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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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identify the top intersection in the districts it paint a good picture. >> okay. sounds like driven policing. >> that slide is about the collision fatalities are down 56 percent year to data and severe injures up one percent and complaint of update bless you. >> we're up to i think 8 now and 11 at that point last year i like about what i derive from the data are we're down open pedestrian collisions and bike collisions those will have to do with motorcycle or car your the
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captain and i are here to answer any questions. >> thank you, captain i should have recognized you other questions sorry commissioner turman. >> just a couple of quick questions thank you by the way, commander it was very thorough i'd like to hear about the block the box to highlight people listening at home could you talk about how it operation works and what is the effectiveness. >> it was rocketed the traffic was not flowing in the downtown quarters up to the bay bridge in december we got together and came up with a plan that our parks and beaches unit will take the area around city hall and block the box and make sure the directions r are clear and the
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traffic officers company k will take the area around brilliant street along supplementing with the dp t parking tithe on the end and parking tickets on the upper end all the higher intersections and second and it is no shortage of violations the idea to keep the intersection clear you can't pull into the intersection without a clear view. >> the parking street supervisor yee has embraced it seems like an excellent idea to have the awareness on traffic rules with younger people get them involved and hopefully stays with them to the point that they become drivers is
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there any effort to work with the unified school district to roll out the greater numbers it seems like a great program. >> it was a triple organization program you wouldn't or 70 years their activity in the city and supervisor yee wanted to bring it to more schools and he has and more schools are getting on board as well we're involved in supervisor yee components and triple a has a flushing program we're not involved with their program we come out and train with them. >> we help train the children at the request of supervisor yee to facilitate 3 schools under his program and several more online with the school district they would like to train the triple a program has 9 kwlz schools a
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mixture of particular colonel schools and supervisor yee is focusing on unified school district and elementary schools specifically thank you virtual captain a point out point of clarification not that we like by charts commissioners and i like by anyone at home that is present to bring by. >> that was totally any joke (laughter). >> anti arraigns colleagues anything further off i'm sorry commissioner mazzucco. >> can you explain the relationship with mta and the department of parking and traffic i see your traffic is pour gridlock in downtown speeding is not a factor there is so many destruction sites and
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block the entire intersection and who can issue those citations because pedestrians is really walking across one or two serious issues including strait enclosures can what do we do in conjunction with them. >> staplingly was at the hearing and presented their data over 3 thousand as well so they issue a parking ticket when you pull into the box question issue a moving violation they are only to issue parking type ticket we issue the pedestrian type of ticket and the game even though. >> how about they move the traffic through to prevent the
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traffic and protect the public safety. >> i'll discuss it again dp t is a separate entity they used to be under the mta commander but they created their own division now and i - >> people think it is still under the police department so that's why i asked for tonight. >> i have seen them another intersections directing traffic at 8 and bryant before we kicked off the block the box so maybe it is effective and transmission i'll find out. >> chief suhr i want to go back to the blocking the box campaign it was created a lot of safety issues so frustrated drivers were hedging the lights and pedestrian were regularly as the command stoking spoke they'll don't block the box the
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causation or drivers pull around it was get to be to the point it was a big safety issue not to mention it blocked situations in other directions it was all bad so by keeping the boxes clear and facilitating traffic the frustration experienced by a lot of people trying to negotiate in the early morning and the closer you get to the bridge is slowed down since this campaign. >> anything else for the chevy chief e.r. the commander. >> i see walk sf and the coalition is here we'll be remiss saying we couldn't get by without them there are our biggest critics but our most constructive biggest critics and
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tomorrow we'll be biking to work. >> i just wonder in our colleagues wanted to share anything i wanted to from walk sf the bicycle coalition. >> thank you commander maddox following ali the transition was well done i can speak on behalf of the people that can't speak for themselves but keeping this focused and the data together is a smooth transition you got yourselves to speed so thank you and i don't know if there is anything from the constructive critics among us (laughter) thank you that is frisbee from the bicycle coalition. >> thank you and happy bike to
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work everyone chief thank you and i do want to start by saying and hope not to be the biggest critic but the biggest chore leader in the past few months from the bicycle coalition some wonderful support address enforcement around people driving in the bike lands on the street and appreciate those safety concerns not only have we noticed it but poem across san francisco noticed it my in box gets covered with photos of police officers and combinations of other things you saw a thorough presentation from the members we appreciate it and take a moment for the commission thank you for having us as an agenda item and commissioner president loftus for your leadership but having this
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conversation is a critical part of the commitment to vision zero and thank you. we appreciate that in the data it's been a mixed bag we've made process in easier that are important we have a ways to go i know that unlike has a couple of thoughts and had wonderful conversations with the captains and has ideas i want to say our job is to help continue to support the police department and they've tried to reach their goals of 50 percent of citations traffic citations related to the folks we support the focus and look at the individual collision using uses u causes our station it makes that relevant and look forward to continuing to support our work i know the other thing that commander maddox t is working on
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fewer fatalities but actually more severe injuries bans our records and the sharing the collision report that the mta after those collisions happen i know there are state laws it is critical that lets them come in and make safety corrections so look forward to working with you and very much appreciated our support commissioner president loftus and chief suhr and commander maddox and others thank you. >> thank you from walk sf welcome. >> thank you for remembered my new name and you got married in land use thank you commissioners for having us and chief suhr and commander maddox
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and others i think from the numbers we can tell that traffic enforcement has been more of a priority for the police department and that alone is important and really has been a sign of our commitment and around the leadership you've been pushing this is a provided for the department and making sure that everyone uses the turns and anyone that doesn't chief suhr will catch them i appreciate and speaking of mroigsdz i collisions the traffic crashes are prospectiveable they're not mere accidents we can prevent them through culture change in making sure we are working across every single angle to
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prevent the crashes you guys placing play an important roll making sure people know enforcement is happening and that's why where the focus on the 5 comes in i guess the major i know i want to highlight tonight awhile we've seep the crashes i'm sorry like the citations got up 50 percent the focus on the 5 citations went up one percent so we've talk about this for over a year and now i think that is time to ged's how we tackle that we've spent time developing a video our staff with the other staff does roll call training with all the police station one thing that happened recently, i statd sat down with the tenderloin station with the dph they're bringing data and they and we saw the 80 percent spike that was heart
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warning the captain started to said what you were talking about when we meant focus on the 5 and traffic safety not just about any you kind of traffic citation i'm sorry that all the memos you guys have how to have the one-on-one conversations donna i don't have the time but i will do that if it is what it takes i like to see the one-on-one with the captain and sound like there are monthly operations and maybe monthly reports on how your delivering whater the plans in their not achieving that 50 percent goal at the end of that most and encouraging this is something we've talked about sharing those operation plans with the public and making that transparent so we can see you know if they're planning for the
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folks on the side and delivering on it but if we don't see the operation plans we don't know where the folks on the sides proprietor and holdings them accountable we're seeing the meeting because of that those operation plans are being developed i think you know, i just want to highlight yesterday's tragic dedicate and my personal condolences to the family that suffered really, really devastating loss and to the police station or police department that was and the firefighters and every parent in san francisco to think about you know how our traffic impacts our daily lives and just a reminder that the stiff stuff we are
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doing here is really important and anytime i walk into the room i start a confidence how many people raise their hands if you've been involved or knows someone that was involved in a traffic crash i say 75 percent of the people in the room raise their hands these are unavoidable things we're working every angle you're a critical part of that as we move forward into the next year walk sf and the bike coalition we're asking for a app to make the citation reports series easier to police officers don't have to have handwritten citations and where the citations are happening that's been a major you know level of certainly something
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we're interested in we haven't been able to have a handwritten citation report last year, we supported the department of public health request for an epidemiologist that tracks the data as you guys are getting this data that epidemiologist exists and helps the traffic company analyze that data they'll brink in san francisco general data for gaps and citation reports so all of this really helps to kind of fill out out the picture of what our streets look like. >> thank you nicole and all our stiffer and holding us accountable we'll be back in the next quarter and commander maddox it will be interesting to see where we are and an update
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on the operation around schools and senior centers see you next quarter. >> inspector the occ director's report with right activities and the presentation and summary of cases received in march and mediation of containments in april and march of 2014 and the adjudication and the commander report. >> good evening director hicks and good evening commissioner president loftus and commissioner turman members of the commission. >> i'm just taking our time now. >> (laughter). >> chief suhr and members of the public.
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>> mayor brown asked me. >> are you going to remind the chief of last week. >> recent developments at the appendixes on monday we had a building where appendixes is housed on van ness experienced a two hour power outage and that power outage blew up our phenomenon system it crashed and damaged the hard drive so the occ was without phone number stiffer from monday to noon to today to noon and anyone call would only get a busy signal no voicemail it was, of course terribly indevelop for people calling and officers that had
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scheduled intrifz and the like so our reception desk was not able to receive phone calls of the rest of our staff and the voicemail messages were missed on the phones in the morning exist, however as of noon today they became operational so if anyone attempted to call during the time our phones were down we encourage you to please call us back and we will talk about this when i deliver did annual report in the next few weeks but the number of complaints we received by for the purpose has increased over the number of walk in complaint those are the recent developments i'll move on to the
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first report who which was the summary of cases received in march i wanted to talk about the march statistics we have april statistics but you'll talk about accident chiefs proposed discipline on occ sustained complaint in march of 2015 and the proposed investigative byocc in march those involved in the first was neglect of duty and an officer failed to pit together a report didn't find cause to have an arrest then the credit in violation of the courthouse rules an inspector awhile conducting business report the
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third case can say adjudicated by the judge and again an officer used a switch and a plain clothes officer made a traffic stop he believed the complainant driving was an immediate darj to the public but the officer failed to call for a back up unit in violation of our department and in three of those cases the officers were astonishing trained in one using inappropriate language the officer received a republic manned in moving to the april report in april the occ had 2 hundred and
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39 complaints filed with the by the end of april from january 1st through the end of april 2, '39 complaints filed with the evenings 2 hundred plus were closed it's increasing 16 cases were sustained with the sustained rates and 3 hundred and 45 cases were pending and last year compared that is a 6 percent increase last year as of april a 6 percent increase in the pending caseload and yet there were 6 percent cases less cases filed in 2015 but the occ has less investigators. >> moving on to the mediation of complaints 7 occ cases were mediated in 2015 and between
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january 1st, 2015, and april 30th, '19 of the occ complaint were mediated between january 1st and 2014 and april 30th, 2014 moving on to the discipline there were 7 cases where chief suhr determined the discipline of the cases the first one was neglect of duty and rvth a credit and officer engaged in discourteous conduct and the officer used his cell phone milestone awhile driving the officer is retired the next case the neglect of duty involving a juvenile an officer failed to adjust the handcuffs the juvenile too tight at officer individualized a
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protocol by violating a net report that submitted details of the juvenile in custody and finally the sergeant that approved the incident report didn't recognize the in indicates adequacy of that received a republic manned and in all the incidents the prior property report the officers were retrained and the conduct rvth the conduct the officer violated a code used the computer in the office the complaint was of the conduct the officer was astonished and retrained and the next case involved neglect of duty an officer failed to produce an incident report which he didn't find cause for an and the
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conduct the officer was astonished and retrained and at reflection of discredit an officer abused his authority awhile off duty and out of uniform reminded an individual of a dispute i am an officer and in the case of the neglect of duty the officer failed to issue a certificate of release and the officer was astonished and retrained and the neglect of duty allegation the officer failed to collect the traffic data and the officer was astonished and retrained that concludes my report. >> any questions. >> commissioner. >> so you asked a while ago
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about the early intervention system this in the three but i'm wording i assume you keep track of that director hicks. >> officers their astonished and retrained what happens when they do more than once several times how does it fit if. >> one toshlt each year a written reprimand and time off after that. >> and then the disciplinary. >> process. >> right but there's no problem going straight to a written reprimand if it is needed but as a failure to enter a code if you've done that one time your astonished and retrained and if it occurs again, it is a
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republic manned failure to go to travel court procedural things are represent mappeds but there's a poor interaction with a he citizen failure to do a written report everybody gets a report failure to make a report is a republicrimandeprimand. >> failure to appear you don't get a failure to appear you get an astonishment and the second time you fail to appear i get a phone call from the chief of staff you're next failure to
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appear at anything is time off. >> that's the same violation so i'm trying to asking how that would be handed. >> if it seems like a failure to appear with the proper painstaking that's all paperwork failure to do something then the next time you fail to do something it is progressed all failures to do something. >> and i assume you keep track of all those officers. >> actually, we do because i dispensed the discipline been the occ recommendation. >> thank you and further answer to our question commissioner marshall the occ keeps track of the cases that the occ sustained and it
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does keep track of the discipline imposed by the chief but not in the same in our case not in the same manner that chief suhr would he has a greater database confusing internal violations we only have the occ that is in compliance. >> okay commissioner turman. >> my question is probably more to the chief chief i keep seeing inover and over the need not of the duty for the traffic status i understand we're not seeing repeat of those one the first time