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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2015 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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>> okay, aerfb wn thank
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you so much. that brings us to the end of honoring small business here in the city and county of san francisco. as you can see we have amazing small businesses. a lot of folks who not only run their business sw hire locally and give back to the community and they are the reasons why san francisco is such a great place to live. i want to thank you for taking time and comdown here and hear about the different businesses in all the district in san francisco. i'll tip towing to district 10 to get my nails and toes done pretty soon so again thank you for being here and thank you regina. i see moneta white is a business owner in district 1300 on fill more.
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i get hungry in business week when they talk about restaurants and next time restaurants are required to bring food. other than that thank you and we'll continue with the agenda and go back to our appeal. thank you and congratulations . madam clerk can we return to our regular business and finish with our appeal inand know that we already heard from the planning department and we are now at a point where we can hear from the project sponsor which will have up to 10 minutes for a presentation >> good afternoon again
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president greed, members of the board. charles [inaudible] public works project management and responsible for the earthquake safety and emergency response programs. we have a small presentation to offer today regarding the project. my colleagues sam [inaudible] has hardcopyies of the presentation if you wish to see it in hard copy form. a few components to this brief presentation, first off would like to offer a very quick recital on [inaudible] as you know we passed 2 bonds under this rubric june of 2010 and june of twen 14. june of 2010
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provides fund frga rea of neighborhoods fire station projects among them station 16. it is one of 4 seismic replacement projects, 5, 16, 35 and the station on treasure island which is partially funded by easter funds recollect number 48 which rfs inogierated today and in operation tomorrow. we invite you to visit that station if you would like. as a mentioned [inaudible] in addition to the 65.1 made available through easter 20s 10 we have another 85 million being brought forward to address fire station needs. we are addressing 23 station under the 2010 program and intend to address the balance of station through 2014 bond program. what i would like
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to do is to introduce chief [inaudible] lombardi with the fire department to speak to the matter of operational characteristics, this facility and come back to me for closing remarks. thank you >> thank you president breed, boretd of superizvoors thank for having us here today. speaking to station 16, it serves the marine aneighborhood bounded by pacific avenue, van ness and lieen street. if you look that map in front of you you see the area is full of liquefaction which makeatize a unique fire house after a seismic event such as loma reeta and the big earthquake down there. part of the easter bond is to when we do a rebuild it is to make the fire housing a central facilities and that should make them fully operational up to a 7.5 earthquake where
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not only will be they be standing but we can go to work immediately after with full power and operation of the doors, which in a area like this makeatize essential for us. as you know, san francisco is unique special when it comes to fighting fires outside the liquefaction. we have 44 fire houses in various neighborhoods throughout the city. the reason for so many fire houseicize to respond immediately to fire. we have a zero lot lines and the toapography make a unique for rapid spread of fire so that is why we have so many fire hows throughout the city. this fire house in particular houses 1 engine and one truck with a total of 9 members working 24/7 with over thert members of the house. combine the engine and truck last year ran over 3500 runs
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out of that location there. the fire department-we also do jet skies and water rescue out of this area. they keep the jet skis from the marina. we think this is a unique station. we would like to rebuild it and feel it needs a rebuild for the area and want to make sure this station is standing after a seismic event so quee help the neighborhood which would help rebuild the city in a faster manner. thank you >> very briefly, a few characteristic thofz project. we are replacing a facility over 75 years in age and as you can expect it is remarkable deficient in a number of regards we seek to
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address and bring it to the modern era so it can call to service. [inaudible] with stand the big one and continue in occupyeration without defect. separately we are doing practical elements or aspect of the day to day and that is increasing the apparatus which is the vehicle areas so that newer modern vehicles which tend to be larger can be accommodated separately there is sufficient working clearance for the fire fighter tooz address the needs of the apperates and deloy on to our from the station. we are also bringing a forward new generator,a new storage tanks. they are modern design with all the safety ought buttes one expects to inhibit a potential threat
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to environment. it is dumatic impruskment over what was installed as little as 15 years ago so expect that is a benefit to the station and neighborhoods. by statute we are also bringing ada access to the facility. it is a public facility, federal statute as well as local sentiment i'm sure compels us to do the right thing as to regards as disabled aspects. we are adding elements or aspect of enhancement for the sake of fire fighter functionality so new work shop and gear drawing room, deacon tamination shower squz updated telecommuneitation and it support. the budget is approximately 10.7 million dollars. a few images here. hopefully you have the hard copy, it probably reads
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better than this image. we are growing the facility by 10 percent in square footage all the purpose of bringing it to the modern era with all the proper array of spaces and size spaces so we can support the fire person elinto had next 2 generations. these drawings here-we show before and after. the smaller imsubject the current station, the larger image is the proposed and approved design by civic design review. this elevation on the slide are the front of the building on grinch. this next slide are images of the rear of the building on pixly. as i mentioned, pursuant taa question asked by supervisor
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yee there have been a number of external meetings and as i mentioned 19 by our count, 6 among commerce and neighborhood groups which are described on the foot note of this particular side, 4 groups ibparticular. we owe a debt of gratitude to supervisor for facilitating these meetings and encouraging our effort of outreach to the larger community. also civic design review meetings sponsored by the san francisco arts commission and had appreciately 10 meetings with the neighbors adjacent to the site. many of the meetings were in the spirit of seeking some reconciliation of respective needs and expectations. we have done what we believe to be the appropriate reconciliation possible for the sake of
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this project and its purpose as a first responder facility for a few generations to come. rather than go through each of these, i'll leave it to you inquire on any one of them if you choose. with that i conclude my comments and ask for any questions >> seeing no names on the roster at this time we'll open up the items to public comment for those that who would like to speak in opposition of the appeal. you have tupe 2 minutes. seeing none public comment is--okay. >> just for clarity this
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is anyone in clear support of the project >> [inaudible] can you speak into had microphone juicy? >> i'm [inaudible] i do have a fire story. [inaudible] december 31 there was a fire in my building, someone set my [inaudible] if you look here this is what they say marijuana set this [inaudible] on fire, but the thing about it, i had to call the fire report to get a report and they said 32 firemans came out, but they didn't talk to me. i know marijuana does not set something from open containers. i know our firemans just like obama has
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given the policeman less [inaudible] the best fireman i know are inson diego. they are lovely. i want to make sure our firemans, the new buildings they build [inaudible] brand new station 105. i want to make sure fire people when they come out they talk to the people who have been effected. i was shocked they said 32 firemans came out and had to find out what is going on in the building. i think this has a lot to do with housing. also we think fires are create situations where you have to build and i want to make sure that in these times in san francisco and the world that firemans are not part of removing people out of the sit a. like i said, i [inaudible] this st. from the container storage. no
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marijuana can make something melt like that. a marijuana cigarette. this is [inaudible] from the out fitters. they got burnt up, but i was able to receive it and take [inaudible] >> thank you very much. are there any other members from the public who would like taspeer speak in support of the project? seeing none public comment is closed. the appellate will have up to 3 minutes to do a rebutal at this time >> thank you praezdant breed, member thofz board. steve williams. the planning department has not answered the question, didn't say anything and this is the first we heard that they consider a closeier letter anulled the placement on the hazardous waste list. it isn't in the brief, there is no citation to any
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authority, no citation to statutory provision and not even indicta. it amounts to a empermissible and narrow interpretation which flies in the face of all legal authority that holds sequa is interpreted as enforced as broadly as possible to afford the citizenoffs california the greatest joirmtal protection. the site is on the list. the statute said if the site is on the list it can't have a exemption. [inaudible] that is thitsies words, the fact the site on the list. it could have easily done that. the parker [inaudible] case from the first district court of appeal speaks directly to issue before the board. read it closely, the city gave the project a cad ex. it is on page 2