tv [untitled] May 13, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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like us working there to be able to fast food a cost of living and looked at it that and propose it to the mayor, we need an increase and more housing but that means embattling low wages thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm stephanie a shop speed up and work wore conner house incorporated they serve formally homeless and disabled population i myself anal a recipient of the safety net and tremendously grateful to the sfifblg i presently reside in a hotel and work in a support services hotel i'm here speaking no support of
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the automatic cola increase and as employer employee one of the nonprofits the income is very tight and i also train individuals in coming out to a job they're looking to get promoted and i'm training individual that formally homelessness it is hard decision for them to make whether to leave disabled getting subsidized into the working light so they can afford to live here in san francisco it is you know i'm just speaking in support of the cola every bit helps individuals that i'm representing at the conner house and training thank you.
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>> good afternoon. i'm elizabeth alexander an nonprofit working and here with the local 10 to one as nonprofit workers we what i was seeing in the presentation i couldn't help thinking why are not not talking about the workers delivering those services they fit into the low wage workers if your making 13 or 1250 an hour is not a different experience in an a nonprofit or anything else in the economy it is difficult to get but we have to make that commitment you could take 10 thousand people from the lowest rages and move them into the middle just by property line funding a cola people will have
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those increases year by year and so the most of my coworkers earner between telephone 25 and $25 an hour on the high ends so when we're looking at the 2 hundred percent of the poverty level is $43,000 a year for 3 family members most of the workers have under that that are providing the services we're talking about are qualifying for the same kinds of services we're talking about providence the easiest way to move people out the poverty to provide a living wage job and the city to make a permanent commitment to us and we're thank you supervisor mar for your leadership and move that way there is a discussion for many of the supervisors support for ongoing cola but
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make sure that is a solid one this year. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm janet i'm this executive director of community awareness and treatment services we're a nonprofit and have a wide range of homeless services we partner with the department of public health with the respite services and are pleased the expansion of the services has gone through unfortunately n this this year relost our contract with through competitive process and a a 40 percent reduction in support of our staff we brenda bend from 6 months of operating and the did i want and h f a in 2016 we could face a potential gap of 43 hundred we have a small staff that is difficult to reduce our
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staff will be reduced by the respite program we're real estate and building and providing support services the respites provides social services to incorrectlyly ill clients their needs can't be addressed in shelters we're requesting $333,000 but less once the medal respites program is a operational in 2016-2017 that revolves our program the administration infrastructure is necessary to provide support for all the other programs we have shelter and drop in, etc. i'm here to support respite for subsidies they're the way to both keep people in housing and also make sure their exits for them as they exit our short term
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i very much so that as a reducing resolution to homelessness. >> thank you. next speaker, please and hi, i'm thank you for having this important hearing i work for a nonprofit organization that offers treatment to people that mental illness they come from jail and go to hospital beds i've seen this work the client that was chronically homeless from one hospital to other ended up getting a home and we really don't think on the 5 percent wage adjustment it is not acceptable to criminal lists imagines while it infrastructure san francisco has this money it is not right and it also saves
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the city money in the long term because hospitalizing people and krarg them is expensive i can't talk about nonprofits every single day when i get to work sometimes before i open the door i have two clients asking me about the housing they can't focus on the mental illness i refer them to board and care and advocate for 50s so, please i'm asking you to do the right thing and get affordable housing in san francisco thank >> (clapping.) thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yes. yes. i'm is moss thompson this is directed and the did you want just to mention two things i constantly visit st. anthony's i want that to stay in place i'm not the only
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person in the long, long line waiting to stay fed and i'm also with the house those folks like house me and gotten me in other areas thank >> (clapping.) thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> james foul staff representative for senior center san francisco has been pleased by recent world-class industry as well as known industries throughout the world surely this is resulted in an itch nonfiction of increased taxes and other revenue to the city's government in the past the city's disconnection makers have struggled to provide essential services to those who have fallen by the way side and other cities have ignored the
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poor the city thas has tried in the midst of those services the lower case management provides guidance and encourage time and day to day to younger adults and seniors with disability the case managers can readily identify with clients issues abuse in some cases they have once walked the shoes of those they served we want to make sure that the oz issues stay before our supervisors - with new to the city's coffers a great opportunity for the city's
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decision makers to set an examples for other municipalities i encourage you to share those financial blessing to encourage those cases managers and on the firing line by increased funding to the cb o i'm confident that those new day of san francisco we will rise to meet the challenge - >> sir thank you very much sir i appreciate it>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> let me call up the rest of the speaker cards i see people lining up (calling names). >> good afternoon my name is ralph i also have been struggling with getting hours i'm on the ssi myself
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can you hear me. >> yeah. >> yes, i've been struggling to get housing myself and i know wyoming's one thing i'm not worried about but monthly the seniors besides the sro's insides did hotels the elevators don't work you know get yourself in those seniors shoes and imagine if it's our mother or fattening or grant if they have to go up the stairs i can't make it upstairs i think about the seniors or 75 or 90 year-olds that they paved the way paid their taxes and living in one of the sro's or the hotels that's bad even for me he have a
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problem quacking down the street on the sidewalks not only i was here last week protesting last week with my cheer those firewalls got those bumps and it broke my chili i'm on the walker those seniors walk down the street they're not strong as i am i've seen them fall that hurts i'm pleased the fund for the fire walks as well as the streets and give fund to the senior homes and those apartment and those sro's and senior center places they've paved the way for what we do today. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors good
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afternoon a volunteer of the cannon centering center with people with disabilities i'm with the group of james powell now the people from our - hsa i want to present the problems regarding the seniors and people that disabilities nowadays is there are driven away as i observe why? because landlord are elevators one to improve the building why do they prove the building with the people are disabilities and seniors they want to raise or increase the rent poor seniors at the can't afford because of the lower income
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now if they go out or adapted what happens to them answer is their should be more funds more money to build hours or buildings for those seniors and people that disabilities there should be an increase of their subsidies because you know there is money from the ssi and also, we should support the hundred million dollars for a new neighborhood stabilization fund for the rehabilitation and lastly if everything materialized then there's a great improvement a placement to the individuals district of seniors and people with disabilities thank you very much (clapping.)
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thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon chair and ma'am, we would like to express our thanks and appreciation for helping us taking care of us perp we appreciate our help and listening to our grievances i was here two months ago and i didn't know when you signed a card you had to talk in the microphone i was shocked when we called my name that's the second time i'm here and - i'm sorry we're happy that you have helped us so much and i beg of you to give us the free muni bused and you did it so quickly a lot of
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seniors in our center has doubled they go to the centers more free and can go out freely when you ride the bus they give us two hours after that you pay oath $0.75 and some of the seniors is getting ssi help us and don't gives up and help us we need our support and thank you very much and i know that one of those days you'll also be coming a senior i pray to god (laughter). >> i pray to god you'll not use a cane or a who ever and use a diaper god bless you, we
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appreciate you i'm sorry my parkinson's is acting up again. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) >> hello, everybody i work for i'm sorry. i'm a member of sciu 1021 i work for a teenager pregnant and parenting program we're unique we've been around for thirty years and do case management and provides nutrition we also do health practices as far as you know contraceptives and try not to repeat second birthdays we are unique we've been around thirty years as i said and this is the first model program in
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california that the programs are modeled after us in the last seven years we've actually had a few budget cuts that eliminations a lot of the key positions that directly effects the day to day work we do we're not adequately providing services to our parent for conservatives it is important that as nonprofit workers we're working hard but take open other positions by the way, we are listing people because of the fact we don't make a lot of money so for this reason and many others we're asking for cola for two years for 5 percent permanency. >> thank you, very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is melissa i've been hopelessly homeless over 3 two days i'm been diagnosed with a
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brain tumor and being a mother go staying in a homeless shelter is difficult to con cower the obstacles i look forward to hoping there will be homeless emergency services to provide for the association we need this for the homelessness and shapes and color sizes and tax braektsd it effects everybody our children if we get more emergency services there be will a lot of 12k5i7b8d people to have housing and a lot of homeless mothers that have a place to call stability raced in our hands more jobs offered to homeless people and instead of being ridiculed we come in all shapes it takes thirty days to
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become homeless my education i've taken with me hopefully in the next thirty days i'll find a place in san francisco or california besides a homeless shelters i've had my civil right violated and amendments because of the title of being homeless most people think i'mhomeless but - and. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i wanted to come and speak on behalf of single women armenian who suffer from mentioned i have maintained sobriety and full-time job and at risk of being homeless there's no resources for single people or women or men who i mean, i have
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a full-time job and i still don't have any kind of recurs resources and at risk for being homeless i wanted to come and speak on behalf of the single people that are with no kids at risk of being homeless thank you, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> excuse me. >> hello, i'm myron i'm also currently homeless i've been in a respite from the respite to another place and been hospitalized in the place two most from enemy i haven't came up to stand up in that type of way it's been so discounting to put everything i feel handle
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inside of me for no doors to open at all i'm no where i have kids grandkids you know and the situation i'm in is to opportunities to make it better is upon you all i need some type of assistance i don't want you to carry me or walk me i want you to assist me upcoming i have a significant other i can't do nothing for not only that i got disregard from the century bed i phenomenally i don't understand i'm a native i you do not understand where i was born and can't get no assistance i can
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look around and see assistance to god knows who that came here if yesterday i know and it is really discouraging it is very discourage i mean it really hurts me you know for me to not been able to get assistance in my own >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) good afternoon. my name is adele seymour a local of the homeless board for the city and county of san francisco i'm also a board member of the plowshares that helps with housing i have been seen by 3 people in degrees of the homelessness this is really the place of the homeless folks in san francisco they don't all drive shopping carts and bring bags of the belongings it could be anyone
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you could be homeless we need to change our prospective of homeless people you'll be surprised i've spent hours in skid right now in la and wanted to see how they handle their homeless situation you'll see blocks and blocks of tonight cities so i wanted to say the city of san francisco is actually doing a wonderful job room for improvement but doing a wonderful job i want to see us handle for daycare centers the shelters are flushed out with 7 thousand people out of the shelters in the daytime i want to see focused on the day situation people don't have to be routed ray routed of the
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public library we're using our public library as a dafrycare center we'll have a few dollars ♪ new budget to do something about that it had been a great achievement for the francisco >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good afternoon jennifer deputy director for the homelessness i'm here to support the respite to keep san franciscans housed put together by 22 organizations that are working on the issues everyday this is a very careful throughout through proposal that focuses achieving on creating permanent solutions to homeless that the housing is dig identified and affordable has
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bathrooms and kitchens that is keeping san franciscans in their homes and this proposal comes from people that know best what works for what is more efficient people who are working on the front lines and people that are experiencing homelessness themselves and specific it calls for the mayor and the board of supervisors to fund $6 million for the houltd subsidies in affordable housing to put families and elderly and people that disabilities and single adults into dig identified housing that specific halts displacement we've made a lot of policy mistakes around homeless and i can look at outside this building we've made those mistakes our how's policy railway comes from people that are working on the issues or
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experience homelessness themselves railway you have here a proposal that is put together by people who are work on those things and know what community come forward it didn't attract the same level of press when the politicians are putting forward proposals it may not get the same attention but ends up in good policy while this city is flooded in cash flooded in cash you support the community and - >> thank you. next speaker. (clapping.) >> thank you my name is michael the director of the plowshares the workers in san francisco i want to echo what jennifer said about this proposal it is well done it is good policy it really spells out the investments will make a difference will make
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folks and create exits from the shelters and i'm the evict prospective the full representation, etc. i want to echo that it is good policy at swords you know we started in 1974 we didn't imagine we'd be serving homeless veterans we're imagining 3 hundred and 60 units of housing for veterans permanent housing for veterans those are renter that could be on the street but for subsidy allows them to stay in their house we have hundred and thirty veterans 2, 3, 4 transitional housing programs they need option when their housing ends this is a quick policy you have a meaningful dig identified housing options that need
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immediately programs at this time a subsidy is needed for the folks not open the street but for the subsidy and to maximize the subsidies and what the funds support and that's the good policies that's what this proposal represents thank you. >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> and hi, i'm gloria thompson i was helped into getting an sro but it took me 3 long years of waiting in shelters and of having to go through you know the sheltered lines but now you need to put something in place to have more affordable housing because there's a lot of people waiting and i think this is a shame you know that people should have to wait anyone should have a water
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so long to get triple housing thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm eir can executive director of campus family services here to support of the proposal as well thank you for considering expanding funding to address the crisis of homelessness in san francisco with the goal of insuring that every adult and child goes to bed in a place called home the investments in the subsidies over the past couple of years has definitely made a difference but more is needed in the preservation is necessary and economic campus connects the points for the housing lists we've seen a number of families facing a housing
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