tv [untitled] May 22, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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32.04. >> so below. >> important p m threshold 44 project emissions 0.84. >> significantly lower so we're not near any kind of order like this not a question of the significantly below the only one labtd a little bit more than half. >> right. >> one more question has your calculations ever been proven wrong i mean we've got he said she said have you been proven wrong. >> not to my knowledge we have several layers of expertise not found incorrect. >> okay. thank you. >> i guess thank you, thank you commissioner macy's. >> incommissioner fewer you add
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resident and create for waste i have guests and the green and black men are full of more stuff so i'm hearing a decrease in the wastes to this or streamline to this i'm hearing the technology factor we're using in this program accelerating at the higher rate than the residents are producing wastes. >> yes. >> for every resident we're become becoming more efficient over time. >> our per capita is less than 3 pounds. >> per day. >> in the sway report 2.9 we're saying this is going down, down, down as we've leveled off the population is increasing we're increasing quite rapidly and the
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per capital number staying we keep that per capital they've made a good points things this the black benefit we can crier so to collect the what they call awe seismic packaging the rectangle box there is a lot of things that can be recycle but we're seeing food we'll recycle that. >> two more quick questions cans on the street to actually fourth what's going on in there to recycle the material. >> to the at the end there is material we'll be recycling that we have this facility to have in place by the end of 2020 we'll be processing all the black
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stream and process to recover 50 percent of that. >> one comment i've heard small business from the public not here by do i but asking how we can be paying a company to haul waste away with the zero goals but paying them to put stuff in the ground when initiatives for ecology to not fill up that landfill are there penalty can you help me out. >> the city sets the rates that fund the entire system we've structured or kept a profit margin low and bring it up behalf they've had to achieve the target goals they have to meet the to this right now and in their mechanisms i've mentioned in the landfill agreement that creates addressing funding. >> to $5 thank you very much i appreciate it.
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>> i believe ms. jones sorry yes, thank you. >> excuse me. sarah jones environmental review officer i wanted to respond around the issue of the air quality staff in the planning department we're fortunate in having a staff member who is a recognized expert in air quality in the bay area and has worked very, very closely with the district to develop the 34e68dz of method dissolutions we're confident in mere expertise. >> thank you excuse me. paling much eerie want to present one point in my presentation we received this last minute air quality report that came in i have had one of our consultants review that last manipulate the response to me
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she believe they've made erroneous assumes and we believe our information is correct and the materials they've submitted is in error. >> okay commissioner antonini. >> yeah. mr. mulling sincere a question on the same thing that was raised by commissioner richards i think there is a contract to be if for a fact it is ecology doing the site of disposal in the future i think that there was some question about whether there's an incentive to keep it although i assume that's part of whole contract being proposed. >> i'm not sure i understand your question. >> the question raised by commissioner richards was how are we're going to assure that the ecology is going to since hair the recipients as well as the transporter to strive to
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keep it low that's they're the best in the country and gotten the award many times i'm assuming part of the contract has nothing to do with it but specifically to clarify there i hear the rates are lower. >> maybe jack from the department can answer they're charged with the zero rate reduction and work closely with the ecology and jack mentioned policies and efforts 200 underway to reduce the waste stream he may be able to produce more specifics. >> that's implied from his earlier remarks as was point out by staff we analyzed the chapping in emissions the trip
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to had a road the delta when our deal with environmental the delta is what you have to analyze we'll find out what it is for alma but the change is the impact that needs to be analyzed and where i'm really combrosz impressed with the table that shows the decrease in solid waste with an increase in population i have ever reason to building that is accurate because having lived in the city a long time before the 3 cans were introduced everything went into the trash can now most is the green recycling that is on this going to continue more so i've heard the trucks will be lower emissions and the whole new fleet is coming in you
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mentioned the alternative are not needed for a negative deck that answers that question you've had peer review and others other thing i want to mention i'm from the livermore valley one speakers said it is sparingly populated that is one the worst population along the 580 both routes run into traffic hayward and castro valley is tough and while the distance maybe more to hay road sites you may have trucks sitting in traffic a little bit longer in some of the strechlz go through those parts getting to alternating mount that is at the
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extreme edge of the county i think from the analyze it seems to be theory and i'm happy with what i see and commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i believe that the analysis of the negative declaration was used the proper methodology and is okay with second to making it a negative declaration and may other views they're not relevant to the determination of whether or not the permanent nothing else debilitation was up valid i'd like to make a motion we uphold the preliminary negative debilitation and second. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second to uphold the preliminary negative
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debilitation commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore. >> would you have to reference the changes submitted by mr. mel sincere earlier. >> adopting the new motion adopted by staff commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> okay commissioners we have a fairly long day let's take a break now but try to make it medium and take a couple of short breaks in between this evening. >> sounds good. >> welcome back to the san francisco planning commission for thursday, may 21, 2015, i'd
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like to remind members of the outdoor audience to silence our electronics. >> commissioners we concluded item 8 a request to take item 10 out of order it workout for staff very good. we'll be taking item 10 out of order for case tennessee street a large project authorization commissioners i'd like to note that on may 7th after hearing and closing public comment you voted 5 to 2 with commissioner antonini and commissioner johnson voting against to continue this matter to this date today. >> good afternoon, commissioners irish with the department staff it is a large project for the tennessee street under the larger project authorization they're seeking
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authorizations for the rear yard and permitted bulks and prerogatives for dwmz it consisting consist of a demolition of a new four store building and 88 class one bicycle and two class 2 bicycle parking spaces that includes 23 one bedroom units and another bedroom units as previously mentioned the project is located within the landmark district designated in the planning code it was reviewed by the historic preservation commission on april 15, 2015 the harvey milk club granted a certificate of province and found it to be appropriate within a landmark district on may 7th it was reviewed and
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requested additional necrcourts modifications they've incorporated the following one increasing the incourt to 25 photo and reduction of the overall squeamish from 42 plus to 41 thousand grow square feet and those modifications have not effected the total amount of dwelling units clgd the below grade it includes a section inner court demonstrates the have privacy screens on the greater dpivent timeframe the additional refinement should our in order to continue to address did concerns of privacy and the concerns of the inner courtyard
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they want to amend the pardon shall continue to work with the planning department on the sdwoin of the courtyard elevation and the project sponsor shall we design the street materiality in the courtyard and landscaping to minimize the property issues and generally result in a design reflective of a final project it shall be elevated and approved i've provided as opposed to o copies after analyzing the project the staff recommend approval with conditions it complies with the code and consistent with the general plan and located in a zoning district and produces a new development with upgrade shaping and open
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space the project is comparable with the filling with the dog patch and support by the historic preservation commission and ktd adams 44 new units it is prepared a short presentation that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners mike from working group i'm one the project sponsors and architect i've prepared a condensed presentation for you we heard what everyone said two weeks ago with the width of the courtyard and spent time looking at not only a 25 foot courtyard but also at making it code compliant the passage what we're here for a - >> sir, if you could speak into
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the microphone if you want use the one closer. >> it's a 25 foot courtyard this is 25 feet wide whoops got flipped and i apologize that was rotated what that does it the building program as rick said it maintains 44 unit except we go from the acceptance of acceptance down to 18 percent that's the number that is much more equal to exception on other projects for exposure the average size silences down to an average feet and if we look at closely that was the original design as you can see the courtyard designs unit have 4, 1
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bedrooms and 2, 2 bedrooms and i've gone into the redesign of every unit significantly seeing their reduced by 20 square feet ensue the challenge how to make a better unit i think they are better if you look at the back and forth the lawist are more efficient and wider range of more furniture i took the 3 bedroom and completely relocated it it has more exposure on tennessee street and so that you'll see in the diagram i've got on the screen right now and again, the idea off set windows it g does work richard apartments does the same thing past and similar proportions in relationships to that project so you see the offset windows and the sessions in our package i
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committed were continued as a indictment to show you the amount of glazing versus solid wall for the courtyard elevations it less about the courtyard. >> going to the next diagram. >> canwe rotate that. >> we have copies. >> you don't have a copy but i laid a 45 by 45 square feet that is code compliant to see what effect that has on the building program it is turned side ways. >> thank you, sir but your time is up. >> i'll leave this chart up that shows the revised program.
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>> thank you. i know you've done a lot of work we gave you a shorted amount of time but imagine. >> okay opening it up for public comment if there's any on this item. >> okay public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> i think the project in a certain way responds to what of the asked i think that the department is correct by you putting a significant number of additional challenges and i'd like to have the architect acknowledge the challenges and if you wouldn't mind you're aware of challenges with the department is asking relevant to work together with the staff to bring the inner scoreboard a level of design and performance that is more in keeping with the general challenges that commission
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proposed two weeks ago. >> i'm aware of it and look forward. >> your comfortable with the challenges. >> very of. >> would you talk about the ground floor diagram and talk about the courtyard it is a space subtracted between the corridor for common would explored are you intending to rise that. >> in the past two weeks ago we'll landmarked it didn't redesign the landscaping the idea that the unit facing the courtyard the courtyard is private tisdz for their it direct use as patios. >> which means in the words we all know we live in might want
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unit this private patios have the kind ofs bikes by which those people by default have to look at it is as a garden or garden environment what's our thoughts about that. >> i have no control over what someone leaves on or on their patio we have a lot of bike parking we hope they leave is it down in the park areas but quite a bit of planting you should have the landscape drawing i don't have it in the power point i scaled it down to the architecture but this is a schematic landscape design like the architect gets as the design progresses towards prouks production they don't great landscaping they did 468 in hayes valley which is
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constructed now but has a 25 foot courtyard it is a beautiful space when i visited they have private patios similar to this i don't see that did patios are left in such condition that is a management project. >> it is true and can be part of cc&rs but i think that will be in the interest of this still small courtyard to have something whether the patios trbltdz to the larger feeling of what people look at is visibly common grounds i'm interested from my prospective the courtyard is 5 feet don't make it as comfortable i posed a challenge we employed additional setting back on the western
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portion the building and find that upper acceptable i'm comfortable with the department working with i to work on the reindictment of my time to come significantly more into an interesting environment than current. >> i agree with the departments additional language and the city college of approval when we talk about the courtyard design there is inclusive of landscape design so i assume that the landscaping will thought about in a careful way. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner richards. >> if you may project sponsor team would you continue where you were with the 34 feet when you got cut off. >> can i get the power point back on the screen okay this is just a building program showing what happens some of the
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commissioners 2 weeks ago asked what a code compliance looks like it is something i absolutely looked at i ran through the diagrams that are rotated and indicated graphically what happens what does happy gratefully in a detailed plan we go from 8 unit requiring exposure exception to zero it is a code compliant scheme total unit is 44 we get smaller unit the average size 6 hundred and 12 so a loss of 35 quiet open afternoon per unit and the studio count goes up one bedroom is down by 3 each and we lose 3 bedrooms they become 2 bedrooms we maintain the 40 percent family unit but if you define a family unit
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anothers 3 bedrooms we lose that to neighbors in dog patch maintaining the 3 bedroom is key we changed from 2 weeks ago to now, one the bmr units is a 3 bedroom unit that's not a requirement it is something someone asked of us we put that into the design and the application so anyways that's what this diagram or magic explains. >> i don't think that makes for a better design i think pragmatic with the current unit of 25 feet it is a strong design that's why we kept that as the design application. >> i think that is a much better project and move to approve. >> second. >> with conditions. >> with conditions. >> with the conditions as acknowledged by staff thank you. >> commissioners commissioners if there's nothing further there there there is a motion and a
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second to approve that matter with conditions as amend by staff. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 7 to zero and i do believe that staff as well as the representatives for item item 9 are still at the board hearing so if it accommodates the commission we'll move on to item 11 and fantastic. >> commissioners moving on to item 11 for the case at south van ness this is a large project authorization the benefit of the audience we have taken items 10 and 11 out
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of order because due to a conflict with staff as well as the project sponsor alter at a board committee hearing we expect that hopefully after this item we'll call item 9. >> good evening, commissioners brittany of the blavpt you have a request for the larger project authorization on south van ness in an urban district proposal will demolish existing one thousand 7 hundred plus auto repair buildings and mixed use
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building will be constructed at a height of 58 percent square feet and consisting of 122 bedroom unit on the empowering the project provides 3 retail spaces 3 thousand 60 square feet and 7 by 7 off-street parking and bicycle parking spaces as parts part of the project it is making exemption for rear yard open space exposure street frontage the department is support of the overall quality of design since the publication of the case report the department got one e-mail in opposition and one letter of support and one e-mail of support i'm distributing those now the project sponsor has
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alcohol to meet the onsite below grade unit instead of the another department supports this change, however, needs a condition of approval and provided a copy of the amended conditions for your review those are standard conditions that apply to all projects that have onsite units overall the department supports this and makes a mixed use unit with the significant amenity with open space the project is consistent with and respect the neighborhood character and provides an appropriate massing the project complies with the hire program and adds 27 new dwelling units to the cities housing stock and will utilities the housing
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controls and pay the impact fees that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions thank you. >> okay opening it up for public comment - project sponsor please good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners my name is joe i'm the project sponsor first, i'm a small local builder and local san franciscan i'll find my roots in our packet in-laws and everyone worked in the midst i'm active in charities in close proximity serving low income families their mission academy and holy day home in 2987 i built the senior disabled building in san francisco the
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