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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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updating the zoning and heights in exchange looking to choufr 33 percent of affordability we obviously need a transit friendly for workers and residents and make sure we are planning for this neighborhood with the appropriate open space and other infrastructure it is needed for this neighborhood as we have more developers looking at the site and now we've set a goal of 33 percent it is important we achieve that i think our city properties should be the role model for the private developers to insure we hit the goals i want to emphasize that i really i will support supervisor campos in doing another look at the implementation of our surplus
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property ordinance this is certainly an important one and i think that we just want to make sure we're a he mom and pop a level of affordability for all the city departments their transferring the surplus properties as the city mandated or voted for we're building affordable housing and for buildings for the homeless we are having the revenue to hit those goals those had some of my closing comments i look forward to working with the department i think there is a way to achieve that in terms of hitting the goals and making sure we are able to work together to get there. >> colleagues, i want to thank you and just said to ask for motion to file this item i do want to thank you thank you for the opportunity and look forward to hearing more as this project move forward i'm
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concerned about to the extent that the goodwill site didn't have the level of affordability that is in the mission in prop k i worry about what that means in the board decided not to support that site we are at 20 percent we've invested million dollars so what happens to that development those with questions we're going to have to figure out but thank you. >> thank you so supervisor campos you're looking for expense someone to file our this is filed to the call of the chair madam clerk, any other business before this commission? >> you want to file the item not to continue the item to the call of the chair. >> there's no further business. >> thank you. this meeting is@p
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>> good morning, everybody and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday, may, 13th, i'm farrell and i will be joined by tang as well as supervisor eric mar and i want to thanks charles for covering this meeting as well as the clerk of the committee, do we have any announcements? >> yes, please, silence all cell phones