tv [untitled] May 20, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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for wednesday, may 20, 2015, my name is mark farrell and i will be chairing this committee and i am joined by tang and mar, and i want to thank sfgtv for covering this meeting and victor young, and clerking and we will call to order the 10:00 and 10:05 special meeting. >> do we have any announcements? >> yes, silence all cell phones and electronic devices and speaker cards and copies of documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk and items acted upon today will appear on the board of supervisor's agenda unless otherwise stated. >> we are going to go through all of the item and then do the 10:05 afterwards and so if you will call item one? >> resolution requesting continued membership in the 18
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county calwin con sort um and the renewal of the hewlett packard enterprise services, contract with it as a result of the new procurement, for additional amount of $30 million. >> thanks, we have hsa here. >> good morning, supervisors, david flores from the department of human and we were here last year to ask for the consideration of the resolution expanding the membership for the 18 county calwin and the contract that they negotiated with the state of california and a ten-year agreement with hewlett packard and the only change is that we have accepted the board analyst recommendation to increase not-to-exceed amount of the contract and additional amount of 29,551,554, for a total amount to exceed over the ten year period of time of
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$82,571,463, and that what you previously adopted in 2013, i am ready to answer any questions. >> thank you much. >> colleagues any questions? >> all right mr, rose, could we get your report? >> we did testify on this, our recommendations as the department indicated on page 4 of our report and we recommend that you amepd the proposed resolution to reflect the contract of 29,551,554 and not 26,229,281 and, we recommend that you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >> okay, thank you very much mr. rose. >> any questions? >> we will move on to public comment, anybody wish to comment on item one? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor tang? >> thank you, i know that last time we had just had to sit for one week for this item because we were increasing the amount,
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so then today i move to sent forward this resolution with a positive recommendation for the full board. >> okay we have a motion by supervisor tang and we can take that without objection. >> mr. clerk, could you call item 2? >> item two, ordinance amending the police code contains the formula retails ordinance to change from 20 to 40 the number of retail sales establishments woerd wide and business must have to be covered by the ordinance. >> okay, thank you very much >> mr. clerk, so the colleagues and this is an item that i introduced and co-sponsored by supervisor mar and we approved the amendments last week, that regard to sit for this week and i know that we are continuing to discuss the additional amendments and i would like to continue this item for two weeks to our june third budget and finance subcommittee
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meeting. with that colleagues f no other comments i would like to open it up and item number two? >> mr. paulson? >> supervisors, tim paulson the executive director of the san francisco labor council and we represent 140 different unions in town, and i want to thank the board of supervisors for taking these amendments and i know that you are going to be continuing this and so we can get this all tightened up. this is a historic piece of legislation that san franciscans both on this side of the aisle and in the mayor's office are going to be proud of once we are finished with that and so we strongly support moving forward and we think that the amendments will be con sen custody that we hope that we will end up with the vote and everybody happy and so i want to thank you for all of the particular in farrell for the work that you have done on
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this navigating through these. >> next speaker. >> my name is connie ford and i am representing job with custody which is a key organization that worked to get this historic legislation passed back in november. we support this amendment and support the move for two weeks, and we all work together to really make sure that we have the best possible legislation as we roll this out. because it will be and is the first in the country to be rolled out and we are proud tf and working hard and we look forward in two weeks to finish the job. thank you. >> thank you, have youer mfp, are there any other members of the public? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> could i get a motion to continue for two weeks. >> two weeks to june third. >> okay. thanks supervisor mar we have a motion and we can take that without objection. >> mr. clerk, could we call
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item three? >> hearing to review the economic impact study of outdoor events in san francisco, and requesting the controller and the enter stainment commission to report. >> okay. thank you mr. clerk. i don't see supervisor weiner here quite yet. he is coming in here, so we will start this hearing momentarily. >> so while supervisor weiner catches his breath we also have ted here as well as josyln, the director the entertainment commission and a number of the public but this hearing and this report was called for by supervisor weiner and so are happy to turn it over to him.
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>> thank you, chairman for schedule thanksgiving hearing for today, told, we will be holding a hearing to discuss the economic impacts and benefits of outdoor events for san francisco. and at my request the city economist conducted a study of the contributions of outdoor events such as festival and street fares for san francisco and that report as you will hear concluded that these outdoor events are a significant economic driver, for our city. while we have known for a long time that these outdoor events are a key part of san francisco's cultural fabric and a report shows that the massive economic benefit that the events have, for our city, and we now have hard numbers and we can begin to understand why it is so important to support these events.
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in 2014, outdoor events generated 1.1 billion dollars in economic impacts. and drew, 3.3 million dollars attendance whose spending supported 9300 private sector jobs. and of the 3.3 million event goers, 58 percent came from out of town and 85 percent of those out of towners said that they came in to san francisco specifically for the event. and in other words, 1.6 million people traveled to san francisco specifically to attend an outdoor event, whether it was massive event like san francisco pride, or the chinese new year's parade, or the blue grass or smaller neighborhood events like union street festival, many of these events are free and low cost and treasured by visitor and san francisco residents as well. these events contribute greatly
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to life in san francisco and we must continue to find ways to support them. the report shows not only the economic and cultural impact of the events, but revealed the diversity of the outdoor events throughout the city. >> 79 event with over 5,000 attendties representing a variety of offerings, however, as you will also hear the colleagues, the current city and processes create unnecessary hardships for many events. while larger events can absorb the cost and uncertainty of the process, for smaller events, the cost and uncertainly can mean a difference between surviving and not surviving. these events are boosting the economic vitality of the city, and our residents, and we need to do more, to make sure that they succeed in continue to drive for the sake of our city. and we love our festival and our parades in san francisco,
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and we need to support them. this report will provide a starting point in guiding policy discussions in city hall and in our city departments so we don't just treat these events as problems to be managed, but rather important parts of who we are as a city. and i want to thank everyone who made this report possible particularly our city economist ted eagan as well as joselyn from the entertainment commission and the various who allowed us to circulate surveys for the event attendties which really provided the basis for the data that was collected. so mr. chairman, if or i tell you madam vice chair, if there are no other preliminary comments by members i would like to start with the presentation. first i would like to invite up
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jocelyn from the entertainment commission. >> thank you, supervisor and i did not have anything prepared because i have members my commission to speak but would i like to thank you from the bottom of my heart and we have kept the speakers to a minimum, even though as you will hear and i am sure that you know there are many events and many challenges so in the interest of time, we kept the numbers small, hopefully there is a representation of the kinds of event that we need to hear from and again, as the supervisor said we will hear about the challenges and obstacles that are facing events and hopefully some ways forward that you can support. >> thank you. >> thank you, i would like to
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invite up ted eagan our city economist. >> thank you, supervisor. >> from the controller's office i am just going to thank you for summary of the report and provide more detail and i would like to acknowledge the hard work from the controlary office who did a lot of the report and ben from the office of economic and workforce development. who supported us with a lot of out reach and information on the events in the city. so according to oed there were 79 outdoor events in san francisco in 2014, that had an attendance of 5000 or more people. and as you say, supervisor they really run the gamut from the street fairs in parks and fund-raising and runs and walks and different types of cultural festival and parades. >> could you move the microphone closer. >> yes. with a wide variety of themes, cultural and political and artistic, and we described all
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of that in the appendix to our report. depending on where an event is held there may be a variety of permits that are needed from the mta and the recreation or the entertainment commission, what is important for our work is that those include the estimate of the attendance and it is from what the event told the city that they would be expecting in the way of attendance and to the population of event attendties, and that we are working with. and to understand the economic impact of those, we ask events and eleven agreed to cooperate with us to administer a survey that we designed to ask the people why they came to san francisco and what did they spend while they were here. >> these both on-line and paper versions of this survey were provided by us to the par participating events which ever was easy for her and we relied on the volunteers at the events ko distribute the survey, and either by mailing it to ticket
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to the attendance to who provide an e-mail address or administering in person, we think that our work is really large and impressive response rate and we got 3644 people, responding to the survey, and essentially what we were able to do is to that to the totals ta we received from the city departments. so this 79 events actually took place over 88 days, during for example takes place over ten days and in total the estimated attendance is 3.3 million people. and at these events, on a whole they spent an average of 89 dollars per person and this is at the event itself, this is includes on the event fees and donation and the food and drink, and the things that are purchased at the other ent have retail and kinds of spending there, when you add all of that
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together and includes spending just at the event by visitors and san francisco residents, 290 million annually, to put these numbers into a little bit of context, on a typical day in san francisco, about 12 million dollars is spent at our restaurant and over the 88 days that the outdoor events took place, on each of those 88 days, the spending on food at these events equals 10 percent of the city's restaurant industry. and so, this represents during the days of the events are happening a fairly large percentage of the hospitality activity that is taking place in the city. >> and to get to the broader economic impact, though, and the really role of these events as a driver you have to make a distinction between the 40 percent who were residents who are recirculating money, and the 58 to 60 percent who are out of town attending who are basically bringing money into
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the economy and forming for the time of their visit a part of our visitor industry. so that number is about 58 percent of all of the 3.3 million and i think that it is very important to stress that we asked them why they came to san francisco that day e85 percent of the visitors say that they came to san francisco because of the event, and these are not people who are coming to san francisco and found out about the event and decided to attend it, the event was the primary reason why they are in the city. and so that suggests that these events are helping to if you like diversify the city's tourism industry they give a different number of people who otherwise would not be visiting san francisco that day to visit on that day. another thing that is important about this group is that not all of the spending takes place at the event we have already talked about the spending at the event but many people will go to restaurants or bars or
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night life after the event and they are spending on transportation to get to and from the event and around the city and many of them are staying in hotels or other kinds of lodging and so if you like eat vent just kind of the tip of the iceberg and draws them here and the economic impact of these visitors spending is not, and it is not associated with the event, but throughout the stof utah and hospitality businesses. >> so we can begin to put some numbers on to that and now this is only referring to the people who came to san francisco specifically for the event. and they spent $190 million in spending at the event itself. and on things ranging from event fees and food and drink and shopings and other goods and services and also spent an average of $330 per person outside of the event on things like transportation and 53 percent stayed in san francisco for more than a night and
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spent, $262 on lodging during their trip and so when you account for all of the spending of these visitors that koim to san francisco for the event it works up to a billion dollars, $993 million. we modeled the multiplier effects on that and they are not that much bigger it is a small multiplier, but the incorrect is 1.1 billion and that is the effects of that spending as it ripples through the economy, the employment effects of all of this is large and supports about 9300 private sector jobs in the city. and that represents a significant portion of hospitality related employment in the city, about 7 percent of food service employment and about 6 percent of hotel in the city is directly or in directly related or atriblted to these events >> that is the victim and we are happy to take any questions? >> thank you very much.
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mr. eaga >> colleagues, any questions >> supervisor mar, thank you, and i really appreciate the report. and i know that san francisco state did the 2011 study for another planet and entertainment for the outside lands and i think that their survey was like 3500 concert goers and the guess was $60 million of economic impacts. and i think that it was 27 million to 30 million direct economic impacts. and i am just wondering if your findings are similar to the outside lands which i think brought in 200,000 people in the city last year and i think that another planet made 19 million in gross sales but the city benefited i think the estimate is about 60 million in economic impacts is that consistent for what your findings are for the eleven events and was outsides lands one of the events that you looked at? >> the attendance is certainly
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part of it total, the numbers that we are reporting here are not just for the eleven events and we are basically extropolating to all of the people who visited the events in the city, that is 3.3 million, but we did not have that much at the eleven events that we surveyed. but to answer your question, it may be slightly larger because we are looking at a different mix of events than outside lands but the proportional they represent, maybe 8 percent of the total events and employment of all of them and so the number that you are sight ining that report are pretty much in line what we are finding here. >> it seems from your findings that events of the 5,000 and above events that you are looking at that even the smaller ones and cultural and the arts are really the magnet that are pulling the people to the city to spend money but you are looking at the large events, but my hope at some
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point that we could think about the smaller events that attract from the bay area region and other spots as well. but thank you for the great report. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and so, thank you. so now i would like to mr. chairman if we may move to public comment? >> sure. we will open this up to public comment, anyone wish to speak on the item feel free and i know that there are a number of speaker cards or you can line up on the wall. everyone will have two minutes. >> i do want to call on metri who was on the commissioner and the events. and then mr. chairman we can move to public comment. >> good morning, supervisors, thank you. first i want to thank supervisor weiner for commissioning the study and for the office of doing great work and working with us. in a dual capacity serving on
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the entertainment commission now and serving as the executive director of fullson street i can tell you that there are many needs in our field and there are many ways in which hopefully you as the supervisor cans support our work. mainly one of the things that we are hoping to accomplish is possibly reinstating a position that needs to exist in the entertainment commission to support the special events and this person could be supporting all outdoor events but particularly larger events that have significant community impact especially in the cases of halloween and saturday in the castro and there are from time-to-time, events that don't have a designated producer and therefore lack the organization that is required and many of us have also talked about another thing which is kind of a one top shop possibly an on-line portal where many of us could
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go and kind of ease the permitting process and many of us have to apply for five or more permits and many cases up to ten and that can become cumbersome and difficult to manage those. >> in addition, of course we want to thank the city for all of the support that they gave us through grants for the arts, and we have already been talking internally at the entertainment commission about ways to generate new money for outdoor events so we would like to explore that with you as well as legislative advances, and the breed legislation was very significant for the entertainment commission in terms of how the developing city growing and we would like to see expanding that to include the outdoor events. the important thing to note here is that as the city develops and grows, outdoor events are going to become that
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much more important >> thank you. >> we will open up to public comment. >> i have a few cards. >> brad olsen, liam frost and bar bra and steven loso. >> you don't want to speak in that order. >> good morning, supervisor weiner and ladies and gentlemen of the board my name is rosa hernandez and i am here to represent the march and first of all to give us a opportunity to contribute to your findings. vy been with the march for a few years andvy been a dj and produce, for, over, 16 years, this is a beautiful and dynamic season and this is a beacon, not just of you know
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restaurants and wine and things like that, but also the cultural beacon, the fact that pride and the chinese new year parades are the biggest parades of the year are no surprise at all, this is also a gay meca and i want to make that clear because i want to point out that a lot of the participants in this survey were actually the gay events. we were unfortunately not able to participate but happy to be here now. what we want to do is encourage the city to make more of an investment in supporting the process and i like the idea of the portal waving fees and a number of things that come into place. the march for instance, is pretty much put together by a small group of women who we have our own lives and jobs and so it is a labor of love. to find a number of bear ors makes it that much difficult, and i know that my time is running out i want to make a point that this one is expected to be a large number in
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attendance because of the decisions that are expected to come down from the supreme court. so i want us to work together as a city and these events to be create these relationships, build more strength and in producing these events and making them safe and attractive to anybody who comes, this may be one of the last that san francisco has not actual diversity thank you. >> next speaker? >> good morning, supervisors, ladies and gentlemen, my name is barbara and i am the director of the bay view opera house and we are funded by the grants and donations and it is our mission to provide opportunities for bay view residents, and visitors to engage in the arts and all tracks, 30 percent of the population live at or below 200 percent of the poverty level and 25 percent lack high school
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education and while i appreciate all of the emphasis on economic development, i want to say that outdoor event also increase community cohesion and make the neighborhood more safe and get the neighborhood community together and engage in their own lives. since our building has been closed for renovations for a year and a half, my organization has organized at least one sometimes more large outdoor events per month and getting all of the necessary city permits for each is time consuming and expensive, each event requires us to deal with 8 city departments each of which has their own forms to fill out and vaouls and fees we are required to get permits from the department of health work, fire, dpw and sometimes industry closures and we have to talk the local station to make sure that are okay with the plan and provide security, all of these fees add up to $2,000, sometimes more. luckily, most city departments have been very responsive to
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our plight after we showed up asking for permits so often. but this took a while. writing letters and going to hearings, both dpw and the entertainment commission have issued annual permits and we appreciate that and it has helped a ton and we are locked into the certain food vendors and cannot accommodate new ones, they have found a way to lower the fees to a manageable level by imposing that all vendors must use our equipment. our local -- is very accommodating so any way just want to close in saying that shout out to dpw and entertainment commission especially -- for helping us out with the annual permits which helped a lot. >> thank you. >> next speaker.
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>> good morning, supervisor >> i am frost from the retired from the san francisco police department and i service as the law enforcement seat and i am also on the united irish society and the president of the united is responsible for the saint patrick's day parade and also responsible for putting on the festival after the parade in the civic center plaza as well as putting on the street fair the next day, generally sunday at 45th avenue in front of the irish cultural center this is my first year of being involved in this. and i got my eyes opened, and pretty wide to see what it is like to run an event like this.
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