tv [untitled] May 16, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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the way you engage students is a craft that requires time with the trial and error i'm hoping to see schools that have been teaching those courses are pesticide this craft and getting good with passing grades and student engagement is high we'll see a sharing of this resources amongst the schools that are beginning to build their app program that distribution is equitable i want to make that comment i know you've heard it but for the listening public thank you very much. >> seeing no other cards i'd like to say i was in a conference room with ms. wynns looking at the materials i want to thank all the members of the staff that committed to that
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process outlined in the summary report and looking for representation of minority in the text and found works of that in the sessions on women's contributions i was happy to see that included i ago with the student delegate sonata i want to check in follow-up with ms. wynns is there an online component to the textbook at all a way for students to engage in the content connected with the textbook. >> one of the that his included in the structural that his are is the online access for a period of 6 years there's a learning lab they call is i lab there is reading and test practices, there are other sources that might not appear in the textbook primarily so -
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>> and videos. >> and videos. >> thank you very much ready for a voted ms. casco roll call. >> sf moma commissioner fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much tutor all your work. >> dr. murase i'm going to try to answer my own question you can say yes or no if you know about this is it up to the school if we wanted to buy they have to use site fund to get the boxes back and forth; is that correct no one one knows.
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>> could you reframe that. >> i was wondering in the past when we especially has textbooks have become to heavy we've talked about investing in classroom sets to the teacher especially in high school a teacher will have a set of books and each student will have a book they basically could leave at home eye and use the classrooms that are there is anybody doing that. >> well, right now we kind of use the old edition they can take it home but an e edition is the electronic version the current book i use is 11 hundred packages this is short of one thousand so it would be a good idea and wise investment for what the kids to have access. >> i don't know of anyone that
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is doing it. >> can we find out we didn't do a lot of that that but a booster for eliminating the wealthy of books with the districts taking responsibility the kids have to carry back and forth i'll say i noticed in the book it was horrifying the about the last 3 hundreds pages 9 hundred page book i've not lived for 3 hundred years but modern history that frpsz a good thing much more than american history books is ended with that it was there's a lot about 50s and 70s and the vietnam war thank you thank you very much
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next item is j request to speak regarding matters i have a lengthy list over 20 folks are here so i'll limit public comment to one minute per question i'd like to ask the high school to limit their remarks for 10 minutes and the folks for the close the gap coalition limit our overall comments to 10 minutes and other speakers to talk about school issues and (calling names) as well as tiffany and rachel if you could come up one minute per person and remind our speakers that no speaker added any meeting should make harassment or charges against any employee or against any board member just time to as people very specific
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complaints if you could please refrain from not using individual names so if we could have the first speaker into the microphone. >> good evening. i'm valerie a teacher at lincoln high school and with the academy which is a career amendment our focus not only provides stunt for students to learn about the careers in the investment but to teach them how to advocate our motto is solving problems our seniors do is cross curriculum project in english and government classes the students identify a problem in the community and with the help of citizens work to solve that and my colleague eye have here i'd like to introduce two students that will talk about the projects and i'd like to introduce two others individuals
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(clapping.) >> hello, i'm edwardo good afternoon we were here to remind of something that needs to be reminded of drought we're from a drought to cut down by 2020 is that possible. >> hi so the watermelon across the sfusd has a concern since we're not only waiting water but money as well it will be the thirsted on the list of high schools that use the most water this is a list we'd like to be last on we have taken action on our campus to stop wasting water first, we conducted a water audit where water was being wasted and met with the grounds and are excited in the next two
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weeks we'll be linking and feats at abdominal will be replied into timers and also our class. >> wrap up. >> having writing grants to get a water attachment system for the artists in addition we had a puc come to lincoln and test the quality of our water the results will be coming in soon and tomorrow night in the pta to help parents learner how to do their part in the drought and the power the media we're educating others how to save water and green l h s thank you very much. >> (clapping). >> we've met with supervisor
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tang and larry and christopher and several engineers we're here to ask the sfusd for your help not only for lincoln but the whole district all students should have access to clean water we want all students to bring refillable water bottles and need the refilling stations we have one at lincoln with 2 thousand students it is before school and during lunch there is 53 little access and some don't have a refilling water station. >> evidence for why this should be our priority when students don't have a place to fill up their water bottle they bring
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plastic waters bottles without including the water - not only is waiting as much as our needed water the water bottles ended up in the landfills where their buy swgdz having a multiplied refilling station al at all the school is good for the architecture and the students. >> i'm sorry we're going to have to wrap up this presentation. >> we ask you to fund our initiative to bring the refiling stations to all schools and we need you to change the from like we've done at lincoln we not only want our school to be greener we want sfusd to be a
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model district for the entire country and bring access to healthy water and do our part and our pledge to reduce the water accumulation by 20 percent we've done our part now we need you (clapping.) thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, good evening. i'm tiffany i'd like sees what i can do in a minute is that my time i'm an employee and i'm here to share my complaint the current staff and even students have been dealing with racism and retaliation and bullying and are afraid to come forward logging their jobs most recently, the principal grabbed a student by the arm the student told the principal not to grab her he
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said he can do whatever he wants i've made complaints in the people in the district and still no one it mass followed up there's a high turnover because of the things i've mentioned as far as the staff the students don't feel comfortable coming do school and i've heard about the students with the racism so my time is up. >> mr. superintendent can we have ms. frazer meet with the staff. >> i'm going to ask our superintendant in the back to meet with you. >> (calling names) >> i choose to speak at the end
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i was here last month. >> would you like to give you our public comment now. >> this is general public comment so it is on any topic the downtown high school group will guess next you have one minute. >> one minute- >> hello, i have been here a month ago to request a your pay attention we live in fear with a man that present works with the school district last time we were referred to mr. davis and
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while meeting him in person i find out the legal department i thought to myself why him my interests is not in - but in peace i have had sanctioned against my kids how can i tell the protection is not there are i want a psychiatrist to help not a lawyer you have to agree that adults with mentally ill are with us in the community and with our schools there is no reason to think we don't have employees here with mental adaptations my case, in fact should, automatic to fine-tune conduct and ethnic requirements for the schools to step up and
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make changes my neighbor should be reminded of how his professionalism he does annoy us on purpose. >> i'm sorry you need to wrap up. >> in the bill of rights and even in the preamble the constitution talks about the moral leaders we are victimized and psychological damage my children are protested from our joy and the kids achievement that is happening to be accomplished you need to - >> i'm sorry. >> mr. stunt. >> yes. society superintendant kevin is the handsome man in the suit will talk with you. >> next we'll have speakers
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from denounced high school community for a total of 10 minutes i'd like to ask that students come speak first if you could please hold our applause until the ends i'll read the long list (calling names) so if he could please go through the list of speakers 10 minutes total for this item. >> just a little bit of joins we've like about 4 people to speak for the other people give their minutes to the other
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people. >> yes. >> we'll start with the students downtown high school students need more support than other students at other schools we have the digital scrips that my classmates wrote about those are all true examples of why it is hard for us without extra help one night last year, i had 8 missed calls from my mom she told me my sister was shot ramming anyone was in and out of my life living in the streets she left us with a random come up that intoxicate our cloths away and barely fed us i was walking up the trades to my home
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in the presence of dead bodies my dads alcoholic problems had gotten worse my entrants were afraid we would get kidnapped when i woke up i was laying on a bed with four different needles i didn't know what was going on i didn't know about my dad he left us losing any family to violence shapes who i am my mom said he was to the been an emergency room when i was 5 i was - >> thank you for linking. >> hello, i'm jordan dear san francisco unified school district paraprofessionals are well needed at do you want high schools with a continuous of
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hello high school we need all the help to understand the curriculum the teachers at downtown high school can only help so many students but the paraprofessionals make it less hard to get the help we don't feel cholesterol exit when we get the help the students - being at a continuation school means we lose the support we didn't have at other schools they help with the motivation support and taking the paraprofessionals only having them come in twice a week they'll be less curriculum and the teachers will have to catch them up and the help and support will not be an finder thing
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students phasing disabilities they need help but because of the great support system from our paraprofessionals we don't feel bad all students at downtown high schools agree that the school board should look at the cuts and an average school teachers are not seeing the struggles at downtown how they have open minds and understand that some students are living in poverty and do have support with educations is not a priority the paraprofessionals gives us the support we need sincerely the social justice groups of downtown high school. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi i want to submit a packet from statements of the students and various establishments that
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were prepared i wanted to start out i'm a spell education teacher and parent of a student at downtown high school two years ago i become a legal guardian of a student she has an i p she hated schools ever since i've known her and missed the first two years of high school because she had a hard time i enrolled her in the downtown high school i believe she would benefit and she loves music and she joined a group and came home with a's and b and will graduate in 3 years instead of 4 and people asked would you send our kids to those school i would i fully endorse it to fight for
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education equality and i believe that our students are facing unique challenges that populations don't face you know you look at our chart we're at 70 percent of reduced lunch another big pianos pious our education population is down 23 percent the state recommendation is temple percent we want to shoot for we believe that because of those things that you are students have shared it is important that people understand that what equality looks like at our school is more resources for our school in the form of human resources and the paraprofessionals and in the form of staff i've been working i've been seeing this need at my school for several years and work with
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the special education department to get more support and overjoyed to have the paraprofessional and we are told we would have 3 from our experience and our opinion that informs not enough support that's why we're mobile listing we feel strongly about this matter and we are going to keep talking about it because we think that is that important we're going to keep you know reaching out to the different groups we believe that maybe at this time what it is that the special education fund and instead of formulas don't capture the needs of the student populations like the downtown high school there are a few schools like ours that face in the course challenges like the students and the allocation
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needs to be different that's what we're here to fight for and like our support i know having you have statements we're going to share a statement from one of the community partners and thank you for linking we invite you to come invocation our exhibition you'll see the kids listen to music students will talk about educational equality and the special education and exclusion versus inclusion and drop in and see why we need your support thanks. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm robert i'm first year teacher but actually going to be representing one of the partners
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in the letter from ethically and she is the director of education and the community programs at the america conservatory theatre their mission to install a lot of and understanding the theatre and tomorrow's use especially those who could a ask access to theatre and theatre classes we've been partnering for four years and use this program for a model for other sfusd partnerships studying acting offers unique opportunities for special skills for the kids opening up text sfusd different loernz further the model for the performances allows them deeper themes to develop empathy to listen to say the caltrain mates stories it is presented come out
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of our perspire with the downtown high school paraprofessional have been structural there the success of our partnership they're able to come offsite with the performance and work closely with the studs with the auditory 0 processing needs for the oral direction and work closely with the students while they're developing their monologues helping the students to reach their critical reading and writing goals and last semester one the high students one the listy awards one that our ultimate goal to hire the students to assist in productions at the american conservativey theatre adding the
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local - this requires students with special needs to feel successful in the program having a paraprofessional is structural in reaching the goal as well as inclusion and success. >> wrap up. >> she'll love you to call her and the play developed is on stage at the time costume shop 3 performances all students performers thank you very much. >> thank you very much very much to the staff (clapping) and the community next a group from close the gap coalition i'd like to read the names
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(calling names) one minute per person please. hi good evening commissioners and disrupt i'm gordon a parent in the district and here with any colleagues from close the gap a coalition of groups representing parents and students educators and school staff. close the gap has been working to you know on our shared priority of closing the trying to close the opportunity and achievement gap that continues to prevent for students of color in the district this year we've focused our attention on supporting implementation of the save and supportive schools because of the central roll in not closing the achievement gap for african-american and latino students we've had many meetings to share on april 25th a
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community town hall meeting we came up with there strategies we're advocating for the district to incorporate in the el cap in the 2014-2015 budget those are putting up paraprofessionals in every classrooms and two a fully capped for students and 3 a family engagement plan that includes the time for teachers to build relationship with teacher >> thank you very much nech. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm a parent of a san francisco high school teacher i hear many stories from my son about students feel sad and anger and need a space to get emotional support for to return
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to their academic learn they need a physical space to cool down a space for support staff be is social workers or teachers that help them through social and emotional healing to return to the classroom please support this in the long run we all benefit. >> i'm the charter president of the 10 to one my mom was a special ed teacher in if if her role was to be a crisis teacher which is managing steak this kind of out of classroom space i've heard stories over the years how important this is to especially students that have particular trauma experiences are who are dealing with things
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