tv [untitled] May 15, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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and continued to do it site permit they were fortunately able to resolve a water challenge they site by agreeing to run a new water mainline up to the project site however, by the time that issue was roved it inspired and not able to get an extension we want to reauthorize the project and the project sponsor is ready to move forward i want to point out a couple of challenging aspects of the site i'll put it on the monitor from the commission package as you can see here this is an eir regularly shaped lot with mississippi street and portion of, texas that is extended right now, texas is land marked it stopped nearly
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hundred and 70 feet south of the site this will be extended and also while not easy to see from the aerial view site view under mississippi street that is the project site as you can see the significant slope in terms of the project before you it is consistent with what was approved in 2008 at the same dwelling unit and number of marshes all the unit have 2 bedrooms 2 unit will be 3 bedroom and one a 4 bedroom unit and the sponsor will provide onsite bmr units there's been a few changes the architect will go into those but in general this has decreased in size by 7 hundred square feet and added 6
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hundred and plus square feet of open space and now subject to the eastern neighborhood impact fees the project seeks 3 code improvements to allow the interior courtyard that makes sense given the site is 3 lots footage on both lots and also the typography will subscribe the open space to allow 5 additional unit this is a large number the 5 additional united contribute to the housing stock and malcolm heinicke the measurement for height under the planning code as part of the process it is necessary because the standards you see are not also appropriate for the deeper sloping sites the modification
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will effect a small portions of the northeast portion with the modification finally i want to touch base an recent changes to the project and the outreach we were originally scheduled for hearing on april 2nd we received a number of concerns from the residents about the design and the impacts of the projects in terms of in terms of the traffic and parking specifically the project is added an additional garage not there original has part of the comment back in 2008, the previous projector owner said there was no driveway but it was differently designed the current with an has a difference exit and a number of design changes specifically
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related to size and mapping concerns and access they've removed an elevator to remove the access and have added sets back moved the stair penthouse located near mississippi street and trunks and parts of buildings closest to the neighbors and increased the mississippi and changed the appellants that fit so at this time i'm going to ask the project architect to talk about the design from that end. >> excuse me. commissioner president fong and commissioners i'm e i can't think the aektsdz that's been a long road we
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started work in 2007 and i would like to start showing did slides thank you next slide please this is the neighborhood typography the site here excuse me. get this mouse rolling the image in the upper right hand corner is the newly added adjacent building built since the project was first purchased next slide please this is the project back go back one the project in 2008 and you'll see that we have a lot more maps on the property than the the current design next slide please this slide is in our set shows
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the set back that is referred to that's been done in response to the be neighborhood community group and this is happened over the last 4 weeks the slides the imagines on the left-hand side show the before and after so before it excuse me. the upper slide before the changes and lower after the changes primarily to (inaudible). >> excuse me. sorry you need to stay at the mike. >> i'll try to speak we tried to push the corner back next slide please those are the views of the adjacent property on the right hand showing the new building behind that we as you can see the stepping up to try to break the scale on mississippi to address the height of the adjacent building next slide please
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so this is the main entrance floor plan and something that we would like to point out there are 28 units and 22, two bedrooms and 2 3s and the one floor bedroom the below market rate unit on site entrance to the property is texas the project was first filed as a one thousand mississippi address we have the one thousand mississippi is the project description but a one thousand one address that's where the mail will be delivered and people come to the site this shows the entrance exit on mississippi that point of access egress is 3 floors bloo below
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the elevator stop this is not the exit from the building but to complete the streetscape we treated it although is had front frontage with the stepping staircase this is the garage level the garage is entered from, texas and no assess from mississippi at the garage level the bike storage and trash and the usual back up housz house facilities next slide first residential level here the blue units on the right hand is the 4 bedroom a duplex it is recommended by itself purplish color on the left-hand side of the plan if we can move forward
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quickly. >> 24 second and next slide. >> as you can see we have open areas in orange and yellow those are rooftop terraces next slide please elevations to texas elevations facing the food bank this is the elevation on mississippi next. >> keep going please. ross some of the renders showing the building various angles. >> sir unfortunately, your time is up but i believe the commissioners have questions. >> we have the benefit of the plans in front of us. >> yes. thank you i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you opening it up for public comment if there's any one speaker card sorry bryan
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reed. >> hi, i'm bryan i will across the street from the project they've shown and i 0rgd the neighborhood in originally opposition to it but with the changes and the negotiations with the dispensary if we can be assured that the address is one thousand one texas with in derivative we were assured in 2008 but it changed that's not an accelerated access of delivery on mississippi and the mississippi address will not be used we support the project and hope you'll approve it and get it built as quickly as possible. >> there maybe questions for you thank you. >> is is there any additional public comment on this item okay 3bd and opening up to supervisors commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i remember this project in 2008 i think it is a
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better project now unfortunately, it is quite a few of the years seven years later which speaks to one the problems we didn't talk about the amount of time it takes to get things built this has economic factors not so much legal or procedural details by in my case for all the reasons given it is well articulated and demolished the amount of tasks had or that are rudimentaryy there is is chance families can live there and the other modifications they've made have been mentioned that have support of neighborhood so i think that is the kind of thing we want to support i'm supportive i move to approve. >> second. >> commissioners there there is a motion and a second to approve
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that matter with conditions hang on one second commissioner wu. >> i'm supportive of the project i wanted to say something on the record this project is close to the potrero hill public housing project i've written the attorneys this morning i want the owners the eventual owners to know that planning plan has been in development for a long time i don't want to hear they don't want that plan to go forward. >> commissioner moore. >> for the record this project e project is a strong and wide open area there is a solution with small coordinator along the bedroom windows i call out mr. burk you know my position the case it is a strong and open to the outdoor i will not outburst to it otherwise i would. >> commissioners, if there's
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nothing further commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve with conditions. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 11 san francisco overlook other crestmont drive a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the commission michael smith planning department staff it seeks conditional use authorization to amend the motion to modify a previously authorized plan development only two vacant lots 62 thousands plus square feet for the construction of 29 dwelling units in 62 thousands square
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feet with 58 off-street parking and new paved private street previous planning commission action in march of 2013 approved the p u d for a larger project that included 34 dwelling units in 65 thousand square feet of remain and off-street parking a total of 13 buildings will be constructed the same as previously approved unit mix in the new project is 5 single-family drelz there will be 14 duplex a decrease of 10 and 10 is multi family unit contained in one building that is no change the unit type is 28 3 bedrooms unit a decrease
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of two and one, 4 bedroom unit a decrease of one no 2 bedroom units are processed modified project will provide 48 off-street parking a decrease of 10 spaces proposed buildings will measure between approximately 16 to 40 feet in height above street grade and assessed from the private street from kres mount drive the project is similar to the project unanimously 0 approved in 2013 except the deletion of parking spaces and the height of the building the modifications came there a negotiated project sponsor and the property is a member as a way of addressing neighborhood
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concerns over density and traffic and views that all tripled after 2013, the department has not corresponds in opposition before you and before we moved there is a few things additional ceqa finding i'm read into the record we have should you approve the project have to have that included so the reason being this project the eir was certified back in 2013 and so, so we're here a number of years later this commission finds that the approval contemplated in this motion is within the scope of the project analyzed in the final irresistance the certification of the final eir no changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances
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surrounding the project and now new information that results in significant environmental review causes an impact previously identified in the former eir or reviewed in the ceqa once again a note to family this project is covered by the previous eir e.r. folks that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions and the project sponsor is here as well thank you. >> thank you project sponsor please. i'm gary the project sponsor in san francisco two years ago we presented our project and you approved that unanimously we appreciate that and we attempted to work with the hoa to find a mature solutions to their concerns of height and density after two years we were able to find a
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fully signed mature agreement that planning just reviewed that was a reduction of 5 unit a corresponding reduction of parking spaces i'm pleased with the result we were able to come to a mature agreement the hoa and myself were able to move forward i'd like to have my project planner review the changes thank you for your time. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm adams projector manager as gary and michael mentioned this project has not champed since the project was two two years ago i want to run over the official of what we're proposing up on the screen is an overview
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map showing the location of san francisco is on the northwest slope of mount sutro are in the district the proposed project is very appropriate and consistent with the rh1 zoning the existing 1.4 acre site is an undeveloped site that will be seated by from time to time drive here's the site plan of the project i wanted to go over what is changed in the way of the unit as michael mentioned we have 13 buildings 5 of which have changed in the last time around they're marked by the i guess showing up as brown circles the change that was made in changing them from the originally a duplex unit of 2, 2 story units
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it reduced from a 2 duplex into a single-family 3 stories in height effectively reducing the height as part of the negotiation with the neighboring neighbors to help to maintain views across the top of the buildings it the identical each are duplexes above grade and two below grade and the building at the end is a 10 unit multi family building with townhomes and parking garage underneath i wanted to talk briefly about parking because our situation was a little bit usual we're assessed at the end of an cul-de-sack that is parolee served by public transit we were lobbied to have the 1.5 unit
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parking spaces per unit we approved 2 to one we're scaling down the 2 to 1 ratio i'll ask to maintain that in the interest of encouraging less resigns 0 on the car ownership we'll provide one car share space for parking your are here the proposed building elevations i want to highlight the your honor, design principles that are being worked together that is a sign of enlightenment both in building and natural context they're separated through the site and scaled appropriate to other developments in the vicinity the proposed design blends with the hillside not flashy and compliments the harmony of the natural environment
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stripe is another kind of great amenity of the project we're proposing all no parking on the street and as you can see a colored concrete sidewalk with a great bunch of trees we're thinking this is a pedestrian thoroughfare that go is to the fire truck turn around we're proposing beverages and landscaping and we're creating a parklet amenity there the street while it's a private street not gated and thereof open for everybody in the neighborhood to use i want to briefly show the neighborhood seekers we are in a hillside site really stability is one of the points of focus for this project and one of the
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things we're happy to is as we're pursuing cut and philosophy the site according to the eir that poor foundations will result in the greater holidays stability than there. >> finally last e last but not least is the sustainable design one of the core principles of the design of this project we definitely have strongly combrarsz the stewardship so there the design and choice of sustainable materials this includes the effective site water management and the green roofs on many of the buildings and will vent shgstion and environmentally 3re6sh8 flooring with wood that concludes the highlights of the design educates if anyone has any.
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>> thank you very much. >> okay opening it up for public comment comment. >> ceilings commissioner moore. >> i'm glad to see the project coming back that was a scope designed project it remains a skillfully designed project it was hard to decide back when this was a lot of opposition, however, it is responded by building too many the challenges that was all in a convincing manner in this was only the dot of on i did changes don't effect what we approved around the numerousal reductions i'm gladly you didn't abandon the property and the entitlements we witness having a recall of preserving this and in this case, i hope you'll start construction tomorrow you have my full
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support. >> commissioner hillis. >> there was a discussion when we left about getting it down the hill and assessing to the street i think at that time, there was not a proposal i don't know if that curb cover proposal is right. >> we have if it in the initial conversation their proposal is in the early stage and curling undergoing development. >> do you think this allows will it allow assess it is a way to get out there. >> correct. correct. >> a way to encourage people to take transit by a quick obviously steep but going down the hill. >> as you recall we spent a lot of time and effort frustrateless
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at that time but hopefully they have their project pending they're proposing subsequent changes with the retrofit if that area we're waiting until the plan settled down to see the optimal way to provide the access path. >> where can it be along the path there. >> yeah. we - if you'll see we have an easement it curling connects to the top of the drawings from fifth avenue in order to access some of the joining units on the side you see the gray strip tonsillitis that's the location in theory make the connection it is a 20
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foot width between the buildings there notice physical constraints that allows us to do it is only a case of asking you the permission and access the public right-of-way that began in fluctuation as i understand arrest their obviously will come to us for approval we'll work with p them. >> that will be much appreciated. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i had a question for staff or for project sponsor will this be a continuation of incremental drive are given another name as a separate street or do you know the answer yet. >> i'm not sure. >> my understanding this is a private driveway it is not fenced off from kres mount drive
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the public can walk counsel that my understanding it is a private driveway minced by the homeowners association. >> that part i get be there that be addresses i'm questioning whether the addresses cresting mount or a new street back in the 60s there was a plan for crest mount to continue in another direction one would assume that is mapped for a continuation the city might give you another street name and we're open to new interstate street name the street itself will be maintained by the hoa and your correct kres mount continued in a 90 degree
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angle from the wrap around hill. >> and the other thing i want to mention this is encouraging to see some single-family homes being built there are four or five i guess in the project essentially your building 29 you have townhomes and 2 single join together we need more of in san francisco for people trying to buy homes a huge demand for new homes you get good ones and ready to go and older homes have you to get them usable so this is very welcome and the beginning of utilizing some of the areas on the west side and to put more housing unit to meet
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the demands we've heard about that exist in san francisco. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much great project real quick question i think one street is not a good ratio what's the opportunity to add more car sharing spaces? >> curling we have 29 unit so the demand is not greater than one we have alternated parking spaces but with the 2 to 1 ratio we've tried to maintain the number of private spaces to what is available for a car share right you i disagreeing disagree due to each of one of the unit. >> my only comment is given the real the location
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