tv [untitled] May 22, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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we'll call item 6. >> item 6 introduction of new items. any new commission items? >> i haven't had the chance -- i didn't see the card, again madeline from folks for polk. would i like to introduce the idea that we have an agenda item in the future that deals with the polk street plan. there were some changes to it at the last-minute after any public input -- and the reasons for that change are unclear i would like to request that the mta reveal the reasoning, the particular change backpedals from safety on one block, where the pedestrian and cyclist crashes would point to the fact that, in fact, that amenity, meaning that way cycle way should be in place and further, it's a section of the road wide enough to accommodate it. which is why the team had
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originally planned to put it there. having said that i would like to have it treated as not just for one block on one street in our city. but again, as emblematic of the process. we care very much about transparency, logic and data driving the process. having said that, too, if it is an agenda item, and i would prepare more material, i will not be here for the next meeting. so the deadline then for the bids for the street must be complete by the end of october. so i think steve or some other person can tell me the best way to proceed with that? again, i take very seriously having been in the trenches of the work on this, and the public outreach, and the people who have opposed it, i feel very strongly that it's a preemptive action for future endeavors. because the only thing that is
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understood is that the city stands firm on its commitments. thank you very much. >> okay. any other comments on this? seeing none, item no. 7. >> item 7, public comment? >> any public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed [ gavel ] mr. clerk. >> item 8, adjournment. >> okay. [ gavel ] meeting adjourned
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impacts. >> continuation one 11:00 p.m. that is the regular meeting on the investment & infrastructure the successor agency commission to the revomit agency phenomenon maim 2015 welcome to the members of the public mr. secretary the first item arrest the first order of business is roll call commission must be commissioner mondejar sxhrng is absent commissioner bustos madam chair rosales ask commissioner singh is ac absent and outline other members of the commissions are present the next order of business item
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2 announcements next regularly schedule meeting of june 2nd will be held at one p.m. in city hall room 416 announcements of prohibition of sound like producing cell phones and others electronics please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, planning code are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c unanimous of time allocate for pub please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to make pertinent public comments unless the commission adapts a shorter time that is
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strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit that to the mr. secretary number there action on a closed session no responsibilityable action the next order of business is item 4 matters of unfinished business there are none the next order of business is matters of new business consisting of consent calendar first, the consent agenda 5 a approval of the minutes important the meeting of april 21, 2015 and 5 b approving a second amendment to the construction contract with the disposal works inc. for the shipyard project contract number h p.s. 041 expending the date of
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completion for august 2014 and honda action resolution number 292014 madam chair. >> yes. do we have any speaker cards on the consent agenda. >> i have many ace washington. >> mr. washington. >> no? okay. so i'm just making sure that what we have in front of us is the april 21st minutes - may 19th so i think i have a point of clarification here >> that's itself 21st. >> the answer is yes we have
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april 21st i see okay. thank you. >> okay. my minutes were a little out of order sorry mr. washington. >> you have a card for the consent calendar? you're okay - thank you >> no other speaker cards okay so we have the consent calendar do we can take those items 5 ab separately any comments or questions on the minutes. >> i don't. >> i move there's another motion and seconded by commissioner mondejar all the roll on 5 a. >> commissioners please announces your vote commissioner mondejar commissioner singh is absent
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commissioner bustos madam chair rosales. >> i have 3 i's and one a little bit. >> okay. he should have asked 5 b the same - questions or comments on 5 b is it the same motion and second okay. >> okay. >> a motion by commissioner bustos. >> seconded by commissioner mondejar please call the roll. >> commissioners please announces our vote for 5 b arrest commissioner mondejar commissioner singh is a little bit commissioner bustos madam chair rosales i have 3 i's and one a little bit. >> the consent calendar is adapted please call the next item madam chair we have to announces agenda item 5 c.
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>> it is continued until another commission meeting. >> please call 5 d. >> okay. the the next order of business is 5 d working group on the inclined basically concepts schematic dine for the golden state worries center an mixed use on blocks 39 to 2 in the mission bay >> sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. madam director. >> before you start i think you should packing take public comment on item c although we're continuing. >> any speaker cards on 5 c an item that was noticed. >> i did not. >> thank you running to 5 d it's been called. >> thank you mr. secretary and good afternoon commissioners and
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members of the public thank you for joining us commissioners that is the proposed golden state warriors event center a mixed use project you saw in january a so-called major phase proposal height and mass and bulk circulation over the course the last year the tome tea team working with our staff and mission bay stakeholders have made the refinements including the paroling proposals for transportation and event management today that is the subject of our hearing today it is just a workshop we have to present that no further action will be taken today but in the fall we expect won the eir is out it the certified by you under ceqa you may take the approval action to approve the schematic skyline
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and other paradoxes is the design as it is progressed and the transportation plan water department i'd like to ask katherine to start off the presentation and she'll be adjourned by other members of the team. >> good afternoon. i'm keith run reilly the project manager for mission bay we'll be looking at schematic design and we're excited we have a model feel free to walk around it is heavy but feel free to come over to it can i have a overhead so it's a pretty long presentation i'll go over the boring stuff and my team will be
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trod we have a lot of them in the audience going through the sxhoefk design we will present the whole project together and other things you asked with this transportation and our person from the office of economic workforce development will be doing that preparation we have reasonable person the warriors a few folks (calling names) we have others that will have takes reintroduce themselves another the appropriate time to answer questions we want to recognize them in the audience so i reminder we're talking about block 29 through 32 located in mission bay south 16th to the south and third street to the west ucsf is
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across west and the bay front park is 4r0ekd across the east with end in the water line is owned by and warriors have agreed to purchase that land. >> those director bohe mentioned in january for the major phase that is the member gallo block we have the entrance as you can see looking at what's the skin of the building and further designing the masses and a lot of this is the building what it will look like when you walk through that the 18 thousand center 23w0 office buildings on my right your left is the in if south street and
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16th streets the orientation i'm been 16 and terry france way and ucsf on third street and north to the downtown and in addition retail we'll get into more detail but strafrtd throughout the site and with the open space with the main plaza and a lot of pockets landscape easier throughout the project to help too active is it on top of a parking podium we'll done loot for the exposure to the community unlike motorbike it is subterranean so the designs outline see assume we will be redesign that this is the version of the planning code and the major phase has the variant changes and we're working we'll
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come back to you in the future we want to make sure that everyone was happening happen with the design and what that means for the red line but the mass of the hundred and 35 feet for the arena having the sets back on site we're not exceeding hundred and 60 feet allowed by the plan none of the changes exceed the hundred and 60 feet we're staying within the maximum. >> there's been a presubstantial outreach community for the groups for this project we've met at 9 meeting an saturdays starting back in i believe april and may are last year, it is noted monthly but mostly every other month it is designed to address the comments made during the
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major phase some of the ones are the terrace and it's been reduced and brought down to make sure that the pedestrian edges and sets back are appropriate to make it an enjoyable place to be taking into consideration it is the wind patterns are wind i didn't and open space people are excited about the retail to make sure it is go back going to work and also understanding that the office space is a good opportunity for bio technical as well as office smaur those designs will take any type of biotech use in addition to the citizens advisory committee there's a lot of additional outreach we've been working with ucsf if not weekly multiple times but definitely monthly and oftentimes several times a week
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they've been at the table and meeting with the giants a working group and walk sf and other residents and businesses some of the other non-design comments we've heard relate to the traffic and congestion and parking we'll be adding in adams presentation and the eir that will, coming up coming out in a couple of weeks the management is a big concern and you'll be hearing about that later today and the last large group is the impacts wife been working with the community and need to get further into the process there is a general contractor on board we'll be working directly with the community and we'll have a lot of construction and made a commitment to the community all those projects are cooperating to minimum miss the community
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impact that is the equal opportunity program the warriors have take place a process and awarded 74 disciplines in multi phase because there is so much work and specialists so in the 34 disciplines about 50 percent are spes and they've done a great job in reflecting the diversity of san francisco we'll be working going forward as we get to construction they'll be subject to occ standard construction goals and requirement and working with office of economic workforce development to provide opportunity to the entry-level employment opportunities address they've been working closely with our staff staff and on the one hand staff it will be
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substantial process we're thinking of how to get ahead of the game providing the education as the trades come forward there's actually people locally we can bring into the jobs we're still working on the details but i'll be happy to get back with you we're planning on doing outreach to the southeast holding open houses as we get closer to make sure they're aware of the opportunities and g can get into the train programs we're happy they're thinking ahead of time and not claiming they can't get employees we're go through on environmental review process this is will think an environmental impact report ocii is the leading action we have outside consultant and we've done the
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dir eir we're to the able to take action today's meeting is a workshop we are going to continue to work forward through the designs so, please see this is an opportunity to give us feedback so we put that in place as we continue forward we'll have this hearing on the 30th we're anticipating and real estate the eir on june 3rd we may need a couple of extra days we'll be 2011 everyone to get you copies of the review also another future program the warriors is subject to pca spending one percent of the initial construction onsite art or providing the fees to us for the open space areas they've we've told them this is
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an important issue they're hiring an artist we're making sure our consultant has experience with the local artist and it is important to each and local art groups to make sure they're aware of the opportunities and have opportunity to apply for art projects in here so again going drove the selection process but making sure they have the local experience built into it is one of the things they're looking for we've talked about possible having an open house to host and greet for local artists we want to get the art consultant on board with the expertise to deal with that since we're not doing an approval option we have a list of conditions here are the areas we want you to work on and the construction drawings he with w
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want to go ahead and we'll take notes and some the big areas those are ones we'll do we want to make sure the realm people walker u walking by have the most interaction and making sure that the entrance are well marked and create a presence and accident terrace is well-designed and present public assess and opportunity for folks to get up there to we're working to preserve that two outdoor entrances you can do it from terrace france way and the streets we want to make sure as your approaching this it really integrates with the surrounding community and making sure that
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is successful how you activate this on to 24/7 and our retail exert can answer questions and open space and landscaper we work on the signage. the court: all right the event center is a unique place to the design master plan was designed for retail office not designed for a regional center we know that is one of the next steps the appropriate signage but doing it in a taste fell manner my last item before i am sorry over the next steps for the eir next week weigh go to the planning commission to review the schematics and we'll be releasing the eir the first week in june that starts the 45 day period and the formal hearing on
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june 30th we'll get you copies of the eir beforehand and anticipate the certification by the s i commission once you have the certified eir you can approve the design development and the major schematic design and any other things such the signage plaster plan most likely on the same one and line up the appropriate order of the approval actions planning commission because the offices require the prop m obligation they have the allocation but the planning commission needs to look at the design that's the one action to approve the design at the office not arena next week's meeting we'll have the input as well for the best design possible but their official action will be the office design
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so with that i'm going to turn it over to david from the evicted he'll introduce the rest of attempting team and then additional will talk about the management thank you. >> thank you, thank you katherine and good afternoon, commissioners nice to see you all again, i of the here last january speaking about the project in the major phase and certainly happy to be back here today so i've got the good fortune fortune to work with those projects around the world that is more than just a sport and entertainment venue a collection of buildings and that collection the end result will be much bigger than some of the parts my point address also i'd like to say those parts are run and lead by designers other than might have now so i want to recognize them first is the
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daunt task so bear with me i'm going to be daevent and respectful if you have questions i'll welcome my folks to stand to answer quickly or dwindle pursue my office is running the design forgive me for calling it an event center but the rasp the retail aspects of the events are led will i richard and others colleagues the landscaping so i want to perp recognize mr. alleyway tun and from s w a they're all in the room richie and others so with that i was going to joke i drew the short straw and had to make the presentation but
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i'm happy and proud of the entire project and looking forward to it will welcome our questions as well one other thing i want to say i want to have a very special and sincere that's correct to ocii the project is better because of them their indescribable shedding they've brought before r great value to the project that is better because of them and casket republican realizing that will be leaving thank you all you are work on this perp it is a great pleasure we're going to miss you very much katherine all right. let's talk about the project i recognize the design team i'll give you a brief overview of the key eliminates elements and talk about the design ms. in part of what we
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went over in the major phase i'll give you a few overviews and most the presentation as you can see will be spent walking around the site and helping you to experience those buildings as a result member of the public in the community you'll be one belief moment we'll take you inside the city but most of the story is happening between the buildings and now it is special all right. let's talk about the project overview briefly about 18 thousand seats and the 4 hundred and 86 thousand square feet of leasable area office and lab buildings splits 20/2024 hours and lovingly
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stories 6 at the podium and 5 thousand please square feet of usually space and housing approximately 24 hundred employees the square feet of leasable space over 11 restaurants and retail areas and finally as i mentioned the public plaza and open space approximately main plaza will 56 thousand please square feet one of the greatest is the 2.2 acres devoted to open space space for the public you might replacement this i want to utilize the intentional item design party we brought to that part ems mission bay has a
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hard corner you will notice as we talked about before we intentionally disappointed that to create a more over and over graphic of people flow there this site is creating creates an interesting way to contract and expand the building highlights i went through at the major phase the key proposal i won't read them out this is the site plan the major site platoon with the key building heath's heights that was w were we were and now absolutely maintained the integrity of the submission if we did anything we realized the height on the west corner it has views across
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