tv [untitled] May 11, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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to see the focus on vision zero i do wonder we're teaching children and seniors will transfer safety when we have drivers driving unsafely constantly know they'll not face consequences it needs to take placed towards drivers and consequence if someone is kindly we need a district attorney that that prosecute people that kill people with vehicles those people go on not only do they noted get jail time they're driving again on our streets. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is ann angela with the chinatown organization i want to
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thank you you guys for focusing on the role of enforcement and vision zero i think the citation data is telling and great the sfpd is working towards the goal to have citations reduce bad behaviors and encourage for improvement education in chinatown extractions we have worked with the pd officers to educate the pedestrians on the focus of the 5 behaviors so we see the high injury coordinators and have pd either responsive to the communities have expressed the close calls is not saying this is a high injury spot but we have that h heap where the
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policing efforts we're hoping this leads to safer conditions. >> thank you. okay is there any additional public comment on this item if so seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. i want to make some closing comments i appreciate this update from last year actually historic hearing with the police commission how we do traffic enforcement and how we are working to change did culture and san francisco police department around the priority that we've committed to you wanted to thank everyone in this room actually for their work on this this is or it is work we'll continue to do and make sure we continue to keep the urgency on this issue even when the issues are not in the limelight i'm excited about the mercedes benz
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will be able to utilize data into that's incredibly important and i look forward to working for a better improvement to collect the data in a knowsly marijuana and innovative sfmta to the next public safety meeting to talk about the don't block the box this work will continue we're happy to see a reduction this year and the facilities, of course as commander maddox said one is two of but we're reaching our goals citywide it is great we have such a cross section of stakeholders where our city departments and police department and communities working to make vision zero a reality and thank you to the
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members of this committee they've been huge champions and i don't know if the president wants to make closing comments. >> i want to say thank you. >> thank you for your leadership and pushing with the department and that's it thank you. >> supervisor kim would you like to file this item or inform continuance. >> motion to file. >> all right. motion to file unanimously accepted by this committee thank you m call item 4. >> item 4 a hearing to review the dispopulation of van ness and requesting the department to report. >> supervisor kim is requesting this item just one minute. >> thank you very much
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madam chair and colleagues for thank you for the opportunity to have a hearing on this item this is something i called for simply to have a report and discussion about the proposal i think that it would be beneficiary for us to have a better understanding of what the plans are you know there are different reasons for the plan one thing i'd like to do is to have a conversation wherever it is appropriate to figure out how this fits is the one larger housing strategy that the city has i think that given the gravity of the housing crisis those kinds of questions you know what do we do when the city owns land are questions we're going to
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have to raise more frequently it is something that would be a positive thing because we have to figure out how to leverage the limited resources we have for the purpose of building more affordable housing in that spirit in which this hearing was requested and with that, i don't know if anyone else wants to have any comments we have a presentation. >> thank you supervisor campos maybe you can facilitate this hearing from this point on. >> i know that it is in supervisor kim's district. >> just say a few things quickly i look forward to this presentation i know there are a number of competing interests last year and passed prop k that calls for 32 percent of affordable housing
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and velocities for low income and moderate households we have a surplus ordinance that surpluses any property to be transferred to the mayor's office of housing for the departments of housing for services for the homeless he know that the city has its own means whether raising revenue and, of course i agree with a much noted office building i'm excited we are move forward but as we move forward with this development on what is uncommon the goodwill site it is important to examine the transactions and evaluate our priorities and sets of needs we want to see as outcomes for property that is owned pub i know that van ness and 16 mission and others locations on mission what's the best use to raise money for city offers
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buildings or consider affordable housing opts i looked to this i know that is complicated in a lot of different mechanisms that are involved but i think that is an important conversation i want to thank supervisor david campos for calling that meeting. >> thank you, supervisor kim i have a presentation from john updyke we're joined today by the director of planning planning director ram thank you to director ram and the head of the mayor's office of housing and thank you mr. lee with that i'd like i'm going to turn it over to mr. updyke. >> thank you, supervisors good afternoon john updyke director of real estate first, i want to thank you for the opportunity not only revenue the sale of van ness but how it fits as
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supervisor kim mentioned our overhead do space strategy so thirty van ness i'll briefly describe that a hundred and 80 foot square feet office building we have above a corner walgreens and commercial uses we acquired the building in 2001 it was built in the 1920s as 3 separate 2 story buildings and in 1965, 3 stories were you added to the 2 stories and seismic retrofits done an important site underutilized in its current form and function the city use are dpw department of public works and the did you want and the department of
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emergency management and others those uses and what they do and the services they delivery to the public can be delivered for intellectually through better destine more sustainable properties and until a viable designation locates the city remains on site we're in full occupancy in the building only heed square feet on the one story of the formula retail space not over a vacant until the property is redeveloped so the property is technology not surplus it is first reinforced the city is martha the property we're showing the brochure now with an intent to lease back the building for city used for a minimum of 4 years at a below market rate rental rate that
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allows us sufficient time to get a new site not effecting the quadrants of the departments let's look at what the board sees so for in 2014 we brought before the board two letters of intent for the department of the goodwill site and our development partnering with the latest companies in december the board approves a permit with the conditional caesar sale and now the owners and raising it to a good level and, of course we're here with this item we'll be running to the board this summer relative the specific item on thirty van ness sale and the terms and conditions of the property sale for your consideration so where are we on
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the sale of thirty van ness it is on the market as of april since the end of april for call for offers will be at the end of this month and we anticipate that processed will lead us to a best and final proposers to bring before the board in late july one question asked why are we selling now the market i'm sure you're aware of is peaking is the opportunity to pay off our debt against the property over $30 million of existing certificates against the property and bank the remainder funds with pot properties and given the nature an opportunity to catalyst this mixed use development that is
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the essence of this hearing today where we can certificate on robust be forgettable after the city deports the site and better opportunity to leverage this site amongst the intense consolidation against our property i'll talk about briefly about the go will site one location is the go will agreement that has been approved by conditional open the ceqa process and the existing shown in red is south of one van ness the mission street address p that affords us the opportunity to consolidate o consolidate our customer service center true one stop permit it was the strong desire if we're going to move forward with an
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office project to accomplish the goal we currently send our clients our constituents to a multiple of location this brings them to one location you can provide for one stop city employees making us more efficient how we hither and train and operates within the human resources worlds we've we'll have excuse me. health services and the department of human resources and our training functions located on this site that allows us to exit leases part of the portfolio on the overall project. >> i'm sorry what are the properties on the right closer to 7th street or i believe - >> to the 1155 where we have
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the department of public works permitting we have hass and retirement located in those locations. >> thank you again the overarching goal is to consolidate the functions, improve the services to the public, stabilize our facility expenses for the next generation and exit our disfunctional properties this is a snapshot of the goodwill project moves forward from 6 different properties into 3 different properties at the end of the day very briefly because this is ever changing discussion as we move and migrate through the
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dynamic process this highlights the goal at 15 hundred mission one stop and childcare and training facilities lead goal standard for the project and green terraces throughout the wing center and, of course excellent access to public transportation we've work hard to improve as well as the improvements of pedestrians traffic this will bring those to bear that is a one-stop shop permit with mission street on the lower part of the screen an acre is necessary to you pasta u pulling put all the permit at one location awhile also from a consolidated stauntd providing mid block access, traptsdz
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through the building and i want to mention what is recommended to accomplishing on the residential side 5 hundred 50 products, hundred onsite affordable units 20 percent. >> how many bedrooms oust. >> how many. >> i don't know the exact mix we are still going through that as the designs. >> sorry okay. >> great. >> i see you've got a strong back up they may have to answer. >> it is - real estate what is coming up for the board once we complete the solicitation we'll return to the board with our proposals for consideration and return to the board post ceqa for the goodwill project separately or part if the sale
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of van ness for ratification of that sale agreement we've return to the board for the potential sales of 1680 and early 2016 and hope to see construction in late 2016 for the goodwill site and the mitigations are acceptable out of ceqa and at the end of 2018 begin moving into the new facility in the budget assumptions that were presented to the board this fall as part of goodwill development we indicated an assumption of precedes from the sale of the 3 properties you'll see that reflected that's part of budget for the funds the saldz sales will be returned to the project to go to a designation location so lastly i want to say that at
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thirty van ness we want to balance the need to be fiscally responsible to the project of delivering new office spaces and also leveraging as best we can the highest possible allocation of affordable housing out of the agreement i think because we've hit the peak in the market we've seen terrific interest from the private community from this asset it is a keystone location served by great transit that is our great opportunity to have our cake and eat it, too i want to present something that give us the financial metrics we maintain and gives us a high element to the future development of the project once the city departs the project once again my colleagues can add to this and answer any questions
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you might have. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, madam chair i have a number of questions if i may. >> i don't know if i have probably more specific about the transaction and he know there maybe questions that supervisor kim and others have including the surplus and those are reflected questions but you know one basic question i had say, i raised this with mr. updyke and our planning director or head of the mayor's office of housing has a comment it is a basic question we went through a walk through the mayor and i on south van ness trying to identify soft story building and piece of lands for the purpose of air
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force on those sites i'm not the most sophisticated person here but one quick question why not use this piece of land we own at 0 thirty van ness and have us build affordable housing on it to do it in such a way to build office space to the intent that is needed and build hundred percent affordable housing on top of that why not go in that direction? >> sew supervisors director ram planning department i think the rfp as i think so certainly maximizing affordable housing and certainly can talk about the goals of how the go will site it to be funded i'll say the way two things that come to mind the way that the octavia
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plan is and the way that prop m is structured the office space is dpornd it needs a new sort unusual incentive to keep the office space there the way that others prop m addresses the legislation and then what speak to this once our above one or two stories the price goes up in terms of the types of construction a high-rise building i know that olsen and the mayor's office of housing is concerned those are two things having said that clearly we're trying to maximum misses the affordable housing that can be builds if the site is meant to
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be affordable housing. >> supervisor kim has a question director ram. >> i have a question about the prop m allocation if i heard you correctly that allocation is cast in place it is accepted into the prom allocation. >> it was preexisting alleviation but if it was demolished you couldn't rebuild it without removing the prop m allocation. >> when it is demolished does that take down the number does that give you more allocation. >> what is demolished doesn't go back into the policy. >> one other question any potential of purchaseder will be interested. >> the market octavia plan because of when it was done only 8 years ago now it was really
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the goal of that plan to incentivize air force so the office is not permitted on that sited high-rises are only permitted under the current plan if you think that the zoning restricts the hive rise to housing. >> and so potential prospects could be demolished into the residential or coping the currency sites as grandfathered in with the end use. >> the way the zone you could add to the office but not a lot again someone can propose change to allow more office but. >> do you building the developer can build on top of that site. >> i doubt you can add that
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many serious maybe one or two. >> one of the questions that i had in reviewing what is a very complicated transaction is to the extent that the existing strategy explicit pan out is there still entitlements to a number of sort of influx what are some of the other strategies or plans that you have in mind to address the both the housing needs that we have but also the office space what are some of the other options i don't know in mr. updyke. >> sure i mean, i'll speak to the needs of the space and olsen to the housing strategies but from a space stand out we're continuing our discussions in marketplace within a simple
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block radius of city hall or at least approximate transit radius up and down van ness there are a number of development sites both existing and proposed that can also be a absolved a designation of thirty van ness we believe what we've proposed and the board are the sale agreement to be the best of those options we wouldn't have brought it forward but pursuant options as i say don't go as we expect them to relate to ceqa the next steps. >> and in terms of the ceqa review are we on the hook for money for some reason the board decides not to pressure that. >> the current obligation of second is over $8 million if you think of what we leverage is
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interests in $30 million of land for a period of 2 and a half years to be effective tied up we look at that proifrm and this was a fair price to pay a fair risk to take to move the project forward. >> again mr. lee. >> yes. just a couple of thoughts on the transaction and the whole notion of the sort of the capacity of individual sites not all sites are created equal; right? with the supervisor and with the mayors and other staff on south haven had the maximum be probably you know 85 height limit the site on
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thirty van ness is much higher therefore that land a much higher you'll acquire it land and build short is not a sustainable solution with that said given that it is likely will someone will look at this site and see the value as how rise residential i think that given the fact that the city needs to clear a certain amount of money to produce more office buildings the question how much beyond that whole value will the bids actually come in. >> what you do in terms of the bids or the level of affordability and everyone understand that this is a process and one the goals of this board as well as the city
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trying to maximum misses the oonlz they're to look at a bid that tries to meet all those goals for the city both the financial goals as well as the affordable housing goals i'll not be surprised to see an aggressive bid both on the land value side if they're going for a high-rise or residential as well as on the affordable housing side in part we understand what the process is and again for the mayor's office of housing and what we look for for land size is really a question of we're not going to build a 4 story building for avenue, i think that the examples of what we've done in transbay are the ability to utilize a portion of the site maximize that for the market
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rate and use that for the benefit on the economic benefit of those sites to build affordable housing adjacent to those particular parcels and because of both the state law transbay we'll be able to meet the 35 percent affordable housing percentage we call affordable housing shoulder and also affordable units as part of larger towers in the because of the towers that's the economics of those transactions work well, for affordable housing we'll not take on 40 stories building or the affordable housing for a couple of reasons one we could clearly build it people build large tall buildings all the time that's not the problem but the problem can we operate something that
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