tv [untitled] May 10, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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carefully. >> everybody knows that my biggest desire is to get people back into this city and keep people in the city there are a lot of especially at ucsf with when is considered a higher education institution there are a lot of new folks that moved in when you have teachers say san francisco state university that have been teaching for decades how, we get people from state or people who have been here a long time to have the opportunity to go after those units i know we have to be dictate how we do it i really think if our priorities to keep san franciscans in san francisco and our priorities to bring people back to their hometown we have a make a conscious effort i see that filled by ucsf staff or
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teachers that showed up last year and i can see that people who have worked san francisco state or city college of san francisco 20 or thirty years not thank you for the opportunity because their invested in this great city not to say that new folks aren't but with the cost of housing skoekt we have to give people the effort and another health institution ucsf category it seems to me that is very ucsf heavy give more of their folks an opportunity i can see doctors that have worked and st. luke's for a long time and indoors not having the opportunity that's my fear so i
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think taking into account how we're going to create this outreach program i'd like to of we do that at another meeting we look at this because it really looks like you will say is win on this one and if we want to be fair we need to make sure we do outreach at state or city or other institutions of higher ed and get folks to apply and the same thing that the public health institutions maybe we look at that as well because it leans towards one so i mean, i know you get where i'm coming from so if there is something we can do tiffany director how to locate how this is going to happen and what we do to make sure that
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people get a chance to apply for this the second thing was regarding thank you. i appreciate our time. >> compliance you know we heard a lot of things regarding the designated e designated developer for this project is there a way when we look at compliance is there a way we if you're sitting down with this particular construction company there's one of us from the commission to go in and share with them you know we're role looking at this and that you know this is for us something serious i know that this particular contractor has done a lot of work in the city and is going to
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want to do more work in the city that at least from the staff public and commissioner level we believe in this that is something we could be a part of and meet and share with them some of our thoughts. >> sure i think there is a possibility i have a to apologize i misspoke we met with the general contractor and they were going to give us additional information to the extent we set up an additional meeting if necessary once in a while we'll innovative the participation of the commission if there is an interest. >> less than a quorum but would be some interest. >> again, just doing the right thing they've got to make their money but how you do it is what
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is important. >> sure. >> if you lift up the people sits a win we think for everybody. >> commissioner mondejar. >> is anyone if the cac here? your ms. semesters you said they wholly approved >> a cac members have attended the past actions during the request for funding and the schematic design approvals that you've daernd so because this is an ancillary document they're not in attendance today. >> thank you any more. >> yes. questions. >> i'd like to follow on question on the marketing those units and it is more of a
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general question we keep bring it up and we've talked about pretty soon the dalai we're excited about the dalai spring the issue that comes up i don't not only hear it here but folks in san francisco i've a native my entire life the same comment by the member of the public how do you know about those opportunities that sounds like after how many dejects of programs by the formation and mayor's office of housing it is kind of more than surprising that folks still don't know and fraternal i'm one of them i read it many did chronicle and perhaps i wasn't pay attention even though i'm pay attention now i've only seen here or there
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we keep bring it up it is a liability question how defends the commission know when the developer is going to do xyz and mayor's office of housing is going to be absent absent how do we know what the answer is to commissioner singh's question who, in fact, are going to be the beneficiaries of those affordable units? thank you >> what can you tells you. >> what i can tell you actually we've implemented because of the commissions actions in partnership with the myself and community development we've worked to expand and hopefully to help benefit san franciscans our outreach process because we the developer oftentimes did outreach, however, if, in fact, they work with the nonprofit entity in the
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community they can get the word out they know where the community goes their community meetings there's different locations that the nonprofit agencies in the community will outreach to and this is the hope to actually get people from san francisco who are currently living here in various conditions into the new housing or at least let them know about the housing opportunities in addition what we've heard many people or households have a downloaded in qualifying for the housing what the nonprofits are doing they're helping provide information and helping coupling council if there are credit issues or barriers to get into different or new hours they're helping them address those issues there
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is a viable candidate to live in that it is not perfect but a work in progress and we're getting better and better at it at the outreach and working with the community to get the word out there. >> i don't know who those community-based organizations do we have a list of who they are. >> i have an idea. >> when marie radio benjamin i'm sure she'll talk about the panel of organizations throughout the city it gives the developer an opportunity to work with various nonprofit. >> i want to see those lists so i know i have a sense of who they could be and might be and i
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probably know who they are but if other areas that's one. >> through the chair if i may there you access points that the commission asked for on hunters point shipyard we have a recent presentation there were a variety of access points citywide. >> everything from mr. norman. >> to the lgbt center i think the veterans for equate cadet was on this asia there were a variety of organization in the admission so a variety of organizations in - that serves diverse community service assess points above and beyond the language newspapers and the direct mailings the sort of baseline approach that is standard but ifhe targeted
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outreach where because cdc it bans in the community has done a number of developments and that partnership what on crescent coffee in motorbike that had low income and 50 percent ami they're famous with the marketing in san francisco to diverse community and to have a proven track record and since indicated working with community-based partners has good relatives in terms of attracting the certificate of preference holder and other san franciscans getting the word out and we'll provide that from the malice. >> that is important to see whether the outcomes from the efforts are essentially successful because i continue to believe no matter how successful we hear they're not as
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successful as people want they need to be supplement we need to put the money for private marketing we're willing to put money our the web portal using the social month and old school methods and community-based organizations the element of the private sector of suspect understand the knows opportunities and if they have credit opportunity or to do through a application you have to give up your firstborn child it is a mountain of paper because and know there is a continual conversation so i'm fraternal continuing to say i'm
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not sure we're doing everything collectively that's we and the mayor. >> at the last meeting when i brought up the idea of a workshop or not workshop necessarily for us but a public workshop to talk about how people get into the certificate are how the people wanting to apply for a certificate the partners can go through the series of workshops and sign up for count counseling to people can once the units become favorable have bang walked through the council and helped to be able to get into those shots i know that sometimes when the unit is available someone may not quality so we could take because of think we've done things pretty well week take a leadership role and do something
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like that and invite the mayor's office of housing to come and to learn how to do it this body this agency is willing to say let's see how this could work so i think this total fits in with the idea of doing something public to be even on as assort morning where families can come and say how can we do presentations when you apply for a unit do you need better credit or the credit counselors of san francisco could be working with people to improve credit if we do it enough in advance we could if we have enough advanced notice rely on the partners to help to
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spread the word to folks to let them know to come and benefit from this program. >> okay. >> the only other question mr. lee we've asked the kinds of question let me ask a different question not about number i didn't but do we keep or we able to ascertain from a compliance stand up which general contractor have a better i made a comment one of our sessions on the sbe session the general contractor tend to be the same people nibbi is definitely in there as a definite on a continuous general contractor but there are others that you know obviously know how to do
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business that's the reason their chosen my question is do we have a kind of report card, if you will, who donna does a better job. >> we have the history in the sbe mrargs participation and workforce george has a wealth ever information since he's been with the agency for 16 years in terms of the raw data and generating a report we're responsible how i would be interested i don't know in the commission is interested if the compliance. >> certainly the last quarterly report it showed on the contracting basis and professional services as well as contracting showdown the relative report card for the last quarter so to speak and
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nibbi was the join jufrn from a workforce stand up in terms of folks work on the job they're one of the highest 77 percent and on the service on the contracting they were i believe 50 i'm going off of memory and other contracts certainly and other nonprofit or for profit developers have selected. >> okay. >> so commissioner mondejar has a question. >> one more question. >> we are approved a ground lease and this is a very long agreement yet all those concerns this commission and the commissioners have all those concerns of marketing and outreach and making sure that those that were displaced especially will take advantage of will are is an opportunity i wonder if the resolution we're
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approving has that something here in the whereas is that even possible because it feels like every time we pass a resolution we have those are the same concerns the marketing and the outreach and this workshop to make sure those who have certificates of preference are informed and helped quality for those affordable units and so my question is probably with robert or our counselor here because it is we have to stay on top of things and we forget and another agreement comes up we're doing this every time we have a meeting or an agreement is there a way to be pro-active or maybe
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if this is part of this i know you guys report to us but in the meantime all those other issues that come up that is hard to track what was going on and happening. >> a point of clarification the terms of actual grounds before you have basically the rents and things to the do with the leasing of this site but the terms of marketing and occupancy are the terms you've approved in the lesson what those are require the developer to do submit an marketing plan then get it approved by ocii so the actual details of the market not into the ground lease this ground less lasz lease is further implementing the terms you approved with the loan you have to turn in your marketing plan we've accelerated did plan much more than we had in the
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pathologist it is starting the construction the marketing plan gets underway to work with the community and other stakeholders to make sure there is earliest outreach and time the martha plan is the details the ground provides the terms of rent in order to move forward the marketing plan that we'll review and when maria comes back with the affordable housing we'll walk through that is something we've not spent a lot of time and what's in the marketing plan it is a detailed plan and that maybe where we're address some of the concerns the ground lease itself didn't have the details of marketing reiterates the same timeframe in the approved loop and it will have those bask concepts but approved at a later date. >> i understand that and this
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is why we keep bring this up once we sign and approve that agreement we're committed to this and . >> those other steps i'm suggesting perhaps not on that one i'm defer to my fellow commissioners here those things coming come up again and again and again and commissioner bustos and madam chair rosales and myself that moving forward that all of those issues maybe part of that not necessarily the resolution but at least with the assurance that the constituency we represent we're supported to be representing that's why the commission is here served and how do we serve them we hear again and again they don't know or hear or approve they just are frustrated don't want to apply
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what can we do in outreach to prequalify or whatever you upcoming the workshops that we've been recommend so because now, once we approve this it goes to almost liquor here we go again and again and good morning, everyone. the same issues. >> i agree the tool we'll have to implement marketing and the way the commission is directing us i'm suggesting a walk through of the marketing plan and what's in there opportunity to make that more robust this we'll have the developer comply with there are very interested in aggressive outreach our community-based organizations we've worked a lot of affordable housing projects and they will partner with us as we look at it i suggest we'll you think pack
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that plan that's where we're implement it. >> when will we have that opportunity. >> i think we could potential include that in our housing presentation and we'll talk about what we've done similar to the presentation on the two shipyard buildings you looked for the projects we've done to date to apply where they are san francisco residents or zip codes they've provided that as part of report and champion we can talk to the staff of the presentation what is in the marketing plan and the elements it is a thick document that has to be prepared it is a very intensivecommitment to
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make sure it gets done and implemented. >> i don't see it on the agenda. >> it's a affordable housing report sometime in june. >> it may have fallen off there's a robust calendar for the next three or four months. >> yeah. i think if we have input of a template singularly and cross the board not a matter of developer or so on comes up with an idea an idea is in the same place the templates and commissioner hurtado. >> going book to the population question about the ucsf heavy i see whereas is if we're approving this then we can't there's not enough room to move around the university of
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california san francisco the development for block 7 so basically does that mean that we can't change this if we vote on it today we can't i feel uncomfortable it being ucsf heavy to the fact that if we approve this we able to change that. >> that loan agreement were negotiated and approved by the commission the ground lease it has been drafted to be consistent those are approved and executed documents. >> so this is before me; right? >> it is a turn of clarification as step one the background which is before the former agency the uc exchange that happened previous the
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history she went through uc once they've demonstrated they can't development the affordable sites themselves the liquidated sdiejz due to the agency were not cue until the completion of the second phase of hospital that is projected to be 10 or 12 years the $5 million payment that was made in 2013 uc in other words to accelerate the liquid damages payment we're using for in this project the uc regents. >> someone turn off their phone it seems like someone help them will. >> the uc relents it predated our times on the commission but briefly a much higher number nernlz the health care
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institution it was over 1/3rd and through direction from this commission the community on investment & infrastructure that directed we appreciate what weighing we heard in ucsf and, yes we think in order to convince our relocations to be an excess for the public dollars in the uc regents there had to be a next us for public health care so the commission provided the direction and in essence to the uc team to say come back and reduce the preference so that number that you see for those education and health care institutions that preference was higher prior to the commissions intervention that allowed the commission to feel comfortable approving the o pa and the subsequent other 3 actions the
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schematic designs and the predevelopment loan to the other lesson a broader opportunity not only for the uc we would not have received the 500-0000 and wouldn't be here today, if those preferences were not there. >> there was a negotiation. >> yeah. >> >> given. >> 50 of the units. >> so we're building their affordable housing now is that imis it going to be to a janitor. >> it's has to be affordable. >> it is 50 and 60 percent middle-income. >> technicians? >> it might not been overlap
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the liquidated damages issue came in front of us but i don't think it covers other issues to the little - and it's 52 hundred and something; right? 2 hundred and 25 percent >> that's right. >> okay. any other questions or comments? motion? >> amended. >> amendments. >> this is a ground lease we're approving and all those other requests we have will come after we approve that ground lease 75
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years. >> is that a motion or is that a - >> (laughter). >> a statement on the record of what we're approving. >> right. >> we might have time sensitivities here. >> certainly the operation for tax credits and ms. sims. >> yes. sorry but there are time implementations to the funders are in lion and the tax fees and the project is ready to close the week of may 18th. >> in fact once we receive the project has tax credits it is 90 days as i understand and we'll use the tax credits to the $16 million is not enough to build this project that's why we noted t
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