tv [untitled] May 24, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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pected teamwork. there is someone i want to point out. he should be standing up here. i just met him this morning. mr. taylor. he's a project manager on this. thank you very much. we have also section chief melanie brown, all 46 will be graduating friday this week. they will become emt's and will continue to move this department forward as we see our city growing and our economy improving. i would also like to acknowledge supervisor breed and for all of their effort and really it's truly the leadership of mayor lee and he gets it and we are very fortunate to have him as our city's leader. with that i would like to conclude. i'm happy to take individual questions after, but we are really proud of this facility,
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>> the meeting will come to order. the meeting of the vision zero committee for may 21st, 2015. i'm commissioner yee and i will chair meeting. the clerk is steven stamos and the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv, jennifer lowe, who will be recording each of our meetings and make transcripts available to the public online. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> there are no announcements. >> okay. please call the first item. >> item no. 1 roll call. commissioner farrell. >> present. >> commissioner kim absent. >> commissioner mar. >> commissioner yee? >> present. >> we have a quorum. >> please go to the second item. >> item no. 2, approve the minutes of the april 24, 2015 meeting. this is an action item. >> is there any public
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comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] . colleagues, any thoughts? can we have a motion to approve the minutes. >> so moved. >> okay. with no objection -- >> roll call vote. >> roll call, please commissioner farrell? >> aye. >> farrell aye. >> commissioner kim? >> kim absent. >> commissioner mar. >> mar aye. >> commissioner yee? >> aye. >> the item passes. >> mr. clerk please call item no. 3. >> item no. 3, vision zero progress report. this is an information item. ? >> good evening, commissioners. i am megan with the san francisco department of health and tom maguire of sfmta to give you a brief overview of the progress report included in your paetecs. it includes a number of update and we have some highlights
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that we wanted to include in addition, to the progress report. we include the op -ed in the san francisco chronicle authored by mr. reiskin we had a site visit from the national highway traffic safety administration. direct craft of the california office of traffic safety and representatives from the california state transportation agency and a number of other federal, state, as well as our local officials and task force participated in this day-longest. and we were really excited at this opportunity for vision zero to be of interest with respect to how it could be -- what lessons-learned could be translated to other jurisdictions? and also at the federal and state-level. and we really had a great
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opportunity to have an afternoon workshop, with the task force, as well as these representatives. and out of that workshop was a number of our leads from vision zero initiative facilitated different workshops on topics including funding, engineering, evaluation, and policy. and the findings of this workshop will be summarized in the report that will be given to our federal and state partners, with respect to what can had they do to help us move vision zero forward? we look forward to sharing that record with you and it will be included in a larger report to be shared with secretary foxed. we're very excited in the last month in a that the san francisco unified school district passed the resolution of bike to school date. >> nice photo. >> and with, that i'm going to turn it over to tom to give
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additional updates. >> thank you, megan and afternoon supervisorses. we're up to 14 of the 24 projects complete and we painted painted safetea zones along howard street, as well as the very complex pedestrian interval at intersection of 4th and king, alongside the rail tracks there. so we're more than halfway through our goal of 14 in 24 and i believe we have three more projects set to be complete in the month of june. on the education front, my colleague john knox white is going to be here to give a much more detailed update on what the education strategy is?, but the high-level update, there is now an education strategy we're really excited about what that means to talk to the public in terms of vision zero. i'm going to jump down to the policy piece, to give you an update on assembly bill 1287,
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the forward-facing transit-only lane enforcement camera bill. this bill is sponsored by assembly member chiu. it has moved out of the transportation committee and it is moving over to the senate. there are a couple of opponents to the bill, primely the triple-as or automobile associations but we're confident that that bill will keep moving through sacramento. and we are prepared for the legislation to pass. we're prepared to begin implementing the administrative and citation-related infrastructure it's related to january, 2016 for ab 1287. >> on the evaluation and data piece, during this period the vision zero epidemiologist at dph worked with ski key staff
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from sfmta and our agencies are now coordinating and collecting on a monthly basis a final count of traffic fatalities. we have started publishing them. so that the data is transparent and can be known by the public on an on-time -- online fatality map including up from 2014 to the most recently completed month. and finally we have a more detailed update on enforcement, that command mannix will be giving. i will turn the presence over to her now. >> good afternoon, supervisors. this slide you are looking at right now shows our collision numbers. and from 2014 to 2015, 1st
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quarter same time period you can see there is a 56% drop in fatal collisions. the other collisions categories -- four categories in the statewide forum and these are them. we do not generally take a non-injury collision report. so that is why you see four categories. there are up slightly, but down in the most vulnerable number of ped and bicycle collision that. is a positive out of a negative right there. any questions about that slide? >> why do you think the numbers have decreased? >> we're very early on in this program, the education and enforcement. in 2014 the san francisco police department wrote more citations than in past history. >> i know district one has been really great on that. i'm curious how the other
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police districts have been? >> i believe that is the next slide. and here -- no, i'm sorry. i have in my pocket i have the entire powerpoint presentation i gave last week to two different bodis that show what each police district is doing. some are up. some are down. there is a myriad of reasons why some are up-and-down. 1st quarter of this year, we had 20 funeral escorts, numerous dignity visits including the president and 40 citywide events including the bay to breakers that ties up a lot of resources. we're out there protecting the public in the interest of public safety. when we facilitate large events like that. these again are comparison numbers from '14, which again as i said we wrote more
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citations than we have ever written before. the difference is 600 citations total to year-to-year. to we're down 2% year-to-date. >> i'm just curious for those stats, and going up quite a bit from last year it was going up quite a bit and now it's kind of stagnant. is it a matter of drivers actually paying attention a little bit more, or is it a matter of the resources for our patrolmen that would give citations or reduced because of other issues? >> i would hope to say it was the first example that you gave, that drivers are learning and not only is the person we're citing being educated, if you want to call it that. the person we pulled over being educated, but everyone that drives past during the encounter with the police
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officer, hopefully they are being educated as well to obey the law. the second part we are issuing citations. you know since the end of november we have focused on congestion-calming, if you want to call that. oblock in the box south of market area and issued almost 4,000 citations to-date, five days a week. that takes away from our focus on the five primary collision factors. with that said, we'll continue to issue citations and i think the overall measure of success here is that collisions in general are down. >> yes. i appreciate that. do you have any more? >> i don't have any more slides. but i will answer any questions that you might have regarding traffic enforcement. >> why don't i open up to questions from the
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presentation? commissioner mar? >> i know mr. maguire mentioned the education plan and i'm really pleased about that. and in many ways i think we have moved a lot from being nice/look twice to really good strategies. i did want to say that since the death of sophia liu, the young child on new year's eve, 2013 to mr. yee, the 87-year-old man in my district and two weeks ago the 12-year-old from apto school and i'm really appreciative of the strategies that we're using. but whether it be subcommittees within the education task force, so that community groups and pedestrian safety, bicycle safety advocates could plug-in and participate. >> absolutely, john knox white has details for how that strategy rolls out, but one important piece of the strategy
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there is a need for it to be authentic and to be culturally competent and there is a need to reach every san franciscan in a language and in a way that is actually meaningful to them. so in some cases that is sort of a formal public service announcement. in other situations it's my much more community-driven education strategy and john will layout the details of that. >> my apologies for jumping the gun before item no. 5. i wanted to ask about the various efforts of the mta's making progress on 13-miles of safety improvements in the two-year action plan? i am wondering how many of those miles are in communities of concern, low-income, heavily dangerous areas with communities of low-income people in them. >> i don't know the exact number in the 2015 work program, but i would be happy
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to come back with that. i know a large number of streets are in communities of concern. >> from past presentations you have shown the overlay of 170 miles of corridor that overlaped with some of the lowest income of polluted areas in the city. i just wanted to know how you define what a "safety improvement" is? what separates it from a safety improvement to more aesthetic or another kind of upgrade of a project? >> we're calling it "safety improvement." anything that uses a tool to improve through research and engineering practice to reduce the risk of crashes on the street. so it does not include i guess what you would call street scaping or beautification, but does include new traffic signals, stop signs, pedestrian bulb-outs and redesign.
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>> or even daylighting making it safer, it's not purely aesthetic or a renovation of something already existing? >> correct. >> okay. thank you. >> in the past, we talk about the vision zero projects of 24 and to encourage us to look at those other projects that are not included in this, but there is funding to get it done. for me, it would be the ones that get funded through the participatory budgeting process. is there a reason why that is not included in the report >> well, i didn't put it in the report because i wanted to give a high-level overview of where we are with the engineering. i can go through the nine priority projects from the
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participatory budget process. >> if you can do it quickly, go ahead. >> this fall we'll be implementing four speed radar signs in four locations in district 7. panorama drive, olympia way, clarendon zool zone and two locations between brotherhood way and st. charles and palmero will be going in this fall. we're doing the final balloting for traffic-calming speed hump on, noraga and ortega. balboa terrace traffic -calming project with an eye to getting the humps built in the fall.
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o'shaughnessy, et cetera, that was completed march of 2015. safe access to sunnyside park, a study that we're doing with the rec and parks department. the study hasn't been completed and we're working with public access, open space, and rec and parks to determine the next steps. laguna honda, construction is underway right now >> >> 13 miles identified for the action strategy, yet for 172 miles that we're talking about that are high-entry corridors, how years is it going to take us or what year would we finely get finally get to all the high entry corridors and would
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that bring us to zero deaths by 2024? >> 2024, that is right. >> 13 miles is what we're talking about now, but yet there are close to 172 miles of high-injury corridors. >> the 13 miles, again are targeted at the highest injure location. even within those 17 miles there are locations with a more severe and chronic crash pattern. it's important to say that engineering is one of our tools. and it's a really important tool, but if we completedly reconstructed all miles tomorrow, we would not get to zero -- >> in the spot that mr. chang, the 17-year-old high school student that was killed, was
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that in the high-injury corridor and where sofie lu perished or alfred yee? >> alfred yee was geary -- fulton, i believe. >> it was 26th and geary. it was a high-injury corridor. >> and sofie lu was on polk street. >> and when the young teenager from lowell in 2013 was killed, high-injury corridor. >> don't exactly know which slope that was. >> so i guess my point, 13 miles strategically is very important, but if we identify all the high-injury corridors, my hope is that we move as quickly as possible in our g-ration strategy, but also to realize there are many, many more miles to reach as well. especially if our goal is about 2024 to reduce any deaths.
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that is why it was a shock to hear about this 12-year-old as we try to move forward strategically. >> i absolutely agree that we need to continue to make improvements across the corridors. in supervisor yee's district, those are not high-crash corridors, but we're continuing to move through neighborhood traffic calm, school safety and traditional traffic engineering devices like stop signs and speed radar boards. those things are effective everywhere,? >> the high-injury network is 125 miles. the 13 miles would have the entire network completed by 2024. it's where over 70% of severe and fatalities. >> i have been harping on the
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death of senior citizens and disabled persons and i am wondering if you could comment on the strategy for safe streets for seniors or other key efforts educationwise and enforcement. i know we're focusing with the richmond district with many of our staff, but if you could talk more explicitly about seniors and people with disabilities, that would be helpful. >> i think many of the tools that we're using on the engineering side are sort of by their very nature make the streets safer for anybody who either has -- needs a little more time to cross the street. so narrow a road or pedestrian bulb, it makes someone who immediates more time to cross the street or can't move as quickly as a younger pedestrian, gives them a chance to be protected. many of the installations and things like pedestrian bulbs have curb ramps built into this andproofing improving the
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accessibility of the city. we're looking for those win-win situations and again, many of the locations, many of the really concentrated locations of these crashes, neighborhoods like the tenderloin do have a high number of senior and people with disabilities living in them. and so, sort of geographically, we are targeting our investment to places. >> can i ask you, new york's d.o.t. did the elder zones in chinatown and other places. from your experience, are they successful when you create more targeted-specific type of strategies like that, or are we already doing that and yet so don't have to really talk explicitly about how around the jacky chan self-help center or richmond senior center or golden gate park on fulton, i guess i'm just wondering why we're not being more explicit? when we know many of the deaths are young teens and young kids,
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but also people with disabilities and seniors? >>well, i think comparing the new york experience, the safe routes for seniors and senior safety zones down by new york city d.o.t. is a terrific program and shown to reduce crashes, but that program was put in place several years before new york made the commitment to vision zero. so we made that vision zero commitment and mapped our high-injury network first. so we kind of have -- i don't mean this to be a pun, but we have a roadmap where we need to make our investment and that collision data encompasses all the vulnerable users of the road. it's very clear from the crash statistics that people with disabilities and elderly and younger populations are especially at-risk for traffic deaths and injuries and it's an important fact to remember as john comes up with presenting the education strategy is so
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important. >> i just want to add to that, the san francisco department of health were in communication with mta when we were developing a grant application around safe streets for seniors and the project that mta led has heavily prioritized seniors and people with disabilities. and we didn't want to duplicate those efforts. we have put together a small program to deliver the education piece of that and to help be that liaison to walk-first and reach out to people, seniors and people with disabilities and help communicate as that going forward and we're looking for funding for that. we're going to talk about that in the presentation with john. i just wanted to elaborate on that. >> thank you. i have to tell the chairperson i'm supposed to be chairing the public safety and neighborhood services committee. i'm going to have to leave, but we're going to lose our quorum.
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>> before you leave, i would like to close the meeting. is that what it is? and continue the informational items as the committee of the whole as a workshop. [ inaudible ] are there any public comments on this item? seeing one -- >> hi supervisor. i'm nicole with walk san francisco. i did want to just provide a quick public comment. that we had a vision zero coalition meeting yesterday with our community partners engaged in this effort. some of the things highlighted by the coalition were some of the things that we discussed just now. so i do want to
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reflect the sentiments of the coalition that the focus on the 5 reaching that goal is really a priority and the lack of movement towards that goal over the last year was worrisome to the coalition members, especially in our low-income communities and communities of color. and sharing data is also another priority for the coalition, making sure that the open source data resolution is divided by -- that was adopted i think last year by supervisor farrell's leadership and making sure that all agencis have access to data and that data is available to the public on those citations and the collision information. i know we are happy to work with the police and have been working with them well and hope that this becomes a priority. i know that also, the police department gets asked to do a lot of other enforcement
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efforts. so i want to make sure that you guys know, if any of you are asking for other enforcement efforts, that that pulls resources away from the focus on the five. and then finally, i just wanted to add that we have been in communication with the mta to talk about their methodology for the 13 miles and look forward to working with them on that to make sure these are the safety treatments and they have been open to sharing with us and we look forward to that and safe streets for senior is important and we're gathering intel from community partners how they can actually contribute to that program and outreach to senior centers? so we would love to be a partner on that effort. thanks. >> thank you. any other public comments? come on up. >> so good afternoon.
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i'm one of the youth leaders from chinatown cbc. we need to ensure that every piece we use for education are multi-lingual and multi-cultural. many seniors who live in chinatown could barely understand and write in english. and sometimes some of them cannot understand english at all, like my grand parents. so sometimes i can translate for them, but there are thousands of seniors who live in single-room occupancy and don't have anyone taking care of them. these are the people who need the education the most. so one of the vision zero outreach in chinatown with seniors who live in sros and they don't understand english. so we translate our materials for them. which came out great. the seniors learned about vision zero and how to reach the goal of vision zero. we also received a lot of feedback from these seniors. they talk about their
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experiences, and many of them are very passionate about city engineering and law enforcement. they remind me there are a lot of people in this community that has something to say, but they can't talk about it because of the language barrier. therefore, we need to ensure that all the outreach materials are multi-lingual and multi-cultural. with the materials, the education for vision zero can be talked to not only the seniors in chinatown, but everyone in the community. thank you. >> thank you very much. you want to adjourn now? is there any other public comment on this, because i keep on thinking you are the last one. go
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