tv [untitled] May 12, 2015 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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bill that might actually further hurt the young people and i know that the original intent was to decriminalize, the use, and by reducing it to an infraction, and therefore, also, encourage more people to actually pay their tickets because the cost of the ticket is less and i appreciate that you are able to catch a piece of that bill that actually open up the juvenile's record, when that is cited and i think that the commission would not want to see something move forward that would penalize the young people because they could not simply afford to ride a bus or have the wrong type of muni pass which is something that i saw a lot of the youth organizers and when the students turned 18 and they would have a youth pass and would get a really hefty fine that they could not afford and so while i appreciate the intent of this legislation, i do think that we should withhold support until that
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amendment is made, or write that we support it with that specific amendment being included. >> do you want to do a watch. >> originally i was going to support a watch but then he suggested that we do a support with the amend ment >> so it has been made. >> no it has not been made, a support conditioned on this amendment. >> sounds good. >> the resolution to the board of supervisors regarding this as well. >> okay. >> and so we have had the proposed as a recommendation, and great. >> anything else to add? >> colleagues? commissioner campos? >> well, just wanted to, echo what commissioner kim said, on sb 413. and i think that we should be on record supporting it on the
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condition that that amendment is made. >> so thank you. commissioner kim for raising that issue. >> my previous motion on it and, hopefully we can get the response from the bicycle coalition by that time on the rear red lights on the bikes at night. >> okay great. do we have to make an amendment on the motion of sb 413, the conditioned on amendment or go ahead and support? and that is just qualified on the amendment being made. >> yeah. and i, understand that the ininstruction, >> okay. great. >> and all right, so, no other on the panel looking for or asking questions, let's go to the public comment, any member of the public that would like to comment, come forward and seeing none, we will close public comment. >> and and do we have a motion
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to move forward with this legislation? >> okay. and the motion for eric mar and supervisor mar and seconded by campos and we will have a roll call vote. >> yes. >> same house, same call. >> and passes. >> okay. >> next item please? >> and item 6, current year, fiscal year, 2015, 16, annual budget and work program and this is information item. >> good morning, executive director and i am pleased to present the first look of the annual budget and the work program in years pass i will invite cythia to present the initial part and i will come in it the end and describe the program. >> each of you have a powerpoint presentation on your desk and there is a short
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presentation that i will walk through and the budget consists of it on the federal and state and regional grant revenues are voter approved, vehicle registration fee and also known as the prop aa revenues and the transportation fund for the clean air program, revenues from the bay area, and air quality management district and we also have the reviews from the agency and we also have the expenditures operating at the costs and financing and debt service costs and within this item you have and the preliminary work program and we have attached additional details and a high level of the expected view of the total cost of the revenues and, and the total costs for expenditures and on our next page, we have a pie chart, of the total
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revenues for the transportation authority, for the fiscal year, 15/16 and we are anticipating to receive, 214.7 million dollars of revenues over the next fiscal year and the majority of the revenues are the sales tax funds and we are anticipating 101.3, in revenue and the next we have the regional grant fund and anticipating 76.5 million dollars of funding through here. and this is a, and this has a one time, revenue pass through, for the parkway project and this will be the milestone payment for phase two and 75 million coming from the golden gate bridge and transportation district and this item will actually happen in approximately, a month of july, and we will receive the money from the golden gate bridge district and pass that money to the cal transto pay the vendor for the second milestone payment. >> and what we have next is
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federal grant revenues, and of 25.9 million representing 35.6 percent of the 12.1 percent, and that and in combination of our state revenues, and we are looking at approximately 26 million for the island project and next year we will be working on the bridges and start on the structures of the island project. and next we have 2.2 representing other revenue and this is mainly the second installment from the transit, and for the title loan, and the loan that we issued about approximately five years back to help with the design phase of the island bridges. and next week have, revenues for interest income of 1.4 percent, and this is just, for the interest that we receive for the yearly banks where we have the majority of the funds sitting in the city and the
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county pool along with the bank of america and u.s. bank and the mission national bank. we have vehicle registration fees in $5 million and that is close to what we expected in the past years for our prop aa program. >> adds up to 214.7 million. >> moving on the next slide shows and the six and the 7 for the fiscal year of 15 and 16, and this is what i would like to show you each year as we go through the budget and just a good look of how far we have come in the fiscal year, 9, and the year, 8 and 9, and 9, 10, and we were, feeling for the low, and we need, and the time when the union brothers went to.
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and the ten or eleven and we started to heal and we started to continue to receive more tax revenue and to say that the fiscal year, 15, 16 and anticipating over 100 million dollars as to the tax revenue, and exactly 101.3 and this fiscal year we are anticipating and (inaudible) and we are very close to achieving that goal. >> and the next that we have is the pie chart for the total expenditures for the physical year, 15-16. and 88 percent of it is the couple of the projects expenditures that represents all of the payments from the sponsors to the projects that we are planning to deliver and the majority of the cost for these, are for the sfmta radio communication system and computer added dispatch replacement and central subway
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projects and also have a large, funds going to the tjpa tran citizen at ther and the downtown project and in addition, from the transit, and improvement and the bike projects here. and the next highest amount in the total expenditures is 8 percent and that is this service expenditures and this is 20 million and we anticipate to pay down in the summer 2015, (inaudible) we will reduce by $500,000. >> and if that is fully cast at the board meeting next week. >> what we have next is personnel expenditures for the
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employees and there is no cost adjustment and just represents 87 percent of the total cost of the expenditure budget and the non-personal which includes, the office supplies and, the equipment and all of the fees and the fees, and commissioner fees and expenses, and anything that takes and represents the budget, and i would like to turn it over to the executive director. >> thank you. so, i will be happy to present our fiscal, 15, 16 work program and they stem from the agency wide goal that we are continuing to work on and to be responsive to you all and to the public and to provide leadership at the leadership and state level and to operate more efficiently and transparently. we will begin with our plan, activity and thes presentation will go over the planning and funding and delivery of
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transportation projects beginning with the treasure management agency function, and i believe that the first meeting of you all (inaudible) the treasure island will happen in june, and we will be bringing together, a lot of the policy recommendations regarding the total improving program and the future of the transit services through that work and very importantly, this year we will begin to up date the transportation plan, which is as you know, the county wide plan where they come together and we look forward to 25 years to track what is the planned area and time and help to identify and prioritize the investments and this year will be important for new revenues at the federal level as well as at the state level and we just talked about some of those coming forward and also here at the local level, and we expect next year that there may be a conversation and it is planned at least to discuss the vehicle, license fee as well as the bond, potentially and then, the sales tax there after and perhaps, even regional, gas tax
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or the regional gas tax or the regional bridge tolls. >> commissioner campos? >> thank you mr, chair. i was wondering if we could get a break down of how this money, is going to be allocated? i know that, capitol expenditures are 88 percent of the budget. >> certainly. >> you know, what projects get what >> so that is a projection of what we expect them to come in for.
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>> fair enough, that the sponsor pros vied us each year and we rely on their projection and frankly at the end of the year, in the end it does not tend to be as high as this and we know that vehicles will be a big part of this in terms of the mta vehicles and the contribution to the bart and cal train and we will provide as much as we can in terms of what they provided to us. >> and that will be helpful. >> and how is going back to slide six. >> how does that compare to the 14/15, fiscal year in terms --. >> sure, if you look on page,
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total, we are budgeting for the physical year, 15, 16, $273 million. and in the physical year, 14/15, we anticipating to carry out 196.9 million. >> and so that is a 87 million dollar difference. >> let me ask you for the operating costs and i see that there is an increase, of the 222,000 where is that going? >> the 322,000? >> that is, if you take a look at the caption and cc which is the next page, and it actually breaks down your revenues and your expenditures to the different, level. >> and here it is, and you can see, that our total expenditure and your operation is split into three different areas, and you have the administration costs and the equipment, furniture and the fixtures and the commissioner, related expenses. and here, you also have the preliminary budget prepared to the budget and then, --. >> and sorry, just to
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interrupt, it really does go to the increased staffing cost related to the positions that were approved last year, and we are now to 40 people including interns and we also have someone to successfully, to enterprise resource to the program and the management systems and so that over time will start to pay off actually in increase the efficiency and reduce the administrative and operating costs and so we are able to and this is an up date that i was going to give going into next month, between last month and this month we were able to secure, $100,000 each from the planning department, and to support the modeling and the work in terms of the travel demand model that is helpful. >> so, thank you, i think that is great to hear, in terms of the personnel, expenditures, the, the slides success that we are spending 3 percent, on that. >> right. >> but, there are personnel expenditures under the capitol project expenditures as well or not?
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>> no? >> no. >> okay. >> that is total for the -- that is all of the ex-spend expenditures for the staffing. >> can you tell us what the non-employee includes that $2.9? >> yes. >> insurance and office supplies and our audit fees and legal fees, sfgtv. >> okay. >> and for the debt service expenditures how does this compare to the prior year? >> the prior year we made a $15 million pay down this year i am looking at a $20 million, pay down and the difference, the remaining portion of it is the expenses to maintain the program, $1.75, and now with the recent item that you just approved we will get approved at the board and reduce it by $500,000 to 1.2 million. >> thank you.
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>> your question about the capitol program that we are projecting forward, most of what you have seen already through the five year program and you will regard the categoris that came before the board and including the plan up date but we could provide more detail and, going forward in terms of the as well as to make sure that we help the sponsors keep the funds that we were granted and providing more transparency and over site over the 700 million, and we also have the up date and we will highlight it again and a public
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workshop on wednesday and invite the public to come and join us at the hotel, 7:00 to 9:00, and wednesday, may 13th. and we would like to be joining our mta partner theres as well as other agency and hope to see the folks there. legislative advocacy that you saw and the big year for that and the first part of our agency work is very much, and reflecting on it and the expertise in the funding that is very hard to, i think explain and appreciate it is a complicated area of the transportation that we decided to have fund our transportation work and so we do rely on our agency working collaboratively with the other agencies in the mayor's office to do the best. >> and the delivery items and on your slide ten and we begin with a highlight of again, the project, and that we can (inaudible) and in the end of this year we just had a presentation of the funding programs can be and (inaudible)
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that the drive project will be opening to the traffic on the northbound lanes and this is the second phase of the project and working and going to have a shut down of the facility on may 28th and the public ceremony to celebrate this milestone and you will be invited as well and hopefully with the public joining us through the media on june first and the island ranch is also, seeing a lot of progress this year and that is the big work that you are seeing and we just went out with the commissioner kim and chair weiner to check on the progress of the interchange project. and 280, around. >> and just a quick question. on the delivery of the projects on the delivery can you comment on whether any of those projects are behind schedule? >> or. >> over the budget. >> let me take a look here. and we were to see that the parkway is on time and on budget, but the rbi as well is on time and on budget, and the 280 is moving ahead, i think as well on time and i don't see
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any delays and now that must be the brt on schedule and there are about two contract, and so for the construction and the central subway are also on budget, and happy to report that. that the sfmta is doing a great job, and the transbay transit center and the downtown cal transare remains the challenge and it is a huge project and if completed in the two phases, it is center of course, is under construction, and they meet tremendous progress coming up out of the ground and that pro-jes, may still see the funding needs but i think that the big lift is done and we are able to secure, this here locally and we will secure the low interest loan from the federal government and now the cal train, downtown extension is the focus of continuing studies and once we are able to pin down that design we will have a better expand of the cost estimate and the funding plans that are professional and i think that that project still
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does require or concerted efforts of the city and it will be inviting the planning department to come and present on the study in the next few months, that you may have read about in the news, and on the cal train and the electric ro ject and just certificated and commissioner cohen sits on that board for us and moving into the contracting phase and all three major operators are seeing, major vehicle procurement that will participate in this as well and so i am pleased to report that these are all by and large on time and on budget. >> thank you. >> all right. that was a great --. >> and now i will on the transparency and accountability to be sure that our work remains top notch and we provide the responses and useful information to the public, and in terms of our operations, and insuring that our procurement and the way that we do business is ininclusive and the local
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business interprize programs and to be sure that we attract and maintain the best tal he want. >> with that i am happy to answer questions and come here next month with the action item. >> okay. >> the folks on the panel here, want to have any comments or questions >> thank you for your presentation. >> great. sthe. and we can take this item for public comment. >> any member of the public that would like to comment? please come forward. >> and seeing none, we will close the public comment. and this is an information item and so, if we can go on to commissioner campos. >> i just want to thank the staff for the very thorough presentation and i think that it is important that the public hear how their money is being handled and you know, especially hear that all of these ro jects are on time and on budget and you twaont hear that, and so it is greatly appreciated. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next item please? >> item 7, ininstruction of new items this is an information item >> okay >> colleagues, any new issues or items to bring up? >> seeing none we will go into public comment, public comment is now open on item seven. and seeing none, we will close public comment. and then the next item. >> item 8. >> public comment. >> this is general public comment. and any member of the public to comment on any item related to transportation authority? and seeing no one company forward we will close public comment and we will go to the last item. >> item 9. >> adjournment. >> we are adjourned and thank you everyone for being here and for sfgtv staff and for the great work, thank you..
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>> good afternoon i'd like to call to order the tuesday, may 12, 2015 madam secretary call the roll. >> commissioner moran commissioner courtney commissioner quan and commissioner president caen is excused let me start with first of all an explanation of rules of order in the absence of the chair and the vice chair the senior person will take over that's why i'm sitting here and we have a short commission and long agenda i'll be limiting the public comments
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