tv [untitled] May 15, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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for joining us. and thanks for this terrific space that you have in this exhibition space and thanks for helping san francisco stay safe. . >> good afternoon i'd like to call to order the tuesday, may 12, 2015 madam secretary call the roll. >> commissioner moran commissioner courtney commissioner quan and commissioner president caen is excused let me start with first of all an explanation of rules of order in the absence of the chair and
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the vice chair the senior person will take over that's why i'm sitting here and we have a short commission and long agenda i'll be limiting the public comments to 2 minutes and the other headache item the pour just want is included in cca we'll not be hearing that as part of general managers report and the only items in closed session is item 16 and 7 by 7 the rest off calendar with that, commissioners you have. >> excuse me. >> yeah. i want clarification the cca update not the pour update is part of the not to
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exceed. >> i'm sorry not the power update but the cca update. >> okay. thank you. >> any office of the city administrator other clarifications then commissioners you have copies of the april 18th additions, deletions, or changes can i have a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> is there a motion and a second nephews. > opposed? the motion carries public comment? items not on the agenda for today but under the pressure view of the commission those are the comments we're ready for, thank you ann clark >> i'll be fast i want to remind you on june 4th at the time commonwealth club i never campground there was so many stars in the sky it is a addict
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quote the green sheet shows the program is happening and in a white envelope i was going through any files i had bottoms when i had them made but i hope each you you gets a bottom young environmentalists tomorrow's lowered and the next young environmentalists dream buildings wear our bottoms and come june 4th i'm grateful for the earthquake early warning system camp mather and you've been supported this program that's the second year i hope you continue to do that this is our i don't know people that will be the people that will be determining how our investment helps to be improved for the years heads thank you for doing this i know the young people
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came and talked to you know i know this group is going up under the leadership of laura page and sfpuc they'll have a wonderful time because of you they're doing that reminder there will be dream builders and tomorrow's leader thank you. >> ann for your work and comments. >> commissioners that's the only part for general public comment yes. >> is - >> i'm sorry. >> does the one on the banister qualify. >> yes. >> hi, i'm carla jones a resident in the city i used to live in san mateo county i was thinking of a friend we were talking about the drought and she and i began to have a heated
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discussion there is no problem the spring reservoir is completely full i said well, it is prospective not only the fact or not and remember back in the 70s i didn't live in san mateo county and with had that terrible drought we kept the lake although there was a drought i think the people of san mateo your customers are still not convinced that there is a drought they have to change the habits so i'm going to urge you to think about presentation r prospective as important to your customers. >> thank you and i'm sure if we get the drought update it will speak to that. >> any other public comment? >> okay. the next item.
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>> communications you've all received any questions comments on conversations any public comment on conversations? we move on to the report of general manager >> through the chair i made this observation last time we have an item on the agenda it dealt with commission business or new business donna is there a okay. okay - i withdraw my comments. >> (laughter). >> very well okay report of general manager. >> first up have nancy talk about our quarterly audit and performance report. >> good afternoon, president and commissioners nancy the director of internal controls
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may i have the slides. >> nancy director of assurance and controls i'm sure you're aware of the quarterly is a detailed activities of puc with the intents to highlight the debt the sfpuc values those and introduction o take into consideration all recommendation by visiting the auditors and agency the intermittently controls worked to insure their audits are completed and their observations and recommendations are valid and according to the report they cooperate with the management to make sure the recommendation are adequate complete and knowsly the bureau provides recommendations as highlighted in the executive director summary over 50
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projects in completion 21 audits and 16 scheduled their performance relayed and performed by the city auditor 57 percent of the audit and the next audit are financial in nature and normally xhublthsd by the km a g in a competitive financial report for the commission 5 audits were completed in the past audit and highlighted in the executive summary along with audits reports they include the united states constitution 2012 audit and all recommendations and closed by the csa with the irrigation district a financial audit the whole for the changes
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there were no findings or internal issues issuance of the san francisco public utilities commission audit scorecard for 2013-2014 was a b and san francisco public utilities commission from prior years and audit for the san francisco public utilities commission costs of the 54 of the reports those audits were proactively requested as part of monitoring and best practices. >> i'm sorry director may i ask you a question the the scorecard a b and formally a a. >> that's 2013-2014 a slight difference from the a minus rate in 2013-2014. >> slides please thank you as it continues to q four into the next fiscal year 20 projects
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for the next 20 months for the years 2014-2015 and citywide translations and real estate royalties and concessions and contract review at the southeast one and 2 and enter departmental contracts next year in calculation with the auditor to determine the priorities and the continued focus of the organization to a proactively planning our audits with the capturing the cost-efficientcys and the monitoring practices to support those with the skvg and insuring the accuracy and transparency feedback from this commission and sfpuc management is acceptable for the priorities
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thank you at this time, i'd like to take any questions if you have any. >> yes. i have one in terms of the audits 4 out of the 5 were requested by management. >> yes. >> how two questions how do you determine which to audit and in terms of the results how it is tracked. >> it depends on the priorities and the management of the sfpuc we have regular senior management meeting and a lot of discussion comes up sometimes my team we work with the auditors and keep abreast of the activities and the publications are out there and what are the priorities in terms of the cost recovery in terms of implementing the recommendations a lot of it runs along the lines of internal controls and oversight and monitoring if they
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have questions to determine where we can help them implement or update policies that are reflected with the best practices. >> where does it show up in terms of the regular practices with the updates i'm asking the new guy a question. >> what do you show the results. >> the service auditors has follow-up when they follow-up we'll respond according to their report address provide up to the assistant general manager for the enterprises so it is communicated through management and up to management. >> thank you. >> any other comments? i have a couple of ones in line with what you're asking commissioner there's a lot of detail it's provided in some of the audits we tend to losses track as a
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procedure i went through it this time was uncomfortable with losing track of that the second is that in the course of the audit you have a report not a departmental responses where there are concurrences and non-concurrences and press for clarification and the controller or the auditor will coming come back and respond to that what i've been thinking about i don't have have a suggestion but i've been pondering it and if staff would like to help out with that thought process not this moment i'll appreciate that the question how should we deal with number one concurrences we've said this audit program is about one of the most transparent programs it is an
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aggressive program i want to make sure that didn't start as window dressing and it not only serves the information needs of management but serves the information needs of the commission and the public so i've been thinking about how we can modify this process to make that process more transparent and bring it to serve the commissions interest as well as the public so from my stand out the continuing thought and anyone that has any ideas i'd love to hear it the other comment we have an scorecard manual that does not respond to the issues i've raised when i came before us before i think it documents how the metrics were made and all that so we know what went into the scorecard but it didn't respond directly and
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that a followup i think that's all of my comments >> i have one more thing in my experience with audits the implementation is correctly or strategic with some of the audit results are incorporated into the business plan twinkling i trickling down to the goals or a separate action plan? >> that will depend on the audits and manages i've seen it go into the business plan. >> yeah. so when we look at what the audit finding are you know we incorporate them which we agree and be they're the best practices or sometimes you know we don't agree i'll give you an example we don't agree to give you a feeling the audit
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basically under which one was many telephone - telephone assets and cost audit they were saying we make a lot of personal phone calls and based on it off of if you didn't call a city number anything outside of that is not city we call people on cell phones we disagree that's an example we didn't agree that was an example of where we don't agree so there's situations we don't agree or they're asking you guess to do something is it against what is the best interests of the puc some examples on the t.i.d. and m i d they wanted to us do things in conflict with an act so there are things we don't agree with
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so i don't know how do we make that more transparent we say well, we disagree. >> we do and we provide a very detailed response up to why we don't concur we have the ability to partially concur so as the general manager said if it's not it becomes we'll provide the controller's office or the city auditor will take note and evaluated and come back and say we accept our response and they close it sometimes, it's left for further discussion with follows up. >> so maybe providing the commission of what those documents look like from all the audits what are the unclosed recommendations so that you feel we are tracking the issues.
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>> i don't know yet. >> okay. >> and well, one question is do all of the audits in in their final form get shared with the commission. >> yes. they do all audits are recorded through the quarterly audit best practices. >> that's clearly a start to it the reason i'm asking it is complicated there are audits that apply to more than one department if something happens this or that department don't it and if no one does it that's not a satisfactorily resolution those things don't automatically resolve no higher court within the city process so i want to make sure it has enough transparent there are things like that or a non-concurrence
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effects the policy judgment one thing a particular recommendation costs a lot of money who - fine if we thought the commission thought it was important or the mayor or the board of supervisors we should look at that that shouldn't be the end of the process they should at least be applying for some kind of consideration i realize this complexity of it but start the thought process and make a complete recommendation. >> we can think about how to document it to track the different types of issues that we may be don't concur and we can put those in the categories that is solely the puc or citywide and why i mean we talk off-line and get the feeling how to address it i
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understand multiple departments agree then no one wants to take the leads to try to fix it. >> the audit was the because of 3. >> yeah. yeah. >> okay. any others comments any public comments seeing none. >> so the next item is charles talking about the quarterly budget. >> good afternoon charles pearl in terms cfo a standing update we provide to the commission every 3 months a sense thought how the cooperation and highlight issues that we feel need to brought to your attention, of course the comparison the quarterly report to the last quarterly report in december the numbers are fairly similar go to the slides i have one slide to share with you and
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that is the current year status of course we're managing around the reduced water sales and the water enterprise that is effecting the wastewater enterprise noted in the box on this slide here and those percentages range from 8 to 10 percent on the entrepreneurs the new news the quarterly enterprise through the rainy system that are lower revenues associated with the power generating and this activity is from today through march we'll prepare one more for year ends again, this is showing all the enterprises have blow budget for wastewater and the power enterprise we've done a good job
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of walling those for watering is almost zeroed out we have located in contingency and other savings to balance those revenue reductions for water enterprise we've taken $8 million in debt service and other funds we've taking a look at to lower the debt service this shows through the end of march a $29 million shortfall for the water enterprise we've gotten one good news through a legal settlement and sale of property that clears this amount it is something but something we're going to be keep an eye on as we get to year-end the last point the check box slide we're abiding by the fund balances requirements so we are expected to meet our fund
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balance revenue of 15 percentage of the revenues as well as our debt coverage measurement and have sufficient fund balance to handle this current year variance i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners. >> any public comment questions? well, mr. general manager >> the next item is water enterprise quarterly update kathy how. >> good afternoon, everyone. commissioners kathy how so i understand that commissioner moran has questions or comments to the quarterly a lass last time for the capital program so i wanted to say we have revised the slightly revised report to be anywhere consistent as the reporting of the wissop reporting quarterly
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report next quarter we'll combine local and regional it will be more efficient to produce local i want to highlight for the local conveyance and distribution system is it includes the metric for miles of replacement for the fiscal year so this is similar to what the watering capital is doing in terms of of reporting how many miles they do each fiscal year this fiscal year we're froort $11.9 million for this fiscal year and for the next fiscal year in fiscal year 2016 it is anticipated we'll extend that to 15 miles per year similar is to the wastewater a lot of are cooperation with the
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paving and the mta work as well as the sewer and water maintenance replacement. >> thank you, commissioners? >> any public comment? thank you >> the one thing i'm sorry the one thing i want to point out as with increase the miles of sewer and water work we do in the streets we're facing a lot of challenges with you know the ability to get around town the traffic also working and trying to coordinate with the other departments mta is doing bike that path projects we're trying to coordinate but the main thing it get to a lot of people pointed is our priority on our sewer is based on the worse conditions of the sewer may not warner align with all the projects we have to make a
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choice do we do our projects that are in those other departments priority when it's not our main priority maybe our second priority but we look at what the cost benefit will be to participate and when we do more participation that means it is less money to do our number one so we have to balance a lot of times we make an educated decision we're going not to do all the projects and when we have you know a break or something like late for example, lake street is we're planning we did one phase and planning on doing another phase in year two but delipidated it is a lot of challenges as we react it up that's a good thing we're replacing the sewers but important challenging given the
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fact there is so much work being done in the city it is very, very challenging but we're going to do that. >> only because i have relationship with public works and rec and park and the port in addition to the us here i think the comments i've saw 0 coming from the audience over their desire to see those things are cooperated is maybe a miss perpetration we didn't really understand what was happening ♪ the other departments as well as we articulate we're we're going to do everything we can to coordinate the efforts and the best advertiser of the commission to your point we've meet our obligation that is what
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i see seeing the tangled web of public works >> the last miss prospective they have an ordinance day one the challenge is that when we're trying to do multiple utilities on the same street i think most neighborhoods think you'll go in there one time and one contractor and perform the work but if pg&e goes in there the contractor come in when they see the multiple contractor they think we're not coordinating you were just here why is something else here we need to do a better job of explaining we are coordinating but we don't have it under one count the other thing where each one of the utilities they're not in the
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same place the sewer is in the middle felt street and the gas is on this side as well and so at&t and tomcast it is difficult to you know extort coordinate that is one of the other challenges. >> thank you next door. >> the next it the update on the water sewer system and quarterly update. >> dan director of the water system program i'm pleased to report on the fiscal year 2014-2015 which covers january 1st through march 31st of this year you are in terms of overall program status it is 87 and a half complete our local program over 99 percent and wissop is
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nearly 89 percent completed and so we've made about 10 percent project findings of last year pursue now we're getting on the flat part the typical project of s curve we're going to start seeing less kick notes as we go forward over the next few years weaves made substantial progress ners in terms of the progress the majority of activity is in construction with 14 actual projects in construction with the total cost of nearly 2 points $5 million but we have completed 65 projects which have either been totally completed or construction is completed and then we have to projects preconstruction the alameda creek
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