tv [untitled] May 10, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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>> questions? >> i have a question, though? >> and this is and an important matter and so, and in the current issue, looking at, the future, and the processes is described if, it is in the discussion for, and a while, i guess, and do you, do you have any, sense of some initial chances that you might be making with the code? not the comprehensive or anything, but, you know, and you, will be looking at code changes as ayou move along for the years and anything that you are anticipating in the near future. >> i guess that i would ask chris and bill to respond to that, and there are certainly some things that we could be looking at but we are just not,
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we feel that we have the productions in place, let me ask bill. >> and good morning, chris, with the planning department, as mr. kelley mentioned one of the mayor's committees recently, enacted is the technical committee, which i serve on along with them along with all of the effected departments and the chaired by david of the sfpuc and we have the first meeting of that, and the technical committee recently. and the task committee that i serving on with a few others and tasked with developing recommendations for the coordination committee and for
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the mayor we have just begun that task and we have had one meeting so far and we have started to develop the ideas, for the changes to address the sea level rise but it is just the beginning of that process and also as mr. kelley mentioned i think that the feeling is that through the review process, the city has sufficient tools to insure that the flooding risks associated with the sea level rise are adequately evaluated, and addressed and we have been using it for that purpose, and since, in and from what i seen
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back to 1990, through the mission bay regional, and the plan and more recently, with the treasure island and then of course for the projects that are along the vulnerable areas and our feeling is that while there is a very important issue, we have the tools in place we will be developing td language and it will be recommended. >> thank you. >> and ma'am, would you like to come up? >> good morning, again, maria here from the civil grand jury, and regarding, thank you, regarding issues 12 b, please note that that, and the entire
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12 section, regards, regional planning, where it will be representative of the city, toward regional planning around the area and i was surprised to learn this week that mountain view has committed to google to build a sea wall outside of the shores of mountain view to protect the new development to be paid for by a parcel tax, levied on the citizens and kind of surprised me and i did not realize that we were that far along around the bay that is shows that we can in the waste any time, as far as talking with other comments around the bay and we need to have a good, strong regional representation there and probably through the aupysings of acds and we are going to end up with a hop scotch of situations all the way around the bay, but we need to be involve and i don't know who they were talking to but it sounds like it was a local decision that they made without
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the consideration of others, and regarding item three, on the code, and sequa is just fine with the jury, and we are happy with that as long as it is used and i have no idea that they are not, and the regulation is there, and if it is used fine. and the november, the 13th, 2013, the city contracted with the delivery special study on the mission bay which by the way was a bay and it is now landfill, and that two year study will be due, november the 13th of this year, and hoping with all of the publicity and i have no idea where the city is on this at this point but the warrior's stadium and the giant's property, and at issue and that we at least wait for the results of that study, and i was pleased to learn, that they had hired a dutch engineer from holland to work with them on this and that will be very helpful i am sure in their determinations but they may have very helpful, suggestions for the city, as to what to do, or whatnot to do and it is not that we are adverse to any
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building on the property, but how we are going to build it and what we are going to do to mitigate the possibility and the strong of poet ten shall in a lot of area in that area, that is about it and thank you very much, and i want to thank the city, and yeah, i missed his name and it sounds like the city working hard on this issue, and i am it is very satisfying and a lot of the members of the community will be very happy to hear about this. >> thank you. >> and when we, anticipating that this study will be completed, well november is up and, how long it takes to write the report i am not sure, it is after election day too, and so i don't know how that will work, but that is all that i know. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor christensen? >> you want to take the public comment or should i? >> go ahead, and i can take a comment after public comment. >> okay.
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>> mr. kelley. >> i am just curious, in terms of this report, are you anticipating looking at it, and. >> yeah, we actually look at that as kind of an early test for many of these concepts that i was referring to that will be part of the larger adaptations of the work that we will be doing and we have been engaged and looking forward to the report coming forward this fall and i did also want to respond as quickly to the other concern that was raised about the regional coordination we are in constant coordination with the commission and with the bcdc, and in fact, both of those, agencies as well as, spur, and others, are advisors to our local efforts and including, this, design, competition, and advisory group that i mentioned. and so, we feel that we are in touch, on the regional scale
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and what we are hearing is that they are very, much looking forward to san francisco taking some leadership here, and without really thinking about how not just building by building but the whole segment of the shore lines might actually be protected from the sea level rise and the kind of water front that the san franciscans want and it is enough for those that are the twin objective theres and i feel confident that we are engaged with the regional, and going forward, and so i appreciate the comments about that. >> and okay. >> thank you. >> are there any public comments? >> come on up. >> you have three minutes. >> i work with the justice, and i have med with the bcdc with some of my others and we have
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talked about the sea level life, and the threats to coastal lines and we work to certain communities all the way around to the coast, but, where the things that we have and even here in san francisco, and tend to be overlooking, and i have to say that i like, i like a lot of the plans that are going off of the table, and there are at least, starting the conversation, but no one has yet spun the conversation other than us, on what to do, with the toxic lands that surround our bay, and what to do with all of the landfilled and the cabing and hopefully you realize that when the sea level rises it is not going to go across the land it is going to go underneath there is no way set up as of yet to stop anything that is breaking down underneath those caps from rolling out into our bay, and hopefully you also understand that many of our residents in particular, in bay view, and
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richmond, and oakland, around the water front and down, and eldrol we fish and we eat it and a lot of the toxic from there is going to be and it already is, and it is detrimental to our health and we need to start to address those issues now, before the water starts to roll in, and by the way, the water has already started to rise, and we are hopeful that you are going to, and insist on a more that you are looking forward to and for that engagement and bcdc and the other communities will have allow an opportunity to voice their -- any other comments?
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>> seeing none and i am grateful, and this is an opportunity to focus on the important topic for the city that is surrounded on three sites of water and with a lot of fill on the north and east sides and this is obviously something that we need to address and i am, hardened that both our public institutions and many private institutions are looking at this issue, and i think that it is good not only for those in city government to focus on it but also to make our citizens more aware, of what the city is, and can be doing about this. and i think this is worse than left over previously than seeking to address and the investigations that my office has done, have indicated that there are many efforts under way, many of which are much
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insync with the recommendations but that this additional layer could potentially be duplicate or redundant and the fact that we have an office of resil ans makes me proud andvy been pleased with the information that we have gotten from that group, and i am and both to be able to the sea level rise and also to previed a water front that is useful and delightful for the residents and i think, and i have a long history with spur and i look forward to the results of the information that they are bringing, and i do think that two points of this speakers that they brought up is regional nature of this problem is an important one and we don't want to do one thing
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and have mountain view doing the other and hopefully between them and the abag i think that this is a topic that those of us involved in those organizations should attempt to underline for the groups so that we are taking a regional approach and the toxic issue is one, and that is an ongoing issue of the sea level rise and going to make it better, and it is something that we are already facing and i know, programs but because i believe that there are solid efforts under way and that those are efforts are coordinated in a manner that is likely to provide the good result and that we can add and under score some of these additional issues through those existing programs, and processes, i would like to make a motion on
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number three, that it not be implemented because and the technical committee, is coordinating efforts in this direction, currently, and 12 b, not implemented because the mayor's office and city departments, have created the sea level, rise committee, and which will address this, and we will need to note the regional nature. and to know that there are methods in place to take care of it. >> there is a motion that has been made. >> it is not the board's response and the board has already submitted its response formally, and this is the planning department's response and so i am not sure if it is appropriate. and so i just want to get
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clarification. >> and yeah, there are two, recommendations, that required further analysis, in the last time, that the committee took this on, and so, it is appropriate, to adopt a motion, along the lines of what supervisor christensen recommends. >> okay and that is basically from the board's recommendation. and >> that is right, it is the board and it will be the board's response of course, the mayor and the executive departments will continue to do it and they will do it and this is the response to the civil grand jury report and last but not least, because it is a hearing, we will just go back to the board for a revised approval? >> and every once in a while, a motion or a resolution, can be generated in the committee, and that is what this is, and so this is a hearing out of this hearing, the committee will generate a motion, which you will send to the full board for its consideration. >> okay. >> and supervisor christensen? can you please repeat what you
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are requesting so that i can make sure that i am on the same page. >> so we have -- recommendations, from the grand jury, and one concerning the amending of the building code and one concerning the creation of a local working group. and my motion is that since both of those recommendations are being met, under currently existing programs, that we not implement the recommendations by the grand jury and it will allow the other programs to accomplish the tasks that they have outlined. and i got you, thank you. >> any other questions, okay, seeing none, this will be a motion made, and is there any objection? >> okay >> with no objection, the
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motion is passed. >> thank you. >> could you call items 2 through 6? >> a closed session, before we convene to closed session, is there a member of the public that wish to speak on items two to six? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. and colleagues, is there a motion to convene in closed session? >> so moved. >> second. >> it is passed and now we will
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>> deputy city attorney, job gibner, during the closed session the committee voted to forward item 2 through 6 to the full board with positive recommendations. >> and colleagues, could i have a motion to not disclose what happened in closed session. >> so moved. >> sir? >> okay, with no objection, the motion passes, and madam clerk, is there anything else on the agenda. >> there is no further business. >> okay. >> if there is nothing further, this meeting is adjourned.
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>> welcome to the cinco de mayo meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is brian tan and i am the commission president, thank you all for being here tonight, our few housekeeping items that we do every time are to one make sure that your cell phones are on vibrate or off, and two, if you are a member of the public, if you fill out a card and hand it to the staff and they will get it up to me and i will also call the public comment at any other time and feel free to come up and speak
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then, thank you to sfgov, tv and media services for broadcasting live to the public >> lee. >> here. >> joseph. >> lee. >> here >> we have excused absences for commissioner frost and caminong. >> all right. >> the first item is public comment, any issues that relate to the entertainment commission but are not currently on the agenda, is there any public
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comment is it on an item later or something else. >> come up later when i ask for the public comment during it i don't see any and so i will close this part of public comment and move on to item two, which is review and approval of minutes of april, 21,. commissioners i would like to entertain a motion where you are ready. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> motion from commissioner perez and second from commissioner moshoyannis. and is there any changes, or discussions? all right, let's take a vote. >> and commissioner lee. >> yes. >> joseph. >> aye. >> moshoyannis. >> aye. >> perez. >> yes. >> and i am going to abstain since i was not here. >> got it. >> and so move. >> the motion passes. >> all right. >> it says that you are present. >> are you present or part of the meeting, were you not?
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>> oh, right, story. >> permission to take that vote? >> yes, we can. so we are going to going to redo a do over, commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner joseph. >> aye. >> commissioner moshoyannis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> yes. >> president tan. >> yes. >> got it. apologis for that error. >> item three, report from the executive director and our staff. >> and good evening, commissioners i will be brief, and i was out of the office last week. but, i did want to let you know that today at the full board legislation regarding residence sal development and entertainment venues passed the first read and so what that means is that the full board will do a second read on the 12th, is that right? >> yeah. and next tuesday, and that is the final passage. and then we will go to the mayor for the signature and, we
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do expect that to be fairly quick process. so i have spoken to the president about moving forward on creating some guidelines around how to hold these hearings, since it is imminent the legislation, does speak to residential development in the pipeline as well as news. >> okay. >> we don't have a lot of time. >> okay. >> that was going to be my question, if this goes into effect within a few weeks time who, sefked as of when? like which developments? >> everything in the pipeline. >> okay. >> interesting. >> yeah. >> it is going to be interesting. >> from that day forward? >> from that day forward. >> so we don't have a waiting period, it is not going to go until july 1? >> no. very good. >> lovely. >> so, again, that means that we will be coming to you here on the 19th, depending on what
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to do and you might discuss it as a whole and you might discuss it as a subcommittee but we will need to promulgate at least some bear bones guidelines about how to hold these hearings so that they are transparent and fair and consistent and we will learn as we go, of course but we want to have some guidelines so people are aware of what they they will be asked. >> and then the second thing that was introduced at the full board were the changes to the llt, and in the western soma area, that we had discussed some time ago and took a while but those changes in the legislative form were presented to the full board, and so, a committee assignment shortly, and land use, and it will take some time and so we are hopeful that with those changes, those areas that were identified as needing to have -- and we are looking forward to and be able to permit some places that just
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have no way to come into compliance and so the fingers crossed. in addition, as the commissioner moshoyannis says, the hearing for the outdoor events study was supposed to be yesterday but was postponed to the 20th of may and, moved the committees from the land use to budget and so it will be for the budget on the 20th of may which is a monday >> a wednesday, sorry it will be at ten a.m., as a first item. and which, is i think, primarily, why they changed committee, in order to facilitate it, like the times specific hearing, which is much better for everybody who is inclined to attend and speak to the items so the controller will do a presentation, and some of the presentation and probably commissioner moshoyannis will speak on behalf of the entertainment commission, and then, maybe put your other hat on and speak on
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behalf of fulson street and again, you know, present something that we have discussed in the passed around, and based on what we now know is the value of the outdoor entertainment in san francisco. and so we are, super psychd for that and if you want to attend, it is going to show please, and put that on your calendar. >> i don't think that i have anything else again and i will turn it over unless you have some questions. >> can i just think this commission has done amazing and all of the legislation and all of stuft that you have broad forward in the recent past, great job. >> thank you. >> ditto. >> all right, we can take the public comment later and do the inspector reports. >> good evening, commissioners, shawn burke here and item inspector. and just a couple of quick notes. we had a few new complaints come in, one was investigated
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at 5571, and it was a one time event that they rented out for a wedding and i have spoken to both the property manager and the resident and it seems to be resolved at this point, and the cathedral just came across the desk and we will be investigating that over the course of this week and this week expend then the village at 969 market, we received a complaint as of last week, from the neighbor next door and that was investigated last weekend and we are working to resolve that over the course of the next week. the notice violation at 2801 levenworth and they are still waiting to get the sign-offs for a couple of the permits and so they were given notice of the violation and then, did get temporary permits for the past weekend events and for the club malibu and for the weekend before, the multiple good
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neighbor policy violations and two violations of the conditions that we put on their permit, and a few months back. >> commissioner joseph? >> club malibu, so to the best of my memory we have been working on this for two years minimum, and no matter what happens they tend to violate, and so in what you are saying is okay, there is no security at the front door, and the door was opened, they were unresponsive to their cell phone, did you go inside and talk to them? what did they say? >> the conversations we have are very brief. there is not a whole lot of direct communication when given instructions and we have questions, not a whole lot of answers. >> who did you talk to? >> i speak to nadia. and the manager, and i also
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interact with the dj/sound engineer from time-to-time. just seeing that i question occasionally is their ability to rectify the situation when they are approached and when i do show up they are able to bring the levels down and i think that it is a matter of them not, monitoring and managing that process. to the best of their ability. >> yeah, but the last i looked you were not their daddy and you can't hold their hand and they have not been managing and they have been before this commission and they have been in the office and i made two or three visits out there, former commissioner hyde made visits out there and tried to work with the neighbors and tried to help them out. and keeping the door open is a blai tant violation, not having security and not responding to the cell phone is a violation and they keep doing that and so
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do you have any discussions on how we proceed? >> i don't yet. i am, i am anticipating very soon to know whether or not they will be paying this fine or appealing this citation and at that point, i think we should form a plan for the next steps. and i still have to hear back from them based on an e-mail with the citation that i sent and following this weekend to see if they are in receipt of the citation and what their plan is moving forward. and regardless of whether or not they will appeal or pay the fine, i think that other than that, i am not sure at this point if the meeting is in order or or further reconditioning. >> were you there because there was a complaint by a neighbor? >> yes. >> okay, thank you. >> you say that there are more questions than answers, is it that they are asking you more questions than providing you an
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