tv [untitled] May 15, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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away from the position institutional alley at planning department staff level it is a huge issue so i'm seeing real strugglers. >> thank you. >> being placed on prevention and issues are appeared. >> thank you that was not quite the question i was asking the one take away i had was the comment about building for the next san francisco and whatever decade you pick 2030 or 2040 i love the visionary work in the charters and chunks and in the ends coming full circle we look at that for demographic and we're not reactionary to the millennial but think two or three generations out to not get
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into this precinct time and south ourselves to that goal. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you where am i going i think often we have issues that come on the agenda where people will begin to o postpone we're not here for that but i really enjoyed we're having this conversation this is why i was honored to be asked to join the planning commission and excited we're here today, i agree with the mr. cohen there are other forms and director ram that there are other forms we should work on and have working groups for other meetings i have even the mayor's office mayors working group i've participated i think we can think that the
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meetings and groups we can get creative we did some of the redevelopment agency leads to the neighborhood plans and the discussion were extremely helpful i wanted to key off something that was said in the opening comments san francisco is boom and bust from the gold rush so world-class 2 we say had two two changes physically and culturally in san francisco when i look at those two eras one thing i noticed their hugely different the gold rush was chaotic people looked at you like you were crazy down to world-class 2 that was highly regular minded in a lot of cases
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institutional planning of large sections of san francisco we have hunters point because of world-class 2 and i think if you look at those two times i'm hopeful commissioner president fong looking at generations down we can say yes, we can't control all the elements people are coming for tech that's a lot of different industries and ways people are coming to san francisco i think it will be great to think about the tools in a much more universal way i've touched on this in thinking about retail space to plan for san francisco i think we need to find a way to reorganize ourselves, the departments, even some parts of planning code to have much more control over the growth of san francisco the fact we're doing things project by
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project we're not going to get there if everyone can make they're on decisions obtain what they want to build it will continue to be a little bit more gold rush and a little bit less world war 23 two more things i know we have going to have future hearings about the tools for the planning commission but i'll say a couple of things first of all, i like the front right now i think you do a fantastic job and put this together i think that you are you know doing a fabulous job i want to key off i'm not going to repeat what commissioner richards it is transit the housing we're not going to keep the housing stock if no one can
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get to that's not providing housing so i think we need to make sure that the mta is in the conversation and the retail organizations are having that conversation we're making sure they're having the same policy discussions otherwise nothing will work and keying up future conversations of tools i'm going to be a rebel here i'm going to go on the limb we need to step away from the affordable housing requirements it's not well-used we haven't seen developers took it up i'm not clear where those units will go when we build and create the protective housing u housing stock there needs to be a climate how we do that that's nothing like that and as we the
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city keeps look at the tools to fund and incentivize the housing stock we make sure we're prioritizing the great affordable housing developers that work in the city and the work that is already done between the successor agency and mayor's office to produce the housing if so it a little thing that's not adding it we need to have those conversations and that's it for new. >> i've got a lot of other stuff but the tools that the planning commission department has. >> commissioner hillis. >> so thank you for this i'm glad in a we're finally getting beyond the building of the projects of potrero hill or washington or though will solve
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our problem the bigger picture of housing stock and how we treat it it much more important so one question of the data the 60 thousand people leaving or left over the last 3 years how does that quarry imagine people leave every year but that is good to know if we're only be building 50 thousand units of how's where are the people to go you know that will be interesting to get more data of the neighborhood level too to see you know whether some neighborhoods are more affordable obviously they are you know where those neighborhoods are and also looking at other cities who that maybe doing things
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better than us building housing and affordable housing but their obviously could be ideas elsewhere around the world and going back to the existing housing stock two ideas that struck me as tools and thing we can look at reversal who is it benefiting and what percentage the population and rent control is hundred and 50 percent of ami and the question of rent control comes up it would be good to get the data i know that is same thing i didn't ground to talk about rent control it is prop 13 but corporations should be taxed and people making $250,000 shouldn't benefit from rent control from prop 13 so it would be good to see i
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think that is extremely difficult to get but who is rent control benefiting and then on kind of housing stock upcoming i was able to talk to kate and moab i think that is fertile ground for opportunities in the city you can buy a unit of housing or rent control from building a market rate unit and buy a unit for $300,000 the sizing size of the building you buy so should the city i think we've started to move to the arena i know there are kings to be worked but it is a way that land trusts or nonprofits can district attorney start acquiring existing for a lot cheaper than building and
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protecting people in the unit and stop the daytime clearly you'll not buy thousands of units but we know the cycle is going to repeat and repeat after that how can we make meaningful change. >> director ram. >> thanks a couple of comments first to thank everyone and gil and the staff for pushing this forward and the commissioners to have this discussion the slide that was interesting to me the note about whether we should approach this as the manhattan are the poly centered of many centers i think that is an important assignment it the regional issue i'd like to get on my soapbox it not san francisco and oakland and santa fe that are really not step up
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to the plate we have to give ourselves green credit it is the smaller regions that are voiding this issue by not building housing and the tax incentives are the opposite because of the structure and the way that the development works they have great incentives for the commercial development but less for residential that is not only contributing to the housing stock user housing but the transportation i think there needs to be something other than a accorded to have a broader view of this region. >> commissioner richards. >> quickly someone said the planning commission can't you make a stated on something that concerns you i said are we throughout do that i think
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sometime in the future if we have something we're strong about something we should be doing instead of reactive but pro-active for a policy resolution and commissioners in terms of the off site program i like that we're using the money to preserve the sites and it will be cheaper and more stable and should be another option thanks. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you answers to a couple questions that were raised in terms of the affordable they have been quite a few of them their unusually or usually coupled to larger projects and they've added quite a bit of affordable housing usually within a fair close prompt to a project that is
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being built so it is not one that is smaller projects off that often but the larger projects they can afford to build the offsite in another building that's one thing and in terms of- in fighting over individual projects that was why we have the eastern neighborhood we have a really good framework in the eastern neighborhoods many projects have gone because they comply not every project that complies but after 10 years of use we have to royals it is there and honor what was decided and finally i came here in 968 when i first moved to san francisco and i think there many neighborhoods that you know are much safer, cleaner, job
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generates and as a result property values are you up it is a great problem to have i'd like say that where whole parts of cities are torn down it is good problem to have when i think about you know the question of whether the demand is driven by building housing i don't think it is because hayes valley and bruno heights and noah valley and potrero hill have not built a lot of macarthur or other housing but the property values and neighborhoods are increased very quickly so i think that it is because you know the areas are seen as desirable and because there's a desire to come to san francisco and live here and have businesses here. >> commissioner moore. >> everything everybody said is
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incredible this is one of the higher levels of discussions and thank you. i hope someone is keeping notes and will distribute them auditors i'm impressed this was who are we as a city regretting on the values and who do we want to be and how do we get there and calling on the equitable policies along the ways it a high degree of openness at this point and i think a lot of friends institutional friends look at what has brought us exactly some of the things we go back to why ze we have prop m and institutional plans they're part of the discussion to be reexamined i want to add 4 points not in the order of importance but they came as
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people were talking i want to talk about the rent control reform and rent control enforcement on that subject i'd like to put a stronger emphasis on the work fits we've not talked about that things are moving 0 so rapidly and lastly the director in particular there's an article in wall street that makes us perhaps understand some of the outlizing suburban communities are somewhat don't want to talk to us the foreclosure has put a lot of housing stock into the hands of banks and wall street and the controls of the housing are not as clear as we might think that has an impact for the representatives for the housing being controlled extremely
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increasing the larger heights and that puts them as a result strain on the community to participate in a more leveled discussion i saw this article a few days ago if you want it i'll forward it to you, you can use those words but it is really wall streets control over suburban housing and housing ownership. >> commissioner richards. >> one last point i know that commissioner brought up and were neighborhoods i've p had suspensions and happy to mention the 2020 the comparison of the eastern neighborhoods has as a percentage of what it was supposed to do and contrast. >> commissioner johnson. >> yeah. a quick question and then one quick comment i think
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that mr. egon has left but i'm going to ask staff are we - do we look at the same income levels we talked the daytime of $60,000 a year this is prorngsly lower income have we looked at churn within the income levels people are moving out is that part and parcel of this or a different question. >> is it so part of the same question we've not gotten the information but part of i think one of our basic points we want to spend time and energy with the demographics and the current block as general how it is used. >> thank you gil. >> just to put awning emphasis of the million trillion other things you guys are research i
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think that is important a key back to a woman sitting here the landlord is renting their apartment for $7,500 a month this is compatible to $300,000 a year income most people are not making that kind of money we get something truly it what manhattan used to be like in the 90s you come in and spend our money in rent and endure it and move somewhere else and that's what's happening i try to stay away from ann dotsz people make good money but delve it out for 3 years and either move to oakland or la and i think this is just as important it means we
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end up governor jerry brown a city of transient are rereplacing lower income people overall with higher income if we could get an answer i said i sits on the developer board it is not the implementation of programs but finding suitable sites to buy so i note i am looking forward to hearing that generally. >> once again staff and mr. kelly thank you very much and this is just the first chapter of many good discussions guarding commission will take a quick brea 4 . >> to fundamentally dealing
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with street trees weight are recommendations at the end of the year today is a piece of the solution helping to streamline the trees today's u tied to the development as our neighborhoods grow they become greener and we work closely on the legislation and our office is in strong support we've added two provisions to the legislation one pertains to billboards and many billboards company do the right thing but many don't so we want to make sure we added the controls to keep our street trees we're requiring they submit a tree protection plan to the department of public works prior to compliment of
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construction with that we're open to comments and respected request your support today thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners as mentioned the ordinances proposes to eliminate the planning department role no proposing to eliminate the planning department role for the for street trees and the completion first, the street trees to add the major maintenance for side blue shield and to require tree protections during the construction activity the planning department staff is in support of ordinance for the following reasons as mentioned the ordinance seeks to streamline the tree requirement process and it encumber is makes
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two departments to coordinate and the current implementations practices unnecessarily redundant it involves two agencies when it should on require one property changess will streamline the process by eliminating the planning department from the process making effectively as the agency implementing the street tree requirement that is important to note is dpw it make sense as them the privilege agency they have jurisdiction over improvements and maintenance of the public right-of-way and have staff with expertise in tree planting and maintenance as well with the coordination of the situation i go utilities it is absent from the planning department last the changes in the ordinances are a product of a might want month effort of the department of building inspection and has the content of the implementation staff with
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the 3 agencies and represents how the city applies the tree requirement and the staff recommends one modification to the ordinance to amend address planning code section to explicitly say the pardon is the person are not only for the modified trees and the project sponsor showcase shall plant and in the sections of the public works code park and rec department's and i'm available for questions thank you. >> any public comment on this item? okay. not seeing any that being said. >> commissioner antonini. >> a clarification for albert this is only involving the trees being planted in connection are
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the development rather than trefz existing in front of someone's house the requirement is triggered as part of the new development yes. >> okay. just changing jurisdiction it sound like to me. >> it is it you definitely. >> some issues of the old trees we have to get rid of them their rounding rue ruining sidewalks. >> those issues were dealt with with dpw. >> okay. this sounds like reasonable to me. >> commissioner richards commissioner richards. >> just quick question significant trees nothing it changing in terms of the program is significant trees are still significant trees and get cared for in the same level of curb in the discussion making pursued that's correct. >> that maintains i move to
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approve. >> second. >> approve with modifications. >> with modifications and with modifications yeah. >> very good so i did hear the maker and the seconder acknowledge that thank you very much did we take public comment. >> we did there wasn't any. >> commissioners on that motions to adapt a recommendation for approval commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and passes on item 10 mississippi street a conditional use authorization. >> good morning, everyone. eir can jackson of mr. sanchez this is a question for conditional use authorization to
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allow 4 residential building with 28 dwelling units with 3.5 acre with street frontage on mississippi and tennessee for modifications for density and rear yard and the measurement for height soktz from the e-mails in our staff report planning department received any phone calls with concerns for the project that was continued from the april 2nd by the project sponsor in order to allow time for revisions to the project in rens responded to the neighbors concerns there's been a group of meeting this is changes to the neighbors concerns such as elimination of the second driveway garage and the removal of the penthouse and this is along the project of
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mississippi staff received one letter of support and modification to the letter of the mississippi street neighbors that includes more signatures of support i'll pass those out the project sponsor plans to extend texting e texas street will be approximately 35 foot wide with a 10 foot wide sidewalks and what the vehicular access to the landlord property and additional on street parking it will improve the fire department access by creating a fire truck turn around the department recommends approval it is consistent that the policies of the general plan and the project will develop an underutilized 28 single-family homes unit given
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the finding discussed staff recommends approval the conditional use authorization for this planned unit development that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions. >> project sponsor please. >> good afternoon, commissioners reuben, junius & rose i have here with me ryan and gym eagle e egging on and overview i can't think the project architect we're glad or glad to be here i want to start outing out of with a history this was originally approved and received one performances extension unfortunately, the oriental owner was not able to get a site development the project was
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purchased and continued to do it site permit they were fortunately able to resolve a water challenge they site by agreeing to run a new water mainline up to the project site however, by the time that issue was roved it inspired and not able to get an extension we want to reauthorize the project and the project sponsor is ready to move forward i want to point out a couple of challenging aspects of the site i'll put it on the monitor from the commission package as you can see here this is an eir regularly shaped lot with mississippi street and portion of, texas that is extended right now, texas is land marked it stopped
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