tv [untitled] May 22, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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to the capacity service and extend the approach across the street that david mentions one of the primary access points at third street to allow the two trains to broad and be installing tracks to allow trains to bypass each other and adding additional transportation inspectors and increasing bus services onth street to bart to the south and number of shuttles along haven and the transbay term and the third corridor to supplement the existing rail service the warriors are in discussion with the mission bay struthers to add the frequency service
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we're talking to 0 regional providers oracle on the traffic side up to 24 parking control officers those are the mta officers that can over reside the traffic signal and phish the traffic out after on event and the rectifies and dispatches in the key intersections heading north-south and west we've been very concerned about and work collaboratively with ucsf to protect the emergency vehicle access to the hospital and to the neighborhoods trying find a way to separate the traffic so that we have people going on main aerials and not remain streets
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like replacing /* at&t park we have closed circuit television cameras if you live in the city there's a car blocking a lane of traffic or a garage entry you have a phone number to call to tmc we have budgeted moving parking control officers to teed those concerns in addition to the peak intersections. >> when the around opens in 2018 we hope to utilize the benefits of mobile technology allowing people to prepurchase their parking spaces on their smart phones reducing the circling and couple of other specification traffic managed
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measures we mentioned the lot at 11 and illinois david talked about the 3 hundred bike valet location that has up to 4 hundred and reference around at&t park has 3 hundred mrashdz and have actually more capacity to handle the bikes this is a great last solution from the points of contract worries have agreed to sponsor a bike share station you might have heard about the bike sharing and immediately sponsored empty the warriors organization and we've identified a number of promotional tints to get people out of their cars into other
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modes as much as possible and public safety capita from the southern station is leading the coordination up to 14 officers employee and post events this is helping the parking control officers and the warriors out on the street responded to public safety calls for service and protecting the entire neighborhood from quality of life prospective on quality of life we have our public works providing extra sweep street and opponent park maintenance and providing working with the contractor to provide the same within an area around their event mta is working with surrounding
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neighborhood groups on the parking program and some of the neighborhoods strongly opposed this idea and some welcome it we think the area at at&t park for selma will change the parking patterns in the evening hours in particular and then we'll create a good neighbor policy that is consistent with the entertainment commission they'll be applying for a permit for the ticketing and logically vendor and graffiti and trash that impacts the site and surrounding block quickly two more little things the dual event there's been much discussion what happens with whether when there's an event at at&t there are little instances others
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airport and the last year but that concert or event at&t at in that particular case we're working first to identify and avoid those sclfts in the mission bay ball park commission committee and through the may be and when there are conflicts we want to separate those arrivals more and more most challenging everybody coming out the neighborhood at the same time the more we startle those the more we can utility it existing transit and streamline capacity we have 12r5rgd start times and regular participation in the committee and advanced notifications and cooperation on the large marquee events like a
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political convention or large events that generates a lot of attention that fills the arena. >> this is a handful of time when we have the city's full deployment for are the are the and the arena so the fairy land at at&t park will be actually and the parking control officers in motorbike will be deployed and will be take advantage of the way finding and mobile app and like us when they have a signage he can but staggering the start times didn't start before like the baseball at 8:3085 percent the arrivals are within an hour before the event
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it is the early arrives and late arrivals that overlap so finally we're looking to identify american people offsite parking lot our experience at other venues the brooklyn arenas, etc. this is part of early dialog and gets scaled back as plans get more refined and we're looking for a site south of the arena and avoid selma and park in angle area pier 80 off cesar chavez and have a free shelter you'll be separating the traffic from the south and north and east they can come around and avoid a lot of the freak congestion that happens during an at&t event and get to a space and straight up
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into the arena so finally how do we expect to pay for it we contracted with economic mr. haney systems they did our feasibility analysis in mission bay and looked at it the anticipated generated revenues for the site we have kaiser and marks society did that with a convert eye we had them your on the side of caution and say what's the lower of the range and we've seen that here include in our packet it is list on the occ webbed but generally, the net of occ revenues for the affordable housing would generate over $14 million to the
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city treasurer in terms of property tax sales tax a property and others gross residents as well dedicated funds such as the mta parking tax and others dedications to city department you recall that 14.1 the costs from the city services prevention are $6.6 million largely magnifying municipal transportation agency for up to the 21 parking control officers those special net shuttles and trains and excluding the 14 police officers and the street sweepers 14 point one million dollars in annual receive compared to $6.6 million the delta will be put into the general fund we have a great story no public land no public
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money in the construction and we're more than doubling cover our annual costs that is your honor, precedent in the united states and the first of the claim we're excited about that so with that i think we can all wrap up and turn to your questions from katherine presentation to management. >> thank you, thank you. >> so first we've got you think some speaker cards. >> yes. >> or we need to turn to public comment arrest members of the public if you wish to speak on this, please fill out a speaker card for those who are filled out a card come to the podium in the following order
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(calling names). >> good afternoon parking space and commissioners i'm corin one side we've seen a lot of this project i think what you're seeing today is to a great stent the results of a significant amount of community involvement and participation you're seeing it all at one time we've been hammering the worries
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for 6 months or more and i know they're a lot of improvements to the project as a result of the role be intensity community involvement i don't think anyone has issues around the design that is in general well supported by the community the remaining issues are again dual event because it will wish such a mess when we have giants games and we have hoping not to make it worse if possible to make it better than it is now and the second big issue is the commitment have to actually pay for mediations in money is gimmick to the general fund there is no guarantee that will come back out and go to projects
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we very much want to see a dedicated committed funding source for the mediations that we think are going to be necessary to make our neighborhood survive this so i don't how you can do it whether you guys have fills up over that but it is critical to the neighborhood keeping cars from coming into the neighborhood having remote parking connected with ticket sales so people are not circling around and trying to find parking parallel from the ball park has a simultaneous event all they're parking will be used up and the available parking in the neighborhood that is really
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critical to all of us we will be reviewing the internal revenue when it comes out and we'll be coming back thank you very much. >> thank you. >> mr. washington. >> i've been called a lot of things but don't call me late for diner it gives me great honor to be here giving the final announcement i'll be retiring but transforming into an entrepreneur communications what i've been doing the best preserving the black african-american negroes in san francisco this particular project i understand the owner but back in the day with when we got the motorbike starts the african-american black man, i
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called my mentor mr. jim jefferson i mentioned in some of the documents i said he put the committee together to put him up and down the motorbike so people know there was a black man that started off and willie spearheaded the mission bay we know as mission bay today well, i'm here to preserve that and to let my african-americans who's coming in the next 20 years of we don't get a chance to live in m that spot tougher that spot we african-american negatively you don't see roses, however are part of the city particular the new pop up parts of city that is part of southeast and yours truly ace washington is working in the next 5 years document that but i want the developers to know that tribute,
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mission bay, you hunters point and when it comes back to the really fillmore that's where the real story starts the urban renewable and the whole country how you can basically remove negros from their community i'm saying what i feel do be mad and a at media i'm ac e i'm here to i've got to tell you this is a new era if this new mayor olsen ed lee the governor is going to run state you he's fund and come back and redevelopment that's why you changed the name it is the same day this is a new day i'm hoping and praying that i'll
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be able to work with the city in the capacity i've never been i'm talking about community reform dropping everything that undermines our community in the past you done pursz u pushed this bottom i call is city hall i call is silly hall you must have internship and have us as part of it. >> thank you mr. washington. >> patrick valentine. >> i'm pat the vice president of the mission bay south beach merchants association i will in the neighborhood close to where the arena and event center will be built i walk and bike by interest i'm very much in support of this project we're tired of boring mission bay this is a significant connection between whaemz e what's happening in the southeast side
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and the east side of city we're excited to see it happen and get implemented there's concern around transit we should keep in mind number one the transit nightmare that happens during the giant games weology through i'm pernicious fine with is 42 thousand square foot seat or 42 thousand planters we'll have an average over 9 thousand per arena we'll survive that the second thing we've seen evolved i liked corin woods she talked about the public substitute input it is moved towards pressing transit and don't drive first don't give driving loans give don't drive
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we saw the occupies has significant impact to scare people we can't get there my car again the house on average versus 42 thousand that's a pretty good comparison i'm excited about this rather than with did focus on bike parking and the retail element that is going to be valuable to the neighborhood even when there's no event going on or going on and creating open space in the parks and connectivity it fantastic i live and work there and our merchant group is in support of it we're looking forward to getting it completed thank you very much. >> adams gould. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm adams gould i
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come do you as a residential and business owner my wife and i have a small business we take our dog and baby girl up the coast and spend a lot of time around the ball park we're excited there is going to be community quadriplegics and pumpkin patches and whatever types of festivals so we that this is a great use of space as someone that is very itch invested in their community a member of the dog patch association and dog patch merchant this is an exist project i want to voice my support. >> thank you. >> ray. >> hello, i'm ray i'm one of
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the owners of potrero bathhouse we have two locations in potrero hill we opted in 2002 and the second one in south beach we opened in 2005 i'm also on the board for the merchants association so for south beach mission bay i as a local business owner and resident of potrero hill i'm highly supportive of the warriors moving go into mission bay a huge benefit i've seen so for in your interest with the local community events for example, potrero puts on a quarterly event called pine to pause that helps to fund-raise money for several dog rescues they have a small budget of less than hundred thousand dollars a year before did warriors involvement we raised $400 per event with
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the warriors participation at the last event we raised over 12 hundreds that is significant when you think of how small the dog and cat agencies are this triples the usual donation a refreshing to see the warriors get involved with small communities i'm in support of a new stadium year-round restaurant provides jobs and services to the community and increases the ground floor space would be great for pets and neighborhood so i've watched san francisco change and hadn't been for the better i've seen large companies receive large tax breaks that that are not offered to my wife
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and i another large business more concerned about braxton contamination breaks will come in and take that space that is not good for the community (calling names) sorry if i missed printed out it. >> commissioners my name is tim paulson the executive director of the san francisco labor council and we represent over hundred and 40 unions here in san francisco i just want to be officially on record saying we support this going forward the warriors have great players how the throughout the community process and moving forward as a former vice president the workers council i've seen the
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railroad yard into is there no the transformation and think on behalf of the organized labor and men and women in san francisco and the bay area that is a good way to move forward so we're on record of supporting this thank you much. >> thank you. >> dense mckenzie. >> i'm here to share an additional component i've proposed for a number of years to the warriors to include a high school classroom inside that arena there's a couple of good articles recently regarding the warriors community foundation and i'm provided you with information this morning
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requesting that the warriors and the city leaders include in their proposals providing education for our kids i teach in san francisco public schools and also at the juvenile hall where the high school program there is a woodside learning center i'm requesting the warriors work in partnership with the county schools which includes a facility out in la honeyed in the snuz they've struggled about how to utility that property it has tremendous potential i provided you a brief description of the woodside learning center and rather than i gave an article on the golf
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maintenance and training program at juvenile many have to go to a group home for a year increase a lot of facilities on the east coast that trains kids in a high school program so there's also just recently started at the glen eagle glove course some of the ideas are the proposal has been speaking about where the warriors and all professional supporters have a trurls influence on those kids with the warriors making presentations in a gymnasium at woodside for example, a beautiful not beautiful it is a separate basketball cabin ramp those
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sgrathsdz or integrates the train programs for all the caesar's creasing careers and when warriors or athletics or administrators come in and provided instruction and introduction to the careers the worries have a influential role to do that thank you very much and i'm supportive of this beautiful arena thank you. >> thank you. >> mr. johnson freddie be danielle and john. >> hello, everybody my name is ken johnson a native san franciscan from south park my parents had a claernts with devastated when we built moscone center we lost our cleaners
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and but then as a i grew they built the moscone center i was part of an organization called black man powering power we have the contractor for this moscone center and we make sure that resident of san francisco worked there and we had you know the different minority and everything had a equal different people from different communities and i want you all to do the same thing with the new development because you have people residents that live in the city that own all this development you don't have people that work in the city not working you need to make sure that the residents are trained if you have an untrained citizen once the project starts by the time it the finished he's got a skill so you have got to reduce crime you need to have an
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compliance office making sure the residents are hired from the community i wanted to also found out if urged to have an ongoing community benefit plan where the money is jade from this place a certain amount going to community organizations to help them so i don't know did you guys talk back and forth or take those comments and put them in your box. >> we took them in and at the appropriate time address them and the community compliance office is really important that's how you reduce crime and give people a chance to gain a skill to have a good life. >> thank you
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