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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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got to come and jam with this guy, 19 years later, here we are in front of you and that is the power of music and we all listen to it and we go home and we all, play it for our family, and whatever our favorite songs that we listen to and take those back and makes us cry, and it makes us, and it is the sound track of our lives, okay? and it is one thing that we got in common and none of us want to be here but we all love music, and so, you know, the old expression is that is music to my ears, that is just means that that is something that i like. and i played for a small 30 watt amp, and i don't want to get technical, put a cap, put it by number three and you should be heard by everybody and you can see that there are a lot of street musicians in san francisco and it is in the that many and it is not like a rush is going to happen, these guys right here, we are all
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middle aged men we are not little kids. and you know, i got kids that are 25 in the army. and i am an ex-veteran too, myself, i served and i am a disabled veteran but i travel around the world and i work with the family stone and i work with hendrix and i work not on the streets but on the sidewalks, we thank you for letting us come here and we will be out there playing and we were going to jam in front but we did not want to go radical, so there is no reason to prove it, there is nothing to prove here, we are not here to fight, we are here to play music, thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, larry mr. bucket man. >> you all know who i am and you all support and you know mr. suffy right? and i came all wait from germany, and got me, and they made me my own custom made buckets and i got 500 buckets coming here, and yeah they flew
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me over here to show me i am representing our city, and every picture that you see, with me, represent our town, and germany, they brought me and they said that we like your town, will you represent us? and i got my buckets taken from me by the cops and threw them away and i have 500 of these and all that i got is one left and i am telling you mr. peachy, and mr., with the trucks and they took all of my buckets and i can't get my bucket. no you ain't getting it back, and now, it cost me no money because they paid for everything. now i got to pay to ship me another 500 buckets this is a souvenir of our town and the bay bridge and everyone will come and get this, wow there is the bucket man. and they will, and jackson, and they know us from the generation and we have the shows coming up, and the
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brothers but, i want to play the buckets but when you see the new trum set, (inaudible) brought that and we were doing that commercial, you know, i didn't come here, to do anything but just entertain people and 57 years old and just turned and i am not going to let no one, not you all, it take me and i went to jail for this already twice. and i don't care, you put me in jail i am coming right back out and setting the drums up because people all over the colder world know me already. if you go to you tube, we work together and we, with the guitar and (inaudible) and the new brother here from philadelphia to play the horns and he is bad and (inaudible) and jay, and he is only 21 years old, but it is, and it is the kids with the rapping stuff, i don't like it, but (inaudible) that is what we -- (inaudible) these cats from new orleans, my buddy here, and
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right here, and i can't say and i am from kansas and i say that this is the great world of success, and i am not going to let no one tell me that i can't play my buckets because it is a gimmick, and if you can't see it to play and you can shoot it with the buckets you got to be good. that is all thatvy to say, but i am not going to stop, and you are killing me, i will die and you will take my music and my fans away and, why did you get rid of bucket man they came to see him. they said that we have been looking for you all of the time and we can't find you, and if you don't have it out there, i tell you man, that you go wild, man and come and see the bucket man and i am not selling a super bad drummer, i know that my time is up. >> thank you. >> next up is edward jackson and then we have harold wilson. >> good evening, commissioners
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my name is edward jackson and you probably know me from tap dancing down in front of the cable car for about 20 years. and i played with brian comp ton and larry hunt and i think that the issue here is should it be regulated? we have not been regulated, we regulate ourselves, because we live in a community and we support the businesses in the communities that live where we work and so i don't know if i would agree with regulating anything if we were talking about amplified and i am a dancer and i use a speaker and the music is too loud because i have gotten excited. usually the cops will say, hey edward can you turn down the music and i will say absolutely
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i think that they should have a reader stick and from knowing a little bit about it, i think that it is ten decibels but if you george by the ambient sound of the traffic and the sirens and i can't say that it is regulated we regulate ourself, we did an intel commercial together and it was seen globally and they paid us well for it and i think that the people come to san francisco it has a vibrantcy about it, as audrey said it is a beauty and there is no place like san francisco. and if that gets taken away, or
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altered and any such way it will just be a shame, also, thank you for the time to speak to all of you, >> president and vice president, and i am harold wilson and i am from new orleans, and louisiana and i have been out here 35 years. and i am not as popular as these guys, these guys are pretty famous, while i am popular but i am still on the down low. most of my music is not amplified but occasionally i will buy the key board and guitar players and i do try to control the ambiance level and i do control it but when someone complain at me and what i do, i take the heat, and either turn the music down or i move to another spot. and i usually don't get the problem and i don't have the
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police come and i stay out there until ten, last night, and it does not sound very good to you guys probably, but the money gets better the later i stay out there baous the tourists come from all over the world to see what is real in america. and where the music actually comes from. and the music comes from the soul of the people that is on the street. and the music don't come from the guys who have been to the schools and learned the people on the street, shows the true talent and that is what it comes from and that is why the people come from all over and see how america, is doing these things and we are innovative and such as san francisco is a very innovative place. and if you take this music off of the street, a lot of us, this is what we love to do, this is where we make money. and the money petty. and we try to regulate the amplification, a lot of people come from so far away, who bring the noise level up but
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nobody will regulate them, but the regulars around here and you are going to try to regulate us when you can talk to us like the guys here before we are not children and i am 53 years old and most of these guys, we are going on the other side. and if we take -- to leave san francisco with some of the finer street music around the world, where the people come to see just -- that is where i bought my from, and san francisco, has people come here just to see us and so hopefully that, and the regulations are permitting don't go through, because, a lot of us, really don't much that much money. you know, doing this. and we do it for the love of it and i have the kids come up that play on my drums and all of the kids to play constantly and the police, do not bother me for that and i thank you all very much for allowing me to speak it has been very wonderful. >> thank you. >> all right, is there any,
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additional public comment on this? >> why don't you come on up and i saw two hands, is there anyone else in the room. >> all right. >> i got you. >> so come on up after. >> thank you, commissioners, for even having this event for us this evening, and my name is joe jackson. and i have a personal interest in this matter, and i am married to edward and we met, there. and i was, working at one of the local retail spots, who happened to appreciate the street performers. and they really added to our business and the people coming in and they would talk about it and as commissioner joseph said it really adds to the vibrantcy of this city and so the love even comes out of the work that is done by these men that have spoken, already. and i just want to echo some of the comments about when the tourists come and they actually ask by name, for these gentleman. and they know them. and they have created
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relationships with them, and these gentleman have watched children grow up. and they know and, they know family and their familis from europe and they know familis from here. and so this conversation began because of this love, hate, relationship, and the locals and the tourists love. and the regulatory system, has a different opinion, so i really hope that you, and that we look at it from our values, and what, what, or who do we want to say san francisco is? and to really include these remarkable artists as, as part of the decision that you make and how to move forward. >> and if there is anything else that we can do, please, you know, how to find us we are on the sidewalks. hi, i am mike burcel and we
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call ourselves the red dogs and i want it reiterate how we have touched people's lives from all over the world and it is a very positive thing and you see, the tourism is our number one industry. and well they come from all over the world and they hear us and they really make a difference and they touch people and they video tape us and when i see a kid and the kid to pick and he starts to strum the guitar and the neck thing that you know that mom and dad are happy and the video cameras come out and it is pier 39 and the kid got to play the rock and roll, and the guitar case has a few bucks in it and it is a positive thing and i am teaching some kid how to play git tar so on a positive note we are doing something for the community as far as tourism and making the music is a positive thing
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and so i want to reiterate that and so thank you for your time. >> is there any final public comment? >> going once? >> okay. >> come on up. >> anyone after that. >> please come up immediately, if not i am going to close the public comment after this. >> my name is kevin hurt. >> could you speak into the mic. >> the reason that i started doing it was because i couldn't practice where i lived at. and so i was able to come outside and practice, but that lady back there she was just like judge judy. >> i sound like her too. >> we have the same accent. >> i am a musician and visiting the city and they tried to do the same thing, and regulating the musicians on the street,
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the sidewalk. it is not going to work, it is america and let them play, i am 62 years old and i been a professional musician since elementary school and i have worked with every artist that you can think of and i am here visiting and doing the studio work here, let them play, i mean wha, harm is in it? >> great. >> any last public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed, commissioners do you guys have any last thoughts on this i ne that the director asked for some direction on this. >> and i think that as we are going to look into this and i think that i mean, that these people, they come, and like you say, they are very mature and in fact, a lot of times i will, hire a lot of street artist to perform in our clubs because you know, there is a gig and i
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can't find that and i don't think that the commission will get rid of the performers on the street and i think that there are things that we have to work out and i am sure that we do have a subcommittee and i would like to have a committee of the musicians even give us more input and because i think, that we can all live together, and i think that it is not that we are going to eliminate anything, and i think that we just have to and it is just part of growing, as a big city. and, and i don't think that this commission, at all are going to say that we don't want the street performers, i think that if there is just some kind of that i thinks we can work out together and with, the different city agencies, and who also support the industry performers as well. but we are not the only ones, and i mean that it is going to take a process, that is all that i have to say. >> i just wanted to make a
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request, of the president. that i think that we need to form a committee, to really look into this and talk about this, among the commissioners here. and we would be happy to work on that committee if you so choose, and i also think that maybe, instead of telling 3450e, where they can play, and maybe we can tell the people where they can't, play and, maybe we will have avoidance zones and i am not sure that is right, but most of all, after knowing the bucket man for years, i am really happy that he is finally famous. >> i think that there has been a sentiment that all regulation is bad, and i hope that that is not the take away, i mean that i think that if there are regulations that they can also serve to protect your interests as well. hearing that story about your
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buckets getting taken away does in the sit well with me and i would like to make sure that we put the rules in place that protect and safe guard your interests as well. >> right, right. >> okay. >> and all right, those are great comments and i think that the regulation is a way and the public comment is closed. >> and the regulation is a way, for us to just sort of address the issue and i think that a lt of times things can happen and people can regulate each other in a community setting and absolutely the more that the government stays out of it the better and when the people start complaining and the neighbors start to push you out you do want a formal process to make sure that you can be there, and can continue and i think that like i said earlier i think that our commission has always been a supporter of not just the entertainment but the arts and we want to see the industry thrive and not to just have it be the sterile place,
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where, you know, artists can't come and can't perform and can't make it big if they do one day, so, i think that i will take commissioner joseph's recommendation to create a subcommittee and i think that we need three members of the commission to form a subcommittee. >> i volunteer. >> moshoyannis, and joseph. >> and that would be the official committee. >> and i think that, we will discuss this further and see, that we had a lot of questions about, and you know, what other, you know, entities or whether it be bart or the parks or the hot dog stands, and let us know when to bring us back to the full commission and thank you all for coming in today, and we are going to move
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on to the next agenda item. >> item number five, the police department comments and questions and i am not sure that if there is anyone from the department that want to speak and does not look like, we will move on to item six, the permit application. >> we have two israel ems one is for grandma's saloon, and this is a permit and this is actually, you know, we have had no opposition from the station and no opposition from the community.
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the consent items unless there is a member that would like to split them, is there any interest in splitting them? otherwise we can handle this all in one, i don't see any, and so, commissioners, would you guys, like to take a motion? i would move to approve. >> both. >> items on the consent agenda. >> i second. >> there is a motion and a second. >> is there a public comment. and either, last weekend video. i know that they had a pool table and i used to own it and the lady who has it now is a wonderful person and i think that we want to support that and i happen to watch the
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warriors over there and i think that they have a lucky tv and so it is the good, and that is justice. >> great, any additional public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and let's take a vote. >> on the motion to approve both of these permits, commissioner lee. >> yes. >> joseph. >> aye. >> moshoyannis. >> aye. >> perez. >> yes. >> and tan. >> aye. >> and the motion passes and with the video are approved and we will move on to the regular agenda. this is 156 columbus and they were originally schedule a couple of months ago but they had to undergo the conditional use process.
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>> and these in 2008 and we reopened in december of 2014 and this process started in 2013, before we signed the lease and we started the neighborhood out reach and the first agency that we contacted was the san francisco police department, and we met with captain tom at the time, and officer methias and they give us their initial okay to proceed, and following our presentation, for the police department, we met with
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supervisor chui and he and his colleagues, we met with them and the planning committee and the association, and we also met with the north beach business association, and with the south, and the top of broad way. and association. and the hotel neighbor's association, and also, because we are required to go through the 312 notification, and we were required to and we were happy to inform by mail, any of the residents and businesses with the 150 feet of our location. and with the license transfer, and the posting twice of the notice, for it. and on any of those applications, so we, we would
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like to have the opportunity to reinstitute jazz at devil's acre and we have had two troops over the past, and we have it in the permit and the local edition and located at the building and the market street at third and those are happening on mondays and wednesday and we never charge a cover for the musicians and they have been and we are well received. and those those are the ones that we will put on the paper. >> great. >> and commissioner joseph? >> i just have one question. so, aren't the permit and it allows to you do any entertainment that you want, and i understand that you are not going to allow the djs and that is your right as a policy,
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you can make the right to do whatever it is, and ununcomfortable restricting your permit to anything, by saying that you can't have the djs or rock and roll, or anything. >> we are away from the broad way corridor. >> yes, it is. >> and there was, and some initial resistance and it will not be hard to have this concept and a small space, 2000 square feet and but if the opportunity arise wes would
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like to have the opportunity of live music, and so that is why we present this advanced acknowledgment that we did not include the djs as part of the businessman. >> okay. >> thank you. >> perez and lee. >> thank you for companying and in doing your due diligence and do you have a security plan in place or is that forth coming i do not see that in your packet. >> yes. where and 135 people. and each day, the bar opens up at 3 p.m. and we have a security guard at 5:00 p.m. and the second at 8 p.m. and so that is the space and a lot of security and we also have a third security manager that makes the regular appearances as the managers of the other rounds of the other locations
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in downtown. >> and i am just used to seeing the whole packet. >> i understand and this is actually is. >> i stand corrected. >> thank you. >> permits for everything and obviously the neighbors have given you a message. >> yes. >> so i think that at this point, i don't have is a problem, you know, for having, you know, unconditioned permits. and this, and i know that that you have been there and i don't think that there is an issue on that part. >> thank you, commissioner.
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>> and just at the start, just for hearing you again, are you a manager or do you own the other businesses. >> i remember when it was jazz and pearls and it was a joint and then later, and later, and
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the place was vacant for a while. >> and it needed somebody like brian and his people to come in there, to give it a lot of thought and the acres is consistent of the revitalization of the area and the great area and the great record and it seems like you have them and i think that you don't want to be inhibted in any way, but i think that is a great addition to the neighborhood. as well. >> thank you, any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> now closed. and commissioners, >> i move to approve. >> great. >> without, is there any conditions as to the type of
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music. >> i second. >> same house same call. >> yes. >> the motion passes. >> and you have one other permit. could i --. >> we do. >> this is for gray area, we did get an e-mail and communication a few hours ago from the applicant and asking that this be continued to june second and they have construction that they still need to complete before they will ever be able to have the permit actually issued and so they are asking to be continued to june second, although, because this was still on our agenda, we do still need to take public comment, if there is public comment here. >> move to continue and we will take the public comment. >> i move to second. >> second. >> same house same call. >> public comment? >>