tv [untitled] May 23, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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little one you're doing on amazing job we're incredibly blessed i've been to the san diego zoo and it's fine but the value the layout and offensive that playground that extraordinary you're doing 80 a topnotch job we're lucky. >> commissioner harrison and i want to second commissioner levitan'ss comments i took my granddaughter out there was a wonderful experience she got tessie at the playground but. >> made me poor. >> the friends, family as well thank you. i appreciate our comments. >> thank you very much. >> public comment is closed. seeing none, public comment is closed we're on item 7 open space contingency preapprenticeship program. >> it is tough to follow tanya
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her zoo reports are interesting the item before you as stated as written it the discussion and possible action to allocate $80,000 from the commissioners portion of the open space fund designated reserve for two crew trucks and two vehicles for the apprenticeship program known as the printing academy located at glen eagle golf course that's the published agenda item for today that was heard at the capital committee 2 weeks previously and since that time the department in communication with local 261 located the purchased of the vehicles and the 80 thousand allocation we're
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requesting ramsz the same but we've come up with instead of a crew cab we'll be proposing that the expenditure for an f-350 instead of two gators one gator vehicle i'll point out at the end of the my comments that the still stays below the $80,000 question have before you today to brief you on how we got here last year in august the commission approved the terms and estimation to the lease agreement between the city and glen eagle and the commission recognized the public through a collaboration with the labors training foundation local 261 to implement a preapprenticeship
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program at the glen eagle golf course the board of supervisors made up u approved the lease agreement and last month commissioners you adapted a resolution for the creation have a job training and academy at the golf course course and gave it the name commissioner harrison is requesting that fund from your undesignated contingency reserve of the open space reserve be utilized to format the acquisition i've mefrnd mentioned the f-350 crew can be and the gator utility vehicle is it supports the work empty the preapprentice staff and their superfluous the anticipated total of acquisitions for the proposed vehicles i've mentioned
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the f-350 and gator is 77 thousand plus dollars by comparison the f-250 came in added $59,000 plus it is an increase in $7,000 plus that is well below the $80,000 request into the open space contingency reserve the staff recommendations that the commission allocate the $280,000 from the commissioners portion of the reserve for the purchase of one f 50 crew cab to support the apprenticeship program and recommend the board of supervisors approve the procurement in support of the preapprenticeship program. >> thank you. >> we have one blue card for this. >> tom shay.
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>> good morning commissioners i'm really here to express my appreciation as a member of the glen eagle streaking this is been a long road we've been working together in a public-private partnering and seeing the supporters of rec center and the botanical talk about the 50 plus years in collaboration i hope that one day the members of the glen before you in 25 or 50 years and say what a great job this program did for san francisco and the low income skilled workers we're trying to bring up thank you, thank you very much commissioner harrison your leadership and commissioner and staff for all our support we
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couldn't have done it without you this a large task with the are stakeholders we're excited and last week, we start our first soft start i was out there everyday and got the real great feeling from day one when this is trainees showed up what their pant down around their hips and quickly told by the structure it didn't work in the work place for safety and other concerned and after 24 hours i saw a tremendous attitude change from the trainers by the end of 5 days i'm confident those individuals are on their way to a professional opportunity 0 through building and construction phrases i believe
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they're going to go learn their apprenticeship skills i have a little clip i'd like to show you if i can cue it up sorry for my technical - >> but anyway, i hope you can hear this this is a - those are clips of just our soft start the introduction to the hand tools and power tools this is the pop up training center that went into the parking lot they're being if i did with the body harness and certification they need to access any job site in san francisco i'm going to run this tape i know i'm out the time how do we achieve longevity. >> why do we say, sir. >> why do i treat you the way
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we do. >> how do we change the wormed e world. >> who do we start with. >> when performing cpr how fast how deep how many rescue how long. >> such. >> folk this is just the beginning there are great things to come i look forward to reporting on it in the near future. >> commissioner harrison. >> do we have someone else. >> linda wanted to comment. >> hello commissioners linda i want to speak in support of this yes, ma'am i wanted to let you know from the appointed of our community we're excited
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about the printing program and enthusiastic about the project the way we've been able to work with the gulf of mexico it was in its own separate world now a lot more cooperation and coordination and people getting to know each other we've had a successful mixer at the clubhouse in june the glen eagle will support a concert series for this coming year it's been a wonderful event in relationship we've built with tom shay and the glen eagle staff this is a positive thing for learning and any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner harrison yeah i'd like to on this point out
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one thing and it is an important thing with the help of general manager phil ginsburg and a awning in a we noticed the pickup truck was without a dump bed and loading loading and unloading was a safety issue so that getting the bed phil ginsburg and others came up with the plan for the 350 and the one gator i'm appreciative of their work and thank you heart fully for that and i'm enthusiastic i taking off tom shays remarks i meeting met two of the graduates and the elaboration in their eyes and faces was worth it all i had to comment it was to meet
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them was speaking special thank you, again. >> sxhgd r commissioner mcdonnell briefly thank you existence or commissions los also applaud the program i he was running late i was with mayor ed lee as he launched his support force for the summer with rp d as a major player providing the opportunity we provided over 76 jobs so for young people all are interested in that regard tremendous so thank you. >> before i call for a motion let me audio my congratulations to commissioner harrison for your efforts and expression of thanks with that i'll entertain a motion there is a motion and a second. > all in favor, say i. > so moved thank you. >> we're on item 8 open space
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fund undesignated contingency reserve for the renovation. >> good morning commissioner president buell and general manager phil ginsburg standing in for the project manager linda who is getting married (laughter) the item before you is the discussion and possible action the dignities to approve the amendment of the contract with j.b.d contract and he carl larry soften 3r5ushgd in the amount of not to exceed an additional 3 hundred 4g thousand dollars plus which together with $18,000 plus and already change orders is 50 percent over the approved
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contract amount including the base bid and to allocate $250,000 from the commissioners portion of the open space fund undesignated contingency reserve for the contract reserves i'm not goes to make jokes and a at carl larson park in 2012, the rec and park capital staff in corporation with commissioner crews office to bring an airplane back to carson a park there was two plains and the recent one moved in 2003 because the lead abatement because of the paint after planning and design in a
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of 2014 this commission approved the awarded contract to j.b. contractor and sons the fiscal sponsor entered into an agreement with the contract and been that is did delivery and installation of plan while the parks alliance covered the structure itself we preceded with construction in the mid of last year and in november there we beginning gap concerns that the plain was not going to be delivered we were ref no scheduled updates or photos of progress being made and unfortunately in march of 2014 the park alliance had had to cancel with the vendor would in plane being built no plane to
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install we felt with orange the scope of work from the contractor and this contract amendment in the amount of is relying high compared to what we see in replacing an item we found a vendor that will provide the measures and develop a plane we're working on the details but it includes the navigation of the plane commissioners commissioner levitan and commissioner low commissioner low have requested the fund undesignated con sip reserve in addition to the fund we're holding backlight rec and park is holding back from the original plane designer and fantastic indicator we're hoping
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to deliver the new plane structure this fall. >> we have one blue card for this item and jane lids. >> okay. is ms. listing is not here oh different item. >> my apologies your number 9 sorry if anyone want to comement please come on up. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm rachel from the san francisco parks alliance i want to thank you for the proposed
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proposition to complete this work at larson i think jake did an a.d. milk job we're as disappointed as everyone the original kr5k9 didn't workout as planned but we in agreement with the staff that the new plan is a good explain that is the new vendor will deliver the planes that everyone envisioned and wanted and provides a great experience for kids and exist and harassed a climbing net so i urge you to approve the proposal in front of the you and i lord to seeing you all at grand opening of larson >> is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon, everyone i'm
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ash from sxhauns office i want to support this this is 0 robust community process behind larson park i'm confident that rec and park it doing everybody to deliver a plane the community will be excited about i want to lend her support. >> we're honored to be joined by the asserts our chiu. >> thank you commissioner president buell and the commissioner thank you for having me it is a period of time since i've been at the public hearing i'm a bit rusty i want to say it has been about more than two years ago i came to ask for your support i underscore the importance of this project it serves as a node to the history that flies this but making an investment to the kids in the future i wanted to say
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thank you for your past support we've come a long way and we're almost there this action will bring us to the final place i want to take a quick manipulate to thank phil ginsburg and your team in the capital division that worked hand in hand with the supervisors office and the friends to make sure that all steps we were updated and working together to make that a possibility to thank you for that thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. >> let's see commissioner harrison. >> i know you said you were working on some kind of a design will it be similar to the one - and yes. very very similar in fact we're 10r9 out the detailed the scale to the net structure we're going getting
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getting into that detail to meet the communities expectation. >> thank you. >> commissioner low. >> was there or is there any recovery from the fund from the original designer. >> we're working with the city attorney's office to get those funds it is in process. >> 1yrgsd ginsburg and commissioners i want to thank all of you not only for this item about the one that preceded it and the next one we we were able to make sure that things happened where they needed to happen you all have your interests and passions but thank you all for helping the community and helping the department execute some of the important projects that is a great example the open space reserve at work and working very, very well, on behalf of
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the community so thanks. >> thank you. >> no other public comment? so i'll entertain a motion >> so moved. >> second i want to say the old sunset guy i'm happy to have this plane returned you can't have the playground without it arrest all in favor, say i. >> we're on item 9 the park connector trail and open space fund on designated conserve designation. >> good afternoon commissioners lisa open space manager with the rec and park department i want to echo actually what the general manager just said about a thanks and freeshgs to the commissioners that have been
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deeply involved in this project up until well on monday night commissioner away was out norwalk and talking with the community all the way up into the last days it's our leadership we're at this place to thank you very much commissioners and it was with regards to that commissioner bonilla and commissioner president buell hfa have asked that item be put forth for the undesignated contingency reserve so the walter trail is on the north slorp of the park and sits between billy goat hills and the active part in the diamond heights neighborhood currently
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an undesignated trail shown on the orange line that links those two parklands these kinds of linkages are support by adjoin plan 3.2 and 3 enhancing that work and green ways throughout the city current site conditions as i said it is 4 hundred plus linear feet shown on the top photo and the took up and bottom of trail is an earth trail with a switch back fwn we've had conversation for sometime about what to do with the particular area and in order to get a sense from the community how to move forward we held a community meeting on december 10th of last year, it was a very lively and subcontractor active meeting a
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lot of people participated and we question what's the best connection that balances everyone's needs on the site so we looked at 3 alternatives no connection a trail connection with the earthen scale with the top and bottom stairway is is a dog and the steps saw i think i see a leash. >> i think i saw the glen eagle park presentation the dog gets around with you we were asked to look at the pros and cons and voted for the took up pick it was not complete consensus in
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the room with the steps at the top and bottom received the performance of o are preponderance of support and created the plan in front of you today in addition the participant asked for additional items be considered to make the plan even better one was to look at buffers with the neighboring properties to minimize the impact overall of the trail to keep the wilderness and address erosion there's erosion issues and make the site more welcoming so as a followup to the community meeting we've conducted a variety of surveys hazard tree assessment and ceqa review we held meeting with the two adjacent neighbors one of which is here jane i know you'll be
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speaking, too, and fred has a medical issue i think he submitted comments in writing i want to appreciate they both met with us to go through the details and came up with a balanced plan in an effort to then gather more input from the larger community we held on open house that described the elements thinking of the with the concept plan we envision the trail to go what the fenced might look like and variety of design combhoernt thinking about for the plan itself we received over a dozen e-mail communications i believe are in your packet that stated the general support for the concept plan and also a few some folks at the open house that that lingering concerns primarily
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related to the number of steps we're proposing as well as where the trail entry will come into the trail so here's the schematic for the trail the blue areas with the buffer areas next to our neighbors orange areas are the box steps in the yellow areas are the earth and trail so in going through this process and identifying the buffer areas we had less room to work with we're trying to stay out of the buffer areas to be good neighbors what resulted was a plan that has more box steps then what we talked about at the community meeting at the community meeting we said we thought co-we could do an earthquake trail that was
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before we looked at the buffer issue once we took out the hundred or so or hundred and 50 feet custom 86 we have to add additional steps to get up to the slope then the other thing to note in the overall plan the entrance to the trail at&t's at the park is itch closer to the where the folks want to go the children's area and the basketball portion of park, if you will, so the advantage of the concept we're showing here and so then a little bit of details we envision there will be about 5 hundred and 60 linear feet of earth trail about hundred and 20 feet of boxes steps 80 percent of the trail is earth and trail
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we have included measures for split rail fence to announce the entries one of the things the neighborhood want to make it more welcoming it is sort of now undleptd unknown open space so a little bit of the modesty fence from the bottom right we inevitable will help announce it and make the site more welcoming and guide users to the new entry we would decommission the existing trail deal with the erosion and do screening planning department for the neighbors and to screen people that are using the trail to promoted the wildness pies as well arborists finding do 5 trees and we went through that with the community and their obviously
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fallen over the trail unhealthy trees and many, many trees will remain on the wooded hillside and the estimated cost is hundred and $47,000 so staff believes that the elements of this sxheptd plan really address the spirit of what we said we'll do in the community meeting an december 10th we've addressed the 4 items we feel like in terms of making it more welcoming and reducing the impacts and addressing the there is no with the neighbors and minimizing the impact overall we believe that plan balances the immediate neighbors interests and community twrrz overall with that said, we intend to meet one more time with the folks that have loirng concerned about the number of steps and some of the design issues to see if
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