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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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we're interested in terms of local regional construction. i included here the schedule and key milestones just for reference. let's talk then about what the proposed ledge sleazeive reforms currently the sfpuc has board supervisor vised approval to contract for power up to 5 five years using a standardwe know that to the end tent we use standard form
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contracts for the products we're seeking to serve our customers with that will be the most cost effective way to bring power supply to our cca rent payers that's what we're striving to do here. the proposal before you delegates
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the authority for pc to enter into contracts -- it should say 25 years 1 of my changes did not get made there sorry 25 years in duration and ten million in it's another stand and form contract used within
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electric trig authorization to use standard contracts the electrical institute contract and other standard form contracts in order to have things like lit fit program i talked about earlier it also includes wavers section 3 authorizes the puc to use the pro forma standard contract up to 25 years and specifies those agreements individually cannot
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exceed 125 million dollars $125 million over the life of the contract or an aggregate all of them cannot exceed 5 million $5 million again those contracts the authorizations come with wavers. the additional limitation is we are only allowed to use that authority when we are procuring renewable and green how gas free energy that is located within
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california. with that i'm happy to take any questions you may have? >> supervisor? >> thank you very much i understand the puc already uses some of these perform contracts i wanted to see if you could explain to us if we were not to approve this order yens what would that mean for the puc and cc a. >> we only make contracts up to five years in duration which is sufficient for the services we
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offer today. under the cca program we would like to build a portfolio of supply so a mix of contracts that allow us us to have varying duration that will help mitigate the risk of when the contract the portfolio supply when those expire we will not have them expiring at once and have a bad situation in the market we want varying
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duration so we're in the market at different times providing changes to our supply portfolio so we want to have some of the supply be greater than 5 five years duration we don't have authority to sign contracts greater than 5 five years duration today. without going through the full board commission and board review process. >> so why are we nervous about
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going through that process? what we want to make sure we do is present to the marketplace and attractive opportunity for the marketplace to sell their power to us we want to make sure that we are an authorized counterparty to make a commitment. we have a very short lead up time between now
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and when we will be serving customers even in the standard contracts there will be points that need to be negotiated and we need time for that. so we're looking at the most opt tom opportunity for the cca program what we're lacking today is the ability to operate at a commercial speed and put it
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together as the most cost effective price point . >> thank you for that and the in term of the waver we're going to be including for example increase legislation by small micro lone businesses sweat free contracting you know those kinds of things those are all ways you have included in some of your other standard contracts as well and there has been no issues with those. we do routine lie contract
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yulesing the western system contract pool standard form agreement today those kinds of wavers are in place for those contracts as soon as we start to add some of the standards to the contract proposals then our counterparties are looking at terms they're not familiar with and they don't have authority to execute on they engage their
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atornnies sometimes they have to go to the board to get approval. we want to make sure we can set ourselves up to operate at a commercial speed at hit the launch target day in january with a cost effective supply. >> thank you very much. >> thanks very much. why don't we move to mr. rose's report and see if we have any questions . >> mr. chairman and super survivor tang. on page 50 of the report we know the san
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francisco public utilities commission would enter into contract for renewable and greenhouse gas resources up to one 125 million which exceeds the board approval contracts exceeding ten years and ten million $10 million we also report the ordinance on page 15 of our report of various
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contract provisions provides that the general manager finds in writing both of the transaction presents the best opportunity available for services and products expose of excess power that is inefetched to the city. we propose. the annual report to the board of supervisors and the duration of power purchase
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contracts enintered by the fpic on the contracts on page 16 of our report we note that -- let me correct that -- on our recommendation number two we're advised by t ci at's there is various languae t leg whi would indc t t us we should withdrawal reco it is ce we sat bad o vi o t c an mbib n so reco ar we recommen yo pp t oe i t rep sot t inclu pro rat cr to cca to reco c a copariso o fsb to pg and e
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rates we recommend yo c ap o as rto boar s > k y> mr. rose pu krchl u i agree t re rec? y we e thak y> oka n ot any public comment? >> jason i sat in on two ah ken w t pu krc h ne g for cot pcms cot i th i a imp a ne t i se a yo d get m ped o t contr whi legi all u to d the ot t i
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tain so o larr commerci ms ont s they' li f a wo l t s p they to join a cca progr a price stability and th one t t go ou ge loe te cots in th lo ruso last would be recommendning mo to full board thank you. >> any other com p cs? s public comms close> supero ta? > tk yo v i know my o sha th goal y a chieve th ts so i would be happ t ask t we men al to ta ra c bac u w a rp w t
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i infor t t bu lis woul l t us an a mai rthe pos rg p ree to bo i al t a tk y bi t forw an mr. lro t dis e we c take th objectio number four mrs.clerk? > ai @ hundred thousand [inaude univei o cali san fr to a progr entigd. l> th may th 20 t an e he dr. chan? >> good morning my name is
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kurtis chan for th dep o pu he> i w ly sma ans a s t is t -yea f thi a bi d the complications of preterm birth six districts three in california three __ for the planni y starting july ing june 30th th of th any qu > n thk yo v> great issue. we
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will open t pu cme o it 4? no p p coth t closd. > e s t f i l mak re to for > tan w c ta t wi objection man cl c yo cal item 5? >> f et lease with rc pfo pace of 30 tee mat ro $ hu *) tho i ini a for t depa youth and th > >> o mrs. d tks for bei. > my pl john diro o es t rekne f e pla for youth and their has been in th sp since 200 #2350i6 in the building since 1995. the budget report goes
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into t abou t t occupa in ont r fr rnew wh ive dm ! @) fi %# e f w sed 2 bbam as o age
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th ra by a dol a sq f annt cu m
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r i ab ^ dollars6 f i k t nu stun no h t m oe in. this
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par tract wo u ing 57 dolla20 or 3 de " ma rate . s w p .
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>> (clapping.) i'd like to invite up our san francisco international partner if you guys can come up and join me yeah (clapping) so this is witnessing new and
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jay jay they've made the video they'll talk about the things for many of the students they come to the united states and move to san francisco and have leasing less access to technology for some reasons they come and never have an opportunity and their homes are outside of schools we think that students their teenagers their tech save i didn't ambassador having access to the stuff is a difficulty the savvy they've got again in many cases our responsibility to get the technology in their hands 00 circle the schools it is important our our student to connect with people that are having the tech jobs and the roles as part