tv [untitled] May 11, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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change. >> okay. thank you. >> madam chair i'm defer to the colleagues for further comments. >> first, i want to thank supervisor tang for the two items and acknowledging the with work work that dein an did and the hearty thank you to the stakeholders it is informative and also cut close to home i particular want to thank the folks would own their businesses and work or working in the industry coming out and sharing with us their experiences and more or less their fears about what a cu about do to their business and acknowledge that i've heard clearly that there is a distinction of language between anyone else parlor and others i want to recognize i
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believe this is the first time that seethe of the industry has been organized or organizing themselves around an issue i want to prelude u applaud you one of the things i've heard in public comment you would like to change the distinction or make the definition dishing our business from massage parlors this is a matter of keating the general public comment i've heard compelling argument from both sides and can appreciate the trail legislation that supervisor wiener is proposing i think this is something we need to do to clean up up the legislation i said the 81 intent of what commissioner chan opposed to do but not offer becoming or onerous for businesses there are larger
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establishment that shoulder the financial burden but i think more than massage that off the top of my head from a public prospective to pay those additional fees so i am sensitive to making sure the cu is not a barrier of industry into the industry and also not a barrier that would prohibit a business from expanding i want to echo we've heard it and received it i'll be working with supervisor wiener on the trailing legislation partnering with the planning department to figure out how we can begin to relax that i do believe we have a serious problem with expectation of women and girls in san francisco many of you recognize that and it is unfortunate oh, oh it's okay. no problem we're
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franl and this occurs in the massage establishment and the parking garages have that o with the new regulars it our job to strike a balance we want to protect our interests as well protect and defend the woman that have been trafficked in the city we policymakers want to make sure we about balance our interests to eradicate the victimization of women i've heard that consistent and you know you guys are familiar with the expression one bad apple ruins the bunch this is seems like what is happening ♪ industry i'm committed to make sure we don't bet the bad actors
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ruin the good work and quite frankly saving lives and monique people and relaxing tension is stressful here in san francisco whoever wants to massage commissioner chan i'm pay for it this woman deserves a little bit of relief in tension so, please we say to take care of each other and let's see supervisor wiener millennial >> commissioner chan. >> thank you, colleagues four thoughtful comments and again, the cu process is something we're grappling with and recently called a hearing to do a deep dive into the restaurant industry it involves many, many departments and try to take that process and apply it cross the board i've been interested in
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many, many years it is all that work we're going to be doing on the implementations does it making sure that you know whoever is going to receive and go whether the clients end or the planning department and the various departments so in terms of the expedited permitting process your office is not in particular involved in the conversation with the planning department when we decided when distresses will go through it but as i said we are going to make sure that we are everyone is on the on the same page i agree to work with supervisor wiener on the trailing amendment i'd like to suggest to this committee if we could forward on this legislation and if supervisor wiener has separately legislation to consider that separately. >> is that a motion.
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>> i think supervisor wiener made a motion. >> i believe that's a motion to forward this to the full board and so what i want to do is first of all, to request we duplicate items one and two or the files and that we continue to duplicate files for number one and two to the call of the chair and with respect to the various amendments we'll work on those in a collaborative way and give it by a, to the planning commission and back to committee here. >> okay so to the folks at home i'll translate what happened then i see the pufldz looks at we've disappointed the files half the file legislation will if it comes out of committee will move forward and the other half will go back to the planning commission is that what you said
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- >> so for the members of the public what doing because amendments i want to work on we can't do today for various reasons has to go back to the planning commission to comment on them we'll duplicate the foil wore to keep that version of the file in committee so we can make the amendment going forward and then go back to the planning commission and go to the whole process rather than introducing now process the original version supervisor tang will forward that to the full board with two tracks of legislation. >> that motion was made by supervisor wiener. >> the duplication i'm requesting we did you want it is automatic. >> no motion any supervisor can
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duplicate. >> commissioner chan but before we do this should we address the amendments. >> the motion by supervisor tang has been accepted and accepted unanimous by this committee that motion pauses i request to did you want the items one and two and to the call of the chair. >> to talk about others maximums we'll do separate legislation and the duplicate file in committee any amendments we'll do a substitute legislation for the files in committee and refer that to say planning commission contaminate so this is in the precluding to the call of the chair supervisor tang our legislation from moving forward. >> city attorney. >> sure this is probably
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getting spur technical but a couple of suggests are that. >> substitute can only be suggested by engine. >> unless the sponsoring changes, of course at any point a supervisor can introduce a new legislation on this topic the other piece one a committee amends an ordinance it can't be substitute can't be introduced so i suggest that the motion to amend supervisor tang made that applies only to the version our send out the original duplicate file in his orange form and if supervisor tang wants a substitute >> that's fine anything in the future we talk about the future amendments that supervisor tang made and supervisor tang any last words. >> that's fine the one
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amendment i read into the record we shouldn't do you want that today. >> you should disappointed that are to the version but not the duplicate version. >> here's what i want to recommend madam chair we send the vote and we'll resend it and i'll make a motion reduplication of the foil and move to continue the duplicate file to the call of the chair and then proceed with the original version. >> okay. so all right. may i have a motion to resend the vote all right. motion by supervisor wiener and sect by commissioner chan motion passes amazing is there a motion i can entertain on the floor supervisor wiener. >> so requesting the duplicate the foils for 1235e and
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duplicate the files to the call of the chair. >> okay. that it didn't need a vote. >> to the call of the chair requires a vote. >> so motion to move it passed unanimously by this body thank you very much okay now. >> supervisor tang's amendment we can make to the. >> supervisor tang could you. >> resate our motion. >> i previously stated the technical amendment and make a motion 80 motion to amend that to the full board. >> can we accept this unanimously. >> thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, that will democracy in action. >> a motion to recommend- >> we'll pull this out of
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committee to the full board with a with a positive recommendation so through the chair for the original version to send it to the full board for items 12wr5e. >> this motion passes unanimously thank you very much madam clerk item 3. >> a resolution there the zoning district controls for the medical cannabis dispensary and judy and neighborhood commercial districts. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen, supervisor tang is also the author to a presentation. >> item 3 a speaking to correct some changes made to the planning code and had unat the end circumstances on other previous legislation previously in the 4 neighborhood commercial district in district 4 i've you didn't and others it was required a requirement in the
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planning code that any inactivity increasing must go through a conditional use process there are new requirements for the medical cannabis dispensary one irresponsibly the transparency on the empowering that rechld with that change removed the medical cannabis dispensaries from the definition of inactivity use now an activist use changing the legislation that of passed by the form supervisor and we're looking to correct that clean up legislation to require it put in mass interim zoning district controls for conditional use authorization in medical cannabis dispensary for the 4 neighborhood commercial districts i'm available to answer any questions and planning staff is here. >> seeing no questions from the
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colleagues, any presentations no problem public comment on item 3 is open please if you have a comment please come forward. >> i'm paul good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> the code was very clear that that was permitted with a discretionary review it seems to me my name is it was a stretch that it would require a conditional use because it wasn't listed on a certain table even though is yftd as an active use there was a conditional use hearing skeleton for august 10, '10 device it went into effect it was already a clarification i would beg to defer not an inadvertent thing but an
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institutional health care use an active use and defined on the table i know that there is a lot of controversy in the sunset district regarding and people are passions national and vocal but the patience of the sunset deserve it the interim controls are for to be used when this year's an urgent need for this i think there is more of an urgent need for the patients in the sunset there are a number of establishments that most of the people in sunset have never been in for instance, a synagogue but there are many there are so i strongly size we stay with the way that the code is written for the rest of the city and not make exception for the rigorous commissions thank you very much. >> thank you very much any
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public comment on item 3 seeing none, public is closed thank you supervisor tang is there anything else. >> first of all, i don't appreciate any insimulation of upgraded acts i stand by what i stated i addressed something changed through previous legislation with that, i'm going to recommend to the economy members to forward out item 3 i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> supervisor tang has made a motion and seconded by i'm sorry. >> do we have a committee report. >> i apologize. i amend that motion to be sent forward with a with a positive recommendation with a report before we take that vote supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam chair, i want to be clear that this the conditional use wiped away i'll
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take full responsibility for f that i ponder on behalf of planning department a broad code clean up that this board passes is a month or two ago code clears up are complicated a 5 heed page ordinance with an enormous amount of changes with we do code cleans up that is rare at some point vicinity change something with different parts of codes enacts with some things this happened a few years ago when i asked a board code conversion and clean up and it tirnt wiped out a control we didn't intend to wipe away so they weigh this was not our
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intent to impact the issues in the sunset so what everyone is viewing whether there's a conditional use it is appropriate to restore the existing control. >> thank you commissioner wu supervisor tang has made a motion to move forward this the full board seconded by supervisor wiener and unanimously passed by this body madam clerk call item 4. >> a hearing to review the housing resources program and options for the rent control housing. >> so colleagues this item is sponsored by supervisor christensen i've received a request to continue this many stakeholders were intending to present open the housing group meeting but brown before we entertain a motion any munoz
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that want to speak on item 4 please come forward. >> good afternoon. i'm marla from the north beach tenants committee i'm happy to participate in this hearing it's almost a non-hearing isn't it in 2013 i along with 21 other neighbors were evicted under the ellis act this is on one block on the street tatted there was no placed to go and still no place to go i went to padding lemon and got an a waiting list and still i'm on the list ellis acts are once again up in north beach and the rest of the city hiatus and other
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leases i'd like to see one that pieces be put in the enforcement of short term rental law those units are being taken out of the housing stock and being illegally represented and that means the at that time, from the airbnb this is going to continue to happen i'd like to see the small sites program expanded it is i think this is much better to have housing that is here and keep it retain it much faster and people want to stay within thorough homes and like to see real landlords not speculators
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landlord regarded for not vogt people i'm a volunteer person at telegraph hill center and like to see my community stay intact. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> other members that want to speak i'm sorry you've spoken already we have to continue. >> yes. good afternoon, supervisors just to echo what the previous speaker said it is incumbent that on the city to really take this issue seriously and implement measures that will retain and will keep people housed seniors and particular seniors with sdanlts people would go disabilities are vulnerable
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we're seeing a spike in no fault to fault evictions tenants are being duped out of their long term rent controlled units and for lack of knowledge resources into educating folks will their rights and that i am going to keep them out of harm's way to they don't suffer eviction an undue revocation and the short-term rentals there are 5 thousand of those unregulated short-term rentals that are going on in san francisco many of which are fall under the rent control stoke and that's a great importance to our organization you know we're on a mission to really educate folks and get people aware of their rights but
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the candletion of the rental stock is acquit troubling we note a reverse and our organization position we're in favor of the concept of aging in place folks should be able to acknowledge in their homes and not put in rest homes and care facilities and that's it thank you. >> thank you very much seeing no other members of the public that want to comment on this item number 4 public comment is closed. colleagues a motion to continue this to the call of the chair. >> so moved. >> thank you made and supervisor tang and sending by supervisor wiener this month unanimously madam clerk, any other business before this committee? there's no further business. >> thank you. this meeting is adjourned.
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>> we all know a major earthquake will eventually hit san francisco are reproerl presented san francisco is making sure we are with the public safety buildings. >> this consists of 4 consultants the police headquarters with the from 850 with a brand new fire station number 4 to serve mission bay swimming pools at office of economic workforce development in the fire station thirty. >> is the the hall of justice on bryant the new home for 2 hundred and 50 uniform and voiven compresses we all it was opened in 19 so sociothat is a
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50-year improvement as far as structure and work environment had that will be a great place to work. >> when construction began in 2011 this was with an clear goal to make sure with the big one heights the resident will will have a function police department those are the highly seismic standards it is up to operate up to 96 hours from the police department perspective that building is self-sufficient for a main made arrest in all disastrous zake ever after we will run our operational from here no matter what happens this building and the people that serve the businesses will continue to function building is designed to meet lead goal certification and also to art installations on the
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campus that was designed and constructed to better sense of ability so for example we're using solar water heaters we're also urging gray water for reuse inform flush water and rainwater for the cooling and irrigation locked on third street and mission rock is it serves the motorbike neighborhood and motorbike i moiks is a growing neighborhood and the intent of the bond to have please and fire serves to serve the community. >> hemming helping to keep the building and the stay safe was the not the only opportunity it creates many jobs with 82 bleb businesses overall san franciscans contributed one hundred and 87 thousand hours to help to complete the project it
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shows the city of san francisco the elected officials and police officers and more importantly the voters that paid for the building this is what we can do with when we wrorpt this is a beacon when we need to build new extra we can trust them with the money and the plan they did a good job the san francisco public is a reminder of the importance of being presented and will continue to serve the residents for decades to come
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