tv [untitled] May 11, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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are most challenging and they are not able to maybe access money management through the other services because of behavioral issues. so we hook that up with our own money management on site which is really nice. so we can also do like med management also in collaboration with the money management because they are coming into clinic or they can be seen by our medical team as they comen for their money. so we have a lot of eyes on them and help to stabilize them so they can also get into permanent housing. i guess some of the challenges is that we have a reduction in our stabilization units. everybody used to call us, we want case management which meant a room. but that's no
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longer the case. the case management does not necessarily mean the client will get a room. we use them as treatment rooms now. we have a reduction of two-thirds of our portfolio. another challenge is that the stabilization rooms we have are not in wheelchair accessible hotels. there is no elevators. that's the biggest challenge and so we place people for like 2 weeks at a time to do some sort of like, it's whatever the treatment plan is. getting on ga takes 2 weeks. so we'll put somebody in a room, get them an i g and put someone else in the room for something else. maybe it's going down to the
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medi-cal office so we can refer them to a primary care procedure or it could be the team is out there and the team identifies they need to be on antibiotics and we use them more as a treatment now. so a lot of clients are now having to utilize shelters. we have 41 shelter beds now and they are always full. some are just doing the 2-week just like a stabilization room where we try and hook them up with whatever services we need. we work with a lot of, i think most of the clients that we do
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work with are challenged in someway with a physical disability or mental health or cognitive disability. we have clients who have had traumatic brain injury due to violence on the street or due to extreme alcohol abuse. a lot of clients with dementia a lot of seniors, a lot of clients with service animals. or there are pets and we make them become service animals so they can stay in the hotels and get permanently housed and go to the clinics. >> i think that's about it.
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>> thank you for presenting in council and informing us about the most vulnerable population. cochair supanich has questions. >> thank you for your presentation. i have sooner or -- some questions about the needs are inaccessible. where does someone what mobility impairness go with that physical disability? >> we would partner with transitions. they do have a, they have one hotel, it could be two hotels with elevators. so if they have a room we can ask them.
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>> okay. you also mentioned that you have a doctor and psych nurse practitioner and nurse that travel around. do you have a van that you use to go around? >> we have four vans. they can be in vans. we are mostly on the streets. the vans are used to take you somewhere to whatever the district is. >> are prescriptions written and is medicine dispensed and is a nar can available. >> the coalition? >> right. >> great, we know that's badly needed and when people appear to be sweeping, it could mean something else. >> right. >> okay, that's it for me.
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>> any other questions from the council before i turn it over to staff? okay. staff, do you have any questions or comments? thank you. >> so the comment that you made about the stabilization rooms being used for extremely. i'm not sure if i understood correctly. the stabilization room doesn't exist anymore as a model. now the stabilization takes place in a shelter environment? >> we enough shelter bedded for everybody that we are case managing even. we'll place people in the stabilization room. treatment is like a laos treatment because we need to find someone to get their i'd. we have a
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2-week period but it can be extended. we have clients under going chemo therapy, radiation. we wouldn't take them out after 2 weeks. >> i thought one of benefits of the stabilization room program was to help them build capacity to transition into a more permanent housing environment and be able to function and thrive to sort of regain some skills that have gotten rusty while living on the streets. >> when is client are on list, when their name is going to be coming up, it could be like 2 months from placement, then we'll put them in a room so we can see whether they are going to need ihs or care, there are all these issues that come up. we'll address them in the end n our capacity we have like
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120. so, it's, you know, it's hard to say who you will give that room to. they all deserve to have a long term room. >> and the business model from one to the better description has changed was with the organization last year for a way to trying to do for everybody which is not realistic as you focused on what is for the high user group. do you have a sense of what is, what are the resources for the people that aren't the hums? >> well, because we don't, like our whole case load right now isn't hums. if we have opens, we take other people as well. we do have people like i said, you know, the people that have terminal cancer, they are going through
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therapy. there isn't necessarily hums or high users. it could be the outreach. we have several, we have the union square bid, we have the caseworker assigned to union square. we have the castro care, the 16 hours of case management assigned to the street outreach. if they identify people as well, we'll take themmen in and get them housed. people on ga to get them housed, the list goes quicker. it's always been the focus to try and focus on that population. >> thank you. >> hi. i'm very glad to finally put a
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face to the name. i have to say i'm really confuse d about the new model. are you all staff members from the department of public health or are you part of an outside provider or contractor? >> there is still the hsa collaboration, collaboration is hsa, dph and public health foundation enterprises. the majority of the team with the contractor is with public health foundation enterprises as with cats before. >> that's why there is a different contractor and why the names and the face changed. you mentioned that you lost a backup of hotels, lost stabilization rooms many can you speak to that. why that
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is and was there a financial we should -- issue with that? >> there was a lawsuit. there was like ten hotels that were identified that were substandard. so we lost because of them. we still have clients that are in some of those hotels by attrition. as they get permanently housed we are not renewing. >> by saying you lost those hotels you are not able to use them anymore for stabilization? >> right. >> and the baldwin just turned to master lease. >> the baldwin and the civic center. >> right. okay. that is a lot of challenging work, isn't it? thank you.
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>> i'm going to open up for public comment at this time. thank you. >> we have jackie bryson. >> good afternoon, i'm still jackie bryson as the beginning. i'm just more well informed as a jackie bryson and i'm very happy to see that the hot team finally made a public appearance. this has been difficult. the san francisco local homeless board has wanted to have the hot team come and make a presentation. we were hoping for april, but there seems to be a conflict with ms. messkin's vacation. thank you for that. we've been asking since
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february. she's gone since june. i'm again multi-faceting and a failure of the hot team. one thing that was not mentioned is their assessment which i'm having the mayor's office and human rights commission to look into because my ada rights were violated when i was stormed myself out of the hotel and i had to walk with my walker. i'm one of the lead plaintiffs for a private lawsuit against the winton hotel because of that. there are still a few clients in the hotel and until this day, i have to feind out why i was storm
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trooper out of the hospital. it was better at meeting my special needs as the place where i was dumped at the bottom of skid row. i'm very concerned about the lack of assessment and i have said that before which goes back to the need for a department on disability so there can be a county wide standard and i see a lot of nodding of heads because i'm going to keep saying this. there needs to be a protocol that applies to all department and contractors and a set of rules not each and every single non-profit coming up with it's own non-compliant things and expecting you guys to pass over on them and say, yeah, and lay that on you when the on us needs to be on them the ordinance is
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plainly written. just read it. don't read between the lines. read what it says. it's very simple. there needs to be penalties, punishment, maybe fines if that's what it takes to get people to come into compleens. -- compliance. it's dangerous for me. thank you very much. >> is there any public comment at the bridge line? okay. thank you. public comment is now closed. we'll proceed to informational no. 8. muni, thank you for waiting and for your patience. san francisco municipal transportation agency muni will give an update on a project called muni forward that includes service changes to limited lines, stops, and signage.
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presentation by sean kennedy, muni forward program manager and julie kirschbaum. transit effectiveness project program manager. >> thank you, it's a pleasure to be here. i'm here and my name is sean kennedy. i'm excited about what we have to present today. muni forward is really an umbrella name for a number of projects that both muni and the city family is working on to address two major issues or goals that the city is working towards. one of those is a reliable muni system. i'm sure that any muni rider knows that we have
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two major problems, one, we don't show up when we say we are going to and two, when we do show up, we are often super crowded and people have a tough time getting on the bus. we are trying to address those reliability issues through both capital changes and service changes adding more service. the second type of issue or citywide goal we are trying to address is improving pedestrian safety. we are implementing what's called vision zero on our major transit corridors with the goal, the city has a goal that by 2024 there will be zero pedestrian fatalities in the city. we are trying to address that goal on muni routes as well. there is a diagram up here of a couple people getting on a bus in the city. in the background, it has our tag line, we are actively working
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to create a safer more reliable and more comfortable transit experience. so, there is really five major keys or things that go into making a reliable transit system. i'm not going to touch on these during the rest of the presentation but i wanted to point out that municipaley -- muni is working on all five of these issues. if you don't have the operator you can't have the bus on the street. we mean, sf mta has done a pretty poor job the last decade of hiring and training enough operators to keep up with attrition. because of that, 6 months ago, we were only operating about 93% of our daily scheduled service. you know, 93% is sounds like an a if you don't know about transit in general, but
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on a reality 93% is horrible. it's semi embarrassment. if you look at what that means to a daily customer, that's about 30-400 trips a day that we have not put out on the streets because we didn't have enough operators. what we are focusing on operator hiring and training. i'm super happy to report that last month, we have met our standard which is 98.5% service delivery everyday. we have a full compliment of operators now which has loud us allowed us to improve in our service. that's exciting stuff. service levels same thing, we want to match transit service with demand allowing that corridor and we have not been
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able to meet that with budgetary and staffing resource. our bus fleet averages about 14 years of age which is old. our fleet is not that much better. with the work of the board of supervisors and mta board we have signed a contract to have all new rubber fleet in the next 4 years. some of the new ones you might have already seen on the lines out there and we have a new trolley the other day. that's super exciting. those will start rolling out soon. supervision, we have done supervision of lines on the streets. people have stood on the street to try to control bunches and gaps so you don't
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want three buses showing up at the same time. obviously that's not what you want. we want to spread it out. that's been a problem. it hasn't worked great. we just opened a brand new transit management center using technology to try to help us supervise and control the system easier and the last is reliability and roadways, second in united states. very narrow roads and no room to add for capacity and a lot of use is put on those roads. what we are working on is transit priority on our roadway to help move buses. so with all of that said, i want to point out some really exciting things happening april 25th. we are having our largest service increase in decades in the city
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and these are really focused on some of our most crowded roots. we are increasing both am and p.m. peak period trips or frequencies as well as some midday frequencies. as an example the 5 limited, the 14, the 38 limited and also some extra trips in the morning on the 10 and the 28 which is seeing a lot of crowding especially during school hours and basically same routes in the p.m. during the midday the 29, if we have any 29 riders it's very packed in the midday, a lot of school runs. it getting really packed. we are adding some midday outings to that line and for the express trips lines 14x and 31
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balboa and the california mbx. we are seeing shifting patterns and when people are using the express services to get the work. we are trying to modify and it will lengthen the amount of time we spend on those trips and i want to point out another really exciting one is the 38l which currently does not operate on sundaysch it's going to start operating on sundays which our constituents have asked for years. so super excited about offering that trip. this total represents about a 3% increase in service hours which is a big chunk of increase and we are really happy about it. a few other things happening on april 25th. not only are we implementing service changes, we are doing a number of things to try to make the system a little bit more legible and easy to under for people. one of those things is we are renaming all of our
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limited lines, rapid, so on april 25th, it will go from a 28l to 28r. nothing about the routes changing. the routes will stay the same. the number will be a little different. this is because a couple things. one because we feel the name limited is kind of a negative connotation. not limited. it's one of the best services in the city and we are making an aspirational statement and doing parameters along these corridors and the capital project that i talked about are in active outreach and i have not seen the benefit but hopefully in the next few months this will become rapid lines. at the stop, bringing us down to the stop level. we are doing a couple things at
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all stops. there will be a flagstop at every stop. we have 3600 stops in our system b a third of those are just demark aetd that there are stops here. it's kind of hard to see. we are putting up flags at each one of those stops that says, there is a poland -- pole, and plastic bag that 36 flags that indicates it's a special stop. a rapid stomp we are doing things on a shelter, with some stickers going on the cross bars of the shelters to denote rapid stops and we have a new system map that's coming out and we are alsoen --
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installing bike racks. there will be a bar in the middle that says muni rapid. a for branding b to allow for more of that bike transit integration. a few things of what that looks like. there is a picture of a bike rack with muni rapid and it will say muni metro. and a picture what if the stickers look like on the outside of the shelter a top the crossbar. we are installing these arrows so it will show muni is going fast on the side and on the side of the shelter it will say muni rapid or muni metro. this is a snippet of the new
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map coming out. these are alreadien stalled on the t line and it will be in the new metro hopefully starting next week. the idea behind these maps is we are trying to show case our best or our most frequent service with these lines and make it easier for people to tell where those great services are. so there is the red liens -- lines for all the muni metro for rapid line and the blue lines for non-rapid service. in the blue lines the frequent service is a dark thick blue line, and as you get less frequent service, the color of the blue gets lessened as the thickness of the line. the idea is to show visually and very impact fully where some of the great service is versus where you might have a route that doesn't come that
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often and you might wonder if those might be more frequent lines as people look at the map. this is a depiction of that these flag stops look like. if it's a rapid stop it will be red and any rapid lines themselves will be red. it's 14r and 14 limited and the 14 which is not a rapid line would be in blue. in the same obviously goes for the same metro stops. on the f line and cable car lines there will be yellow, this historic yellow that also shows up on the system map. so one other thing i want to point out aside from just the branding and the service improvement, we are also
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changing a few route numbers as well as names to better reflect kind of where some of these routes go in the city. for example, six parnassus. we want to highlight that you can take another line to haiti street the 8 x operates 20 hours a day. not really a limited or express service. mostly express are 4 hours a day. so we are changing the 8 x to an 8 to reflect that and also it was causing confusion when we talked about fair increases and things like
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that. obviously one of the first places that we are talking about fair increases on our express services and people in the valley and throughout the 8 x. we get a little worried that it was going up. this makes it clear that the 8 is not an express service. the 16, i don't know how it became known as the 16 x when it's the express lean -- lean line to the 71 and we are changing it to the x. and one more i want to point out was 33 modifying that to 33 ash bury. outreach as far as always changes in several ways.
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