tv [untitled] May 15, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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support. it's so easy to lose the e-mail icon on the desktop. by accidentally dropping it into the trash. so i was wondering. how much are people using that roving support option? >> it's very limited at this point. we pay people to go outgoing to somebody's home. we're going out. that adds quickly. there say lot of folks. who need that. we look at this in terms of building communities. so if some people have family nearby. and maybe their sons. are not so happy about coming over making those fixes. we do that. as we built these communities. it's linking up people that who is the skills. with people who need that basic problem solving. >> that is good. so it's the peer to peer neighbor to neighbor support. where you spread the knowledge and provide the assistance.
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>> that is exactly right. we want to start in the center. because it's more cost effective and easier. but it's to think about p i go to 360 valencia. from 9-3. there will be a smart person there to help me with what i need. so it's getting people to come to a community place. not just senior center. but focused on technology. >> i was wondering. if you are planning an event. like the fabulous one you had in city hall two years. back. is there anyone one at this stage. >> that was a challenging one. we were trying to get the wireless work the night before. and have computers brought in. said that. we are -- to celebrate. the long term care here in san francisco. we're ten years old. there is an interest
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that making sure technology is part of that celebration. hopefully. the petting zoo will come back. and people can get comfortable with. we do have swap meeting. what we know and what we share. so the library and other groups have been good about bringing their stuff. we might do one of those in the fall as well. >> i wanted to acknowledge both me and chip. share with marie. on the leng term care coordinating council. >> and jennifer. >> and jer fer as well. we're a team. >> thank for this opportunity. and send me the t-shirt sizes. you see the back -- are you connected. >> thank you for joy joining us today. marie. now we will move onto public comment. jay grace?
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>> i wanted to know how many years you guys are doing this and the different kinds of things in this city. going to the hayte street or cherry. or other events going on in this city. [inaudible] he said. don't say it. i already know. please. i know too well. i know what you are saying to me. she's trying to tell me. do not call me tiffany. call me jen. i always have trouble with people's names. the other part of it is. the more you go other places. more
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people will know who you are. and more people will be -- oh, i see. one more thing before i know my time is up. my question is. are you guys working with the mayor or to try to get new people. the mayor or people that do different kinds before november? that's what i wonder. thank you. >> thank you. next. i have ana paroles? >> hi. i'm arianna. paroles. to say thank you. i need a little more time to speak. -- thank you. first i want to thank you.
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the mayor's disability council for extending your invitation. to marie jobling. the executive of the campaign today. i hope your commitment to social justice. with regards to people. who are often viewed differently. and seeing among us. people with disabilities and seniors. will only grow. i need to make a quote to marie jobling. and to jennifer and all of you. for each time a man stands up for an idea or asked to improve the lot of others. or speak out against injustice. he is a weapon of hope. that is kennedy. god bless you. thank you so much. god bless you
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committee. >> thank you. any more on the on the bridge line? any other public comment? okay. move onto item number nine. report from the director of the mayor's office on disabilities. >> good afternoon. councilmembers. carla johnson. on the mayor's office on disabilities, it's good to be with you again. i have three items. i have planning on the ada 25 celebration. a quick an affordable housing. and executive director. [inaudible]. ada 25. it's going to be here before we know it. it's may 15th. and wednesday. july 1st is our big celebration in san francisco city hall. to
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celebrate the 205th anniversary. of the signing of the ada. there has been a lot of cheering out there. hopefully. we will be able to draw that level of passion and fun for our event. the details. it will be held in the court here in city hall from 1:30 to 11:30 -- the disability community align. which we refer to as cada. -- something that draws people from san francisco. in the north bay. and south bay. so we can all come together. we have an exciting event. our theme is "it doesn't stop here", while we have much to celebrate with our accomplishments. there
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is so much more we want to do. we want to use this event as a call to action about that. we invited our mayor. to share his perspective on the ada. we also have comedian med aj i. which is the misstress of ceremonies -- we also have former assembly man and president supervise. tom. and the [inaudible] also comedian. michael o con nel. we're planning to bring the paul institute. traveling kiosi. which includes media kiosk. that share with us. the accounts of
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the 504 occupation building. back in 1977. there will be rewards. and cupcakes. [laughter] we planned a dream wall. a dream wall is where people will have an opportunity to write up on postcards. and such. what the ada means to me. and how my life may have changed because of the ad a. so the details again. on the avent or wednesday july 1st san francisco city haul. the north right court from 1:30 to 11:30. i know suspanich. you have been doing wonderful work with your peers with the council. and i'm hoping we can see your peers. in your event as well. it will become an event for them as well as for us. >> they have been invited. and
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we're sharing the information with them. >> excellent. we have some save the date postcardses. on the table. we have beautiful save the date postcards. prepared in braille. so they're a combination of brailles. and colors. so there is something for everybody. my next item. is to talk about affordable and accessible housing. we have been following the news. the city is putting an extra ordinary effort. in constructing and rehabilitating accordable housing. the needs are great. our efforts are great. of course. they're not fully meeting the need. there is more that need toss be done. when the housing is publicly funded. that is our opportunity to make sure that public housing is accessible housing. in our office. the mayor's office on disability does a plan check. to
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make sure it meets the highest level of accessibility. we're currently seeing a high volume of plans. that need to be reviewed. for example. our office is reviewing all of the permits. for the old housing properties. this project is called the rad. project. rental assistance demonstration project. it's where the federal housing authority. turns over these properties. to the city with nonprofits. they will be managing them in the future. so far. we have received nine out of 13 properties. in the stage one processing. these are exordinarily complex sites. many of the buildings. were built any where from 1930s to the 1970s. so accessibility was not part of the original design. so our task is to find ways to retro fit them for accessibility. and the
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communitiment to the mayor's office of community housing and development. to do everything we can. within this existing sites. within this constraints. i wanted to give a shout out. to open. lee. which is the direct ter of moh -- of housing. they have been supportive in these conversations and herding cats [laughter] we're also reviewing several large projects. like the rebuilding of the alice griffith site. which is two entire blocks. of new affordable housing. if you have lived in san francisco for a long time like i have. the alex griffith projects. have been some of the worst of the housing property folio. the community who have
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lived there. demanding we do better. to provide a quality of housing. so rebuilding that site is a priority. but it's a big site. two city blockses that is being looked at it. in addition to phase two. which is also two entire city blocks. the last projects. are krital to helping to revitalize the south and certain part of our city. so with this high volume of plans and permits. our office is currently what i call all hands on deck mode. we're staying in late. and coming in on weekends to process these permits. everyone is chipping in. including me. but we're very committed to keeping these projects on track. it's one of our highest priorities. that is my update on affordable and
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accessible housing. i did see the mayor announced his intention to pursue. a $250 million affordable housing bond on the november election. will you be hearing more about that through the newspaper. and other sources. the next item i would like to cover is our new deputy director. speaking of all hands on deck. last month i lel the council know our architecture. started where can working in mod. he started working on some of these affordable. accessible housing projects. as well. most of you got a chance to meet him at our last executive committee meeting. i wanted to give him the opportunity to address the council formally. at this point. i would like [inaudible] to come
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up and speak to us. >> thank you carla. good afternoon council. i'm really happy to be here on the mayor's office on disability. i have had a warm mod welcome from my colleagues. so shan thank you. a little bit about i myself. for the last 13 years. i have been in the private sector working with several public agencies. helping them update their ada transition plans. and assess their services. and activities. in doing so. i have worked with several small cities to large cities across the country and also worked with state agencies like the division of the state
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architect's office. and plan review services. for three of the four regional offices in california. i was part of the evaluation for the advisory committee. back then. about ten years ago. the state put together and have more recently providing trainings for cal trans for their design and resident engineering. as they're getting ready to look at the nully adopted prowa g. so we have that creating as well. so with that. i will hand you back to carla. and thank you again for the great warm mod welcome i appreciate in the last one month here. >> welcome.
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>> thank you. >> we want to give you congratulations on your one month anniversary. normally. there should be a surprise or cupcakes. we're very happy to have you on board. at this point. in the last moments of our director's report. i would like to actually. ask donna add kins. to share with us. a recent experience she had on a jury. i will turn it over to donna. >> thank you carla. what carla is referring to. a few weeks ago. i was asked to be part of the juried super fest film festival. those of you that are not familiar with it. super fest is the longest running film festival that is about people with disabilities and generally by people with disabilities. it took place in enchanted hills camp p. which is part of the
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height house for the blind camp. in napa the first weekend in may. the committee through the paul lawn institute. screened about 80 films. we watch the about 20 of them. starting late friday evening to early sunday. there was a lot of popcorn. bean bags. and coffee. the longest was 75 minutes. the shortest film was three minutes. they had an interesting process. where. if we watch the film. we would stop five minutes into it. and take a vote about whether we want to go on and watch it. i have to say. for the most part. there were only two films. we said. we're done. we can't watch any more. they're well screened by the committee. and very interesting. that is really all i can tell you. it's a very interesting experience. all the people that were part of the jury were people that had some
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type of a disability. we chose some awards on the final day. none of which of course i can share with you now. so stay tuned for the award winners. that will be announced some time early in the fall. thank you. >> could you tell us when the film festival will run? >> you know. actually. i don't have the dates. i will put it up on the website. >> so what heather has just reminded us we encourage everybody to go through our ada 25 bay area website. what we have done is used that site as a place to put these type of calendar events up. so please go there early. go there often and the details for the film festival should be there. >> does this conclude your
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report? [laughter]. >> this does conclude my report. thank you. >> all right. next item is public comment about items. not on today's agenda. but within the jurisdiction of m d.c.? jerry grace? >> um, i want to say. thank you you very much. i'm back up here the last time. the last of the year. [inaudible] people thought anybody live here in this city. anybody that live in this city. please come to arc how do they
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call that? [inaudible] visor. thank you. she is helping out. and she is the one is the adviser for people each at pacifico. she's back again this year. i think. is it? yeah all right. third year. if anybody wants to join us please join us at arc the second week in arc. please come join us um, some people live here in this city. go right. and please come down
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on 11th and howard arc at 3:30-4:30? okay. 3:30-4:30. please join us. the more you can learn about. and we need a lot of you guys to come too. right now there is one guy. but we need a lot more people there at arc one last thing. the special olympics going on in the summer u.c. david -- davis is going on. three day week. friday. saturday. sunday. after that.
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there will be a week down to l a. ? july and august (buzzer) going out of town and going to new york. anybody that wanted to join the special olympics. please call the special elimb picks. office at www -- i forgot how to say the others. i don't remember the address. but any way. go to the computer and learn more about it. special olympics. thank you very much. you have a nice day and a nice weekend. bye. >> thank you. any other public comment? yes? mr. lowell.
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>> i come forth to you to give an announcement of a sporting event that has occurred for three years in the bay area. it's called the zaller game. it's for veterans with disabilities. it will occur at the end of may. so in roughly two weeks. up on an island in the bay. i will read my e-mail closely later. to specify where it will occur. but it's a three day event. it needs volunteer to assist in the games with veterans. with disabilities will be participating in. i can forward this to you. if you want to disemanate this. or post it on the mod website. thank you. >> all right. we will move onto the next item. correspondence. >> there is no correspondence.
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