tv [untitled] May 9, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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nd haul cost survivor and on the e street for more than a year. america is fasest, barbarian hitler country if me and by the way, 70 years ago america sent the gas chamber 500 women and children jewish by joseph kennedy and rose velt. joseph kennedy was the best friend and ambassador to germany and the best friend of hitler. he said until i will leave no one jewish [inaudible] will come to the united states and a group from europe from germany they told him that it is only
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children and women, let them shape my name [inaudible] let them come to the united states. he and rosevelt said no and he was [inaudible] all his children will be killed. i ask you brored of supervisors help me rern to my home. i want to die not on the street, but want to die at my home. >> thaunks. next speaker please >> president breed and other victims of the cuball, my name is cristful doll and live at 60 and howered 10 blocks and 14 meters from sea level. i rise
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to comonten the rern of the circus. i refer not to any family entertainment enterprise, but the political circus is which is our seismicly challenged haul orf justice. the city and county of san francisco is under court order for decades to replace the aging structure because it is unsafe. another to attempt to do this is put before the voters, but members, once again you display your moral veernss for all to snicker at. previously the left push for the new jail is evidence of concern for the unfortunates who found themselves incarcerated there and could not bring them to coddle criminals and opposed it. the left is pushing against a new facilities arguing the case load is dropjug incarceration is ineffective and inmoney should be use frd services which may do good and the right
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is now in favor finally feeling the wait of their custodeial responsibilities and concern for the safety of all within the building. members your first certain the safety of the people who work for you and the safety of the peopleioawork for. stop fiddling and move on this. >> thank you. next speaker please >> high supervisors [inaudible] foundser of neighbors [inaudible] i became activated in 2011 when chase bank wanted to work the w the planning department and mayor lees administration to displace 2 local businesses a 201 deviz dareee and were shocked [inaudible] we protested against it and could have sued the city but decided we did want want a law suit at the
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time and put our naerj towards something more positive so [inaudible] to include financial services and at that time i realized we have to say no to profit drirfben displacement bit also to find our rishs and strategic yes and we have to start thinking like developers and learn the law, cl is important because sometimes it is broken as we have seen by a lot of corporations in san francisco instead of following due process of the law which there is a process in order to shape it if we want to, but people are breaking it and that is wlie the people have to come and stand up to this. now we are moving forward thinging how to support inclusive and inretching sustainable development and how do we support a livable equitable san francisco. we need diversity
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of workers living and working in san francisco and i have ideas about how to make that happen and happy talk about them with people in the upcoming weeks. one thing to keep in mind is the balboa reservoir. we can make that 1pen percent affordable housing and ask thegynets giants to hit a home run [inaudible] >> thank you. next speakers please. >> my name is paul hans burry. there is a passionate group of people in the sunset that are opposed to medical cannabis dispensary. they >> we can't speak about items that are already on on the agenda. >> there are documents in front of you that swayed the vote had i gotten to them in
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time where active use has been active since 2011. it was never instated as a conditional use >> the item is on our agenda and there was public comment during committee so this is general public comnlt and your packet but we already had this itedm on the agenda and can't take public comment for for that item at that time. >> wherei wish you would reconsider the vote >> this is the last speaker before we go to 3 thurtd clck accommodations >> hello, my name is heny kelly. i was a teacher in san francisco for close to 40 years. i started teaching in the mission [inaudible] i ended teaching in the mission. the mission is close to my heart.
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i have many friends who were my students, my student children and grand children and some of the grand children were my student the last time i taught. i want you to think about something when you think about what supervisor campose wants to do. he wants to keep the people from the mission in the mission. these people are wonderful. the schools are good, bullet you know something, when there are no children there are no schools. if we lose this generation of latino people, if we lose this generation of mission families we lose a lot. it isn't just fighting for the heart and soul
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of the mission, it is showing how to fight for the heart and soul of the whole city. i taught in lots of districts. i can see what you are doing supervisor compose for your district should be done fwr for all the districts because when we lose families we lose the schools. and i will tell you something, we already lost the teachers because they can't afford to live in the mission, the rich-mind or any of the other districts i taught >> thank you mrs. kelly. at this time we'll resume public commentt after the 3:30 accommodation. thank you for being here today and may is
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pacific islander heritage month and the boardf supervisors [inaudible] in accordance with bord rule 4.13 we'll have a total of 5 minutes for each supervisor to introduce nar honoree followed by comments from the honoree so that along with the photograph please keep it at 5 minutes per supervisor. with that i'm going turn it over to supervisor mar for a introduction. he will introduce clodeen chang and we'll start our accommodations today with supervisor farrell and followed by supervisor christensen. >> thank you president breed. colleagues last night was the asian pusuffolk american heritage month celebration. it was the 11th we have done in city hall and wanted to say
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that it wouldn't have come together a combination of 11 yires of hards work without the vision and leadership of clodeen chang scr the commitee. i want to say last night was a beautiful display of creativity with the honorees but also with diversity of asian and pacific islander communities from chun ease people and south east asian and pacific islanders. i want to sauls say the apa heritage foundation did the hard work of pulling together funding from many different source squz want to thank the donors and the committee for the hard work selecting the theme doing the outreach and creating a list of different acing tairfbties and you can find the veryious events going
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in the city at apasf dot org. i also want to put on your radar and your calders that may 16th is the asian heritage street celebration that will be here in the civic center plaza little saigon. it traveled from japan town and sun set to china town, but found a home near little saigon. with that i want to say it is a diverse number of honorees, but i want to give a opportunity for clodeen chang to come up and make brief remarks >> thank you supervisor mar. thank [inaudible] asian pacific americans in your dist rict [inaudible] look forward to. many youf were at the
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celebration here last night. i believe we have 6 or 700 people in the theme we celebrate creativity in design. like supervisor referenced we have a very diverse pool of nominations. it is a amazing to see some of the work nominated from the pub lb lic and it is challenging for us to have [inaudible] and before i introduce them to you it is our tradition to [inaudible] >> the clerk will be there to pick it up >> first honoree last night was [inaudible] korean american based in oakland and was a [inaudible] mostly on the east
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bay and talking about the message and struggles of students especially the youth. i urge you to gee see some of his work. it is reala amazingism the second honoree is filipino american [inaudible] here with us. [inaudible] immigrated to this country from [inaudible] in the philippines and was self top. [inaudible] she was a success story of someone self taught and made it and proud to selected naubnob honoree. linda [inaudible] manyf you of you [inaudible] her parnts have a store in
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japan town called paper tree [inaudible] the store has been there for 4 ailth [inaudible] not just art work but [inaudible] neck pieces, pens. it is amazing the work 1 can make out of paper. i urge you to look up [inaudible] this is linda [inaudible] supervisor mar. >> thank you clodeen and congratulation tooz the honorees and at this time we'll move for the honorees with the board and start with supervisor
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farrell. thank you for being here and congratulations. >> colleagues the honor of starting this off qu & fun when you get to honor someone on the board that is a friend. very honored to honor today for asian pacific american heritage a good friend sue [inaudible] sue, which on up. you can come up to the podium where i talk about you. colleagues just a bit of background on sue. korean american who came to the u.s. at 3 years old, graduate of university of virj virmg and harvard business school, has 15 years of business in fill philanthropic badgeground that is amazing and focused her time on education. moved to san
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francisco in 1997 and raising 2 cool young boys in the city. 2 base ball fans. here career included [inaudible] jp morgan and done amazing things, but i will read a few of the organizations that we she was involved with through education. senior programophorouser of the gourdsen and betty more foundation and [inaudible] foundation where she helps the foundation multimillion dollar investment in the san francisco unified school district for propossessional development. been a board mb for partnership of children and youth. board mb of sf volunteer and education fund and board member of the [inaudible] school. leadership advideser for [inaudible] mareitous bund r fund, basic funds, mission science work shop in san francisco and network of community science work shops.
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from my perspective what makes sue amazing is we talked about her accomplishments and desire and passion around education. sue, it is a honor to you have here at the board of supervisors. great to come down here and let you know i'm grateful to have you as a residence and also for the city so congratulations on the honor >> thank you mark and supervisors. i am delighted to be here and call san francisco my home. my husband and i moved here 20 years ago and sib llgs moved franaument the east coast and have our children here in san francisco and about 4 years ago we moved fwoget sofetss grand parents here so we do see san francisco as our future. i have to admit when
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supervisor farrells office reached out to nominate me for this rig noigz my first instijt is to say no. 2 years ago i decide to take a break from career in education philanthropy and stay home and in a city that has over a 3rd oaf the population of amazing asian americans surely there are better candidate tooz honor than my self or a community volunteer, but i realized next sunday is mupthers day and found motivation to come here and accept this on behalf of the mothers in the city. we are the sandwich generation we are taking care of parents and kids at the same time. my comments are shaipd by former career in education which i continue as a civic volunteer, but mostly by personal experience as a immigrant who
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found success through education and also just being a mom and trying to do the best to raise my bos in a chlging time, harder when we were kids. i want to about the achievement gap. i think everyone here believes in the power of education as a path way out of poverty. it is a great ideal and the american dream, but very complicated to realize in practice. i have been interested in trying to figure what strategies work at scale. we know what works one child at a time. there are great youth development orgzs, committed men torres who are community volunteers who transform liferb jz help children believe in themselves and future , but it does take a village and i'm fascinating with collaboration working together to help the kids most in need and to not
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just close the achievement gap , but give the tools to thrifen. grade schools who understand their kids [inaudible] community resources available to families through school and business that get involved in the community. [inaudible] inrchment and mentoring after school in the summer and [inaudible] present itself as community schools, summer learning or after school learning and want to >> i'm sorry to interrupt but we have other honorees waiting so if you can wrap up your comments >> the partnership does awork in the arineas and want to say san francisco is part of the partnership. we are 1 oaf 7 school districts piloted [inaudible] and one of 12 school districts in california who are pushing the summer learning platfirm. very
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excited about raising my family here in san francisco to be a part of a great city and look forward to the future. thank you >> thank you. >> thank you and congratulations again. i would now like to acknowledge supervisor christensen >> thank you madam president. sf guv tv we is a slide show for the honoree. last night the mayor, my fellow supervisors and other city officials gathered in the city
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hall rotunda to celebrate asian pusuf recollect american heritage month. beautiful costiums and performances and great food. appropriately this years theme is be creative. with china town located in the heart of district 3 we look forward to this observance with special enthusiasm. the are so many artsest it was a chalths to select a single person to represent the broad range oof media style and point of view, but one name kept bubbling up, that was mr. legallen wong who we honor today. mr. wong was born and raised in san francisco dhinea town and a graduate of san francisco state university. studied at the acaed amof part [inaudible] art
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institute. mr. wongs work includes painting photographering textiles print making and ort media. he painted the wonderful coy that graces the chineees historical society of american museum he did in 2013 and 14 and those that have not visit the chine ease hiss torical society is one of my favorite spots in district 3. mr. wong also create thd i grow up in saf san francisco china town. throw those posting they aim to celebrate and be proud of the experiences of growing up in china town. many of us share mr. wongs love of the special neighborhoods cht i hold its protection ooze important task. we are lucky to be able to see china town through the eyes of
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mr. legalland wong. congratulations. >> just my simple academy award speech. thank you supervisor christensen and boardf supervisors whom [inaudible] i am going to take this opportunity to thank my father [inaudible] he was ininstrumental as my development as a artist and he was a artist at heart and i
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guess i inherited that side of him. i want to mention the facebook group and started in social media. i don't think i would be here if it were not not for that. it gave a plat form to express my view jz show my art. since i'm standing in front of the supervisors lately there is concern china town is dying and i was concerned too and hoped that china town will continue to be a viberant community and as well as a self sustaining community. this award
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shows-remind me how important my work is thank you again and just a little blurb for the artists. support your local artist and buy a print from them and commission them or whatever >> thank you. congratulations. they think and congratulations. next up zee supervisor from district 10, supervisor cohen jrshz good afternoon everyone. thank you for coming together to celebrate apa accommodations. i would like to call up [inaudible] this man is one of my community partners in visitation valee. please give him a round of applause. [inaudible] is absolutely amazing. not only does he do work in the asian community but works in all. particularly
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targ lting the visitation valee neighborhood and specifically the hard to reach young people in sunny vale. this man does it effortlessly. he does it with a team of talented staff persons as well as equally devoteed board members. i watched curt grow progressionally since before i was on the board of supervisors. he is the executive director of rock which is a non profit organization called real option for city cidez which provide academic support [inaudible] attend school in visitation vamue. curt joined the volunteer in 1998 and in 2003 he fw came executive director. prior to rock curt spent a decade in corporate sector
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where he held a variety of business and technology consulting positions at small and large companies. rock serves the community of youth who are poised with countless social and economic challenges. many of the youth live in visitation valee including public housing unit such as sunny veil which is one of the most diverse populations in san francisco. curt is advoicate for the youth of rock and immerseed in the xhubty working on neighborhood projects as well as spear heading initiatives. whoon who anyone that knows this man knows he care fwhtz children and youth. i'm so provide to present this man. i call him a friend as well as partner. i anyhow our city a stronger place because of the dedication and knhiment to the community. ladies and
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gentlemen of curtioga >> thank you supervisor cohen and the rest of board of have virezs. i love district 10 and the people there. are thereare families and children. i love just everything about it. it is very diverse there and i love the sun shine of course. i have been in a resident of [inaudible] for 10 year jz serving visitation value since 1998. my record reward i do is the countless number of children who grew tupe be successful adults. i see them all the time. every weekend i run fl to a past participant that stops that grocery store line or on the street and says i remember that time the adult listened to me or helped with homework or taught be basical bought and that is why i'm successful. this is why i do what i do. i'm passionate
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about what i kooand dprives me to do more. thank you supervisor cohen for all you do. i wouldn't want your job nor could i do your job, but the work doesn't go unnoticed. before you became supervisor you did a lot of work for rock and visitation valee andpish appreciate that. thank you so much everyone. >> thank you and congratulations again. at thits time i would like to recognize supervisor from district 6, supervisor kim >> they i'm wait frg a member to be here-i would like to go after that one. thank you >> i would like t
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