tv [untitled] May 16, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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support they need those appropriated allocation of resources based on the populations and it is really important to making sure that all the work that's been done this year turns into the implementation for the students we serve everyday thank you. >> thank you very much no further public comment questions or comments. >> commissioner walton. >> thank you for flattering us with the presentation again, mr. truit on the collaborating districts have they developed their own matrix are we on the front end. >> we're on the front end they're waiting to see what we came up with because they knew that this was a huge undertaking
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we're threatening e threatening with the behaviors by the way, a magic that deals with equality and cultural confidence so they're asking for a copy of our magic to use as a model their own district la unified has a published and their documented 55 pages that's the original document i presented in february and actually san bernardino is also it was a heavy and punitive document. >> commissioner vice president haney. >> well, i want to thank you for your work i know it's been a long process 25 version of this and all of the folks that were involved with it to the three of
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you have spent tremendous time and all the community organizations everyone that was a part of it muni sf has stepped up in a huge way to the partners if this is it go to work we need what steak is going to work there is a lot that's unique the fact we have this document. >> you've said makes it special and put us out throw in the forefront around the positive approach to innovation i don't know anyone is doing this nationally and taking the punitive nature of what we put out there and the guidance we've provided our educators and insuring that everything we do is evidence based with data that is intended to support our students to help them
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so i think that couldn't have happened would muni 70 they did a huge convention and extraordinarily so a couple of thoughts and questions i think that one of the things around this document that i think is really going to make it work and you alluded to this how do we both individualize it for schools and how do we make it real for them because those two things are released related when i look at the guidance given here and the steps folks are going to take that will look difference of different what partnerships are at the schools so i'd love to see i i know this is a live document norwalk when each school and some have it begin to create those documents that are for them that we then inform what the general
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documents looks like introduce many and we're able to share those with other schools we're going to have some schools that create amazing things with this this is special to them so they'll see that and the other thing and a lot of folks alluded to this how do we learn to make those interventions real for students and for educators and so that when we say you know refer to a counselor or refer to peer mediation it is actually there a real thing we're informing that by the way we budget whether a paraprofessional or emotional support how do we use this document to hold you ourselves accountability and those steps are there and how do we inform
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our decision making it provide the gowns of the right steps but also it will hold us accountability so when we want to be able to look at those chartings are those steps being taken and work we're learning from this in practice as we provide those gowns and the last thing in the particular around the higher level of supports the last thing reiterating how important this piece in the matrix is around specific groups of students african-american students have had disproportionate levels of suspended. >> referrals the specific steps for african-american students and for a number of other categories it is incredible that we've put in there are for homeless students and foster youth specific people within the
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district and outside of the district nodes needs to be involved with the nature of those students that will help to insure our students are not fueling through the cracks to meet their needs if there's a way to also track similar to how we are tracking to make sure those steps are being taken as well so we that can't be just on paper how many times do we have that person call and that person intervention we're insuring we're staying tow truck true to the policy a specific set of data and support for the students to meet their needs so thank you for this i know this was a lot to say i'm proud to be part of the district with partners that believe in this
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work i can't think of anything more important thank you for leading. >> superintendant. >> thank you commissioner president murase so you want to thank that long list of partners is important this is community driven i really want to thank u e sf they stepped up to the plate up and brought something is to the table around building the capacity it is a community effort and it was alluded to the fact i want to make sure that the board and public said on this particular issue we are leading the state of california in terms of of what we're doing to systematize this in the few minutes we'll hear a first reading around the data points the board wants to see this in the body of the resolution some
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tracking resolution we've folded into in resolution i want to make sure that folks just consider this since 1980 california has built one university since 1980 yet it built 22 prisons you tell me where the states priority and currently the state of california invests about 8 and $9,000 per year per student to educate a k-12 student yet they spends about 60 or $70,000 to incarcerate juveniles in california you tell me where the priorities and juxtapose that for the district and i'm going to tell you we have a long way to go but swim upstream and want more people to swim with us. >> i want to congratulate the
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team for a tremendous amount of work and clearly that is making real with the resolution put down on paper i want to make clear my expectation that the budget will include even more progress and reflection how to implement the matrixs i think we've heard a lot of testimony from the public about the need for a location for students to go to what when they're having difficult managing their emotions and noting not removed from the school but that classroom investment and how to with limited classrooms and heard a lot of public testimony about the need for par and folks to accompany that one student in managing a situation i'm expected as we move into june
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deputy superintendant we present progress in actuality so thank you, again for your presentation. >> the next item is item n consent calendar resolution removed at second reading no one tonight agenda item o vote on csas what was moved and second there section f roll call vote. >> santa monica ms. fewer. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes except onion items k one and 11. >> thank you. >> ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase.
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>> 7 i's we're on item p the consent calendar for the board discussion and immediate action i believe that adrenalins served two items. >> thank you commissioner president murase i served two items and one of them if you noticed this is the number of off-street contracts on the agenda they go from k-2 that to k 80 and so i wanted to thank you for the opportunity and the other item i severed on page 7 by 7 i guess but it doesn't matter it is the one of the same kind of a contract but for summary and other you it is the
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supplemental fund it looks like the same funding that's why i raised a question are we spend money with we could be expanding after-school program capacity and other source of funding but i'm assured that is not true there's a separate allocation for supplemental out of school time from the state that's what we are using for the summer programs some are evening summer vacations one references a saturday program but i really want to take the opportunities are we making progress on a single provider that is one the goals in schools rather than multiple provides that fragment the programs and racially and
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economically and, yes not as much as we like but i want to point out those represent a lot of progress but i'd like after my discussion with mr. truit and the other staff working on that i'd like to request we put this on the budget committee agenda because there's budget developments going forward further i mean we have so many things on the curriculum agenda to do the budget we'll be able to get a concise report on meeting those goals that's really all i have i don't know if you want to say anything about that mr. truit. >> you explained that all very well. >> icon ferry.
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>> if there's now further discussion go item q oh, yes, we need to vote. >> ms. casco roll call vote. >> so moved ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much it is bewitching hour for our student delegate their excused we wish her luck on the exams she'll be taking in the next few weeks we're now on tome q superintendant proposal for first reading item one 5512 f p w authorization to grant the presentation for the gateway to
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early college charter is there a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you very much this item will be received to the curriculum and budget committee i don't have public testimony cards next item is item r board members proposals for first reading in support of the success of all african-american students in the unified school district authorized my myself commissioner vice president haney and commissioner walton is there a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> this will be referred to budget and business services as well as the curriculum and we have 4 speakers on this item (calling names). >> if you could please come up
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and per earlier guideline one minute per person. >> hello oh shoot laughter. >> i'm sleepy i'm sorry my name is rita a parent of a child i'm no support of achievement of african-american students and the experience with the unified school district has not been wonderful i'm glad to see that the board a really push this agenda for our students for african-american students it
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seems like the bayview and the low income sectors get the short end of the stick but even when our kids into go to the richmond the leadership of the principals are not there they don't understand the cultural thing with our kids when they go to a school that predominantly asia or caucasian i'm hopefully, this agenda the leadership the principals will be on board and they can get the proper training as well thank you. >> thank you very much ms. virginia. >> good evening commissioner president murase and commissioner vice president haney and mr. truth our beloved ladies and gentlemen i've i have a on the lions of the educators and we've strongly
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support this initiative we want to thank commissioner president murase and commissioner vice president haney and commissioner walton for your vision for writing that and the board to be behind you we have several members in the audience please stand up to show the commissioners you're in support of this initiative we rushed thank you mechanics we rushed lowell high school from the achievement and there are 36 amending males on this picture we want to come back with this initiate there are hundred african-american receiving the scholarships and on may 28 the mason were geneva a good number of scholarships we hope you'll continue to support and we're working closely i want the brown act board to think that the
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african-american parents meet every month on the access and they're going on excellent job and we want them to table that process we're working because we want every african-american to graduating graduate from other high school four years later thank you. >> good evening commissioners and strbtd strubtd superintendent carranza i want to echo this is like the history of san francisco because you commissioners are taking initiative strategies i'm looking at the room since i know all of you i want to make that for the record the initiative you're taking are being nodded not only in san francisco but
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invading i want to congratulate the superintendant he took it upon hichlg to combaeshg on that initiative our heard from the public it is highly unconceivable of african-american and the mentally retarded and the practice effecting their achievement and education you've licenses across the board and pleased when you brought london on board he's been educating us for it initiative to work you have the african-american council and the oversight that is really great we want to make sure things are not bundled down in meetings the first two years we want to see the carts to should us this initiative is working and we have the initiative to guide you
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commissioner walton and the community we work with you and ms. mendoza-mcdonnell and i look all of you here i know this resolution will be passed because all of you have been in our community and i know where you stand commissioner norton and commissioner fewer and simmons your history is well known i want to say thank you. we'll be back to with work you in the participating this is a great day thank you all. >> thank you and thank you for joining us from the willie brown middle school. >> i'm here for the kohlman advocates i want to thank you, commissioners so much and superintendent carranza you guys have done a great job and taking the initiative to push this forward i'm very proud of you
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guys very proud of an initiative i know will be positive for our community main for that our children they really desperately need it i thank you guys for thank you for your time to just to talk to us and daily understand what we're going through i appreciate you guys tonight. >> i understand it is your birthday this evening thank you very much for coming out today really appreciate it (clapping.) and seeing no further. i was corrected but this item was heard as a committee will not go to the individual committees am i correct so it will come back to the for a second reading and i just wanted to acknowledge folks in the audience mr. dickey largo responsible for this resolution and also the gentleman it took
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the stage thank you very much for your work (clapping.) >> supervisor kim when we have this item back to the board can we request a budgetary sort of fiscal analysis of how much it will cost thank you. >> yes. thank you noted by the deputy. >> we now move on to the pathway resolution that was withdrawn at the beginning of this meeting we'll hear it at a future time, yes mr. superintendent carranza. >> madam president as i may i apologize it is skips my mind because we have a new general council sitting and we introduced her as a committee as a whole we haven't introduced her to the public please welcome
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general council (clapping.) >> ms. hope would you like to say a few words. >> you're asking an attorney if we want to talk thank you for that very warm welcome i look forward to serving you all. >> all right. we've heard the in support of let me learn we're at item s the standing committee board delegates and all others report let's see anything additional to report on the may 4th curriculum report. >> it was another bear but i won't say two of a couple of action items noted there we heard the snug institutional listing procedures to support of the middle school for the school
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of the arts that was forwarded to the board with a with a positive recommendation an amendment that rescued the conversation so the commissioner will bring back an amended version heard that he budget committee coming up u.s. history was heard we heard that in the past and teaching students to save lives that was forwarded to the board with a positive recommendation we had a number of informational items s qi s and science education update and the behavorial discipline we heard at tents meeting. >> thank you commissioner vice president haney anything additional to the may fifth. >> so on may 5th we are heard about the districts work around
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creating computer science standards decreeing pre k through telephone a priority work of the district and we heard that about how it fits into the border digital framework there will be a board resolution that will come forward which will ask the district to establish pre k through 12 computer science standards as a requirement for all the students and much more to compton that. >> thank you very much and if commissioners could announce the next meeting of the committee. >> commissioner norton. >> so actually we're in discussion will the next date of the budget committee but scheduled for march 21st we're trying to see if we do a joint rules and budget. >> may 21st. >> did i say march oh,
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6 o'clock yes. >> but the rules committee excuse me. is scheduled for may 20th all spring this whole year talked about having a joint committee passing the state budget would we'll have to revise and if we do the joint meeting on the 20th that's when our advocates are available we'll change the times otherwise. >> deputy superintendant and i have been talking it depends on 0 commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell will be available if we did a joint rules and budget? >> commissioner wynns and i are both on both committees it depends on - okay given we have items that have to
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be heard in the budget committee it is sorts of a resolution my instincts will be to since i'll be at the rules committee have the advocates come on the 20th and we'll budget that night. >> oh, the 21st. >> okay. so we are going to have to get back to you sorry (laughter) we're going to have to talk to the commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell about here schedule and imdeputy but the 20th or the 21st. >> definitely the rules committee it is 6 o'clock unless
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we change it (laughter). >> so we decided not to change that. >> commissioner norton. >> you and i have to - there will be a dual assignment committee. >> i'm asking the committee members to hold the 20th by at the moment we're going forward with the student assignment committee own the 27 arrest thank you very much any other committee dates are there other announcements? >> yes. i have an announcement i'd like everybody to know that the mission science working group is having a fundraiser in a cool place i invite everyone to go to the working group that is located at mission high school the event will take place from 7 to 10:00 p.m. and it is going to be very, very fun for all and bring our checkbooks oh
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sorry may 15 this friday. >> i want to congratulate commissioner fewer who was honored at the anniversary of kohlman advocates last week it was a identification unable to attend but it was acquit a big celebration to want to acknowledge here recognize i have a couple of announcements we we were very privileged e.r. privileged to have legislators lady of japan visit rosa parks emergency room i want to thank the superintendant and assistant you been superintendant david one thing for being there are and recognized paul and his stellar team that role showed the best of this school the japan bilingual program was rose to the cognizance and want to acknowledge that i had floated the idea of including the
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