tv [untitled] May 14, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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having a more equitable for complaint ans and i think that we have a long way to go on that and i think that they are headed in the right direction and also, we are and we have, and we have it from the index of the records in june, and this, and this task force is been taking in that we had a presentation in our last meeting but in the record of the folks and we hope to have them back at a future meeting for an up date and also we have been working on the official's calendars which i know is a big issue that supervisor avalos supports. and so at this point, i will take any questions. >> thank you. and thank you to your service. >> actually started in october, so basically your term and you had a short term. >> i had a short term. >> i was filling the term of --
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who has resigned. >> and so if you are reappointmented what are some of the areas that you would like to be able to focus on in your work on the task force. >> again, really the by laws to make our policy and practices a little more concrete, and so that we know that we have the procedures so that one complainant may know what their (inaudible) and making sure that we have a fair hearing. also the calendar of officials and of course, the it issues are also big issues that we need to focus on. >> thank you. >> and you mentioned equity in the terms of the processes of the task force, what would that look like? how would you envision bringing equity? >> so, one of the things that
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we are working on is the person does not show up for the hearing what do we do? do we grant a continuance or do we just take the case and i allow for a continuance because they filed the complaint and they deserve to have it heard at some point, whether they could not make the date that they actually are schedule for. so, just making sure that everyone does get their cases her. and there are in the committee or before the full task force. >> great, thank you. >> and if there are any other questions i can see from the committee, and so, he can go on to the next applicant and thank you for your interest and for your service on the task force. >> the next applicant is kristin chu. >> hi. >> hi.
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>> i am a previous member of the sunshine ordinance task force and a technology professional, and so i had a few of them in front of you today and i took and i proposed a ordinance to the task force if four years and i was appointed for the league of women voters for two years and then reappointed as a separate seat, and i served as a chair of the sunshine ordinance task force also. and left in 2010 because we moved out of san francisco. i am working with a small technology group and an innovation group and i work as a solutions architect and so i help the different groups and departments try to use the technology to stream line the process to make the things easier. and working with the relations
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for the incoming questions, coming into them, and one of the reasons that they want to do that, was to stream line the process of providing information to the public. and which i felt was really interesting. with my background and it got me interested in what is happening over here at the task force and since i was really excited when these seats opened. >> and where do you serve on the task force again? >> what years? >> yes. >> and i ended in 2010 and so 2006 and 2010. >> okay, and supervisor cohen. >> thank you, what were the reasons that you left the task force? >> we moved to new york incomer. >> meaning? >> my family. >> and so you moved back. >> yes, a couple of years ago. >> don't want to make any assumptions. >> okay. >> so, what were some of the valuable experiences that you learned from the sunshine task force? >> i think that i learned a lot about the way that the
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government worked and i was the vice chair of the bond oversight committee which is different. so they are working in the government and the challenge of opening the government, and in the awards of the open government and i think that they go, hand in hand, and i am surprised that you did not reach out our or at least my office for prior to this committee given that you have experience and given that you have gone through this process before. >> so wow, and i just applied, actually, about a week ago, is when i sort of realizing that this was even an opportunity so i apologize. >> thank you. >> and any other questions, just as you can talk about maybe you already got it, and maybe deepen it, and your answer, or what your goals are for the sunshine task force?
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>> yeah. so, having worked with this in the university relations and i was thinking about providing document and providing openness, from the aspect of the department instead of on the side of the sunshine task force and it got me thinking about, how technology, and how the sunshine task force should be an advocate for using the technology to make the task east and her because a lot of the people that came in front of the group when i was there, and they were struggling with getting the documents together and handing them over and we should be able to have the technology that helps with us, and it was not that the people wanted to give over the information it was just that it was just so hard. and so, now that most documents are on-line, with the documents are saved, and a lot of the things are even accessible through the web and i would like the task force to be proactive in that area, and i know that, it is still doing a
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lot of cases and doing a lot that have and but, i actually feel like the goal of the task force should be to work on not just reactively but proactively. >> and great. >> thank you. >> so there are no other candidates. and we have heard from all four and we can open up this item for public comment and any member of the public that would like to comment, for the sunshine ordinance task force please come forward. >> i was not actually coming to speak i i am here for the next item but i known bruce wolfe working on issues with dogs and for a number of years andive just wanted to add that there is no one that would i say is more passionately committed to both animals and people, in also, more passionately committed to the concept of open government, and
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transparency, and sunshine. and in building people's lives as well as in government and so i just wanted to add that he is, and just my personal support for him, thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. any other members that would like to comment? and seeing none we will close the public comment. and so this is one of those you know, we have four applicants and two positions, and all of the applicants have already demonstrated a great interest in open government. and technology. and serving their various communities and so it is a tough call, and i can go a lot of different ways, but we will like to hear from first supervisor taning. >> thank you very much, and thank you again to all of the applicants for being here, last time around, i was one of those who supported miss hinze for seat eleven and i with like to see her continue and i know that she has only been able to
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serve since october so far, and so, i would like to give her the opportunity to continue in seat eleven. and as for seat eight, i kind of tore between mr. haines and miss chu and both bring different qualities one from experience and also wanting to give the opportunity to new people to serve on the task force as well. and so, i mean, i also would like to hear from committee members but those are my thoughts so far. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i have been pretty principaled in a lot of my remarks since the time that i have been serving on the rules committee. one has and i have been very diligent in consistent in supporting applicants particularly those that are bringing diversity to a a commission, and i believe that shaun haines would bring a lot
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of ethnic diversity in particularly to the sunshine ordinance task force. and i would say that even if, and a blessing and a benefit of his technical skills and background and so i would like to see shaun in seat eight and i would like to support fiona hinze for seat eleven. and i with like to see her continue in her service. and as for service and continuity, on the body, as it was mentioned earlier there are some members that have been on that body for a while. and so that continuity is there. >> mr. pill pal is one of them and the most senior members i think on probably any commission. in san francisco, but he is definitely a decent human being. thank you. >> thank you. >> great, and thank you, thank you for sharing your interests in who you with like to serve
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on the task force. i can i do, i do want to support mr. wolfe it looks like he just does have the support from the other committee members and i do want to support mis hinze would has been serving already on the task force and only since october and so to me, it would be great that she could continue that service and i think giving her the longer term seat that will end on april, 2017 makes sense to me and so that seat eleven i am fine with that. and i also would like to support shaun haines as well and make sure that we can broaden the diversity on the task force and i think that he is something that he spoke to and i am comfortable to his commitment to open government and his interest in advancing the stronger use and technology on the committee as well, and so, i can go along with mr.
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haines for seat eight and miss hinze to seat eleven and if we have a motion. >> sure would i like to make a motion to appoint shaun haines to seat eight and fiona hinze to seat eleven. >> second. >> and we will take that colleagues without objection. >> item seven is hearing to consider four members ending april 30, 2017 to the commission of animal control and welfare. there are four seats and nine applicants. >> let's take them in order of, let me see if my notes and if anyone is going to be here, brandy, and you are correctly. and >> that is close enough and, i
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answer to anything close to that. >> kuentzel >> i am nervous but i know that it is okay because we are here because we love san francisco and we care about the people and animals and you guys have the harder job here today and nine applicant and four spots and deciding the animal welfare commission. foamly in the next three minutes i can make your job east and her convince you that i deserve one of those spots, and telling you about my gabing ground and why i would like to serve, letting you know how i can make your life easier by stream lining the voices, and let you know about my vision for the commission's future. first my background you have copies of my resume, and you can tell that before i attended law school i worked with the u.s. senate and the california state senate, i have a life long passion for animal welfare and improving the lives of animals since i was 12 i
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volunteered to help the pets and wild life, and which is why, after working in the private sector for a number of years i jumped to joint the sba as a director i am the only candidate whose full time job it is to improve the animal welfare in the city. second i want to let you know that i understand the concerns and i can make your lives easier by stream lining their voices. and as a person responsible for driving advocacy initiatives for the san francisco spca, i am with your questions and your concerns and, not as unlike the staffers, you were the staffers that i spoke with this with week and i will call daily and i know the joys and the pain points that san francisco and when it comes to the animal welfare in the city, and i know that san franciscans care about access to affordable pet family housing that dog guardians in the city are concerned about
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the management plan. and in the hunter's point and the outer mission and they want the increased access, and i know that the constituents in the outer sunset they want help and i can help to bring the concerns for your attention for my role on the commission if i were so appointed and thank you for the expertise and the value in the role. and finally i want to share my vision for the future, over the years i have attended a lot of meetings and i think that there is a very real opportunity for continue sponsoring response with respect to the animals welfare in the city and i think that there is a great opportunity to elevate their voice of the city of san francisco in sacramento and we have really favorable government and a lot of connections in sacramento and i think that we could help to drive the policy discussions as
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a city and effecting the animals state wide and we see that basically we have a great example, with supervisor tang's legislation, if appointed i will work to elevating san francisco voice, and vision and its leadership and we all know that it has in sacramento as well. >> and so, i ask you today, in closing to just give me the opportunity to make your lifes easier, with my expertise and to help to make the lives of san franciscan mals and its people better. >> if you have any questions, please. >> thank you. >> no questions right new. >> so thank you. >> appreciate your coming in. >> go to the next applicant, maria conlon? >> who is a --. >> i am a new appointment. >> hi, nice meet you.
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i am new to this and so it was a little bit of a new understanding the process to apply and get in thank you very much with you and i apologize for my communication with you, i have living in san francisco for 28 years and working at the gap all the way sense and i took a new role last week at bank of the west and project manage and her producer there. and i also volunteer at san francisco, animal control, and so i am familiar with the cat whens they come in and i am on the board of directors which the give me shelter that takes the at-risk cats from the san franciscan mal control. and give me shelter, i do the social media marketing manager, and i do the on-line fund-raising among anything else that really needs to be done for them.
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and tasks that were not considered adopable and with utilizing the social media and so i probably volunteer, 20 to 30 hours a week and it is almost like i have a full time job and i am passionate about it and one of the things that i might add value to the commission is that i have out of the box thinking and the ideas and ways of you know raising community awareness, and i think that i have been visiting or coming to the welfare meetings for about the last year, and it would be great to see more people show up there and more community engagement and more community awareness, and regarding all types of animal concerns. and i know how what other things that do i know how to do is to utilize social media and technology to be able to reach out to the greater community and i am dedicated and passionate and level headed and i know that in the community and when it comes to the animals we get emotional and we lose the sight that have and to
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stay level headed about it and what is the best thing that we can do for the animals i guess what i would like to see for the commission is you know like i said more support at the meetings and we would like to be gracious to you and more involvement and more community engagement and more awareness so that we have more awareness about the issues for our city's animals. >> and then, of course tl, is always the issue of that pet friendly housing to bring that to the forefront and then i would like to see involved in a lot of the animal care and control and more serve innovaive programs and sheltering practices so engaging the community and the foster programs and how to keep your animal rather than having to surrender your animal and so that is in a nutshell who i am and what i do. >> thank you. actually, your work in socialization of cats is something that i could use a little help with right now. >> i can help with you that.
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>> i don't think that i will use the social media for that. >> no, that is more of a one on one. >> i could come to your house and we talk about your cat. >> i was kept awake last night. so just, your and you said that you spent the last year, or attending the commission meetings and just would you see, and it was not enough a
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year ago that i knew that there was an animal commission meeting and it would be great to raise that kind of awareness and get the more people to show up and have more of the people that can support, you know, the different issues and supporting you. >> thank you. >> and i, and i asked the question out of curiosity and one of the issues that the commission weighs in on is in determines of moving policy and budget, and or how the practice or what the practices within the commission or within the animal care and control, and department, what do you see, and it would better interest you in entering in on. >> so far, what i have seen and i have gone is a lot of, and manufactured out of the role and what kind of what you would want to see as the new director and so a lot of people came for that meeting to you know, put
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their input on that, and then bringing in a new director it is sort of like we are waiting and seeing what is going to happen and putting a little bit of input when she first came in and did her introduction and so i felt like there could be more you know support and more awarenessing of what the animal issues are in san francisco. i try to speak up and get the three minutes every time and i try to speak up and say that i would like to do for the animal care and control. >> and whatever other issues are going on in the city. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and so there is in other questions and we have a few other candidates. next one, we appreciate your interest and we will be deciding what we are going to do. >> thank you very much. >> next candidate is russell
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tenofsky. >> good afternoon and thank you for affording me this opportunity, an eleven year resident in san francisco, as a commission membervy proposed four action items to the commission and all four pass and two of which were picked up by the full board of supervisors and also for the passed to the full bored as well. and in addition to my current commission experience, and the combination of my education and work experience involved here. i studied animal rights and welfare and i studied under the foremost thinkers in the animal protection movement and used my degree to become the director
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of independence of animals and in addition to the communication duties i became the program communicator coordinator for iva guardian campaign and also as a program director to attend the countless commissions beth here in san francisco and in burkely and thus giving me great insights of how the commission operates and functions before i was able to become a commissioner myself and as the direct of the communications at the ocianic society i was able to gain the further knowledge of the animals that impact san francisco at this time most of them were leaving in the bay. which is part of san francisco and with my volunteer experience that i am the most proud of and another reason that i am extremely qualified to serve as the commission and first encountered for a wonderful support at ida and immediately became supportive of their works and i volunteered at paws for four years and introduced it in the way that they directly impact
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the human and their animals and i witnessed time and time again, the impacts and the success that paws has in assisting the lives of san franciscans and the animals were in dire need and my work, requires me to answer and understand questions from a wide swath of san franciscans and i must have a good working knowledge of animal services in san francisco. and the local laws and the regulations regarding animals. part of my service continued to service on the commission of animal welfare and control stems from my volunteer experience at paws and my interaction with the clients and fuels my desire to assist the animals and people and both the frustration over the system and the endless joy of the simple gestures to be part of the solution. and in addition to paws my volunteer duties include being on the editoral board of the human rights project and a heart to heart ambassador for
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the heart association and volunteering is an important aspect of my life and i will continue to use these experience and the community and the commitment in serving on the commission of the animal welfare and control. and i have been committed to animal protection my entire life and i will continue to do so. and i will continue to volunteer and dedicate my life to animal welfare and protection if you decide to nominate me i will work as hard as i can and have done to protect the animals of san francisco and educate the public about their welfare. >> thank you for affording me this opportunity. >> thank you for serving. and so, is this the end of your first year? >> yes. >> how many years? >> it is 2 years. >> okay. >> i served a full term. >> okay. >> and just so that you have your experience on animal care and control commission, and
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seeing the process of bringing on a new director over the past few months where do you see the direction of this commission and this department going? >> well --, we are about to transition with a new president, and obviously a new commission members. possibly myself as well, moving off of the commission and i think that is assuming an exciting time and i like that there are so many people there and i think that is speaks volumes for the community of animal protection in san francisco which obviously is on the forefront and as the other people have mentioned it is san francisco, san francisco is the leader and not only in the state, but of the country and not the world of animal issues and animal protection issues and i think that the commission is a part of that and we will continue, i think, judging by what the people have said. all right, to continue to do to that and look forward and to continue to kind of reach out, and press the envelope of where the people of animals live
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together and the rights of animals and the laws regarding animals in our society. >> great. >> and so, having said that, where do you see the direction of the department of the animal control going? what are the needs in? >> i would love to see a new facility and that is the thing that i would love to see the city work on and work towards funding and i don't think that anyone has been there lately but it can be a depressing experience and i just went there to renew my dog tags and tas a depressing experience going in the building itself. and i know that hearing from volunteers, some other people a lot of what we have done in the commit i, and itself and the commission itself was here about the public from their concerns regarding animal care and control and regarding getting a new person to run the
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city services there. and so, hearing from the volunteers, there, and hearing from ways to make it better and hearing just every from top down, to just the minor little things of the services that needs and just products that they need to help the animals just get the actual things and the physicals and the animals themselves is outrageous, actually to tell you the truth and like i said just going in there, and up date the new and there is a new person running the department now and i don't know if they can turn the things around and get it to a positive and like i said it would be wonderful. and more funding to go to the funding and obviously that is an issue for everything and more funding could go to the animal care and control and soon, get a new building and facilities that are desperately needed over there for beth the people work thering and more so
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the animals. that is just on the outside just hearing from the people day-to-day and there is a lot of issues that are going on. everyone has issues going on and with the volunteers and the people and one could complain about their bosses, but it really seems like this is the place that the volunteers dedicated and no one is asking them to come and they are serving a lot of time and energy personal and financial that the people talking about how much they spend of their own money and how much time there working with individual cats that are can be adopted and just need a teeth cleaning. just basic services. >> i have been there a few time over the past year and mostly look at the cats. and i actually have with the cats and the volunteers that there are and how
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