tv [untitled] May 11, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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and also will supporting the health care massage practitioners in opening largest amounts of the discussion was around the conditional use i think most of that decision is a result of because of the conditional use process and the amount of time is takes to get to the quality of life process massage stiernt are not available or eligible for the community-based priority processing that is an expedited processing for small businesses and small formula retail around the conditional use in 2006 when legislation was first changed over to the health department with a conditional use contaminate many landlords allowed the businesses to engage in a lease discussion if charge them the rent awhile they were
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going to the conditional use process we're in a different economic climate so landlords are rarely do i hear and mostly landlord you have to go through a conditional use the business is having to pay rent so for the conditions - for our health care massage practitioners those are our middle-class individuals that live in the city so the confuse process as the process apart if the means of needing to support the ideas of neighborhood input that is counter inner tuff for our small and madam mayor's from opening so the commission the first matter of legislation that was
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introduced didn't include the amnesty program but made suggests to supervisor tang and the commission to develop an amnesty program the commission hat not taken the final action but in support of the direction that supervisor katie tang has taken that with the amnesty program will address many of the concerns of our existing practitioners being able their be able to stay in business i think with the change i think supervisor wiener with some of the sort of as we look at the planning code some of the things that the commission has dysfunction with at the last meeting if you have a health care practitioner that has to go currently is required to go get
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an establishment permit and go through the cu what we have in our planning code right now there are certain areas medical services like an acupuncture or chiropractor is classified in the planning code those services are allowed but massage establishment are not and so how do we address that if a chiropractic office wanted to being sure to have anyone else's and accessory uses will they be able to apply for the massage permit if the among other things is not allowed in the permitting area we need to look at those closely as we move forward in terms of how do we line up really work with the goals of really wanting to really have our massage the health care side of anyone else and the practitioners really be a robust
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and viable means and viable means to our health care delivery and in the city to sort of look at some of the unique elements with that again really wanted to express xrergs for supervisor tang for the amount of time she spent with the commission and hearing our concerns and addressing those. >> thank you very much. >> i have a quick question for the colleague one the thing i've heard in from many of the coalition and the constituents is that there was a request for a continuance for more time for outreach and we get that request can you talk about the process in notifying the small businesses about this particular issue. >> in terms of for our office we notified either through the
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merchants groups i know that massage is part of the membership businesses that have come into our office and those that we have sgasz with through the past there were through previous reiterations the massage of changes to the massage regulations over the period since 2009 we've also accumulated a list of different entities and organizations and schools and things naichz. >> so you rely on e-mail. >> e-mail phone calls in terms of the outreach again i don't with the small staff doesn't have the ability to do a mailing or you know outreach to all the
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licenses. >> through the chair to build on that our office sent anti 200 letters to the establishment noted allowed to send out more than that through the circulation so we actually have 200 and 50 on the books we've sent out physical letters to the businesses to let them know our goals the legislation some of the outlines and to contact our office with concerns since then we've received phone calls from many establishment many of whom are not here we answered many of the questions they were fully permitted. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you and with that, i'm i'd like to call up the last speaker from our san francisco police department although jurisdictions of the among the
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sfpd has been a huge partner on this effort. >> sew supervisor tang and board of supervisors i want to thank you and our r your office for taking on this venture especially the folks we've worked with our nonprofit groups when this was brought to my attention four years ago i respect how to the are first inspection i misunderstood what it was for those individuals coming from a victim metrological background the special victim unit denies and human trafficking mirrored each other during those inspections what the individuals and department heads that were though how we come into contact with those cases through our
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human trafficking hotline and complaints from the community and also from the victims themselves after we've conduct the inspections with the individuals priority with services and later on feeling they're able to talk with us they feel comfortable to talk with us and again what our doing for the whole community that deals with the massage establishment is we mediating weed out the good from the bad address setting up the folks we want to see this decrease but i'm pretty much the stakeholders here in the room today are not the ones we're investigating regularity human trafficking we like to see that we said to see more when we came in contact with the victims it is frustrate with the interviews their fwlanz at the
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owner or the controller of this of those establishments and look important answers or responses especially, when we are asking about the permit and their passports and those services we provide and post results before those numbers went up i added i used to give this information write down and program that inside the victim's home and tell them this is a safe number to call again, we support this legislation and i will take any questions. >> thank you, sergeant flores and for public knowledge clarify those are massage establishment under dpw what will the sfpd play for the turn off all electronic devices or through the routine inspections. >> working closely with eden
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those matters we'll distancing be in implication if we receive a complaint into a spa or establishment we'll pissed put that individuals open the list of special circumstances inspections to approve or disapprove the fact and understand the folks that are working in the establishment and their hard working folks to kind of alert them and let them 90 know of labor violations they'll communicate now or later we've assisted individuals as we're conducting our interviews with those individuals you'll see the look in their icy ask them if they want to leave now we'll help them pack up their sukdz and again provide services 0 so they can leave my focus is the
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ongoing investigation and the ordinances hold the owners affordability if we believe there is human trafficking inside those locations. >> thank you very much any questions. >> thank you to all the department speakers through the chair if i can opening it up for public comment. >> yes. please. i have a number of speakers if you need to speak you'll be allowed to speak call up fiona from our state board of equalization and call up a few more cards line up in front of that window. (calling names) >> thank you very much members shortly after i got elected to
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the board of supervisors in 2002 there were 2 homes raid in the sunset district two groups of women from korea were trafficked here to the united states and it was contaminate i got sucked into the world of human trafficking the hotel and people came to my office and educated me on the plight of many of the women that are forced her their passports taken away you know their stripped of speaking to their family members and the shame they feel being revolved in this and the victimization that those women feel not only be duped most of the time but being involved in the trafficking we looked at ways to try to got this issue asset forfeiture for the people that own the property and know those
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businesses are going on and increasing the pentd and crime statutes but settled on requiring a conditional use permit for those establishment it riches the owner to come before the commission you know show who they are and talk about their business you know practices and really shed light on transparent so i think it really decreases the amount of human trafkz that occurred in san francisco and thankful to supervisor tang for bringing back the original ordinance thank you. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon massage ordinances before you are viewed through the lens of
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human trafficking and the massage establishment is an after thought everyone is notified to speak longer 2 minutes on human trafficking advocates and everyone is seeing the nail it is city of chicago out higher and forgetting about the providers that over massage as a human arrested we would like to continue to be seen as a professional and if you do that we can if we had the operation of exemption massage establishment becoming certified establishment and this group will be exempt from going introduce the conditional use permit we're like a massage therapist the massage therapists are carding by the state as human arts professionals we're chapter
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10.5 like a chiropractor or physical therapist or occupy u occupational therapist and also a concern about the massage permit to practitioners currently in the law the sole provider has the higher credential for the permit. >> i'm sorry, i have to interrupt the board recommended me of a rule no bartenders posted in the chamber you need to speak to the content open the banner thank you. >> so the current under the raw in san francisco advanced massage practitioners are allowed to get a full fixed establishment now everybody's going to have to be a 5 heed hour tiered practitioner by dpw we're wondering if all the
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hundred hour trained professionals permit holders are going to grandfathered into the 5 heed or go back to school and be able to open their own establishment we're lowering the tier for the progression which could also be a huge will that for human trafficking we're not addressing human trafficking by allowing that as well as - >> thank you before you go i want to let you know if you like you can make a copy and put the consent of the poster on a piper we'll put into the file for the record. >> thank you we have a question for you. >> supervisor wiener. >> you said at the end i didn't fully understand the hundred i'm wanting to understand. >> so currently under the
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ordinance there are two cars of massage providers first one is the general massage provider and that education level is hundred hours second one is an advanced massage practitioner and that is 200 hours so the new ordinance is proposing that all massage therapists have to have 5 heed hours that's the state level but what's happening to all the current permit holders no grandfather clause in the proposed ordinance. >> through the chair. >> supervisor katie tang. >> so per suggestions from several people if the massage community we're increasing the number of hours of training to 5 heed hours to match the c m t c requirement we've heard it will be better to align some of the
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requirements to state requirements that's why we did that i believe all the dpw corresponding but those currently in the process will be fine with the normal i'm sorry the previous required hours this new requirement will kick in thirty days after signed. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you for hearing us supervisors i'm london a california state licensed practitioner and been in business in san francisco i've been a spa professional as a consulate previously a massage therapist no one in this room presidents human trafficking this legislation will not stop it the cost to open a legitimate business only criminals will afford it no where in the legislation does it talk about
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the cost in the conditional use authorization and mention any of the costs for the inspections and permit for the building inspection and 13 distinctions within their departments that will be required to opening real massage therapists doesn't have it capital criminals do plus once the permit it can go sold to any permitting location urging the conditional use will not protect and give amnesty to the victims the only way to stop trafficking and give the victims a chance by engaging the police and the da and other agencies that shut down those illegal businesses with uncertified victims being sold as massage
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practitioners they will need state and federal support for the legal emotional support so they can start they're new lives this will get the arts community forcing all the practitioners to charge unknown costs to be able to practice massage and only shut down the legitimate people and fail to recognize the human arts program - (clapping). >> okay my friends i know your enthusiastic but this is a rule no applause it helps us keep the business of the agenda moving forward so when you hear
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something you like i'd like to off you to shake your finger when you hear something you like or a thumps down no boeing or applause that is a boring meeting but allows us to move expeditiously and you have 2 minutes. >> good afternoon. i represent the junior league of the self-the current director we're here to support supervisor tang's ordinance from the massage police cars regulation due to the fact that san francisco has been named one the past 5 human trafficking for young children for labors as well, this is one of the places that will not just places where children are now currently being
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hidden no homes and used no massage par legislators as workers we want to use all the ordinances to use the land use and licenses we hold those licenses will continue to be more regulated and that we will continue to have more are aspects in getting more regulation up and running and utility those laws we know that finances is not as great there are all those spiktsz going to happen we hope we all can work together and want to protect our communities we have a lot of hernia and low income families we can't have all those criminals running around our city to continue to live in the town we support supervisor katie tang with this. >> thank you i'm going to call up a few more speakers line up
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by the window (calling names). >> please come forward. >> hi good afternoon. i'm gary i'm the owner and director of the school of massage and bodywork we've been in continual operation since 1969 over 45 years and counting in my opinion the proposed massage legislation will create an xhoourm over burdensome process and hard for our graduates in seeking out the regarding small business opportunity of owning their own massage business those are exempting several practitioners the fact that i or anyone else want to start a massage business
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and therapist will go through the onerous and extremely unfair conditional use permit the burden is an expensive and knows ordeal it takes up to 9 months to get approved and by signing the lease and begin the expensive lease permit and as you imagine paying those enormous rents is hard for a small business owner the illegal anyone else businesses can withdrawal that type of rule but the small business will not not try to open a massage business they'll simply go elsewhere and in my opinion the conditional use permit must be written it is
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unfair and discretionary and no other business is forced to go through this onerous expensive and weed out the bad actors we want legitimate businesses to stay - >> next speaker >> good afternoon. i love speaking after gary witness i'm the government chair for the massage organization as a massage therapist and as advocates we end up in this position how could we be against the structural of human trafficking we're in favor of the ordinances that regulate massage recordkeeping and others issues that property owner to anyone else establishment and
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keeping the quarter and performing sex acts has nothing to do with to with massage therapist don't run the establishment criminals please step forward and run those are massage businesses i'm sorry those establishments as a result rule the massage profession didn't have bad actors it is harmed by imposter outdoors and criminals and there's nothing magical about using massage as a cover for sex trafficking a conditional use will prevent a criminal to have a brothel. >> crimes will find another way for human trafficking they'll only open somewhere else thank
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you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors my name is amanda i'm a a massage therapist and small business owner in san francisco i have a thousand hours of training i've been practicing for 12 years i've done everybody to differentiate myself from the bad actors i'm all for legislation that helps differentiate massage therapist or athletes from the pirates let's use enforcement tactics against massage par legislators so they will not hide under us and i support the police department and did you want who work carefully with the organization like the c amt c to
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make sure that is being done i'm all for somebody come in and spiks my business to make sure i'm a liability business the conditional use that is the barrier to entry that is prepared is not that fail-safe it will only keep liability people from going forward i appreciate some exemptions are being made trying to help people in business stay in business their issues with that considering flying zoning regulations i want to see that addressed before this legislation is approved and either way going forward in a profession it is simply unfair for someone that want to open a legitimate practice thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i speak in support of the
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legislation promoted by supervisor katie tang i am julia current commissioner on the san francisco commission on the status of women and a co-chair of the collaborative against human trafficking is an attorney for the past 14 years as your heard from the labor california is one of the 4 depreciations the san francisco bay area is on the top 13 list every trafficking victims we need to take preventive manufacture and supervisor tang's proposed legislation takes the appropriate measures the mayor indeed has seen human trafficking as a top priority and has a human trafficking task force we've gone ought to do
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education and outreach and held conferences and placed as a policy priority for the department to work on human trafficking issues legitimate businesses should welcome a strong regulatory infrastructure for the unfair businesses that doesn't comply that is not as punitive but for the protection of public and prosecution is expensive there's. >> human cost most vulnerable people are engaged as victims of human trafficking immigrants humans and children's this is between 13 and 14 years of age those victims can't speak for themselves that's why we're here today. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm beverly i'm the
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