tv [untitled] May 15, 2015 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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the communications of your constituents specifically the ones about you. are you trending? a doubt it and sure you wish you got that level of attention, but for now smile. you are on you tube. thank you president breed >> thank you, next speaker, please >> good afternoon president breed and supervisors. i have grachics. graphics please. she has a musical out it says for water there. carol king. it looked like fatal attraction. she did this song and change thd words qu & it isbed the mission. i feel the mission earth move under my feet, i feel the large building
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sky tumbling down. what do aiodo about affordable housing in the mission all around? [singing]. city when you see your land face it is like the carnival month of may and city, we needa fordable housing in the buildings big buildings that come away. i feel the earth tumbling building down. also wrote, i ask you now city and won't ask again, will you still love us tomorrow? is this a last thing building mission treasure or just a budget item measure? so i ask you now i won't ask again. will you still love the mission
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housing tomorrow. they thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors good afternoon president breed. beverly upten usingly here as [inaudible] i want to thank you you for your unanimous vote >> sorry, since we passed this item we can't talk about it in public comment >> i also want to thank for everything you have done today and in the past to preserve housing in san francisco and keep san francisco affordable for all. i think it is what rube goldburke would have wanted >> thank you very much >> jacquie nailer and want to thank for what you are doing for housing in san
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franciscoment bevly and her husband and myself and husband struggle with the ellis act eviction we face in the rube goldburg building so despite the effort made today we still are facing that and i wanted to invite you all tomorrow we are having a open house at 194 golf street which is the historic flat in the building. it has old wall paper and everything imaginable from noon to 2 tomorrow at 194 golf street and we'll also raise awareness for our eviction and do interviews. i want to thank you for your effort t is so needed and have a lut of faith in the effort you are making. thank you so very much. jurkss that you can, next speaker, please >> distinguished members of
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the borebd. i came to talk about a legal office conversion in the mission. when i became involved last week in office planning to design indoor bike parking it came to my attention that our office had no permits. i discussed this with building commissioner walker who further expressed that because it is first story and this is at 351 alabama, but refer to it as 350 florida. they convurt the entrance mptd. we sent a building inspector over theres who was surprised that i was terminated for raising the concerns. i want to take the opportunity today to raise this
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and thank frz hear me out >> thanks very much. next speaker, please >> good afternoon. i'm diana mar teens and with the mission sro collaborative. i'm here representing a lot of tenets wloo live in sro's in the mission and want today say we really support what supervisor compose said earlier particularly about the bond and about how we need much more resources than what is suggested. earlier this year the housing authority epiened up a list for some affordable housing in city of san francisco and 10 thousand people applied for that affordable housing mpt it really says something about what an emergency we are in and so we are here to address this
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housing emergency. sro tenets see increased harassment, no fault eviction jz more and more building are coming into the mission. more z more luxury housing buildings that sro tenets cannot afford for the majority of the population who live in the mission they cannot afford it. that is why we are here to be in support of the mooreatorium proposed last week and also to support the comment that were said by supervisor compose earlier. this city is in great need and we really hope the supervisors here can find it in their heart to support the residence of this city. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> good afternoon, my name is [inaudible] also with the
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mission sro collaborative born and raised in san francisco in the tenderloin. yes, there are a few of us left and sphyou don't enact strong legislation such as a mooreatorium or allow more money for affordable housing you will see people like me in a museum. i mean partially sutear clael and partially in dispair because i see families and friend not being able to live in the sate and see sro in the city and work and advocate for resident not being able to live in the city because of the act of strong legislation that isn't coming from the board. appallgist we were not able here last week b but we will organize around the issue from now on, many organizations around the city. there was a
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city poll done and 65 percent polled supported a halt on the mission district for a year so there is broad support in every district including supervisor wiener and supervisor fairbl district who have come out against this proposal with out their economic report coming out. i hope you all actually do something good for the city and actually instead of the rhetoric of affordable housing supporting the resident enact legislation to help them. local high school got a shout out i can't leave here without giving a shout out to the best high school in the city, galileo lions >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> good afternoon
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supervisors, i'm peter warfield executive director of library users association. i would like to call your attention and the publics attention to getting less for more expenditure and i would thrike urge you to have hear squgz ask question when the mayors budget comes to you june 1 with respect to the library. regarding reduced service, if thirst thing the library laz done in the about the last year is >> student put entry restrictions on the public that are so bad that the american civil liberties union of northern california sent the library a letter saying that some of those rules and punishments the exclusions from attendance were unacceptable
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including one specifically referring to inappropriate use of the bathrooms which ultimately ended up in the librarys rules anyway. anonymous searching for patrons is all but eliminated from our library last year. there were ix 60 terminals spread throughout the location squz now there are 2 in one location. every other terminal requires a library card to use. bib locommon is installed for public and they allow them sevl squz the library thingatize is okay, they can kick out any user for any reason from using their service. they can censor what people say. they can break patron privacy and investigate our patron jz outsourcing suggestions. i
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challenge anybody to do a subject >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> hello, my name is vick fur air. i hone inproducer loft video sound stage located next door to 2779 folsom street. that building was given a citation 162016. that building >> i'm sorry to interrupt. did you have a chachbs to talk to dpw or were you late to the 3 o'clock hearing? >> i was here >> did you is a clans to talk to a representative? we are general public comment so if you don't mind because we had public coptant i will ask a representative to talk to you outside the chamber
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>> out here? okay. >> thank you, next speaker, please >> yes, my name is dan rose a, i work in disease prevention. i was deprived of sleep again last night from 2:30 to 5:30 a.m. my back was irritated so that yfs prevented from falling back to sleep. on october 28 last year i attended this meet frg the first time. my back had been virtually emobilized, some high tech means had been used at night to tighten thup muscles in my back so badly i could barely walk. i had to stretch for 2 or 3 hours in the morning to regain some ability to walk. the same technology was used last night in a lesser form to deprive me of sleep. they irritated my
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back just enough so that i was prevented from falling back to sleep. perhaps there are certain parties that don't want me it atened this meeting, don't want me to continue going marine county and telling them they had the highest rates of breast cantser in the world that synthetic estrogen is playing a significant role in half the cases that the drug companies had been told from sickt years by leading scientist organizations and that this drug was causing cancer, heart attack, stroke and birlth defecktz and should not be put on the market. a new study in 2010 revealed the breast cancer women develop from taking synthetic estrogen had a 96 percent greater likelihood of dying from the disease. i get threats against
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myself and my family and continue to be derived of sleep and hundreds of times [inaudible] put in the room that make me feel [inaudible] >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please >> i hoped archbishop cor dilawn would show up but he didn't. i thought it was gods will but it wasn't because if it was it would have happened. his will is sometimes very mysterious. today i would like to talk about how jesus didn't say a lot of nice things about people. in mark 7 he said out of the heart of men perceive evil thoughts, [inaudible] all these evil things come from inn with and defile the man. it is
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interesting when john the baptist showed up or through the disciples they had a message for jesus in regards whee was the messiah and so he said watch this and he healed people in front their their yies and he left and said privately between you and me, there has nench been a man like john the baptist. this is he and whom it is written, behold i send my messenjure before thigh face that prepares thigh way before thee. there isn't a greater profit than john the baptist and says he is much more than a profit because he was written about. when they ask john are you a [inaudible] he had a guilty conscious and said no. because he was a sinner he said no. jesus
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didn't vaguilty correspondences so bragged thereat he fulfilled scriptures t. is incredible. jesus christ said mozes wrote of me. mozes wasphony00 years before him. none of us is 20 nene years old and say i saw him raise the dead >> thank you, next speaker, please >> tom gill burty. if someone tolds me when i was 16 or 26 or thrie sex that the rich nss of my life is dependent on my 91 year old amother taking care of my approaching 60 year old special sister and this woman is huffing and puffing and out of breath by the time she is from
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one bedroom to the other, i would have been dumfounded. she second me last week did i go to city hall and said yes. did you speak? yes, tfs worth it? i gave high 2 cents and it was worth a nickel. she kind of chuckleed. last week i talked about corporate busesment we can fine up to 10 thousand dollars a stop for every stop and comes to 240 million dollars if it is 10 buses in the course of a year. all these corporate structures can buy the 10 bus frz 5 to 10 million dollars. on the other side of the coin i recommended the uber cell phone telephone companies, if we fine them after 2 months if they don't have anything for wheelchair accessible 25 thousand a week it cames to 100 thousand a month, 1.2 million dollars a year. if i was sth chief of
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ceo of any of those companies i would fine that in a flash so i would have to-i could be waved of providing wheelchair accessible vans and drivers for the sate of san francisco. what a voice change. anyway, with that you understand what i'm talking about? we don't want to go backwards thmpt rumor has it these new buses that are being remodeled, the express fwuzing they take out wheelchair accessibility >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who would like to provide public? seeing none public comment is cloized >> modm clerk can you to thudoption without ref rens to committee >>phony-19 are consider frd immediate adoption. single
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roll call vote [inaudible] >> any member want to [inaudible] any items >> can you call the roll >> iteal 17-19, supervisor cohen, aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. companyose, aye. christensen, aye. thrrks are 11 aye's >> those items area dopted unanimously. can we police return to item number 13 >> item 13 is the consideration of the resolution oof to aprove the report of assessment costs >> have we completed discussion with the property owners?
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thank you. >> president breed and members of the board, per your instructions we have met and confer would the property owners >> could you identify your san francisco again >> grechen rude, dpw, phil gallow, dpw. per your sfruckzs we met and conferred with the property ofen rb squz other interested partdies appearing before us to resolve the over due invoice. 4 locations were removed from the list. 70 locations remain on the list for assessment on the property tax role. we submitted the final praurnts to the clerk of the board rkss and okay&the gentlemen who came late, were you able to have a discussion with him? >> yes >> were there change tooz the list or the result of that conver saigz? >> no >> okay. supervisor
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christensen >> i wupdered madam chair if i can have a opportunity to address a couple other issues >> yes. how do you prefer i do that >> iocan ask question of department of public works >> in looking at the roles i see 2 addresses on grand avenue and traungly suspect those may be similar to the situations of some of the people we heard from this evening. would you guys have any particular knowledge about any of these singular location snz do you have any information or particulars about them? what i suspect it is probably language barrier and lack of understanding and these people didn't understand enough to come down here today and complain. i'm thinks that we can assess this amount of money, but suspect this is more administrative dead end going
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forward. i wondered-my office would be appy to try to help facilitate a better out come and make them aware of the obligation to remove graffiti and address these issues if thatd would be helpful >> we appreciate it. >> supervisor christensen just for clarity you are concerned by passing this revised list today there won't be recourse for these individual members to either have these fees adjusted or waved? >> exactly. can you please explain the process so we understand what is at stack as a result of passing this as amendmented today >> my name is joseph [inaudible] represent the department of public work squz want to say moving forward with the list goes before-before the list go tooz the property tax role we have some time to remove properties and clear the
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list if needs to be >> from my understanding mr. gibner can you clarify that because it is my understanding once we aproov this list it needs to wrurn to the board to be removed so i want to make sure we are all only the same page >> deputy city tern i should probably confer with the department. the board has to authorize and any properties where we are imposing the lean or collecting. i should confer qu the department about the discretion they have to remove praurnts once the board adopted the motion >> just for clarity, the board adopts this motion and it will be left you have the discretion to actually remove one of these properties if anything changes? >> yes if the property owner pays or if we can work with the
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board to make changes if the board agree >> for example the 98 year old man he had a hardship waver and if there are other sich waiz like that where there is a hardship waver or language barrier and someone who duds rnt understand we want to make sure that by approving this we don't prevent dpw from removing them entirely. >> thereat is correct >> attorney gibner >> one option you have today is to continue the matter not for additional public hearing where all the individuals come back and speakgon, but on the ultimate decision of whether to adopt the legislation and we can provide further advice over the next week >> is it possible to adopt the ones we move from the list entirely and address those not removed from the list in the
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future? >> yes, you can do that. >> okay would another option is remove the 2 or 3 items i have questions about and address them separately >> that is a option as well >> through the chair to the members of public works, if i eliminate the last 2 items on the first page which are grantarve new items, would you be able to address those separately at a later date >> absolutely supervisor >> okay, you would like to continue those 2 items? >> yes >> to the next meeting of the board? >> may 19 >> supervisor christensen made a motion to attend those 2 particular items to the meeting of may 19. is there a second? second by supervisor tang. can we take that without objection?
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without objection we continue those to the meeting of may 19 >> thank you >> thank you. on the remaining doument not including those items we continued, colleagues is there a motion to move this forward-motion by supervisor cohen and second by supervisor christensen. can we take this without objections? without objection this passes as amended. madam clerk can you read the in memoriam >> on behalf of supervisor wav lose for the late retired deputy chief stanley frances court. >> madam clerk is there any other business before us td >> that conclude the business for today >> thank you for buying here ladies and gentlemen we are
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for more information visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. improve your posture, balance and flexibility. it is easy. get up on your feet and step to the beat.
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senior dance class is from sf rec and park. a great way to get out and play. >> for more information. >> (clapping.) i'd like to invite up our san francisco international partner if you guys can come up and join me yeah (clapping) so this is witnessing new and jay jay they've made the video they'll talk about the things for many of the students they come to the united states and move to san francisco and have leasing less access to technology for some reasons they come and never have an opportunity and their homes are outside of schools we think that
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