tv [untitled] May 24, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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documents should be submitted to the clerk. admissible laughter next up is the case report >> work on brevity. >> the chair case so case has been busy this last couple of months last meeting sheryl from aging comments talk about the hubs created in san francisco and the services provided it was a very welcomed discussion we've - we're in the midstream of the postcards campaign we delivered 3 thousand postcards to the mayor with the letter we've had from the department of aging a few months ago and we're in the period of the supervisors to talk with their dissatisfy and deliver the postcards to them and to give the direct
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number we've been asked to come back to talk with kate howard of the mayor's office for the dollars we're going to have a boarder discussion that's tomorrow i want to invite out to a rally on the steps of city hall today it came up suddenly a combination serving the elderly for the disability advocates we're doing a rally about fair share for fair care the need for serves and care for the seniors with disability at city hall today hopefully, this meeting will be done and you'll walk downstairs not that we planned it that way. >> and then on monday our case meeting the regiment 3 to 5 on open hand may 11 and mary will
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do a presentation on bio metrics to help support folks another home hss that is an interesting and educational presentation and continue our follow-up with the advocate i didn't approach in june a celebration party is what we've done that the advocacy and a membership drive to get people to join it's getting bigger like to see the momentum. >> thank you questions or comments from the public. >> you've by the time met the brevity observation congratulations any old business? hearing none moving on the new business we begin with a request authorization to provide a 10 percent contingency amount in the contract authority approved by the commission for each
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contract welcome david >> director the contracts and facilities currently we've been fortunate over the loose several years received many add backs during the budget that's the good news we're in for the united states us times this is a backlog in getting them certified did add backs are granted late in the budget seeing none, season we've come to you with our renewable you wills and it details modifies the contract we have to come back for a second round of modifications in working with the city attorney we've come up what a contingent amount all the grants and agreement you'll see from this point forward will contain a ten percent contingency amount will be
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infected should is it be finalized by the board of the mayor's office of budget and we'll make the investment we already have the contingent authority from this body this laws us to get the contracts certified and have a cost of businesses implement it in a know fashion to make sure our contractors are paid in a little fashion so you'll see the contestant amazes it is only a contingency only on material listing the funding when we enact one we'll come back on the consent agenda and list out the items acted on that way if you want to pause and discuss any one i object to that there's a change in the package but a
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streamline if that makes it easier for the staff and contractors that receive their payment in a mgsz fashion. >> any questions or comments. >> i want to ask a question after we approve of this one of the going to be on the agenda what action is going to after - (inaudible). >> okay. so for example a cost of doing business is grand in the amount of 2 percent we'll immediately ask the contractors to rise their contract to have that 2 percent and on the consent calendar we've enacted the contingency for this total amount rather than modifying each contract victimized it is a time saving step for both staff
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and the contractors if i understand that correctly the important thing to remember we've behoved the contract based on the contract and the services we wish to fund if a 2k3478 from the board of supervisors to allow us to increase the fund for a cost of living or an additional amount of money as long as it doesn't exceed 10 percent of the contract will wish part of the cds but it can, voted on a he streamlined and eliminates a grateful of administrative work; is that correct. >> that's correct. >> any other comments commissioner sims. >> if i understand it is up to not exceed 10 percent. >> of the budgeted value of the contract anything exceeds we'll come back. >> only in the event of a add
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on contract no increases over the course of the budget year. >> i think this is talk right now for example cost of doing business we'll have it is a face one time or opening when the budget is slowed if i had. >> any others questions or comments from the commission questions or comments from the public all in favor, say i. any opposed the motion pays and carries request renewable the grant with the edge wood center for families and children with the family support services with the term of july 1st, 2014 in the amount of $50,000 plus a 10
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percent contingency for the total not to exceed the amount of $55,585. >> good morning, commissioners i'm the program analyst from dodd we seek your approval for the kinship program the purpose to assist the stepparent or older kin who is 55 years of age and living with a child kinship program works to make sure they have the skills and to be goggled to be the primary caregiver it supports a community of famentsd again empowered to maintain health and stress and assess community resources kinship will provide service for
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reports information and assess assistance and outreach and provides 6 heed plus unit or assessment of supportive services and respite and case management services i did a program visit at the end of mark and the program met you'll see program requirement and let's see they provide a wide range of the services one thing of note the greet tracking system to take all of them in one stakeholder location the other thing the staff did it open her off time someone developed this tracking system and what was very inspiring the way to better represent the way their employees are doing to the systems is very expressive we seek our approval and i'll be
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happy to answer any questions. >> may i have a motion for discussion. >> second questions or comments from commission commissioner loo. >> i'm looking at the anxious at the last page and the column the first column on the left hand base open is like a monday through saturday. >> uh-huh. >> and then at the bottom it says a total number of service is 3 hundred and 65. >> oh, i'll have to look at that and get back to you the assumption their open 6 days a week not 7 i don't know where the 365 is coming. >> 23 hours opened a day.
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>> oh, well is that per week? per week >> i can look at that i know telling me they have groups schedule for the casters and sometimes that might not fit the schedule part of the complexity with this program is the caregivers have trying to live their own lives and dealing and caring for grand which were some of the support groups don't necessarily happen in the 9 to 5 but looter in the evening or on the weekend or then i'm happy to get a specific answer. >> if i read this correctly to it says it's open dating daily
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from 08:30 to 11 o'clock and on thirsted thirtd it is open monday through friday and american people 13th street open on wednesday and at the neighborhood bachelor church some service available 8 days a week that explains the 365 days a week. >> oh i see (inaudible). >> is that what that is. >> it says daily okay i'll look at that and make sure there's clarity for you. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> commissioner. >> yeah. this program is for the grandparent of the grandchild how many families are there in the family that are getting this service. >> how many family projected to
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do thirty urban duplicate clients per year up to thirty families. >> oh, just thirty. >> yeah. it is just - yeah. >> and the services are wide-ranging people can call in to get information about the services throughout the city you know there is healthy eating graipz groups as part of the support system the graerpt get together while their grandchildren are at a park or movie and so the groups are not large not dozens of people smaller. >> thank you yeah. >> thank you. any other commissioner sims. >> there's a category listed some have unit bold and some are
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blanket why the one side blanket listed. >> so with when it was a state funded program i - we never zeroed out the servicing so the services no unit we left it blank and looking at correcting that to make sure the unit that doesn't have a zero there are corrected. >> any other questions or comments questions or comments from the public? hearing none call the question all in favor, say i. any opposed thank you the motion carries c request renewable of the grant for lgbt sensitivity train for the term july 1st, 2014, to june 30th, 2016, in the amount of 200 thousand 33 dollars bus a
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10 percent contingency not to exceed 46 thousand 200 and 36 michael will present >> good morning executive directors and the item before you seek approval for a one year renewable adding a fourth year has been in effect which begin in july of 2012 to provide training for the staff at senior service provider to assist the staff if being more cultural sensitive to the lgbt as well as future clients that seek services the training are provided to a variety of senior service providers to a sampling a training for a site staff a training for health education staff there was a training for community services staff lgbt seniors are an underserved
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population this was developing a more safer and inclusive program for this population it helps to reduce the isolation by the lgbt seniors to include them in the benefits the training this is a two hour training that involves the best practices activity and after that open house will follow-up with the agency 3r0id technical assistance with questions and providing guidance in developing the inclusive and lgbt specific programming at that site program monitoring for this program i did in april of this year for 2014-2015 their current in compliance with all contract environments a satisfaction survey is completely by the training participate rate the train me highly
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this was my first experience with the program i was very impressed with the set printed in the record materials and the handbook and a variety of printed in the record materials that make up the curriculum of the training so i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> may have a motion to discuss. >> so moved and do i have a second. >> second. >> thank you before we continue sxhimdz has recused himself any questions or comments from the commission. >> commissioner loo. >> on page 2 the service objective. >> uh-huh. >> it said is 15 sections a hundred and 15 staff and volunteer from service agency. >> yes. >> which means each section is only 10 people.
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>> we'd like them to average that, yes some are much higher and some lower cross the course of 15 training wildly we would like to have at least hundred and some responded to the survey is that a little bit low i'm asking you. >> you're correct that is a low number in fact and this is a standard thing we seek in our satisfaction surveys i know for this program it is closer to hundred percent because everyone at the end of the train takes a satisfaction survey and a quiz to check their knowledge in the training. >> the other question the material in other languages like
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chinese, spanish. >> unfortunately at this point yonl i don't believe so only in english i've not heard feedback at this time this is a barrier towards provision of this training but certainly something i'll explore with the agency in the next year. >> thank you. >> thank you. any other questions or comments commissioner ow. >> the person will have a session you've said the session is 2 hours. >> yes. >> actually so it seems to me like 2 is thirty hours that of actual training not countering. >> the conversion. >> okay. >> i'll do you believe that that's 60 hours; right? and then 42 thourdz thousand dollars or $46,000.
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>> there are other components relatively including the follow-up technical assistance with all agencies to see if there recent questions and things like that the trainer position is a part-time position for the person doing the training but for the $42000 for the $60,000 hours of work or follow-up another so will be hundred and two hours. >> well, i think there's you know based the cost of actual - >> that's very expensive for training. >> sure i would assume there is much more additional hours that go into this this is how that program was proposed by the grant. >> a following up with the different agencies they've been
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working with is a time consuming process so i think that is appropriate ann. >> if you direct your attention to the first page it is salary and benefits under 8 thousand and most of the money is in operating expenses that is not sure that is the support they're giving to the sites is 15 sites so they have to travel and materials numbers numerous intentions things to do to produce the training there is an - the budget is broke down into salaries and operations so you'll see there is about $900 in capital expenditures a total
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budget it includes the salaries and benefits and program costs it. >> thank you for the clarification any other questions or comments any questions or comments from the public? i do think this is appropriate commissioner loo raised a good point about seeing if we can reach minority xhournt community prosecute whether it rairmdz remains a closet population that has language cultural issues >> i think if it helps us wage the fears training has been provided in english with bilingual staff that are able to take that information to their clients for example jc s went through the training and bullying good reason speakers and use that with their foreign
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language. >> thank you call the question all in favor, say i. any opposed thank you the motion carries d request renewable of the grant about bayview hunters point multiple practices for money management for the term july 1st, 2015 through june 30th, 2016, in the amount of $32,000 thousand dollars plus plus a 10 percent not to exceed the amount of 35 thousand plus dollars. >> welcome back. >> we seek your approval for the bay area grant to improve the well-being of the seniors to the money management so perimeter can stay in their homes and the bay area looks to
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serve 60 clients throughout the requester that employees a full-time manager with services of banking and disthat you went of fund and in certain cases home visits if the person is homebound additionally it prevents unnecessary evicts and utility are paid on time each month i conducted a visit on may 2014 the bay area money management is a system of services assessable to the clients at the bay area location this is impressive it showed the eyes by which clients or potential clients get a multiplied of services including money pshth mrthd management it is in the same place they meet with a money manager it is 15
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steps away it is assessable to folks i found that impressive additionally clients get money management counseling through their case manager that works with them on prioritizing spending that came up during the monitoring again, i thought it was a very thoughtful service to provide it shows they're not only managing people's money but helping people to manage their money it is a great asset to have within that service we request our approval for this at bloift. >> the first one so clarify the memorandum is for the bayview senior center and the connecticut more house we have
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two separate months ago covered in this document questions or comments. >> commissioner loo. >> what is the organization ar p something model or whatever. >> yeah. so a while back aarp designed a money management program to my knowledge building that it went away and now money management is staffed by a staff person member that is paid the framework is still the same it is money management and cash and checks and budgeting and paying bills now the program is fascinated by a staff person. >> correct me if i am wrong it seemed e seemed like bayview
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hunters point is toward assessing the needs and the other program is really doing the direct services am i correct. >> no, they both do the direct and assessment service. >> thank you commissioner ow. >> we have endorse you know taking care of people's 0 money and paying their telephone bill and stuff in regards to bayview there was a specific need for money management services in the bay area this program was developed around the seniors in that particular area. >> good morning deputy director of dos so the commissioner the program you're talking about in dos was represented a pay he program for people that
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voluntarily sign their money over to us and we have a contract with social security we take care of their money and it is a different kind of program the program that monty is talking about right now have different in they work directly with the client and help them you know make choices how they spend their money so most of the people in the program in dos are people who are in our conservative program their usual in a block facility somewhere and is it helps the conservativeship it is very separate. >> thank you any other questions or comments. >> comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question all in favor, say i. any opposed thank you the motion
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carries >> e request renewable of the grant with connecticut narrate house with money management for the term july 1st, 2014, through june 30th, 2016, in the amount of $300,000 plus blues a 10 percent contingency invited of $80,000 plus welcome back monty. >> thank you so conner's house money management program is similar in design to bayview money management services to clients and conner is based in the tenderloin and accident organization has supportive housing in support of housing programs with the money management program the slight difference they have a 6.5 fte money manager so their seeing unduplicate close to 60 i
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recently communicated a monitoring velocity the staff is should be commended and the professionalism through the industries performance during the course the tenderloin a lot of folks come in and out and it is heckic i saw the program they're going a good job and other program a an internal tracking i want to commend them in the nonprofit world of having a database that is able to run reports and again really reflect what is already happening for many years in the way it helps us in getting them additional funding and so we look for approval for the conner 0 house program. >> do i have a motion for
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