tv [untitled] May 20, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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i'm impressed how organized it is. it feels wonderful to be a part of it. >> affords dignity to the people who affords the services. >> every service you can need or get you started is here under one roof. if you leave here you should have [inaudible]. the bottom line is you make . >> welcome to the tuesday, may 19, 2015 addition of the entertainment commission i'm brighten at an the commission president. >> that's okay do worry about that. >> please turn off your phones if you are a member of the public who that wants to address the agenda please fill out a speaker card and thank you to sfgovtv for broadcasting this live we are going to go ahead
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and start with roll call. >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner president tan we have a full compliment of commissioners. >> full house kind of nice we have a fairly short agenda today, the first item is public comment this is an opportunity for public comment on anything that is not curling agendized i'd like to comment on any public comment seeing none public comment is closed. item 2 the review and exhaustively of the minutes from may 5th. >> commissioners any changes or happy to entertain a motion. >> i move to approve.
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>> there is a motion and a second sxhauf abstain commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner president tan motion passes the - >> so commissioner caminong were you automobiles he was absences scratch her i do having i have to redo it. >> i'll redo it once again commissioner frost public school abstain commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong. >> i abstain commissioner president tan that motion still passes all right. item number 2 i'm sorry item 3 the report if the executive director and staff. >> just a few things to update
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you on the what we're commonly calling the breed legislation left the board of supervisors and sitting in the mayor's office for we expect that by the end of june 20th about and in the in the meantime as the president knows we're working on hopefully, a draft of procedures and i have scheduled the commission to sit down on the 16th of june with the planning department if few individuals to give you a little bit of background on the planning process as it relates to residential development if you'll be hold hearings you're going to have to understand a lot of terminal and process around what it takes to build a residential building and i need you guys to attend and pay
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attention because those guys are well going into the that i'm and well into in some cases uneasy your ask them to come to a hearing it would be awesome to come out of the box looking super duper smart and prepared for those conversations that's my hope >> is the time 3 o'clock. >> we'll put an agenda in a separate meeting although it is two separate agenda on this floor and again open to the public like all the meetings as you meet as a commission the
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impact report was open but tomorrow morning its 10 o'clock the controller will report more specifically on finding and go through what i think that a fairly short slide presentation on the report that is already pushed online if you want to read it in advance of the hearing or the best place is night life and put together a short link and super easy to find what it came to a billions of on top of the $4.2 billion what we consider night life so tomorrow is our
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opportunity for us interested in making things better to put on the record what ideas and impediment and challenges and improvement from the citywide and hopefully work through those and, you know, get some wins based on doing that report which we think is a big deal and commissioner vice president moshoyannis will be speaking and commissioner joseph will attend i'm not sure in the president will be there but and i'm sorry commissioner frost as well two of you have involvement in some outdoor events in my any case watch it on tv it if you can't be here on the budget committee 10:00 a.m. in chambered and lastly with respect to
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legislation the extension on the limited life performance piece of legislation is moving through and it is sitting in pits introduction period right now and i think the relevant it is on calendar the land use is june 8th i'm not sure it will make that we have a window before recess between june 8th and july 28th get it we're going to try otherwise, it is a 6 week hold for recess then we come back so i'm going to push as hard as you think it is not complicated only simply adding areas to the llp to be allowed and we've got a bunch of people waiting to come to you to get a permit and is there a lot of opposition. >> not that i'm aware of.
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>> so the western edition selma association is not. >> i've not heard from him. >> i've received something by e-mail because i'm on that list they were complaining about it. >> so i saw that as well i'm not sure what that turns into. >> great okay. >> do you know across the peripheries any opposition or support. >> i haven't worked that at this point again we'll certainly find out once again we get a scheduled date we'll start seeing if other folks are interested in sponsoring. >> sure. >> frankly that is something that is specific to one supervisors area so it is unlikely likely unless there is
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something out of the ordinary if the supervisors support a one change correct he's the sponsor to so jocelyn if everything we're talking about 6 months or a year with all those committees. >> no, this legislation the specific to llp is would go to committee go hearing assuming it most of auto u out of committee go to the board for read and that's a few months. >> okay. that's good. >> people have been waiting awhile. >> absolutely keep our fingers crossed under the heading of staff and office update i've been pushing e-mails out like crazy around the summit it is november that i think we've come to that
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conclusion like 7 or 6 the summit is june 8th at the library at 1 o'clock at the auditorium so the event and facebook page there's whatever else you need the agenda and the plan for it is already done announced getting as many permit holders and people interested in night life and last year's summit was the reevaluation 80 so good stuff can come we're talk about new topics please come i don't have mick anything under action so i'll hand it over. >> commissioners, any questions or thoughts great.
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>> good evening, commissioners several things to report performed an inspection at brand new nos pizza yes, i did. >> by a complaint suspected of being open after 2:00 a.m. with the age if i had sound i went by on a thursday night and friday night i didn't see them open i still follow-up because sometimes, i do call the place before i talked with the owner they may tighten especially their shop group so i'll follow-up a couple compliance with the seller they've changed their security - they dropped the security company they were using s i s and kept the main securities the people that
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headed the team they should have a security plan for us this week i'll follow-up and explain anything you want to know as i get more information 1015 fulsome i got a call into management about an event they're having this wednesday last month they had apple event and complaint came through the office the nearby didn't know about the permit they wanted to you know let's see let us know there's an neighborhood outreach kind of thing and port one shawn went by a couple weeks ago and sited them for operating without a permit they're in the process of finalizing their fire so their expected to be implemented
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the this week we're to give them a little bit of breathing room to finish up the process there's a couple of things holding that's all i have to report if you have questions >> one question on the seller do they know if they're to do their security in house have to be licensed by the state as a security company. >> i don't know i'll have to specifically ask that question i know they'll need to be have the proper- >> they may not know so it will be great if you tell them. >> certainly. >> just a couple on the pizza why are you nice giving him a heads up. >> well, because i want them to stop. >> okay. >> i don't necessarily want to catch them in the act but i mean, i'll tell them and maybe 3 solves the problem and it has initially and then you know i'll
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follow-up after and then after i've done that i don't have to play the game with them if they're open in two months we'll not deal are excuses. >> and the second one didn't you have the problem with plumbing u fulsome can you innovative the permit officer at that station. >> certainly. >> so they know when the phone calls come in it is permitted and t is it a permitted event because in their doing something outside. >> yeah. decreeing they have a temporary occupancy permit but the neighbors were concerned about the sidewalk they didn't know that process didn't require an outreach. >> getting got it any other thoughts or questions? all right. inspector burk
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>> good evening, commissioners a couple of things to report very routine a couple of weeks and sound tests a couple of new complaint one in particular i want to mention a bar if the mission at 16th and el bone in between valencia and gerrero i believe a long-standing business bar with life entertainment permit we have a new neighbor that moved into the neighborhood and didn't understand the type of neighborhood so i went by and took measurement and reading inside of the dwelling and after the entertainment started to occur inside the bits didn't violate the codes but i've been
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in touch with the operator and trying to do quick patches to a side door and maybe other drape of some sort and come to a cheap and easy fix where everyone is happy wanted to mention that is one the first i'm bear to witness that particular situation with the new legislation. >> that's all i have any questions. >> is that the location at the old espenosa. >> oh, the one business just curious. >> do you have i know you explicit list it any update from club malibu they've paid the office a visit and have a week for an appeal so i don't have an
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update yet but in about a week i should have something they were told by staff they'll need to get in contract with me or appeal officially through proper channels. >> so they come in that's the first step. >> hundred steps before that so okay commissioners, any questions for inspector boardwalk any public comment on the executive director and staff report? i don't see any public comment is closed and police department questions or comments anything you guys want to say okay. no problem move on to item 5 which is community possible action on the permits interests only one today >> good evening, commissioners
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i didn't do a consent calendar it is dave that as mars bar an branding they'll like a limited liability performance permit they have support from the area and southern station is supportive and submitted conditions typical officer is unable to attend but submitted those conditions if you want to look at those and i'll bring up the gentleman to talk about the plan. >> great. >> thank you, commissioners i also have some letters from nonprofits vince ford benefits for schools what have you, we try hard to be supportive of the
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community and be good neighbors we try we can't please every neighbor. >> can you talk about what types of entertainment you're planning on holding. >> mars is a neighborhood did demographics have changed were in the tech belt right now we're acquit busy from 3 o'clock in the afternoon and do music for ambiance and building new apartment building in the concourse it is no longer there 38 they're putting up two new high-rise and we're going we're going to have to get on the food game that's where we are going this is one of the natural processed to do. >> commissioners you guys have any questions we are missing the
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police no we are going to read it out and pass it down oh, read it out loud staff sufficient to fast the daily events and the permit holder morntsz the noise to insure they can control the sound from the venue and the sound and security you're aware of those conditions. >> i've never heard of them they seem more fair. >> all right. commissioner joseph. >> how long have you been there. >> oh. >> long time. >> long time 20 something years. >> it's very different but good. >> i think with the new legislation should be happy you've got 80 a big unit crossing. >> that's a challenge we have a meeting how to expand the
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restaurant and food services we have a tiny kitchen so to make the kingdom that much more efficient a lot of drawings on napkins but we want to do it and do it well it is we'll become more of a food designation we'll see people wanting to dine into the evening so we'll expand. >> you're going a good that did food. >> in this city if you don't work hard on the food we're a food city it is very important. >> i'm glad our planning on adding to the mix in the western selma that's look at brandon street and see how much entertainment we can put there this is one of the first joining hopefully in good, good a decade from now. >> i have a question
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your you 7th and brandon. >> across the street from the hall of justice saw this is a sally. >> okay. so because i thought anything south of harrison between division and fourth or something was that not- what went down with that remembered me if you can. >> 6th maybe. >> you know what i'm talking. >> we considered a full entertainment but the hops and the bureaucracy i think we'll have to do that we don't want to be a night club that's not our choice we wanted to do ambient music for happy hour and maybe at some point in the future we'll consider it we're an old building that will take a lot of
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construction and what have you this is perfect for us we appreciate this opportunity. >> great well, it seems straightforward so thank you very much for your time i don't know if there is any public comment. >> thank you, commissioners. >> any public comment on this item? mars bar? no all right. that being said public comment is closed. commissioners happy to entertain a motion >> mars bar has been there forever ii got a phone call in 2008 why not get an entertainment permit the business were hurting they were able to hang on and now going for an llp i move to approve. >> all right. a second. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second let's vote. >> for clarifications move to
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approve with clarification. >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong and commissioner president tan that motion passes congratulations that's our only permit the last couple of items 6 commissioners questions or comments i don't know if there is anything one-on-one anyone want to say before we close it out. >> all right. item 7 >> any new business for future agenda items there all right. seeing any public comment on this. >> i have one. >> okay. there's one a. >> i think have you thought about forming some kind of a committee to talk about process for the installation for the developers. >> no, i think what we'll do
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i'll draft something and work with the staff on it to present back to our entire commission. >> okay. >> so if you have any thoughts please send them on to me directly about the hearing process what it will look like. >> one more quick thing the ugly strategic planning meeting has that been decided on. >> i put the two dates out there and i haven't received feedback from enough people to determine which date if any i have a tally but since everyone is here maybe before you leave you'll look at our calendar i don't recall who two it was. >> was it the 13 or 22.
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>> yep. >> so this will be half a day on saturday at the request of the president. >> or the 22. >> i responded i'm - >> i don't remember but you can tell me write it down. >> mop have a conflict i have a conflict does the 15th work for everyone else. >> you're okay with the 15 commissioner perez 15 accounting i'm out the 22 is okay. >> there we go again. >> it's so close so it's either audrey can i do either? what time is it 8 to one >> yeah. something about around 9 or.
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>> i can make it on the 22. >> okay 22. >> 22 you are silent i think i can do either i'm not sure but i think i can do either. >> all right. everyone else weighed in done deal 22 it is great thanks for bringing that up any public comment on the future agenda items seeing none, public is closed this meeting is adjourned it's a record have a good night
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