tv [untitled] May 11, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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lacing i can't and want to recognize and thank the threatened folks at sfgovtv jim smith and jonathan for helping us broadcast this commissioner lee committee meeting ms. clerk madam clerk, any announcements? completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the may 19th board of supervisors board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated excellent thank you very much call item one. >> item one is the ordinance amending the planning code to siren used for the conditional use authorization in the 24th and he 2012 the upper market and market street in the nc t district and this item is sponsored by supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam chair colleagues this zoning legislation employees to the upper market are castro street
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and 24th electricity mcds neighborhood commercial districts that is designed to insure our ground floor retail space is utilized and televises as opposed to to office spaces we've seen situations where we're really extraly loeshth ground floor spaces instead of being occupied by retail or food and r or other active uses or optimist night e.r. on the weekend occupied by office spaces they're incredibly important and are a key part of neighborhoods but they're not necessarily the best use especially in significant numbers for ground floor retail space and so the legislation for all 3 of these neighborhood commercial districts upper market castro,
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upper market and noah valley will require a conditional use in order to put on office type of uses on the ground floor market street if octavia on the west side all the way down castro street it makes pardon me zoning controls it was passed a year ago to require conditional use for placing office space in one the ground floor spaces upper market this is a particular important issue because we are seeing significant new development along you want street from castro to octavia with a lot new ground floor retail space on line the last thing we need is for that retail space to be
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overwhelming but we don't want it to be a dominate part of rail space you'll will have a tip point it is less attractive for people to shop eat and drink 24th street we extend this to castro street the 24th and this issue was rigged in innovating when a hardware store closed and people what is your surprised no public input that was required on the permitting process that changed this control will require business and professional services as well as medical services obscure a permit again, the intent of the controls to incentivize active uses along the corridor doesn't band anything only a conditional
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use when active use is stipend to go ♪ crafting those controls we worked closely with the neighborhood associations and our merchant groups and received strong support we also received unanimous support from small business commission as well as the planning commission so colleagues with that planning department will present thank you >> i get the mike at the podium. >> good afternoon, supervisors diego sanchez with the mravment the planning commission heard the prompted amendment by supervisor wiener and after deliberating they moved unanimously to remedy the proposed ordinance for the following modification to study the professional services on the 3-r report and above on the
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named mcds that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for questions. >> thank you mr. sanchez i networked to mention in this legislation is for the two story office space that will be primarily permitted we want suppose in our neighborhood commercial district not always on the one story we wanted this available on the two story a great example in you want the real estate consolidated several of the real estate officers on the old tower records that a perfect location for a large real estate office startling not o on the empowering i respect the planning commission view that we should consider whether to make those office spaces
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principally on the 3-r report and above that will require a lot of discussion with the new development going with the strong purpose of housing not to have you know especially, if the market shifts it becomes for lucrative to have office rather than housing and don't want to see the buildings become office spaces instead of housing so, now the amendment i'm sure the conversation will condition madam chair can we open up for public comment. >> leakage just as a reminder it is 2 minutes you'll hear a soft bell practical line up at the podium it is open please come and speak to item one, if you want to speak to this item this microphone right here thank you. >> i'm here speaking about the
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off-ramp on 5th and harris. >> we're not at that item but when we do you're welcome to come to public comment. so item one in the castro street and noah valley and you upper market. >> my name is willie ratting cliff thank you an excellent idea you've come up with we can use this this in our own community with the slow types of businesses and closed the two story i know this is a good idea we want to see it more than what you mention. >> thank you, mr. ratting cliff we should continue to explore
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any public comment on item one seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam chair so i make a motion to you move to forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> we'll take that without objection. this passes. >> item 2 an ordinance men, women, and children e amending the planning code to 155 the western manufacturing building from category 4 to 3 under article 11. >> the planning department is here to present on this item thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors on january 21st of this year, the historic preservation commission amazing passed the resolution recommending the board of supervisors approve the chance the designation an early
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20th century building during a construction south of market and architecture quality and retains outstanding physical district i want to highlight the provision of article 11 only for the c-3 zoning it is commercial but located in the south of market with the preservation exact date that embraces an area of article 11 are still in effect with the change of designation the property is likely for the miles act and precedes the transfer of development rights this change of the designation permits the office space on buildings planning code section states in the mcd office spaces are permitted on all floors those
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includes the category one through 4, however not authorized by the change of designation the proposed change of use the zoning administrator will consult with the historic preservation commission to determine whether this preserves the building and the office spaces an outline all floors is if the subject to the planning code regarding the designated remarks landmarks to summarize the department and the historic preservation commission support this change of designation and recommend our approval that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> sew very much supervisor jane kim. >> this is in the district i represent and i ask for the educate historic category i do
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have an amendment to propose for this it is larger technical but the building sponsor does intend to go forward with a miles act contract this year and this amendment notes that i can read into the record it is what be on page 3 in lines 1 through 4 in accordance the miles act on the administrative code for the calendar year 2015 the properties mention that may submit an application for the miles act until august 15th is allows them to move forward with the act. >> thank you. let's go ahead and take public comment for 2 is open anyone want to speak to this
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item okay. thank you. >> hi there. >> i'm the founder of the partners and manage the company with my husband we started the company several years ago we we tend to invest in building whether historic or have good zones that is unique and special and those are just that the historic of the building for the repair is rest it was built in the early 19 hundreds and after the tan business went overseas we proposed the building for incorporating offices and to an architecture firm for his son
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we bought then in the late 1909s the previous owner sold it to a real estate hobbit to restore the building one the tenants at this time was the small business called hope for america we bought it and a few tenants were in the building we've mommy and daddy the tenants in the building and came up to for renewable and we wanted to keep them in doing so their a nonprofit we ended up sign a lease at 25 less than market to keep them in there we thank you for your support and supervisor kim thank you for this resolution we have received amount approval in the historic preservation commission and received a letter of support from the san francisco heritage thank you for your supports ones the heritage act we submitted it
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thank you. >> great any public comment on this item? that want to comment. >> good afternoon my name is ruth an architect and planner and principle of page and turning ball i met the team of the architecture conserves that submitted the plan and in our packet ever materials almost 3 years we worked with the partners to besides the significance of 149 on 9th street the staff report provided a thorough summary of the historic importance of the building and this support has internal not did building constructed moose all 4 criteria to be designated a category 3 building this building as outstanding integrity and
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conducted commission to the character of more than any building in the neighborhood the second part of report when determined article 11 was the maintenance plan to help the owner to plan, budget and implement the improvements over time those materials were part of the miles application on may 1st thank you. >> thank you is there any public comment? that want to speak. >> good afternoon. i'm the chief administrator over for the codes of america we've been in the space since 2011 and we've worked to extend the lease we love the building we love the area and it's been great in terms of making the building upgraded and we love our support
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in order to make this long term space possible. >> is there any public comment? okay. seeing none that being said at this time supervisor kim. >> i'd like to move forward with the amendment as stated. >> so i guess we'll take that without objection. the most passes as amended supervisor wiener. >> this motion passes as amended. >> i want to move a make to motion full board with a positive recommendation. >> we'll take that without objection. passes madam clerk would you read item number 3. >> the hearing to receive an annual update on the stuart traffic and vision zero broke down down by police district. >> supervisor kim supported this. >> thank you supervisor cohen and i also want to recognize we have the
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president of the police commission if you want to sit with our city attorney thank you. i just want to thank you for making the time the police commission has many of our meetings quite frequently and long and thank you for attend today today is e today's hearing is something we commit 0 at a special joint commission with the services committee we borrowing at a four hourlong hearings with the executive officer and it's command staff this is a compliment to the realty the it is a city attorney traffic safety and vision zero and complimenting to the metrics and professional services i said to acknowledge and thank you. the police commission chief suhr and commander ali will i
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committing to a shift in the organization recognizing the traffic collisions are not random acts of god can be caused by negligent and the breaking of the. >> law and issuing citation to folks an extreme frustration for victims and we saw that last year if the had he i didn't turnout from the victims of collision and finally to upgrading it's database that allows for the acquisition within a month or two as well as solid commits commitments to up the citations that focus on the 5 deadliest behaviors should the sfpd issue the citations four
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this top any member of the public wish to speak on any item term violations and violating the right-of-way and running relies and stop signs i want to point out they vary by district to district this is stuart not one of the top 5 concerns of each neighborhood and look forward to hearing about the annual date and want to recognize ann that took up the helm and doing a tremendous amount of work diving do into the data and meeting with a lot of the stakeholders and the hope sf and the bicycle coalition to support vision zero we'll be joined by supervisor yee my co-sponsor that has increased the champion of resources for
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enforcement i believe we have our commander. >> up first and welcome cam iron from the sfpd enforcement program and another colleague that has been managing the don't governor nixon we'll have a brief updated 239 did you want with the transportation surveillance by the endemocrat i thought that is had an about developing this without further ado i'm assuming no technical gifrnz >> sfgovtv can you turn on the
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overhead? oh before commander starts i want to give the president's an opportunity to make opening remarks >> thank you so much commenting members of the commissioner lee supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen it is i want to thank you, supervisor kim for your leadership on this issue we were here back in january of 2014 to talk about really some horrific results from terrible record of 23 san franciscans killed awhile walker or bicycling in our city the approach we took with this body with the vice president and leadership to look at what we can do differently we saw in 2014 i know that commander maddox would be calendar year between 2013-2014 the department saw a 54 percent in citations
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which to your point i think a lot of folks in the conversation around police departments and the president of the united states interim recorded on policing had at the beginning felt report original culture eats policy for lunch overtime you have a policy without the leadership folks like chief suhr and commander maddox and ali to make change and get the departments to take a different approach to issue the citations we would have a different approach you voluntary the full support of police commission and the work ahead thank you, supervisor. >> thank you again, i'm ann maddox the commander lee is on the mta we are tasked with traffic and
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transportation and our commitment to vision zero we have an education component in january of this year i'm sure you're aware of we issued a department web so we issued a department wide sfpd bicycle coalition to get officers to be more aware of traffic fatalities coalitions involving bicycles and pedestrians official goal to reduce all collisions and by 2024 to eliminate traffic relayed fatalities in the city again educate ourselves and today 80 percent of our department views the - it's not a hundred percent hundred percent is not working hundred percent of the time and officers on disabled or again as
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a department ear challenged by technology that is required in the dvd and to acknowledge through the computer you've seen it that hundred percent it took place but 80 percent is a good number and after that video came out we realized to the advocates they can attach it to their website as well not long after we released that i did an i think formal inquire and found they were not educated on the vision zero and our role i sent everyone in the department an individual e-mail getting to vision zero by 2024 improvement and education wherever they can what happens in our plod monthly district captains 80
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