tv [untitled] May 21, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> i guess we can get started. okay. this meeting will come to order this is the meeting of the government and oversight committee for may twenty-first, 2015 i'm supervisor yee the chair of the committee, to my right is supervisor christensen and supervisor breed the clerk is erica major and sfgtv i would like to acknowledge the staff at stgtv, scott wise man,
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who make transcripts available to the public online, ma'am clerk do you have any announcements. >> please make sure to silence all electronic devices any part of the file should be committed to the clerk, on the june 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay can you please call the first item? >> resolution of intention - renew and expand yerba buena xhoount -- community benefit district. >> from the office of economic development is here to present. >> good morning. tonya senior manager, for the -- improvement
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known as the yerba buena community benefit district, cathy of the ybcbd, will be prepting after me. the yerba buena is coming to the end of it's seven year term, 2015 -- throughout the district until december 31st of this year. members of the board of directors, of the jesh jesh cbd and the cbd, volunteer steering committee have been hard at work for over a year, they have been engaging stakeholders, throughout the district, whether or not it was appropriate to pursue an are you newel of the district the district has been successful and proceeded with a renewal for an additional 15 year term. on may 12th. the
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yerba buena presented the board of supervisors with petitions 37.9 weighted percent, in support of renewing the expand of the district for 15 years, the proposed annual budget for the district is $3.1 million, of which 2.9 will come from assessments assessments, this budget represents roughly a $6,000 increase from the current budget. the adjust the boundaries will also slightly increase the in your opinion of par cells, to 2103. all of whom will be provided important supplemental services and benefit the neighborhood at large if the proposed resolution of the board of supervisor to renew expand the property based district is approved by the board of supervisors the department of election, will mail out ballots
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to all parcel owners on june 12th. part of the resolution on july 28th the votes will be counted. if it's met the board may vote to renew the expanded district. if approved the district would begin collecting assessments aas of july 1st, 2015, and services, would begin 2016, which they're delivered to the cbd, cathy, the director of the cbcd has presented a power point for the district, i would like to turn over the rest of the presentation to her. i would like to say the organization of the steering committee and the board of directors has been in my short experience, has been amazing they over 100 letters of support from community stakeholders who could not be present today, we have those
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letters here for your submittal. >> i got it. thanks. okay. thanks my name is cathy mothin i'm the director of the yerba buena district. thank you for letting us present on the neighborhood. i will not read this to you, i hope that makes you happy, and we will hit the highlights of the presentation. -- property owners, back in 2008 for a seven year term, our organization will cease to exist, and stop at the end of the year if we're not reknewed. in june 2013 to seek renewal we
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began the process at that time the organization basically is to improve the quality of life who visit and study in the neighborhood and we focus on a few key areas, i will reference in a moment these are the existing boundaries i will show you them amendment tarly we have 172 acres i thought i would start by just highlighting some of the results we have had since we have been in existence for the last seven years, i'm not going to read these to you, basically, we have a clean team community guys and sfpd bike patrol focused in our neighborhood seven days a week, 365 days a year some remove graffiti tags within 24 hours when they're reported. we have
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provided steam cleaning and scrubbing, on top of the schedule we have maintained in the neighborhood, and 65 incidences of -- we created a mobile app ybcd exist you can report information in the neighborhood, and track the results in the neighborhood. the next slide is around street skaep improvements, back in 2010, we created yerba buena street life plan it's a ten year plan that outlines, improves streets in the neighborhood some of them we created, are cuss custom designed they are -- in the culture of the neighborhood -- we work with the explore tore yum, to install the first in the
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zone. we have a mraz ta test project, a pedestrian plaza for people to come to welcome neighbors to meet peers, etc. for marketing and branding, for creating [inaudible] if you will yerba buena is a new neighborhood in san francisco didn't have much of and i denty, we created and i denty a brand for this neighborhood, we continue through the website map, and street subjects -- to ensure the central stop is going to be called jesh jesh and the stony station. we created the city's only free outdoor festival for art music dance and performance, this is our 5th year every year in october. we also created the community benefit fund, which is the grant program, we wanted to work with organizations to inspire them to
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continue to do our work to improve the neighborhood. so over the last seven years, we have granted $840,000, through 98 grants to neighborhood nonprofits to improve the neighborhood that has impacted more than 230 workers, visitors and students in the neighborhood. we're also very involved in the community, we participate or take a leadership roles, in a variety of initiatives, some of them are here we were at the stony project we were there for the ground breaking this morning, advisory street etc. why do we want to renew? there say variety of ree sons first of all [inaudible] talked about us doing a variety of work. it has changed since 2008 more 5,000 people moved into the
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neighborhood that call yerba buena their home we have thousands more coming into the neighborhood each day, with moma, and the escona center -- making the need for services, that much greater we also have support as cusia mentioned for support of these activities she mentioned outroom, if you add the numbers we have done 72 public meetings to hear from the neighborhood. we did an online survey to hear from folks. we also do a door to door campaign, where we go out and walk the neighborhood and meet with store front businesses, etc. to talk about what their needs are, and targeted mailings, to all property owns in the neighborhood to get their feedback. this map looks exactly like the old map. these are our new boundaries, the minor changes,
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are we absorbed a small parcel and 5th and full some that is part of the apartments. masso, and including parry street, one block south of harrison on the in the district, and said good buy to 5th and mention they're joining the central market cbd, so they have been removed. the others have been added. we also mentioned our budget -- >> can i ask a question about that? >> yes yes yes. >> quickly has there been a conversation had with the intersection with the arts and whether or not they prefer yerba buena versus the central district. >> it's been on the board of directors, we have had conversations, with them and the hurst koorp raegs as well.
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>> we know this will be voted on a later time the proposal is to remove them from the boundaries. >> that's their recommendation to us. that's what they asked for, so that's what we agreed to. >> all right. thanks. >> the budget is 3.1, you can see here how the money will be spent. current budget we spend 15% for administration, and we project 13%, and more is going to 16 street skaep improvements (73%). for those activities we didn't assume people wanted the status quo, so we asked the questions, three things came out clear and we added them to the list of services, one is a double band on cleaning we
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expanded our clean team for folks, the other is pedestrian safety traffic enforcement we heard it loud and clear, we have set aside money to develop initiatives to deal with traffic enforcement issues shg and we started conversations with sfmta on that topic. the last thing is can you speed up the street skaep improvement projects so we added to the budget to go towards those budgets which i referenced earlier. those are on top of our continuing services which you also have in your packet, none of those things will be changing, we will continue with the grants program, the cleaning, and the buttification programs we're doing. we take great pride in making sure we have the entire neighborhood represented in our board and
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steering committee if you know yerba buena you know it's a diverse neighborhood with all different kinds of institutions, so we make sure we have business, we have residence we have nonprofits cultural institutions and government -- we have all of those on their stooeing committee they have worked tirelessly over the last year, i want to thank them for their support. the results of the petition. we feel like we got strong support we exceeded the 30% weighted requirement, coming close to 38%, we're still getting more every day, in support of renewal so we have strong support the next steps are coming before you today, cusia, outlined as well on june 2nd or 9th for the resolution and ballots on june 12th. hopefully coming back
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with good news announced july 28th. in the board meeting, that is the quick down and dirty i'm happy to answer any questions, we have letters of support that cusia mentioned as well, i'm happen to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> okay. supervisor breed? >> thank you i do have a few more questions, i'm trying to understand the boundaries and the changes to the boundaries. more specifically, i think um, with looking at the yerba buena area i realize it was established for the surrounding area, especially with all the activity all the museums creating this new community which is become an amazing community. a lot of it seems to also center around museums and the arts i noticed in the new
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boundaries, for example the old mint building the building that's located on mission and 5th. >> 5th and mission on the northwest corner. >> that doesn't seemed to be included. >> that was not included on the original boundaries -- >> i know that. with establishing these new boundaries, and establishing -- i just want to understand that that wasn't included if you can give me details around that. >> i can't tell you why it's not original included -- >> not necessarily originally included it has not been opened until recently but why it was not considered included. >> it's part of central market we were not going to poach any properties off central market, no one approached us we want to be a part of yerba buena, since
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it had been a historic part of cbd we didn't approach it. >> it looks like you are trying to keep it central to yerba buena which is -- seems to be the reason for maybe establishing the current boundaries mormasconi yerba buena, can you provide more detail as to how the boundaries were established. i'm just trying to understand. >> we had a lot of conversations about the boundaries as i mentioned we're the largest geographic cbd in san francisco. so there was talk about expanding the boundaries, and there is thinking we're big enough already we don't want to stretch ourselves too thing thin, we want to get it right if you will. we looked at the parcel on 5th street that i referenced, that is part of a development that we needed to absorb and parry street,
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underneath the freeway and wanting to pay special atent to that area, hearst corporation, felt more aligned with the cbd, so they moved in that direction. we accommodated them with that. we did not look at extending our boundaries, into the existing cbd boundaries and there is -- to the east of us. cbd, that is currently working so for us taking the other side of second street moving to the east didn't make sense we didn't want to step on their toes either, and the freeway is a natural border for us. >> these maps are a little hard to read so i'm assuming the dark lines for example when i look at the existing boundaries in terms of the maps, the dark
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lines are where it exists and the more gray lines are where it doesn't exist. with the new boundaries, the gray lines are still where it doesn't exist. so i think this map makes it difficult for me to understand where we are now and where we're going. >> yeah. i can tell you that the gray area you are talking about i think the gray area you are talking about up on market street. is that the gray area you are speaking about? >> which map are you looking at? >> either one, it's going to be gray on both. >> okay that's not going to change. >> they're not going to change. they're part of west field, and the union square district, they're still in those boundaries. >> okay so for certain. the blooming dales on mission -- >> is ours. >> okay. >> but the market street side is on the market street district.
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that is very confusing. >> i can't read this map well to determine what that is. >> that's what that is. >> okay. >> west field is basically split. >> all right. this one is much better. it's in color. thank you. >> color printer issues this morning. president breed, i wanted to piggy bag on the boundary discussion we would not be touching any existing cbd boundaries, right now, yerba buena to the left of market street is covered by union market square. west of 5th street is primarily central market and rincon hill will be a which you know b why north of second street we're o doing our best not to have any straggler parcels, in the cbd in the downtown areas and bark dero
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and downtown has had several discussions, so we're looking to make sure up mremental services are in this section of the city. >> we got this map today that's what i'm trying to understand. for example, with the existing boundaries there are 4 or 5 zones listed here i don't know what that means, but in the new boundaries i pretty much understand. i guess where i'm trying to get an idea, this is what it is and this is what it's going to be, and this is confusing. what it's going to be is clear, based on the new boundaries and having two different colors, what it is now is confusing i don't understand what zone one and zone two. everything is scattered and all over the place, i think that's why i'm confused. >> that's why we wanted to simplify and go to two zones this time. because it was
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confusing confusing. >> so the other zones are a part of the yerba buena? i don't get that. >> zone one and zone two, in the new map, includes zones 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the old map, we have just minimized we have gone from 5 to 2 zones. >> and for clarifications the zones are in separate boundaries, they're service level, in the old district there are five zones that had varying level of services, in the in one, there will be two varying level of services. >> i think i got it now. thank you. >> any other questions? seeing none. any public comment on this item? come on up. is it ray
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ardet? you go after her, if you would like. just line up over here. >> hi. good morning my name is debra i'm the ceo, for the yerba buena center for the arts i'm here to support the yerba buena community benefits district they feed the culture of our district which is important to our city, they do excellent work keeping our neighborhood clean, safe inviting we see visitor ship returning visitors people that linger and engaged with the cultural amenities, which is what san francisco is proud of. community guides are like doe sents -- we have a lot of expansion in our neighborhood from the masconi center and
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the mexican museum coming down we will incollies and need you port from the community benefit district. we do a thing together called yerba buena night, they organize they celebrate the district it's free there are families and activities all over the place, they also do granting to the neighborhood, which supports. family art projects, and exhibitions that are really important. i think it's really notable that their street skaep workcape work -- (they're awesome to collaborate with, we need them in our community thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. my name is ray bobit, from sf clubs, we operate
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715 harrison, which houses city nights and cityscape pizza. we are one of the store fronts, we have been there 28 years i have been there 26 years. the transformation of the area is amazing. as you well know beyond the residential expansion, we still have small businesses that have been there several years shg including our own. what the ybcbd has done is created a circumstances we have immediate service to beautify our neighborhood the clean steam comes out to address issues of sidewalks and store fronts the police officer that they have year round, deals with aggressive street behavior. all of their residential people that
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come around and work directly with the community it's amazing. i'm kind of choked up about it because the cbd has been so amazing, and had such an impact on our community, i want you to understand we want the renewal of it we care deeply about the work they have done, their ambassadors have been great to us we expanded to parry street behind our building, there is an ayar with the homelessness the ambassadors have been able to address those issues in our community i wanted to thank you for your time. >> thank you. come on up. >> good morning supervisors my name is peter heartman, i have been a residence homeowner in yerba buena for over 24 years as you can imagine, i have seen
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a tremendous amount of change in the neighborhood. since the creation of the community benefits district, i think it's working. i'm here to support the renewal, the district seems to be z as a residence, cleaner, safe and more inviting than ever, provides more eyes on the street and has become really the only voice of our neighborhood to city departments to work with city departments and to get things done. we don't really have any other entity down there that represents the whole neighborhood. also i have been working with the district, i'm chair of the streets and public space committee, and sit on the board of directors, i will tell you, i know cathy suggested some projects we have done to improve the public realm, i really look at one of the roles of the district is to improve the public realm there have been all of the changes we have noticed, to the private realm in
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yerba buena it's completely transformed this again is the only one focused on improving the public realm. we have as cathy mentioned, had projects over the last few years, we're are looking at creating dog park for the residences alley ways, and arts in the cross walks, i ask for your support and renewal. thank you >> any other public comments? come on up. if you want to have a public comment come over here and line up. >> good morning supervisors shg my name is calvin may. i'm a community guy with ybcbd, this is my first time speaking -- i
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enjoy working with the businesses the co-owners the property managers, and also being a -- excuse me -- a problem solver in the neighborhood, working with the police department, sfpd is also assisting folks with the traffic. it's a huge tremendous impact. i never spoke before, so i'm very happy and excited [laughter]. >> you are doing great. >> let me make it quick and simple. you heard a lot of stuff, with the community guys with the cleaning issues helping out with safety issues shg i have a small story, touching to me i had a family, stephen son, it was a pregnant couple i was able to provide them services, and get them something to eat that day these cards provides the homeless to eat for the day, a
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