tv [untitled] May 19, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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le] the phantom barren make theroxy a part of the bay area senmatic community. the littleroxyopebed next door in 2003 and theroxy theater became a non property 501 c 3 in 2009. today theroxy facilitates a space for all ages and background to gath rb, connect and learn about the world and one another in a accessible environment through daily film screening, festivals, special events and, presentation and educationm programsism i will also say-the person that has the honor of representing district 8 but as a neighbor who lives close to the theater as someone who has seen many movies at theroxy theater and gotten to know theroxy community how proud i am at theroxy theater
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continues to exist. we know in san francisco today a lot of people are struggling to stay here, a lot of businesses are struggling to stay here and the fact that are non profit movie theater is able to continue to thrive in the heart of the mission speaks volumes about the strength of this community. we can't take institutions like theroxy for granted. our arts community is under enormous pressure and theroxy is no exception. i just want to say to you and everyone who makes theroxy, thank you for sticking in there for working so hard and fighting. you will allah have my support and think i can speak for everyone that you will have our support. congrat ylshzs and i'm thrilled to recognize theroxy today >> thank you supervisor wiener and thank you board of supervisor squz thank you to
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the commission for small business and also the office of small business. we are thrilled to be here. there are so many deserving small businesses in district 8 and throughout the city and we like to think we are here because of our tenacity at 106 years. >> my dog and i. thank you very much for your generosity today and your consideration and scott we think you are the most wonderful supervisor and have for a long time. please love theroxy. we love theroxy. we are going through the same things many people are in terms of rent raises and so on, but we are there for you and we are a meeting place and entertainment place and something where the experience we hope we can make better and better for you over the coming years so thank you so much everybody.
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again. supervisor yee >> okay, it is my turn from district 7. colleagues today i'm pleased to honor matte rogers owner and operateer of papen houseen hardware on west portal avenue. this store has operated for 79 years and is a staple on west portal avenue. henry papenhouseen is a local billing opened the papen pch houseen hardware in 1936 on west portal avenue at the same location it sits today. in those 79 yeerbs the business switched hands only twice, most recently in 1988 when it was purchased by
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matte. matte worked at papenhouseen hardware part time while attended san francisco state university when he pursued a business degree in small business management. the store serves a a perfect example for various class paujects and papers including a full scale business plan that won matte a competition sponsored by the san francisco cameber of commerce. when the owner of papenhouseen announced the plans to sell the store and retire, matte was in a unique position to take over. after obtaining seed financing from relative squz a few wooks after his 23 birthday matte became the owner of papenhouseen hardware before receiving his bachelors degree. in the past 27 years the store survived tough
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times, expapded the multiple locations, downicized and survivored a fire that dlozeed the business for 5 months. it provided because matte provided genuine service squu justed to the changing needs of the community. the store today is a fixture on enks west portal and one of the only businesses that are there longer than fiveg 0 yours. despite a trend where independent brick and mortar businesses, papenhouseen is a strong business. [inaudible] would like to welcome matte and his business partner [inaudible] to accept their award >> thank you supervisor yee and the whole board. it is nice to be recognized, thank you very much. i just want to say my manager carl agialer is responsible for
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our success in the last 20 year jz want to personally thank him. >> it st. nice to be recognized. so many deserving businesses, it is hard to imagine anyone would think of our store, but it is privilege to be able to run a business in the city and be able to serve our community. thank you. >> congratulations again. supervisor avalos, you up next jrshz i would like to call up [inaudible] i'm honoring today anas market
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in the omi neighborhood. the south west part of district 11. anas market is owned by [inaudible] and [inaudible] here right now. both are from nicaragua. they operated on the store for the past 14 years. what is great about oners market is it has been part of a real effort with the city to help transfoorm this part of the neighborhood. bringing pedestrian safety amenities and better transit and a lot of the expertise from the mayors office of economic kwr work force development. last year in december, ana had a ribbon cutting relaunceing after the market had a make over under the neighborhoods healthy retail sf program. yoi all may remember the healthy retail sf program was
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a pilot program create td by supervisor mar to promote healthy eating and fresh produce in every neighborhood. it helped improve neighborhood health and helps imprusk the health of community buying have access to healthy food and fresh produce and anas market has taken under direct consideration how they can tronz form the market to provide the healthy produce needed in the omi neighborhood where the closest store to get fresh produce is stones town where tradey joes is. we have also worked in the neighborhood to create neighborhood farm and so this is just one part of men aef thocomponent in place to help make sure the neighborhood has access to healthy food. small independent market like anas also need to have a very critical role in not just community health, but making sure we can actually have
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other means of economic viability for the neighborhood and the neighborhoods program is very helpful helping bring new technology to anas market and to the neighborhood as well. i believe anas market has cawy they provide now and over the past year their profits and sales increased by 24 percent show ing there is a turn around at the marblth and neighborhood. i'm honored to support oners market and giving this aword to biyarda today on behalf of anas market. his wife couldn't be here to accept, but just 79 to thank you for your work in the neighborhood and your commitment to providing good produce and your commitment to actually making change in your own way of doing business to support the neighborhood and your own economic viability >> thank you. [inaudible]
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>> i just want to thank the city and, i want to thank supervisor avalos, i want to thank everything you guys have done for me we do our best. my wife couldn't be here, she sin nick rog wutaking care of her [inaudible] who is ill but they think for helping us succeed. [inaudible] thank you. >> okay, congratulation.
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it is now my turn to present. will the king and queen of the south of district 5 please come forward. ladies and gentlemen we have chuck and amanda from costumes on hate rr. as you know in san francisco, having fun is something that we as san franciscans take very seriously. since 1997 costumes on hate rr is a business that helps us do
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just thereat. founders dana taig and his late partner frank [inaudible] first opened the store as a ventage clothing store but it evolved into a one stop shop for artist, performers and industry professionals as well as people looking to dress in costumes. costumes on hate rr supplied costumes for city wide event, including beta breaker, san conand haul wean as new years as well as burning man. they also have great drag weir and if you have the desire to dress as a goreilla or kick it is costumes on hate rr where you want to get your costume. they are the business of fun but giv back to the #c3450u7bty especially through donation of organizations like the aids
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[inaudible] asian american recoverry services, make as wish foundation as well as some of the local schools. they sponsor the fabulous sf drag contest. participants in the lower hate rrs famous art walk as well. todays costium on hate rr is represented by chuck and his wife amanda nick lowho currentry have served for 11 years as sth operations manager of the store. it is a amazing store. i have been going there for years. thank you for always having something that fits the plus size, i do appreciate that very much. congratulations to costumes on hate. thank you >> on behalf ofdena taig and costumes on hate i would like to thank supervisor breed and the board of supervisors for this
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distinshuished honor. it means a lot to be recognized as a small business and know that the city and board understand the importance of unique and vibrant small business thinl city. i have always considered being such a part of the fun activities and creative side of san francisco, but this is trooalee a honor. thank you very much >> thank you. uly a honor.
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continue the incredible group of people by calling on [inaudible] and wilson [inaudible] from sun rise restaurant. it is my real pleasure to recognize not only a restaurant that provides incredible food, but provides tremendous service to the community. this is a restaurant opened may 28, 2005 so it is 10 years next week. avla is from alsell vudoor and wilson from hon dorisism they created a restaurant that serves dishes from latin america and if you haven't been i encourage you to the do. it is invedable food and a restaurant that is a local place. it serves
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the local community and visitors alike and what is incredible about sunrise is how commit td is to community. every thursday night alvuand wilson open to non praulft organizations where they hold events and they also donate 20 percent of all the proceeds they earn those thursdays to that non profit and the weekly donation provided essential help to non profits that have been struggling as so many have been not only in san francisco but especially in the mission. alvuand wilson don't just support non profit, they also support member thofz xhunty fighting cancer, going through challenging times. when myidary friend [inaudible] was fighting cancer alvuand wilson held several fund raisers at sun roiz and donated 100 percent of the proteeds for the medical
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expenses that eric had to face. sunraise is a special place z contributes to so much to 24 street and the mission and it is a reflection of alvuand wilsons values, so as the supervisor for district 9, thank you so much for alvuand wilson and sunrise cafe. [inaudible] with that i'll turn it over to alva >> [inaudible] [speaking spanish] she says-she thankathize board for the support and also to her family and the workers at
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you are up next. >> thank you very much. i want to thank the small business community, the commissioner here today, thank you very much for-hello. thank you very much for providing the backbone support, education, training and resources need today continue to support small business community. today i'm super excited because today i get to honor a man named howard hines and maria tan and they are the owners of the most fantastic nail spa located in putrero hill. now, i may be biased because i am a frequent
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patron at tip tows, and i assure you and many others in the neighborhood are also just as frequent as i am. they have many great thing tooz say about mariea and howard and the entire tip tow's steam. tip tow's help make the business community of different is verse particularly in putrero hill and they serve many people in the neighborhood and many people also trek across the city just to spend some time in the nail salon. it is a time to up lift the small business when you consider the new york time investigation into the wide spread problems and working condition of nail salon that shed light on the ishis including the use of toxic chemicals. tip tow's doesn't use these toxic chemical, infact mu rena was pregnant
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and this is where mothers and pregnant women can visit and not worry about haserdize odors. we celebrate you and we are grateful to have you here with us. congratulations. >> we just want to say thank you very much for the recognition. thank you supervisor cohen and board of supervisors for having us. we put our heart and soul into had business and are honored to be recognized for district 10, it is wonderful neighborhood and thank you for your support. thank you so much >> thank you. >> congratulations again.
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thank you for tip toeing into city hall. at this time unfochinately supervisor kim could not be with us today but supervisor campos will recognize her honoree on behalf of supervisor kim >> thank you very much madam prez dnlt and as the president noted supervisor kim could not be here, she is awayoon business, but it is my honor to recognize an incredible business and recognize what they do for district 6. the business is [inaudible] and so i want to
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bring up [inaudible] came to had united states 20 years ago from mexico city. she was raids by a single mother in a very poor family. her father passed away when she was 2 years old and her mother worked hard to support [inaudible] and her 2 sisters and brother. she started working at 8 doing dishes and chores for other families in the neighborhood. when [inaudible] finished high school she didn't have enough money to continue studied in college so came to united states in 1995. at that point she decide today open her own business after working double shifts at several [inaudible] not long after she and her husband lost her jobs resulting in the loss of their home. [inaudible] turned her
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misfortune into a opportunity and with the support of her husband decided to take courses at city college. [inaudible] graduated in 2011 with a culinary degree. she knew nothing about opening a business she decided to turn to the womens initiative spanish language program of [inaudible] as well as the mission ecumic development agency. [inaudible] opened [inaudible] in december 2012. supervisor kim worked hard with [inaudible] to apply for a grant for the mayors office for support for economic development and support their vision of opening a cafe corner store that sells healthy food to community and the food desert that is the tenderloin. serves about 150 penal a week including the large latino population in that neighborhood 6789 the
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menu includes traditional elsal ven dor [inaudible] natural euka and plantain chips that are purchased from locally based entrepreneurs. this establishment is known for the [-face bureteoes and the stral location across from the [inaudible] park which is a central park for youth and families is really central. the cafe literally acts a as a community center where people love to gather and meet and eat. [inaudible] opened up [inaudible] with her friend and combined resources were able to keep costs down so they work with [inaudible] to secure a loan for a convention. since opening she has expanded the business and hired 2 employees. her vision is expand healthy food
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options in the affa with a full produce to open next door. evetch wale she wants to open a cafe where she can bake pastries and bread and give opportunities for employment to the resident of the tenderloin. they see her as a extended family so on behalf of supervisor kim i want to recognize this incredible community leader [inaudible] and i want to make sure you have a opportunity to say a few words, but congratulations. thank you for what you do for this incredible community. >> i want to say thank you to everyone. your recommendation mean as lot to me. i want to say a special thanks to my business partner [inaudible] and to [inaudible] because he is the one who believes in my dream from the beginning and today.
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business sw hire locally and give back to the community and they are the reasons why san francisco is such a great place to live. i want to thank you for taking time and comdown here and hear about the different businesses in all the district in san francisco. i'll tip towing to district 10 to get my nails and toes done pretty soon so again thank you for being here and thank you regina. i see moneta white is a business owner in district 1300 on fill more. i get hungry in business week when they talk about restaurants and next time restaurants are required to bring food. other than that thank you and we'll continue with the agenda and go back to our appeal. thank you and congratulations . madam clerk can we
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