scen >> motion to appoint sam pend atermeneded jan 13, 2016 to veterans affairs >> without objection this motion is aproveed. item number 17 >> considered by the land use in transportation committee on monday may 4th and forwarded. resolution inempose zoning control fraub fraub medical cannabis dispensary in the urfbing [inaudible] and to improse additional conditional
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use criteria and make the findings >> can key take this item same house-supervisor tang >> i just wanted to explain what the zoning control is here in place for. basically a couple years ago we worked on legislation to change or create 4 neighborhood commercial districts in district 4, that is urfbing [inaudible] part of that creasian said that we would need to have a active use and there were no active use it requires conditional use process. recently the board of supervisors passed code clean up and in it changed definitions that also changed the zoning that we put in place specifically in regards to district 4. in particular, regarding medical cannabis
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dispenseeracy. they moved from non active groundful use to groundful use so this legislation is to correct that mistake that had come about given the code clean up legislation the board passed and this only applies to district 4. i thank land use for their support and ask my colleagues to support this as well >> supervisor avalos >> i understand where the zoning controls come from and typically i would like to differ to the supervisor for the district but across san francisco how mcd's are sited are not done in a way that wurg frz the entire sitee. zee piece meal approach to it especially how the green zeen is created. the green zone we
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have legislation in 2005. the mkd is concentrated on the east side in san francisco and fewer on the west side. i am trying to assert the mcd should be available to nob [inaudible]. i haven't proposed out right ban in district 11 which many of my residence called for mpt i did establish conditional use controls for new mcd's only when they are proposed within 500 feet of a existing mcd. i wasn't looking to create a out right strong hurdle against that conditional use does allow, does provide. so, what i was looking at doing and had the planning department study is how to re-create our laws or
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governing how mcd can be sited across san francisco so we don't see the concentration and [inaudible] in certain neighborhoods. curbtsly there are not mcd's in the sunset district. having conditional use that is the first hurdle for any mcd to start. mcd's can only get sited in other neighborhood like on the east side which is a problem we have. i don't think that this-i understand how neighborhoodss may want to put conditional use controls for medical cannabis, but they also have impacts on the rest of san francisco as well. people who are seeking access to medical cannabis in the sunset may come to district 11 or [inaudible] or could be going to the richmond where there are mcd
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or other parts of san francisco. i don't think we have been able to address the overall need for fr access and control across san francisco for mcd's in the city, so i'll vote against this legislation. i would thrike it work with the supervisor in the future how we can create a policy that works for all of san francisco and not have a piece meal approach neighborhoods by neighborhood. i realize again that i have contributed to neighborhood approach but my first take on mcd's is we don't have a ban in district 11 or conditional use on the first application, it is only when a application comes within 500 feet of a existing mcd so we kil create that access-i understand where these legislations come from, because there are very active parts of the community that isn't comfortable. as a policy for the city we stood up to allow
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for access to happen and want to make sure we continue to do that and don't set a wrong president for san francisco going forward so i'll vote gaens the legislation, though i understand where this legislation comeess from >> supervisor tang >> thank you for your comments, i think the poibts you raise address a larger issue that this legislation isn't trying to get at. thrfs legislation passed that had certain controls in place so this is just to correct that. the unintended consequences of code clean up legislation. this doesn't necessarily proclude a mcd from coming into had neighborhood, i just try to restore to it previously >> seeing no names on the roster can you call the roll >> supervisor christensen, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye.
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kim, aye. mar, no. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos. no. breed, aye. compose, aye. there are 9 aye's and 2 no's being supervisor mar and avalos. >> the resolution is adopted. before we go to roll call i would like to acknowledge a former supervisor christina [inaudible] is a joining aus in the audience today. i wanted to welcome her today. thank you for being here. with that we are going move on to roll call and we are going to start off on roll call with supervisor campose >> thank you very much madam president. colleagues today is sinko demayo. this is a day
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that we and the country of latin american descent we remember what happened in mexico when mexico fought back gaens the french who at the time tried to apply economic and military prectoor the country which at the time was a very young country that had just wanted freedom from spain. under resourceed and vastly out numbered, the heart and sole of the mexican people reveiled in the battle of puebla and this was a turning point for the mexican people fighting oppression. it is a day of a symbol of provide not only for mexican americans but all latinos in the country. and sthait as someone who is latino but not mexican descent. it is fitting on this very important day i am here to
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introduce a introom urgency ordinance to establish a mooreatorium on all marketeracy housing in the mission for the next 45 days. and there is a lot of magz passion here and what i want to say is that this is a very personal issue because for soany many residence of the community, this is a community that is under siege. we have lost more than 1600 low to moderate
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income house holds from the mission since the year 2000. during this time we lost 10 thousand residence in the mission 8 thousand of them latino's. that has brought the percentage of latino's in the neighborhoods from 52 percent to 40 percent. if you look at what happened in termoffs development in this neighborhoods, there has only been one new affordable housing development in this neighborhood in the last decade. the last affordable housing development in the mission was completed in 2009, 6 years ago and prior to that only 14 new units of public housing were included at vulensia gardens in 2006. this is all the affordable housing built. in the planning department pipe line there are
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4 saerfb 8 units aproveed for construction ja829 units that filed for aprovel. if all och those projects go forward only 7 percent of the units that are aproveed by the city are below market rate because developers are paying inlieu fees instead of building affordable units on site. t thameans fine 3 percent of the housing built in the mission will be luxury housing. this is truly a state of emergency. the eastern neighborhood plan we passed in 2008 dwubled doubled the amount of development, but at the time the intent of eastern neighborhoods would be to double that fl purpose of building affordable housing in this neighborhood. that plan has failed the mission. the
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eastern neighborhoods plan is not working. despite so much residential construction our working people, seniors youth and families are being displaced and the prices keep going up. a medium price home cost more than a million dollars and a medium price apartment cost more thaj than 3 thousand dollars a months. there is a bright line of hope though that is shining 3. i have never since i became a supervisor seen our community so united. people that perhaps at times are on opposite sides on issues have come together to say enough is enough and they are not working in isolation. this community and my office is work wg the mayor office in economic development, the w the planning department >> student start a new housing plan for the mission. the city
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itself including the mayors office and planning department in so doing have acknowledged that we need a new housing plan for this neighborhood. colleagues we need to acknowledge the eastern neighborhoods plan is out of date. we need to acknowledge that it has failed and it is time to put up a temporary stop to market rate development so that our community can plan and so that as we plan the limited land that is available to build affordable housing on is not taken up by more luxury housing development. we know that we have to build at least 2500 affordable housing units by the year 2020 in this naird
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neighborhoods and that makes up for the displacement that already occurred, it isn't to increase diversity or hope those pushed out of the nairnd come back and we don't have a plan for building that housing. it is a crisis and we need to respond like it is a crisis. this is why i am introducing this introom urge ordinance to you today and let me say i have not done this before, but i will be also asking this board that instead of sending this item to xhitety, i believe that this issue so pressing that the crisis is so urgent, that we need to hear this collectively as a committee of a whole that the entire board of supervisors needs to hear from the
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community and i will introduce motion so that this discussion can be had by the entirety of the board. i want to take this opportunities thank the community that has been working with me for so long to make this happen. i want to thank the tenets who have shared their stories. the parents, the kids who talked about the very personal struggles. i want to thank all the people who have shared how difficult it is. i want to thank the colleagues on the board of supervisors who have signed on to be cosponsors of this measure. it means a great deal to me to supervisor mar, kim, avalos and y ee. i will end
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this for the last few days. i don't know that people have gotten much sleep, but it ask the nature of theergeancy that requires e we act boldly. i look forward to a conversation and debate and i can tell you in the end i know that you will hear what we have to say. you will hear this community and it is a community in pain, but it is also a community that believes in san francisco. that believes in the promise that this city has meant to so many of us. we came to san francisco because we from all walks ouf life believe in san francisco we could be ourselves and the mission represents the very best of san francisco. we are fighting for the sole of the mission and in so doing we
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compose back to the flow for roll call. for visor christensen >> so as supervisor campose mentioned all our districts are facing housing crisis in their own way. in my district where nearly all the buildings, i think it is 95 percent have been in place for 40 or 50 years or more. we are not as plagued by an influx of new housing which we embrace where we can find place, but at the lost of the existing housing. we are attempted to create new housing but we also need to preserve and protect what we have. for the latter, evection and 3 day notices and buy out and required to be filed with the rent board and the city does fund eviction defense programs and small [inaudible] and other tenet resources that we are happy to offer to the
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residence in danger of being displaced. we find most rez derns don't know their options and frightened to give up their [inaudible] today a small step, i'm introducing a resolution urging the mayors office to convene a working group of rent board and development an evection alert system to notify the mayors office of housing and district supervisor when more than one eviction notice 3 day or buy out aurf is made in a building. in a matter of a couple moint we can be notified in days and help [inaudible] the short term goal is connect the tenets with the serves the city already has quickly so eviction and displacement can be avoided and
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the sitf silty retain the rent croul. the long [inaudible] data and notificationerize at mated and the cyst nl can work quickly and efficiently. there are other steps that need to be taken but this is snngee can do in the shortd term to protect existing rens dns remain in the rent control housing and ask my colleagues to join in the short term solution. the rest i submit >> supervisor cohen >> thank you i submit. >> supervisor farrell >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues i have toitems today. first is the reoctization of the film rebate program here in san francisco. film production choose to locate here and bring benefits to the resident recollect worker and economy. the rebate
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program we have seen grew over the year and very successful and incent tize vised more film production to come to the sate. i believe this is a big part of the culture and community. the rebate program is set to sunset at the end of june and it is imparaative we continue the program. the rebate program show cases the world class city on there big screen [inaudible] diversify as art ports of the economy grow. for every dollar deinated to the film production, $6 are spent on wages and other expenditures. what is more encouraging is the data shows the film commission expects to grow ovtime. in terms of the grouth and function of the
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program in order for film production to rerfb the rebate they need to qualify. they need 65 percent of the total principle prarfy days are located within thcity limits. the thing i believe that is great is how wex pand to include [inaudible] documentarys [inaudible] hose of other productions. furter more expansion of the state film tax credit inical goes into effect july 1 and expect the extension och our rebate program in more production will be incentvised to locate in the city. some hof the productions that have been here in san francisco hbo looking session 1 and 2 with season 2 is aired on hbo. real world came to san francisco for season 29. netflix web series [inaudible] had a number of episodes here
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and [inaudible] dierary of a teen age girl was filmed here. help support local crew jz actors and hotels and small business and so much more. for this year we have 3 productions signed frup the program and expect more. from my perspective and someone that continued to carry this legislation extended the program and funding i believe the program proves it paid for itself and then some. it is rare to have government program that have a high return on investment. it has been a important asset for the local econome in the past and believe extended it will continue the sick suss of the program. i have legislation that i carry this year. a number of colleagues in the years past to introduce waver for the temporary [inaudible] small business week 2015. this will be the 11ict anversyry of small
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business week & the theme this is year is celebrating small business. this year i'm pleased to interdus this legislation. [inaudible] signed tupe participate in the side walk sale slated for saturday may 16 and 23. to support the side walk sales is during those days i want to thank the department of pub lic works and staff burey [inaudible] processing the permits. i encourage everyone to buy local, shop small and visit the merchants. the rest i submit >> supervisor farrell. supervisor kim >> thank you. i am introducing 2 pieces of legislation today. the first is expanding the limit permit to western south affmarket area plan. in 20 laerfb the city
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passed legislation to allow tainment on a limited basis can [inaudible] allow mic music poetry and fashion. the permits support both small businesses and a growing and emerging diverse local talent in san francisco by allowing entertainment on a limited basis. our office worked over the course of several monthwise the entertainment commission, residence, business owners and other stake holders to development a plan that support the residential character of the nairblds which a mixed use neighborhood and also acknowledges the historical idea as a place for performing arts and entertain: at the time it was passed limited life performantance permit were not allowed due to neighborhood concerns about the non existing
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track record thf permits. several years later we have now learned that of the 58 permt issued only 3 businessvise are the subject of complaints. 2 of these is nysthat occurred much later tan the time entertainment was permit. businesses are permits are subject to increase regulation because they are also under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission and the commission follows up and investigates complaints eve chb if they are not related to the permit. we found the fear that the llp's conflict with mixed use nature of the area are unfounded, however the initial proition befsh was a important part of the process. i'm introducing legislation today that will expand limited life permits in the western [inaudible] the ledgeilation will allow limeted live
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entertain on 9th and 10th street from mission and harrison and howard and folsome in the south of market. they are not permitted in the [inaudible] where most of the residence live. it is my help the llp's will support the lively culture of artist, mew scission, comics, nexus of arts and entertain 789 ment in the sate while supporting small business that provide foot traffic and enhance it safety of the cor doors. second i'm also introducing trailing legislation to strengthen helths code requirement frz gas stations to provide clean and accessible bathrooms to the patrons during business hours by creating a enforcement mechanism. district 6 a mixed use historically with a lut of office, marfing and night life
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