tv [untitled] May 10, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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ask you when you're having those meetings for the different agencies make sure you have the mayor's office of housing i mentioned to you when i was here the last time you said you'd hold a hearing the certificates you mentioned the certificates a minutes ago and you didn't talk about those certificates earlier i'm a certificate holder and i mentioned it to i've mentioned it to you as the 2016 it's been decided noted unless something someone said oh, we are going to keep having those certified i want to say this to you >> it's not a question. >> a lot of people that was displaced people that should have received the certifies didn't get those they were denied and i know those people lived in my community i went and
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talked to them what bothers me when you start hiring groups to do things in my community they're not residents of my community they does not know my community identify been in this community since 1948 i know everybody and everybody knows me. >> thank you dr. jackson. >> okay commissioner mondejar. >> that's okay so public comment is closed again and the commission if they don't have future comments or questions i will ask important another motion a motion to approve the motion seconded by commissioner mondejar. >> commissioners please announce our vote commissioner mondejar
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commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales i have 4 i's. >> thank you budget is approved please call the next item. >> the the next order of business authorizing a ground lease housing partner a california limited partnering for the construction of hundred and did 98 affordable housing and plus two manager units development at 58 percent 8 mission boulevard as long as as mission bay block west and adaptation with the quality act and the project area discussion and action resolution. >> madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary commissioners that particular
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block you've seen most recently over the course of the last year's and taken the owner participation agreement to allow the project to move forward in mission bay and then specific predevelopment loan permanent lesson and now ground lease that is authorization of a ground lease for the mission bay block 7 west fronting mission bay common park utilizing another affordable unit 50 percent ami we're tliefltd to bring forward for your contradiction it should break ground in another month with the commission actions today with that i'd like to ask pam and ocii housing distinction to walk you through the components of the project and the scope of the terms of
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ground. >> good afternoon madam chair rosales and commissioners director bohe i'm poom i'm a development specialist in ocii and i'm here to present on 57 d the request for authorization to enter into a ground lease with the 7 partners llp with the project sponsor partnering with the chinatown development center for the development mission bay block west mission bay north the development will consist of 2 hundred affordable units and large community room this site and project have been on a interesting journey to get to this point in 2005 and 2010 uscf entered into the form
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redevelopment agency for 7 east and west in the project area for the purpose of developing affordable housing staff entertained this genocide to mitigated the tax increment cue to the hospital d da has specific housing dates if the affordable housing was not created ucsf needs to may ocii liquidated damages of $4 million so then also in later in june of 2011 the affordable housing loan committee approved the loan associated with 7 west and they forming determined didn't have the capacity for inform affordable housing and paid liquidation damaged and get
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an intermit better on the site related companies teamed up with chinatown development center to create the block 7 housing pain and suffering in 2013, the commission approved $2 million in predevelopment fund december 2013, the commission approved the assignment of the d da to the partnership in january of 2014 it was approved for the assignment also the commission approved the schematic design in june 2014 the loan committee approved not to exceed of $16 million plus which includes predevelopment or previously development fund and debt finances for the development of 58 percent 8 mission bay boulevard north in july sorry in july 2014 ucsf paid the other portion ever $2.4 million in
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liquid damages and $2 million that allowed them to develop on the southeast portion of the block the commission approved the $16 million plus in gap finances so the location again, the project will be located on the western portion of block 7 in the project area the site is border by fourth street on the west and walkway to the east and china bay to the east. >> so 588 mission bay will be a 200 and thirty thousand square feet building with an exterior border this helps to provide for residential quality as shown in
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each of those renderings building will consist of 4 stories of 200 one and 2 bedroom housing units over parking and 10 thousand secret retailer on the fourth floor and courtyards and smaller community on each floor laundry rooms and fitness facility as previously stayed the housing will be constructed over this parking spaces there will be a total of 52 parking spaces for residential that are you owe i think resident this is a the max for the mission bay other transit benefits include onsite car share pod and bicycle parking spaces and that will two blocks
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in the light rail station and 6 blocks in the conflict station along the 22 in front of the development also a wonderful teacher feature of mission bay it is home to various amenity like grocery stores and the hospital and parks and various places to eat all or are walkable and easily assessable by public transportation and finally it complies with the transit first that was adapted in 1973 and establishes the priority of public transit bicycles and non-pedestrian vehicles. >> the fund in addition to the $16 million plus in eject funding the additional financing includes the multi family housing bonds tax entity a
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mortgage and equality the action to authorize the executive director to enter into is an last year document for mission bay north the commission has approved the design and gallop funding entering into a ground erase is a companion use of eject to keep the land at the end of the construction then it transfers to the mayor's office of disabilities development this is a 45 year ground lease with one 24 year option of which $15 is the base rent and other residual rent if cash flow and finally, the last restrictions likewise affordability and krathd policies
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a total of 200 households will retained on motorbike and this includes two managers united and hourly incomes avenue 50 to 60 percent tax credits and i'm levels and an example of 50 percent of household for a 4 person household leasing up after 2014 it is 70 thousand plus all household pace no more than thirty there is of income towards rent the priority population is category one coping holders and category 250 units are available to the public higher institution in san francisco or an employee of a public health care institution in san francisco and applicants living or working in san francisco category 3 income inhibit
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applicant and members of the public during the preduring the time development per day period they've worked with the staff to meet the small intris enterprise and the developer has a achieved 52 percent of participation or sbe 43 percent m b e and others one percent and special note david barker the architects is the primary architect on the development has partnered with gonzales arithmetic that laip owned san francisco based on small enterprise and during the predevelopment period this is a strong and positive spook of the predevelopment state and the developer is committed to the
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achievement for the goals during the construction phase okay mission bay cac has been supportive of the mission bay project and when presented they were interested in open space uses that will help support the tenants that will be residing there the developers and others have responder to the open space positively in the development next steps subsequent to our action the project is on schedule to close the schedule on may 18th with the construction starting shortly thereafter with a marketing plan in june and oak staff will approve that october of this year a month later the partnership begins the outreach section for the prospective applicants 588 mission boulevard
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the certificate of occupancy no more than the than october and the building will achieve 75 percent occupancy and then it will close out and transferred to the malice of department and here today representing the participating is our partners that concludes my presentation. >> do we have any speaker cards. >> no speaker cards. >> we might get one here is this this stem? no >> let me give you some history let's pay attention all the land we call mission bay is public trust land if you don't know what public trust land is do
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research why did it this this land was given for the santa fe operations southern pacific later on to others contemplated land similar lands in sacramento one million tons of toxic dirt were removed in oakland 4 hundred thousand in san francisco from the highland the toxic los angeles police department was brought down to ucsf at the hospital that's been built so ignorant people don't know about it i'm giving you history now you all keep on saying affordable housing and thank god we have one commissioner here from the mission who has seen it all affordable to whom? that land
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belongs to the indian i represent them i've told you hundred times this land was stolen if you look at san francisco redevelopment agency they were supposed to help the borrow again and again very, if any, commissioners pay attention to this when we have a housing element i bet you haven't read the housing element not the last 3 housing element they're our market value price units are over 3 hundred percent when it comes to affordable housing they're below 4 hundred percent you all don't pay attention to the academy of arts university bowing hundred and hundreds of rental unit and converting them to dormitories you don't pay attention therefore all this commission with the very fancy name and investment and infrastructure this is the third bachelor you
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need to push tell the mayor i'll call out his name mayor edwin lee sit down with the mayor and when you talk about thirty thousand units mr. mayor please put in affordable housing in places where the land is not contaminated poor people shouldn't be treated liquor dogs and look at the dogs those dogs live better than the human beings that are living on the streets of san francisco today they're all over the place homeless people live all over the place they have this big submit for the mayor you'll see the poor people they will be invisible and you commissioners should take to john ram from the planning department and talk to
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the people po who run the mayor's office of housing and talk to the viruses of the mayor and tell them to have compassion for one reason san francisco was named an st. francis our saint that had compassion if you don't understand that you don't understand anything thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> i don't have any other - and no other speaker cards? >> thank you dr. espanola jackson you know what your staff speaks and i bring up a subject 2007 housing act i want to give you some history i'm. >> history story telling her i want to say in 1992 the vice president of the united states dan quail came here to san
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francisco and he came happening to be in hunters point shipyard why was this because we had applied for a grant from residential management council that was for persons living in public housing to have this city to receive 3 grants one for harvey milk one for sunnyvale those persons were to be trained to be managers and technicians and plumbers every aspect of running and owning housing authority the first was hope when you saw the mayors hope program that was at hunters point to get the people off drugs and into train and then the mayor's office of
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housing what did that money come from that was for the tenant to purchase their apartment they could purchase their apartment but guess what that was under the housing authority they were receiving the fund in 1996 after willie brown became mayor those funds were transferred to the city hall and no more programs for the tenants the story needs to be told find out why is it that olsen lee started a new program rewritten from the management town hall or council for this program talking about owning housing this city is sick you i don't dpoth i was part it of it you could get all the information about resident
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management council through the department i work for baby i brought the information to the supervisors so all the supervisors could get a copy and read and learn or lien what this city to be dissolution do they read anything not only trying to rewrite history i'm not going to allow owl of the mayor's office to rewrite nothing he needs to go to jail thank you. >> i don't have any further. >> no other speaker cards sir would you like to address the commission on this item 57 bshlgs. >> yes. speak on item 5 b and dr. jackson one of the things i want to speak on whether there be a full disclosure of the up research program in terms of who will be conducting the outreach
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for tenants and where will it be conducted how will people in the viewers communities know about the outreach program? the other concern i have is regarding the developer of the builder mr. gonzales will he be recruiting from communities that are disfranchised and people that live in the cities and counties of san francisco that's my concern one more comment i used to be a commissioner, i know when commissioners are listening and when they want to go away eye contacted is important when you stand up here >> thank you yes public comment is closed
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commissioners questions. >> yes. >> okay i have a couple of questions i just want to know the contractor this is the order they've done in the order for the city before. >> hi pam again general contractor is nibbi. >> who. >> nibbi brothers oh. >> so they know what are the compliance?. >> ransomed contract compliant supervisor in terms of the contractor collection selection they're undergoing a process
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subcontractor builds were received we'll meet with nibbi to look at their contract bids. >> thank you also concerned about the parking and there's we have a 25 percent of parking only one parking for 4 units why is that? thank you for your question commissioner as a explained during my presentation this is a transmitted rich area the hours does have a transit first policy it is if the projecting project is close to muni lions or is conflicts station or close to amenities that are in the neighborhood, everything is in mission bay is relatively
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walkable and or assessable to transit we have a car share pod in the development i appreciate that families do want to have their cars but there's also other means ever transportation >> who is going to cut the parking there are preference. >> the parking we're still discussing that process right now we're leon towards a lottery for the parking on site. >> i never thought it was going to be parking one parking for 4 units yeah. >> of and it compiles the maximum allowed by the mission bay design for development so this is as much as the developer could get onsite.
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>> and do we have a list of the people that are going to be there. >> a list of the people who are going to get the unit it possible. >> well, the developer will be providing doing outreach and marketing and they will be taking applications and we'll be working with the mayor's office of housing community development. >> so do we have like a commissioner commissioner bustos said with a workshop are we're going to have workshops. >> the developer will be holding workshops has part of the outreach process to various communities, organizations if, in fact, there's a credit issue or any other financial issues that any of the potential applicant state entity or the developer or nonprofit that is continuing the outreach will work with that
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household to help get them in good shape to apply. >> i don't like it is when you can get one parking for 4 units. >> commissioner singh we have through the formation commission and this commission approximately, one thousand units or 5 development stand alone for middle school middle-income to support the senior housing it is compatible this parking standard is compatible that the commission approved on king street to the most recent development it is 1186 street with the grand opening tomorrow with hundred hundred and 50 children that is compatible it is something that
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we've for the last decade experienced in that area and because of the restricts on development in mission bay it is very, very costly to dig down into the water table it impacts to the extent we're providing for parking less affordable units for seniors and others there parking garages. >> a number of parking garages commercial the ucsf and current surface parking lots that over time goes away i believe in terms of feasibility 4 thousand spots through garages at least. >> probably closer to 6 thousand. >> commissioner bustos. >> i think the bishop and i
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were thinking about on those issues with preference it would be great to look at the outreach plan for that so we could look at how we could get certificates of preference to have the opportunity to get those homes and then with the 50 percent i mean the 25 percent 50 units to applicant that are working in higher education institutions means are we looking at college or high school teachers. >> college. >> college okay my concern about that is there are san franciscans that how can i put this that is
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carefully. >> everybody knows that my biggest desire is to get people back into this city and keep people in the city there are a lot of especially at ucsf with when is considered a higher education institution there are a lot of new folks that moved in when you have teachers say san francisco state university that have been teaching for decades how, we get people from state or people who have been here a long time to have the opportunity to go after those units i know we have to be dictate how we do it i really think if our priorities to keep san franciscans in san francisco and our priorities to bring people back to their hometown we have a make a conscious effort i see that fil
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